View Full Version : Mike Norris leaves Farmer City announcers stand.

03-09-2018, 08:18 AM
The hundred people that attend the races there will miss him. Just another nail in the tracks coffin.

03-09-2018, 09:28 AM
Get a life, My god we know you dont like the place...Maybe he just dont want to do it no more...

03-09-2018, 09:53 AM
My post isn't against Mike. He said he wanted to spend more time with family. More power to him.

03-09-2018, 10:36 AM
My post isn't against Mike. He said he wanted to spend more time with family. More power to him.

You need to stop with the Bad things on FarmerCity they trying to make things better it takes Time and money,....Like Mike Though he might just be tired of doing it he will be missed...

03-09-2018, 10:54 AM
I would love to be a fan of the place again. I gave them 3 chances last year. The only thing I noticed that was different was the availability of food after the heats. Bathrooms were still beyond horrible, PA wasn't working. I don't like being lied to.

03-09-2018, 11:00 AM
Running all the support division features before the Summernantionals feature last year left a bad impression on me. It's like they intentionally burned up the track so that the race that everybody traveled (8 hours in my case) to see would suck. That was completely inexcusable.

03-09-2018, 11:06 AM
One who listens to the pa system two why the hell don't u bring a grill and cook and 3 well ok i see ur point on bathrooms. I would like to know where else ya gonna go on friday night in central il to see super late models!?when it comes to support classes i have said this before and always will u only need supers,mods and one other class that's it people don't travel to see support classes. I think if fc could get big race like the pdc man oh man they have the grounds and space.

03-09-2018, 11:29 AM
1. Many people listen to the PA. From jotting down qualifying times to knowing who is on the track. Not everyone knows every driver by sight, especially in support classes. I also think they owe it to the businesses that sponsor the cars. The track is so far away from the stands, many can not read the wraps on the cars, so being announced over the PA is the only way a business will get credit for sponsoring a car. I can hear the PA at FALS from behind the horse barns, yet couldn't understand/hear it sitting in the south stands at FC.

2. I very seldom cook at home. Not gonna load up crap to do it away from there. I don't drink, so they aren't gonna make any money off me on that. Guess they will just have to survive off their Pepsi sales.

3. You are correct about no good place to watch SLM's in central IL on Fridays. That is why I travel on Fridays. FALS is so strong now that you can't hardly go anywhere for a 2 day show because it isn't worth missing FALS.

03-09-2018, 11:56 AM
I'll miss Mike. I can't hear him while I'm racing, but when you watch the shows video later you can hear what a great job he would do! When he had the time he'd always stop by before the races, and that means something to a back marker like me. He also took the time to learn the correct pronunciation of my last name (which has forever been butchered by many), and I appreciate that greatly.

Good luck sir and enjoy the time with your family! And welcome and good luck to his replacement, Tyson!

03-09-2018, 11:56 AM
well that sucks I like Mike but understand the family part of it..

03-09-2018, 08:04 PM
I will never be back to farmer city after that summernationals race last year. Hope the place closes no excuse for that kind of stupidity.

03-09-2018, 08:05 PM
How quickly everyone forgets, like 12 years ago all the racing at FALS was one lane on the bottom. You couldn't pay me to go there at that time. It took over a decade to get FALS built back up and GOD only knows their bathrooms sucked for maybe 50 years. IMO if the fairboard wouldn't ever had gotten rid of Sargent. FC would still be the better track. Promoters due stupid things all of the time. Hopefully the promoters learn and try to improve. Thank you to the current promoters for trying to save and bring the track back. Back to Mike, sorry to hear that you won't be there on Fridays. Hope you have an outstanding year, welcome to the new announcer and hope my home track in Illinois -- FARMER CITY does as well.

03-10-2018, 12:22 AM
I will never be back to farmer city after that summernationals race last year. Hope the place closes no excuse for that kind of stupidity.

In a sport where tracks and drivers leave the sport everyday it seems like anymore, but yea let's wish another one to close. That way when the locals have no where to go race or watch racing anymore, we can thank goons like you for bashing race tracks. There's no excuse for your kind of stupidity either IMO. I've been too several race tracks I thought weren't worth going to, I just never went back.

03-10-2018, 07:14 AM
I will never be back to farmer city after that summernationals race last year. Hope the place closes no excuse for that kind of stupidity.

What happened at the Summernationals race last year?

03-10-2018, 07:35 AM
If I recall right choo choo. I'm thinking the top ten finished pretty much where they started Marler won from the pole?

03-10-2018, 07:39 AM
The track closes, new owners give it a rebirth or another track is built nearby. If im a goon for not wanting to be taken advantage of at a racetrack, then zyoung youre an idiot for going week after week and dealing with the same garbage. We are talking about simple things like prepping a track correctly, running a show properly, and basic running water. That summernationals show was drug out all night way to many classes and in the wrong order. Back to zyoung being an idiot, i drove my wife and 7 yr old 6 hrs to support farmer city. Is the future of racing a guy like you who might take his own grill and not buy a hot dog ever, or is the future my kid being entertained and then taking his kid. You want to support a track because its in your back and your toothless cousin races a $500 4 cylinder there every week go ahead.

03-10-2018, 08:04 AM
My question is why is FC the only track on the Summernantionals schedule that can have that many support classes? All of the other tracks are limited to 2 support divisions and that's the way it should be. And why weren't there strict time limits on some of the endless support divisions consis? I like to support tracks that care about the fans and want them to see a good show. Last year FC simply didn't care. All of the other tracks with Summernantionals shows that week did care and ran efficient shows. If a track wants to run support divisions first do it during a weekly show.

03-10-2018, 09:33 AM
My question is why is FC the only track on the Summernantionals schedule that can have that many support classes? All of the other tracks are limited to 2 support divisions and that's the way it should be. And why weren't there strict time limits on some of the endless support divisions consis? I like to support tracks that care about the fans and want them to see a good show. Last year FC simply didn't care. All of the other tracks with Summernantionals shows that week did care and ran efficient shows. If a track wants to run support divisions first do it during a weekly show.

Go look at the Kankakee schedule and their summer nationals date when you talk about support classes.

03-11-2018, 01:24 AM
Go look at the Kankakee schedule and their summer nationals date when you talk about support classes.

That's crazy for a Thursday night, but hopefully for everyone in attendance's sake they don't run them in a stupid order and hold everyone hostage like FC would.

03-11-2018, 12:11 PM
That's crazy for a Thursday night, but hopefully for everyone in attendance's sake they don't run them in a stupid order and hold everyone hostage like FC would.

The last SN race we attended at KKK was on a Thursday. TWO classes and it was 11:30 when we got out of there. Hour and forty minute ride home and had to be up at 5 for work, haven't been back.

I don't care how many classes a track wants to run but there should be a strict rule that SN races during the week, the feature WILL be ready to roll by 9:30.

And at weekend events, UMP should step in and dictate the order. No reason that all heats have to be done before consi's etc. Lucas Oil does it...
Example: LM heats- Mod heats- LM consi's- Street Stock heats- LM feature.

And back to the original topic, hate to see Mike go but sure understand family time!! Kids are only young once!!

Shiny Side Up 18
03-11-2018, 12:13 PM
That's crazy for a Thursday night, but hopefully for everyone in attendance's sake they don't run them in a stupid order and hold everyone hostage like FC would. It wasn't bad at Kankakee last year. A couple support classes were features only. The track had a ton of mousture in it because it rained almost 2 inches the night before.

03-11-2018, 12:17 PM
That's crazy for a Thursday night, but hopefully for everyone in attendance's sake they don't run them in a stupid order and hold everyone hostage like FC would.

Actually Kankakee is being smart. They always run the UMP Super Late Models and UMP Modifieds first.
Late Models, Modifieds, & Crate Late Models run a full show.
I-Mods & Sport Compacts features only.
That is how Tom has always done it for the Summer Nationals show.

03-11-2018, 01:40 PM
I agree with nathan. I think if fc was smart and all other trcks u would put your supers center stage run them 1st or mods then lates. I understand the need for support classes but when i travel i wanna see the lates 1st.

Highside Hustler25
03-11-2018, 02:28 PM
I've always felt during the Summernats, the weekday shows need to run their Late Model feature 1st and get the show over in a timely fashion. Most folks work Monday thru Friday.
Friday and Saturday shows are not that big of a deal as most folks will be up that late anyway.
This is just a opinion and what is acceptable for me. I'm sure their are others with different schedules that contradict this but I think I probably speak for the majority.
I give credit to tracks like Spoon, Peoria, Macon, and especially Lincoln(Sunday night) for getting the programs over early. Farmer City, FALS, Tri City, I've got nowhere to be, so no problem.

03-30-2018, 03:27 PM
The track closes, new owners give it a rebirth or another track is built nearby. If im a goon for not wanting to be taken advantage of at a racetrack, then zyoung youre an idiot for going week after week and dealing with the same garbage. We are talking about simple things like prepping a track correctly, running a show properly, and basic running water. That summernationals show was drug out all night way to many classes and in the wrong order. Back to zyoung being an idiot, i drove my wife and 7 yr old 6 hrs to support farmer city. Is the future of racing a guy like you who might take his own grill and not buy a hot dog ever, or is the future my kid being entertained and then taking his kid. You want to support a track because its in your back and your toothless cousin races a $500 4 cylinder there every week go ahead.

At least I'm an idiot that knows how to work the quote button on here. You want to whine here and on other threads about others whining....look in the mirror. I drove 13 hrs to total crap fest at golden isle last year. You won't see me saying I want the place shut down. You sir are tool....go find another sport to complain about. When we get to where we have no where to go, we can thank awesome supportive fan like you for that.

03-30-2018, 03:53 PM
Your right i cant get the quote button to work, very frustrating at times. I wish i could figure it out and i wish i could be as easily amused as you apparently are.

03-30-2018, 04:45 PM
Your right i cant get the quote button to work, very frustrating at times. I wish i could figure it out and i wish i could be as easily amused as you apparently are.

Just hit it 2 or 3 times. It should work then!!!

03-30-2018, 04:53 PM
Just hit it 2 or 3 times. It should work then!!!Ok before i would hit it once and the buffering sign would come up so i just waited and nothing happened. I never had as much time on my hands as zyoung to mess with it. I guess when you can happily sit for hours on end at a poorly run dirt track you can figure things out despite being dumb.

03-30-2018, 06:04 PM
The track closes, new owners give it a rebirth or another track is built nearby. If im a goon for not wanting to be taken advantage of at a racetrack, then zyoung youre an idiot for going week after week and dealing with the same garbage. We are talking about simple things like prepping a track correctly, running a show properly, and basic running water. That summernationals show was drug out all night way to many classes and in the wrong order. Back to zyoung being an idiot, i drove my wife and 7 yr old 6 hrs to support farmer city. Is the future of racing a guy like you who might take his own grill and not buy a hot dog ever, or is the future my kid being entertained and then taking his kid. You want to support a track because its in your back and your toothless cousin races a $500 4 cylinder there every week go ahead.
