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06-25-2017, 12:51 PM
I'm a reader of this site not really a poster. This is really based on the pierce shirt drama but what is up with the uproar over minimal issues. I am not a huge pierce fan or a hater he is just fun to watch. But if you don't like the shirt don't buy it. As for all the people who are claiming how do you explain it to your kid ???? It's the word sh*t and f*ck. If your kid can read those words they have heard them. And if your parenting style is such that you shelter them from words like that through out their lives don't send them to college lol. They far more often than not go off the deep end. Also did you people cause an uproar when big Johnson shirts were around at the race track they were plenty crude and as a kid I don't remember the protesters? I read a comment in here the other day about eldora having a drunken shirtless guy? So what if that bothers you I would suggest buying the races in dod and remain in the safety of your home. The real world isn't for you, or possibly the country club is your spot. I am a big reader of the site because some of you are amazing with updates and the racing banter can be funny to read. The site really can be a breaking news area for the sport; plus our sport doesn't get the coverage it deserves so sites like this are great for some insight for those of us who go to local shows for the most part. I'm all for the driver trash talk here and there but to have the most active threads whining about a few cuss words sucks. Thanks to all of you guys that do the good updates and have some interesting insight on drivers and crews that most of us don't know.

Black I
06-25-2017, 01:33 PM
In other words eating shT is ok by some but nut others I'm getting here? What a bunch of "two girls and a cup" lovers!! Just sick!!!!

Have some decency and take the big Johnson out of your.......

06-25-2017, 01:35 PM
I agree with you 100%. If youve noticed some of these guys contradict themselves especially with the pierce t-shirt and they don't see it. If you're worried about your kid seeing that shirt then they need to keep them home. They should home school them too if they're worried about poor language. Middle schoolers nowadays drop the f-bomb because I know I did! Lmfao! O well.

Funny how "grown" adults get butt hurt over a shirt.

Black I
06-25-2017, 01:37 PM
We see who's but hurt here :D

06-25-2017, 01:47 PM
I like everything about this 4m. I see every discussion thread as a group of fans standing over a campfire, discussing issues and opinions. It's a free country, and aside from threatening someone or putting someone's personal information out there, nothing should be censored. That's why I don't mind track/driver bashing, and talking about sensitive issues, etc.... I agree with you Goblue, there is some excellent insight on this board.
I agree with you about the shirts too. I personally wouldn't have done it, but if that's how Bobby is an adult now, and can build his brand however he sees fit. Walk through Speedy campgrounds, I guarantee you will see and hear worse.

06-25-2017, 01:48 PM
Some of us can still live in the real world while still seeing its flaws. If you think there's something wrong with people expecting others to act like they weren't raised by livestock then maybe life outside of Walmart ain't for you.

06-25-2017, 02:49 PM
We see who's but hurt here :D

I believe it is the Pierce haters. Some can dish it out, but can't take it.

06-25-2017, 06:28 PM
In other words eating shT is ok by some but nut others I'm getting here? What a bunch of "two girls and a cup" lovers!! Just sick!!!!Have some decency and take the big Johnson out of your.......I'm assuming English is not your first language.

06-25-2017, 06:47 PM
Reason I didn't say nothing about his shirt seen far worst. You can turn the t.v. on and hear people say (not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word), a$$, ECT without hearing them bleep it out this days. Also every track I been to people say far worst. Also that shirt is target for age group 16-30 to buy it.dont like it don't buy it.

Black I
06-25-2017, 07:34 PM
I'm assuming English is not your first language.

OK? I'll go with that. Anything else you got on your mind, friend? :)

Black I
06-25-2017, 07:42 PM
Reason I didn't say nothing about his shirt seen far worst. You can turn the t.v. on and hear people say (not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word), a$$, ECT without hearing them bleep it out this days. Also every track I been to people say far worst. Also that shirt is target for age group 16-30 to buy it.dont like it don't buy it.

When a track tells you that you can not sell that shT shirt here, it's pretty conclusive those who sell it have little to no respect for the sport... If thats how they have to earn a living then something is terribly wrong with their business sense.

06-25-2017, 10:01 PM
We see who's but hurt here :D

If you're referring to me, that's a negative sir!

Black I
06-25-2017, 10:13 PM
If you're referring to me, that's a negative sir!

All good... We all get hurt when this trash is circulating throughout the race tracks then onto restaurants and anywhere else they wear them. If you or anyone thinks it don't look bad on the sport then I don't know what to tell you. I guess when your kid or grand kids look at you and say... My name is so and so if u don't like it eat shT you'll be good with that cause bobby said it?

06-25-2017, 11:53 PM
I'm a reader of this site not really a poster. This is really based on the pierce shirt drama but what is up with the uproar over minimal issues. I am not a huge pierce fan or a hater he is just fun to watch. But if you don't like the shirt don't buy it. As for all the people who are claiming how do you explain it to your kid ???? It's the word sh*t and f*ck. If your kid can read those words they have heard them. And if your parenting style is such that you shelter them from words like that through out their lives don't send them to college lol. They far more often than not go off the deep end. Also did you people cause an uproar when big Johnson shirts were around at the race track they were plenty crude and as a kid I don't remember the protesters? I read a comment in here the other day about eldora having a drunken shirtless guy? So what if that bothers you I would suggest buying the races in dod and remain in the safety of your home. The real world isn't for you, or possibly the country club is your spot. I am a big reader of the site because some of you are amazing with updates and the racing banter can be funny to read. The site really can be a breaking news area for the sport; plus our sport doesn't get the coverage it deserves so sites like this are great for some insight for those of us who go to local shows for the most part. I'm all for the driver trash talk here and there but to have the most active threads whining about a few cuss words sucks. Thanks to all of you guys that do the good updates and have some interesting insight on drivers and crews that most of us don't know.

They (the shirts you are referring to) are tasteless and totally classless. Whomever decided on having those printed up, needs to be tested. I have a lot of respect for Fairbury Speedway banning the selling of them at their facility.

06-25-2017, 11:55 PM
Some of us can still live in the real world while still seeing its flaws. If you think there's something wrong with people expecting others to act like they weren't raised by livestock then maybe life outside of Walmart ain't for you.

Amen!! Absolutely nothing wrong with adding a little class to the sport.

06-25-2017, 11:58 PM
Reason I didn't say nothing about his shirt seen far worst. You can turn the t.v. on and hear people say (not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word), a$$, ECT without hearing them bleep it out this days. Also every track I been to people say far worst. Also that shirt is target for age group 16-30 to buy it.dont like it don't buy it.

That is exactly the problem. People try to justify BAD behavior by pointing out that someone else has done it or done something worse.

The fact of the matter is that the shirt is totally classless and not something a moral, well-educated person would be caught wearing.

06-26-2017, 09:05 AM
Every post about the stupid t-shirt sells 3 more.

06-26-2017, 09:57 AM
My question is why did it take fals so long to tell them not to sell them as he had that shirt out on the rack at the fals frensy back in may?

06-26-2017, 12:22 PM
My question is why did it take fals so long to tell them not to sell them as he had that shirt out on the rack at the fals frensy back in may?

That is because FALLs morality and judgement for putting racers to the rear are just part time things. This hater stuff has got into the officiating and it doesn't look good on FALLs. FALLs is one of my favorite tracks, but this could hurt their reputation in a big way.

Falls sold more shirts for them by making them take them down, than if they just remained quiet, and the next time one of their favorite locals touches a car as they spin out and don't get put to the back, everyone will see how fair they are. This is a stinky can of worms.

Black I
06-26-2017, 01:04 PM
Do you wear the shirt bubstr? Just curious.

Black I
06-26-2017, 01:33 PM
Every post about the stupid t-shirt sells 3 more.

I'm not so convinced about that but sad if true. There are a lot of them out there. Just spreading the hate even more and putting a black eye on the sport imo.

06-26-2017, 02:57 PM
I'm not so convinced about that but sad if true. There are a lot of them out there. Just spreading the hate even more and putting a black eye on the sport imo.

I was at the Dream and only seen one, same way at Fairbury Saturday.

06-26-2017, 03:51 PM
They are just waiting until he wins the PDC then they'll come out lol

06-26-2017, 04:21 PM
Do you wear the shirt bubstr? Just curious.

I don't have that shirt, but if I did,I'd wear it if I wanted to. It's a up yours to the haters and will reach a lot more people than this forum. It's also about freedom of speech. It probably isn't a proper way to act in public, but people don't seem to care about that any more. Well, some do when it's convenient. I had a old Berkoffer shirt on for FALLs. Had Babb shirt on for Farmer City and a Pierce world domination shirt on for Fan Frenzy. I spread the wealth. lol

There is no room for hate in LM dirt. It's not doing that great to start with.

06-26-2017, 07:02 PM
I support FALS decision. As for the shirt, very disappointed it came from this team. Will always think highly of this young mans talent but the slogan on the shirt gives me a tarnished view of this teams character. This kid is the real deal and wish he would seek a way to advance his brand in a positive way.

Black I
06-27-2017, 01:42 AM
I support FALS decision. As for the shirt, very disappointed it came from this team. Will always think highly of this young mans talent but the slogan on the shirt gives me a tarnished view of this teams character. This kid is the real deal and wish he would seek a way to advance his brand in a positive way.

Absolutely 100% I do agree!

Black I
06-27-2017, 01:53 AM
There is no room for hate in LM dirt. It's not doing that great to start with.

The shirt has hate plastered all over it. But you would wear it?? Do you have a special badge that exempts you from being contradictive when you are? :)

06-27-2017, 03:01 AM
This shirt deal is dumb, let it rest and it'll disappear, simple as that. I remember owning several Steve Austin shirts growing AS A KID watching this bald guy bang beer cans together and dump therm all over his face, and flip the bird to several million people. Some of those shirts even had skeleton hands showing the middle finger, one even said "F*CK FEAR DRINK BEER" on it. Did I wear those to school? No. I realize that wrestling is all just a big show, but it would have them same effect on a young kid as this shirt of Pierces. I don't see Bobby jumping up on top of the car dumping beer all over himself and flipping off the crowd. Steve Austin is a icon and is a hall of famer that was on tv doing the same thing every monday night for years. He is much more popular than Bobby will ever be. I don't drink, so it's not like stone cold had any affect on my life at all, he was a entertainer, just the same as Bobby is to some.

No I do not own one of these shirts, but this is America. Point being, like it or not there will be things you don't like, I don't like that other people will. Im sure people didnt like seeing a 13yr old kid walking around with a skeleton showing the middle finger, but they didn't go on rampage mentioning it every time his name was brought up. Let's just shut up and let's talk racing, I'm over seeing this shirt junk pop up on here, it's not like this stuff hasn't been seen before.

Highside Hustler25
06-27-2017, 04:58 AM
This shirt deal is dumb, let it rest and it'll disappear, simple as that. I remember owning several Steve Austin shirts growing AS A KID watching this bald guy bang beer cans together and dump therm all over his face, and flip the bird to several million people. Some of those shirts even had skeleton hands showing the middle finger, one even said "F*CK FEAR DRINK BEER" on it. Did I wear those to school? No. I realize that wrestling is all just a big show, but it would have them same effect on a young kid as this shirt of Pierces. I don't see Bobby jumping up on top of the car dumping beer all over himself and flipping off the crowd. Steve Austin is a icon and is a hall of famer that was on tv doing the same thing every monday night for years. He is much more popular than Bobby will ever be. I don't drink, so it's not like stone cold had any affect on my life at all, he was a entertainer, just the same as Bobby is to some.

No I do not own one of these shirts, but this is America. Point being, like it or not there will be things you don't like, I don't like that other people will. Im sure people didnt like seeing a 13yr old kid walking around with a skeleton showing the middle finger, but they didn't go on rampage mentioning it every time his name was brought up. Let's just shut up and let's talk racing, I'm over seeing this shirt junk pop up on here, it's not like this stuff hasn't been seen before.

The T shirt really isn't that big of a deal except for handful of posters that can't seem to get Bobby out of their head. It would probably be best to find a new sport or activity to keep one self entertained instead of beating your head against a concrete wall over a T Shirt.

06-27-2017, 08:06 AM
The shirt has hate plastered all over it. But you would wear it?? Do you have a special badge that exempts you from being contradictive when you are? :)

That shirt only has hate, if you want to call it that, for the haters. If you don't like him, here is a epicurean delight for you. At least t doesn't pick someone out to ridicule. This seems to be a big issue with the vary ones that bad mouth and ridicule Bobby and family. I would guess, that is exactly what the shirt was designed to do. give a little to the ones that can dish it out but can't take it. The difference is you only deserve some of that shirt if you feel you do. I can't agree with the language but, I've seen worse right here. You know if that shirt was meant for you. If it was, it's time to take some of what you dish out. By all the posts, I can see a lot not taking it too well. The thing that is disappointing, is they could have made that statement with out foul language.

06-27-2017, 10:16 AM
Didn't Dale Earnhardt one time say he doesn't care if they were cheering or booing, as long as they were making noise.

06-27-2017, 10:58 AM
Didn't Dale Earnhardt one time say he doesn't care if they were cheering or booing, as long as they were making noise.

News flash.....He's dead!

06-27-2017, 11:22 AM
News flash.....He's dead!

Thanks, I had no idea.

chupp n bloomer fan
06-27-2017, 02:40 PM
I don't have that shirt, but if I did,I'd wear it if I wanted to. It's a up yours to the haters and will reach a lot more people than this forum. It's also about freedom of speech. It probably isn't a proper way to act in public, but people don't seem to care about that any more. Well, some do when it's convenient. I had a old Berkoffer shirt on for FALLs. Had Babb shirt on for Farmer City and a Pierce world domination shirt on for Fan Frenzy. I spread the wealth. lol

There is no room for hate in LM dirt. It's not doing that great to start with.So the person who always gets on his high horse is ok with this shirt. Should say I'm surprised, but I'm not.

chupp n bloomer fan
06-27-2017, 02:53 PM
I'm a reader of this site not really a poster. This is really based on the pierce shirt drama but what is up with the uproar over minimal issues. I am not a huge pierce fan or a hater he is just fun to watch. But if you don't like the shirt don't buy it. As for all the people who are claiming how do you explain it to your kid ???? It's the word sh*t and f*ck. If your kid can read those words they have heard them. And if your parenting style is such that you shelter them from words like that through out their lives don't send them to college lol. They far more often than not go off the deep end. Also did you people cause an uproar when big Johnson shirts were around at the race track they were plenty crude and as a kid I don't remember the protesters? I read a comment in here the other day about eldora having a drunken shirtless guy? So what if that bothers you I would suggest buying the races in dod and remain in the safety of your home. The real world isn't for you, or possibly the country club is your spot. I am a big reader of the site because some of you are amazing with updates and the racing banter can be funny to read. The site really can be a breaking news area for the sport; plus our sport doesn't get the coverage it deserves so sites like this are great for some insight for those of us who go to local shows for the most part. I'm all for the driver trash talk here and there but to have the most active threads whining about a few cuss words sucks. Thanks to all of you guys that do the good updates and have some interesting insight on drivers and crews that most of us don't know.Justifying something that is what that shirt is by giving other examples of ignorance really doesn't help your cause.

And I do say, wear it if you wanna, whatever. I'm not for censorship, but it is tasteless and I wouldn't wear it. Yeah I remember the Big Johnson shirts, I was a fan of Donnie as a kid and a teenager, and I think I had one. I wouldn't own one now as an adult, but that's just me.

I applaud FALS for telling them to take them down, and it sure as he!! is not going to hurt their fan count lol. But I probably wouldn't have, just let it go. They are shirts.

And this isn't a Bobby hating thing on the shirt, because one bad word about poor little Bobby and you're a hater. I wouldn't wear that shirt if it was Bloomquist or anyone else. And I wouldn't take my kids to any of the big races at Eldora for the reasons you mentioned. Too many drunks and ignorance.

But glad you're going to try and teach us parenting too lol, should say I'm surprised, but once again, nope.

MI Dirt Fan
06-27-2017, 03:06 PM
News flash.....He's dead!

This seems to be more your speed.


06-27-2017, 03:15 PM
Thanks, I had no idea.


06-27-2017, 04:52 PM
News flash.....He's dead!

Like your dreams of finally getting that high school diploma?.....that's harsh.

06-27-2017, 04:54 PM
So the person who always gets on his high horse is ok with this shirt. Should say I'm surprised, but I'm not.
Anything that fits his narrative is ok with him.........do as he says, not as he does.

Just sayin.

06-27-2017, 05:05 PM
Not buying the shirt so, won't be wearing the shirt but, still a fan of Bobby Pierce.

06-27-2017, 05:23 PM
So the person who always gets on his high horse is ok with this shirt. Should say I'm surprised, but I'm not.

I didn't say I approved this shirt, I said I'd wear it if I wanted to. It's a matter of freedom of speech. This shirt was meant for the haters and that is exactly, who is complaining the most, even though they have said worse right here. Some can dish it out but can't take it. It's almost like there was a little justice woven into that shirt

06-27-2017, 05:24 PM
If I need to tell someone to eat sht I'll just do it the old fashion way.......don't need a tshirt to speak for me.

Apparently some people do......

06-27-2017, 06:02 PM
From whats happened in the past and getting sent to the back last saturday its obvious fals has a hard on for Pierce...so before we get all warm and fuzzy about how they did the right thing for the fans and children, it was done to take a stab at the Pierce stable nothing more nothing less...

MI Dirt Fan
06-27-2017, 06:33 PM
From whats happened in the past and getting sent to the back last saturday its obvious fals has a hard on for Pierce...so before we get all warm and fuzzy about how they did the right thing for the fans and children, it was done to take a stab at the Pierce stable nothing more nothing less...
Says the guy with #32 in his username. Who has the hard on now? Lmao

06-28-2017, 12:25 AM
I support FALS decision. As for the shirt, very disappointed it came from this team. Will always think highly of this young mans talent but the slogan on the shirt gives me a tarnished view of this teams character. This kid is the real deal and wish he would seek a way to advance his brand in a positive way.

You hit the nail squarely on the head.