View Full Version : Crew members

06-25-2018, 08:56 PM
I wonder if they will drug test them next !!!

06-25-2018, 09:17 PM

06-26-2018, 05:26 AM
I wonder if they will drug test them next !!!

So you have an issue with dirt late model racing being drug free?

Highside Hustler25
06-26-2018, 06:34 AM
Probably should. Just for the safety aspect.

06-26-2018, 07:32 AM
Probably should. Just for the safety aspect.

That has been the claim all along hasn't it?

For the " safety" aspect of it,that's their claim for the tire rule also.......it's for their own good.

Test them all if your going to do it, don't cherry pick.

06-26-2018, 07:55 AM
So you have an issue with dirt late model racing being drug free?


I have O tolerance for drugs.

06-26-2018, 08:10 AM
Maybe we should test the fans too. It could be a tragic situation if some fan who was on pot wandered onto the track or stumbled into a raised jack.

06-26-2018, 08:53 AM
Maybe we should test the fans too. It could be a tragic situation if some fan who was on pot wandered onto the track or stumbled into a raised jack.

Sounds like you would fail.

06-26-2018, 09:02 AM
Beer is a Drug and I know some tracks that would close if you outlawed it.

06-26-2018, 09:07 AM
Whats the average number of crew members that each race team brings to the track? At least 3-4 per team. Thats a lot of tests and a huge expense for somebody (Either track or sanctioning body). I think its a great idea and wish they would test all drivers / crew but thats wishful thinking. It wont ever financially be possible.

06-26-2018, 09:15 AM
Good point Willardboy, your looking at a tremendous cost to test 3-4 guys from each crew.

06-26-2018, 09:24 AM
Im glad they don't.

My 4m crew would definitely fail! :)

06-26-2018, 09:38 AM
This would require some sort of membership license for crew members and a list of all people who are with your car. What are your going to do with the lower divisions that are in the pits for that night activities or people not with a car who bought a pit pass. It serves no purpose to test crew members they are not the one driving a 2300lbs 900 Hp car.the rule is not to protect the driver it's to protect the other drivers on the track. Beside I doubt Randy Sweet would pass a drug test.

06-26-2018, 09:42 AM
This would require some sort of membership license for crew members and a list of all people who are with your car. What are your going to do with the lower divisions that are in the pits for that night activities or people not with a car who bought a pit pass. It serves no purpose test crew members they are not the one driving a 2300lbs 900 Hp car.the rule is not to protect the driver it's to protect the other driver on the track. Beside I doubt Randy Sweet would pass a drug test.

Exactly. There are way too many moving parts in this situation.
A guy from Iowa is racing in Kentucky for yhe weekend and asks his buddy from Ohio to give him a hand for yhe weekend. Stuff like that happens all time and it'd be impossible to police it using drug testing.

06-26-2018, 09:44 AM
Sounds like you would fail.

Took one three weeks ago and I still have a job. Same job for nine years .

06-26-2018, 10:05 AM
0 tolerance or 0's tolerance?

06-26-2018, 10:10 AM
I think everyone should be drug tested and also have a hard time accepting the drinking that goes on at any sporting event, a few beers over a few hours is cool but I've seen people get pure trashed and drive home.

06-26-2018, 10:13 AM
^^^^ever go to Pennsboro?

06-26-2018, 11:35 AM
Good point Willardboy, your looking at a tremendous cost to test 3-4 guys from each crew.

But, but, but......it's all in the name of safety right???

Isn't that what's the main concern here?? The safety of the drivers, crews,officials and fans???

Or is that just a hollow claim they all make???

Either get in the testing game or get out of it.

06-26-2018, 12:33 PM
So you have an issue with dirt late model racing being drug free?
I don't, I think its mostly for PR and a handy tool to effect those they don't like. I think ALL drug laws should be abolished, the DEA & FDA de-funded and shuttered. Then take the savings and use that for education and rehab. If they want to do pre-race sobriety of all drivers and officials I'd be cool with that, but drug testing during any event won't keep a soul any safer since results won't be back for days. I use to have a staunch anti-drug attitude, but maturity and honest information changed my view.

06-26-2018, 12:37 PM
If the drivers and crews arw being tested, then the track officials as well as the sanctioning body officials should be as well. Ive raced against people that are stoned and if anything, way less aggressive. Mind you we're in karts, but still, no cage, no belts.

06-26-2018, 06:56 PM
hell if yall want it to be ''drug'' free might ass well get rid all the beer to while your at it yall!!! ''freedom'' what ''freedom''......

06-26-2018, 07:21 PM
Get rid of all them doped up long haired hippies! If you can't get buzzed off beer and have to use dope, you need to be thrown out on your ass!!!

06-26-2018, 07:31 PM
Get rid of all them doped up long haired hippies! If you can't get buzzed off beer and have to use dope, you need to be thrown out on your ass!!!

We keep tryin to run off your son, SS, but he keeps on comin back! :)

He seems to be a pretty good sport about it!

06-26-2018, 07:50 PM
Maybe we should test the fans too. It could be a tragic situation if some fan who was on pot wandered onto the track or stumbled into a raised jack.

Test the fans and it's all over!!! hahahahahaa

06-26-2018, 08:16 PM
Testing the fans, now there's an idea. Pee in the cup before you get your ticket punched. Think of how long the lines would be and how long you'd have to wait in line to get in, better show up early! Also would we have to have two lines, one for Ladies and one for Gents? What about for the LGBT community? Would we have to ask what gender each fan "identified" with and route them to the appropriate line? Would a track get sued if a guy wanted to pee in his cup with the ladies because he "identified" as such? Would definitely open up a whole can of worms. Also ticket prices would really have to go up to pay for all that testing. Of course on the bright side perhaps Lucas oil could use the left over pee to make their own Diesel exhaust Fluid. Would make for a good advertising campaign for them as well, "saving the planet by marketing a 100% organically produced DEF and making America drug free at the same time." ;)

06-26-2018, 08:22 PM
Testing the fans, now there's an idea. Pee in the cup before you get your ticket punched. Think of how long the lines would be and how long you'd have to wait in line to get in, better show up early! Also would we have to have two lines, one for Ladies and one for Gents? What about for the LGBT community? Would we have to ask what gender each fan "identified" with and route them to the appropriate line? Would a track get sued if a guy wanted to pee in his cup with the ladies because he "identified" as such? Would definitely open up a whole can of worms. Also ticket prices would really have to go up to pay for all that testing. Of course on the bright side perhaps Lucas oil could use the left over pee to make their own Diesel exhaust Fluid. Would make for a good advertising campaign for them as well, "saving the planet by marketing a 100% organically produced DEF and making America drug free at the same time." ;)

They'd make a killing on bottled water though LOL

06-26-2018, 08:35 PM
Testing the fans, now there's an idea. Pee in the cup before you get your ticket punched. Think of how long the lines would be and how long you'd have to wait in line to get in, better show up early! Also would we have to have two lines, one for Ladies and one for Gents? What about for the LGBT community? Would we have to ask what gender each fan "identified" with and route them to the appropriate line? Would a track get sued if a guy wanted to pee in his cup with the ladies because he "identified" as such? Would definitely open up a whole can of worms. Also ticket prices would really have to go up to pay for all that testing. Of course on the bright side perhaps Lucas oil could use the left over pee to make their own Diesel exhaust Fluid. Would make for a good advertising campaign for them as well, "saving the planet by marketing a 100% organically produced DEF and making America drug free at the same time." ;)

This would b a good job for CENTEROFF. He would be able to handle either line being the tranny he is.

06-26-2018, 08:37 PM
Test the fans and it's all over!!! hahahahahaa

They'd all just fall down and head for the er! We ain't stupid!! I mean they ain't.

06-26-2018, 08:40 PM
Thing that bothers me the most is, they let you pay first then tell ya to piss.... Wth???

06-26-2018, 08:50 PM
I hope they do start testing crew I will pass for sure been studying for this test my whole life.

06-26-2018, 08:52 PM
We keep tryin to run off your son, SS, but he keeps on comin back! :)That boy did not come from my loins!!!! How many times do i have to explain???

You do want to keep that last tooth in your head don't you, backwoods? 😀

06-26-2018, 08:56 PM
I hope they do start testing crew I will pass for sure been studying for this test my whole life.

The "1001 ways to pass a urine test" book? 😂

06-26-2018, 09:11 PM
I don't, I think its mostly for PR and a handy tool to effect those they don't like. I think ALL drug laws should be abolished, the DEA & FDA de-funded and shuttered. Then take the savings and use that for education and rehab. If they want to do pre-race sobriety of all drivers and officials I'd be cool with that, but drug testing during any event won't keep a soul any safer since results won't be back for days. I use to have a staunch anti-drug attitude, but maturity and honest information changed my view.

If safety is the goal and your trying to determine if a driver is under the influence during an event, peeing in a cup is only going to tell you what he has done it the past. Weed meth ect... detected through urine test does not show as being under the influence at the time of the test. They need to do blood draws to determine the amount of the substance in the blood by wieght. Test 2 should be a breath test to check for alcohol level. Alcohol could be determined immediatley and the blood test would still take a few days but at least you would know that that driver showed upl to race under the influence of drugs instead of the guy who smoked a joint 3 weeks ago. They don't ban drivers that got drunk 3 weeks ago at a family picnic. If they show up under the influence of drugs or alcohol to race BAN THEM FOR A YEAR. The urine test is a joke. All my years in law enforcement if you were involved in a fatal accident you were getting a blood test and not a urine test for a reason.

06-26-2018, 09:34 PM
Maybe we should test the fans too. It could be a tragic situation if some fan who was on pot wandered onto the track or stumbled into a raised jack.

I'd be all for sobriety test for fans before they leave the track to drive home. It WILL BE a tragic situation when some drunk hits another car while driving home from the track and kills multiple people. All because the track thought it was solid decision to allow him to buy/consume 12+ beers in 3 hours.

It's not feasible...on many levels, but I am amazed at how many people get completely $#@tfaced at the track and then drive home. I've seen a noticeable increase in the number of drunken slobs at the races I've attended this year. Seems to get worse every year.

I know the local short track is not the same as an MLB stadium or NFL stadium, but there's a reason why you can't buy a beer at a professional baseball game after the 7th inning or at a football game after the 3rd quarter.

Not at the racetrack. As long as you're still standing and have the $ to pay, they'll keep selling you beer, before, during, and after the races.

Josh Bayko
06-26-2018, 09:48 PM
I don't, I think its mostly for PR and a handy tool to effect those they don't like. I think ALL drug laws should be abolished, the DEA & FDA de-funded and shuttered. Then take the savings and use that for education and rehab. If they want to do pre-race sobriety of all drivers and officials I'd be cool with that, but drug testing during any event won't keep a soul any safer since results won't be back for days. I use to have a staunch anti-drug attitude, but maturity and honest information changed my view.

The PR is nice, but it’s mostly about insurance. Either their insurance company required it or they’re getting a big break on what they pay for insurance.