View Full Version : VIEW OF fairbury Speedway & fairgrounds area during the PDC at night. Very cool Pics.

07-30-2017, 02:09 PM
Don't know how many of you saw these pic and a few others like it on Facebook. Wanted to share this with you guys. The atmosphere is like a small Eldora.. There are a bunch more like it on the "Photography for You by Ryan" Facebook page. scroll down the page and there is a day time shot & a

Link to Pics - http://photos.photographyforyoubyryan.com/FALS2016/FALS-PDC-2017/Pics

Here is a 360 degree view. (move pic arrow curser) - http://tours.photographyforyoubyryan.com/PDC2017/PDC.html

Shiny Side Up 18
07-30-2017, 02:16 PM
Wow. I didn't realize they had to pit some of the mods in turn 1. I hope the rumor about more seating for next year is true.

chupp n bloomer fan
07-30-2017, 03:17 PM
Really nice, thank you.

Hope to make it out there some time. Looks cool, and my kinda racing.