View Full Version : Something about Drug Tests

07-04-2018, 03:44 PM
Two words for ya TIM RICHMOND. The man had AIDS and NASCAR said he failed a drug test when he passed. A sanctioning body and the lab can mess with the tests. Only way is to have it done at a hospital. But man the costs are high. I say leave it alone. Never have been a problem in the 100 plus years of racing. Alcohol is more of a problem than drugs. Jan Opperman smoke weed a lot and won look at the racers back in the day. Alot smoked the night before.

07-04-2018, 04:53 PM
Two words for ya TIM RICHMOND. The man had AIDS and NASCAR said he failed a drug test when he passed. A sanctioning body and the lab can mess with the tests. Only way is to have it done at a hospital. But man the costs are high. I say leave it alone. Never have been a problem in the 100 plus years of racing. Alcohol is more of a problem than drugs. Jan Opperman smoke weed a lot and won look at the racers back in the day. Alot smoked the night before.
The WOOlMS Is using the most respected drug testing company in the world used by every major sport in the USA . They have collected samples from the biggest sports stars in America. So they are going to ruin their repertation on Bloomquest. Someone​ they have never heard of. People like to think Scott's​ a big deal but in the big scheme of things he's a pimple on an elephant ass. And yes Richmond did fail the drug test it was assumed it was illeagl drugs but it turned out to be sudifed but in such a high level it made him physically impared.

07-04-2018, 05:28 PM
I've already mentioned this a couple of times. Anyway, it's not an issue of the accuracy of the test or not. It's an issue of privacy. A drug test can compromise one's privacy with regard to medical conditions because just about any medications you take can be detected by them. That's what the Tim Richmond incident shows. The medication Tim was taking didn't impair him at all. It shrinks blood vessels in air passages which help to enlarge them and therefore enable someone congested to breath easier. Being immune system compromised by HIV causes people to be more susceptible to infects, which would include colds and upper respiratory infections. Anyway, Nascar used the information gained this way against him. They used it to kick him out and black ball him in the eyes of the fans. Nowadays, they probably could not legally do something like this. However, medical information like this leaked, could have an effect on a drivers image. So, if a sanctioning body had a beef with a particular driver, they could conceivably use it to force him to reveal medical information he might not want to share with the public. So, yes, it's a big issue. Racing is entertainment and as such the public image of a driver is important. A driver might not want the public to know he suffers from severe arthritis because having what some people consider an "old mans" disease might affect his public image. However, a sanctioning body could use their so called "drug testing policy" to force him to reveal this, especially if that driver was one who gave them trouble in the past by suing them when they cheated him out of a big win by having scales that were found to be inaccurate by the Ohio department of agriculture.

07-04-2018, 07:12 PM
By using the testing company World racing company is using nothing is revield to WRG except the result of the test. The only one present when the test sample is taken is collection agent all paperwork is filled out by him. Nothing about the drivers medications or health is shared with WRG. Any information is protected by federal HPPA laws. Again this company is a multi billion dollar company and they have tested some of the biggest sports stars in the USA they know their sh!T. So you can rest assured that everything is above board. Vilation of these privacy laws means hugh fines and possible jail time.

07-04-2018, 07:47 PM
Of course they can't reveal a drivers medical history. However, they can put him or her in a position that might force them to reveal that information, just as they did Tim Richmond. They didn't reveal Tim had AIDS, but they revealed he failed the test, which then put him in a position he had to reveal his illness to explain the presence of psudoephedrine in his system. And this isn't the only time something like this has happened. It happened to a drag racer Tommy Johnson Jr when he decide to travel to Europe and compete over there while being out of a ride in NHRA. In this case politics came into play as he was about to win the championship, beating out the european drivers. So, you think politics aren't present in DLM racing? http://www.competitionplus.com/drag-racing/editorials/18949-when-common-sense-failed-to-cross-the-atlantic

07-04-2018, 08:42 PM
Of course they can't reveal a drivers medical history. However, they can put him or her in a position that might force them to reveal that information, just as they did Tim Richmond. They didn't reveal Tim had AIDS, but they revealed he failed the test, which then put him in a position he had to reveal his illness to explain the presence of psudoephedrine in his system. And this isn't the only time something like this has happened. It happened to a drag racer Tommy Johnson Jr when he decide to travel to Europe and compete over there while being out of a ride in NHRA. In this case politics came into play as he was about to win the championship, beating out the european drivers. So, you think politics aren't present in DLM racing? http://www.competitionplus.com/drag-racing/editorials/18949-when-common-sense-failed-to-cross-the-atlantic

oh please. It's in the rulebook, if you don't like it, find another way to make a living. Good luck tho because most have to test to get a job.

07-04-2018, 09:24 PM
Was it in the Nascar rulebook that an HIV+ driver wasn't allowed to compete? Was it in the FIA rulebook that if Tommy Johnson Jr. was in danger of winning their top fuel championship and beat out the european competitors they would use this at the last minute to stop him? Rulebooks are only as good as thhose who "interpret" and apply them and if they choose to flexibly interpret them to their advantage they can do so. See the thread about Timothy Culp accusing Billy Moyer of cheating. According to him there were visible infractions of the "rulebook" on Moyers car and they weren't enforced. That alone shows that politics and favoritism can play a role.
because most have to test to get a job. But companies handle drug testing differently. For them it's really about liability and not just a PR campaign. They just want to be sure you don't hurt someone on the job, which they would be liable for. That's why they don't hire testing companies with names like "Drug free sports" that are good for PR purposes and why they don't share their results with anyone else, including other potential employers.

07-04-2018, 09:59 PM
[QUOTE=latemodelman;2198509]Two words for ya TIM RICHMOND. The man had AIDS and NASCAR said he failed a drug test when he passed. A sanctioning body and the lab can mess with the tests. Only way is to have it done at a hospital. But man the costs are high. I say leave it alone. Never have been a problem in the 100 plus years of racing. Alcohol is more of a problem than drugs. Jan Opperman smoke weed a lot and won look at the racers back in the day. Alot smoked the night before.[/QUOTE

I agree 100%!!! Look out for the safety mongers! They love to jump on you for having the balls to express this opinion! So many folks are willing to give up privacy for safety. Racing used to be for crazy folks and now sadly it is an every nerd sport with Nerf seats. Too many designer racers and liberal staff in these "racing series" groups. It comes down to this........to be in their club you must give up all freedom and privacy so they can control. It is getting worse and it will kill racing as we know it.

07-04-2018, 11:12 PM
Two words for ya TIM RICHMOND....A sanctioning body and the lab can mess with the tests....Never have been a problem in the 100 plus years of racing.

I'm not gonna dive deep into the Richmond deal other than to say this. By 1988, his body had deteriorated to the point that nobody would put him in a car. He wasn't in condition to drive, let alone race. (From his illness). Remember when he was hospitalized for the final time before he passed? His family said he was in a motorcycle accident. He couldn't even get out of bed. They later re-canted the motorcylce story.

What got my attention was your statement that sanctioning bodies and labs can mess with results.

What benefit is that to the sanctioning body?

Please buy a ticket to watch a race and see our stars, (that we promote), but we're gonna suspend one of them, or two, or however many we want....because we don't like them?? That makes no sense at all.

The labs are in on it too?
I enjoy a good conspiracy theory as well as the next person, but I'll guarantee you Mary at the lab doesn't have an agenda. She's already resigned to the fact that her life is literally in the toilet. She does test on p!$$ samples all day long.

Ever ask a young kid what they want to do when they grow up and the kid responded, "test p!$$."

Don't think Mary is sitting there, with her latex glove on saying to herself, "Hmmm...how can I turn this thing around? I know, I'll grind an axe against a dirt late model driver. That's my ticket to notoriety."

I have to get tested for both of my jobs. If I don't like it, I can quit at anytime.

Violation of privacy is an excuse to hide behind. WoO and WRG are not releasing drivers private medical information. If a driver has nothing to hide, filling that cup is not a big deal.

We can bloviate all we want about what we think. I'd like to know what the drivers/teams think about it.

07-04-2018, 11:55 PM
i think most drivers have already let their opinion be known. 15 drivers were selected to piss at the dream and only one had a problem the other 14 went and peed and went on about their business with no complaintes from them.

07-05-2018, 12:11 AM
i think most drivers have already let their opinion be known. 15 drivers were selected to piss at the dream and only one had a problem the other 14 went and peed and went on about their business with no complaintes from them.

Very good post!!!

One Man Gang
07-05-2018, 12:30 AM
Got a question about how these pi$$ tests are done some of y'all may know. When a test is conducted at the track and is sent to the lab is the driver's name on it or is coded like specimen A, specimen B or sample 1, sample 2 and so forth ? I mean does the labs know the person's name they testing or is it coded somehow and results sent back to organization or employer and they know which said sample come from a certain person ???

07-05-2018, 12:41 AM
It has nothing to do with labs being dishonest. There are a lot of people who aren't in absolutely perfect health and have some kind of condition they might take some medication for. Drug test can detect those medications and therefore force someone to make their private health issues public. That's where the privacy issue comes into play.
I have to get tested for both of my jobs. If I don't like it, I can quit at anytime. So do most other people who aren't self employed. Most employers do drug testing. However, most of them handle it differently. If there is an issue on a test, they don't report it to the media and it's not on the 6 o'clock news for the whole world to hear. In most cases they will allow you to take a retest, just in case there was a false positive. However, it turns out, the worst they will do is dismiss you or if it's a pre-employment test will not hire you. Again they will not share the results of this test with anyone else or make it public.
What benefit is that to the sanctioning body? Please buy a ticket to watch a race and see our stars, (that we promote), but we're gonna suspend one of them, or two, or however many we want....because we don't like them?? That makes no sense at all. What if the driver is not one of "their" stars, but is an outsider who rarely competes in their series, but shows up to their biggest race to take the big money away from their stars? Did you read about Tommy Johnson Jr's story that I linked to? Kinda interesting that he went over there, won all the races, and with 2 races to go, was 1 round win away from locking up their championship, when suddenly the sanctioning body decided the medication that he was taking to treat his condition was a violation and he should be suspended from competition.
i think most drivers have already let their opinion be known. 15 drivers were selected to piss at the dream and only one had a problem the other 14 went and peed and went on about their business with no complaintes from them. The same thing could be said about those tire test from the dream. How many tires were tested? Was it 46? And only one came back tainted. Does that absolutely mean that Bobby and Dunn-Benson are "cheaters"? Did you read Bobby's face book comments after the results came back? In those comments he mentioned how he always thought these tests were accurate and the people who got busted were "cheaters". But now he had doubts.

07-05-2018, 07:15 AM
Anyone that thinks the testing company is going to risk a legal battle over Bloomquists results needs to lay off the good stuff. I bet 95% of the people that either administer or run the tests have no idea who this Bloomquist guy is. As someone else mentioned Scott is a pimple on a elephants ass to these people, they are testing legit stars that are known around the world not just small town USA.If he doesn’t or any other driver doesn’t want the public to know about their drug test, then quit and find something else to do. They are all aware of what happens when you fail.

07-05-2018, 09:00 AM
Are WRG officials and management subjected to the same testing? No?

07-05-2018, 10:24 AM
Why should they be? They are not the ones racing. I get tested at anytime and I always get red flagged. I then give then my prescription number doctor info etc. all is well. If drug abuse wasn't so bad we wouldn't be getting tested.

Josh Bayko
07-05-2018, 11:25 AM
Are WRG officials and management subjected to the same testing? No?

I’m sure they were subject to pre-employment screening, and have a policy where they can be tested at any time.

Everybody thinks it’s some kind of PR campaign. It isn’t. It’s abkut saving money on insurance.

Highside Hustler25
07-05-2018, 12:11 PM
oh brother, make smokin weed mandatory, then give the trophy to whoever come in last:rolleyes:

07-05-2018, 12:46 PM
Two words for ya TIM RICHMOND. The man had AIDS and NASCAR said he failed a drug test when he passed. A sanctioning body and the lab can mess with the tests. Only way is to have it done at a hospital. But man the costs are high. I say leave it alone. Never have been a problem in the 100 plus years of racing. Alcohol is more of a problem than drugs. Jan Opperman smoke weed a lot and won look at the racers back in the day. Alot smoked the night before.

This is what I've been saying, I'd rather see sobriety tests prior to going out on track than having some pseudo random wee-wee test that can and have been manipulated by those who have an axe to grind. I've also seen employers with favorite employees who they know use, given a heads up so they can do what they need to, to pass the drug screen. Its NOT random when they tell you, "We're gonna get you next week!", that is targeting, maybe even with intent already in mind, I mean there is bad blood between Bloomquist & WRG/WoO... Food for thought.

07-05-2018, 12:51 PM
Like those said before, the ones doing the tests have no ideal who joe blow is.

07-05-2018, 12:51 PM
Wait, it isn't about safety like they claim it is????

Well, shucks........didn't see that one coming :)

07-05-2018, 12:54 PM
Why should they be? They are not the ones racing. I get tested at anytime and I always get red flagged. I then give then my prescription number doctor info etc. all is well. If drug abuse wasn't so bad we wouldn't be getting tested.

Because it's in the name of safety.......don't need a stoned up official walking out onto a track full of oncoming cars , right?

Oh, wait.........never mind.......has zero to do with safety and everything to do with money......just like the tire testing deal.

Carry on

07-05-2018, 12:57 PM
BBQ couldn't pass as I see he is stoned.

07-05-2018, 01:19 PM
It happened to a drag racer Tommy Johnson Jr when he decide to travel to Europe and compete over there while being out of a ride in NHRA. In this case politics came into play as he was about to win the championship, beating out the european drivers. So, you think politics aren't present in DLM racing? http://www.competitionplus.com/drag-racing/editorials/18949-when-common-sense-failed-to-cross-the-atlantic

So the best supporting claim you have for your argument of sanctioning body bias is a Yankee who lost his NHRA ride?
He in turn, hops the pond to go to Europe and beat up on a bunch of second-tier race teams, who also couldn't compete at the NHRA level.

They get mad b/c the American is winning all the $, and suspend him for a failed drug test.

Ok, sounds like a bias against the good ole U-s-of -A, and the fact a professional showed up & "showed-up" a collection of inferior opponents. Sounds like T.J. Jr was "cherry pickin'" and the European drag racers all got their knickers in a bunch and teeth out of line, over the deal.

So again...a sanctioning body for European drag racing is the gold standard??? This example is so far down the ladder that it's not even on the ladder of relevance.

Do you have any relevant examples that occurred on this side of the pond in the last decade?

And don't throw out Tim Richmond again. That was 20+ years ago, when the entire public had a bias against AIDS due to a lack of knowledge of the disease and how it could be contracted.

07-05-2018, 02:40 PM
I'm not gonna dive deep into the Richmond deal other than to say this. By 1988, his body had deteriorated to the point that nobody would put him in a car. He wasn't in condition to drive, let alone race. (From his illness). Remember when he was hospitalized for the final time before he passed? His family said he was in a motorcycle accident. He couldn't even get out of bed. They later re-canted the motorcylce story.

What got my attention was your statement that sanctioning bodies and labs can mess with results.

What benefit is that to the sanctioning body?

Please buy a ticket to watch a race and see our stars, (that we promote), but we're gonna suspend one of them, or two, or however many we want....because we don't like them?? That makes no sense at all.

The labs are in on it too?
I enjoy a good conspiracy theory as well as the next person, but I'll guarantee you Mary at the lab doesn't have an agenda. She's already resigned to the fact that her life is literally in the toilet. She does test on p!$$ samples all day long.

Ever ask a young kid what they want to do when they grow up and the kid responded, "test p!$$."

Don't think Mary is sitting there, with her latex glove on saying to herself, "Hmmm...how can I turn this thing around? I know, I'll grind an axe against a dirt late model driver. That's my ticket to notoriety."

I have to get tested for both of my jobs. If I don't like it, I can quit at anytime.

Violation of privacy is an excuse to hide behind. WoO and WRG are not releasing drivers private medical information. If a driver has nothing to hide, filling that cup is not a big deal.

We can bloviate all we want about what we think. I'd like to know what the drivers/teams think about it.

Money talks an money corrupts. It's a matter of getting to an individual. No conspiracy theory to it.

07-05-2018, 04:55 PM
BBQ couldn't pass as I see he is stoned.

I meet and would pass any and every benchmark they could put me up against on a drug screen......if they are testing for bourbon, I might be in trouble.

I'm not sure I appreciate what you are slanderously trying to insinuate golddirt....might want to check yourself before saying or writing stupid and potentially costly stuff like that.

But since you brought it up......care to make a friendly wager on your insinuation?

I test clean, you make a public apology dressed in a Bobby pierce eat shoot shirt and diving flippers and pay me a thousand........I test dirty I'll do the same except I'll wear an I love Mark Richards shirt and pay you a thousand.

07-05-2018, 05:02 PM
And ps gold dirt........the testing is about the money, not the implied safety that the series uses as a reason.

Just like the tire testing.......all about the cash.

Cash is what you are going to be a thousand short on btw.

07-05-2018, 08:45 PM
what about this , pot is now legal for recreational use in like 26 or so states now , if a race is held in one of these states , will they still test them ? reason i ask is , what if some one sat on his porch on tuesday evening and smoked a legal joint and then was tested saturday night and DQ,d , and had not smoked anything since tuesday.

07-05-2018, 08:56 PM
Smoking a joint and driving on the road is dui so

07-05-2018, 08:59 PM
BBQ, the crap that rolls out of your finger tips at times you have to be stoned, well the bourbon may explain that!!! And didn't you already welch on a bet?

07-05-2018, 08:59 PM
Thc levels are used to determine impairment.

07-05-2018, 09:07 PM
Smoking a joint and driving on the road is dui so

so , if you drank at home on tuesday night , could you get a dui on sat night?

07-05-2018, 09:15 PM
Thc levels are used to determine impairment.

what test show,s THC level ? I dont no much about it but the ones i have seen showed yea or na , for up to 30 days after smoking , back in the day , my mom was a probation officer , I would slip a few test , she is bumping 80 now and if she see,s this she will kick my azz , but, we tried every trick known to trick it and failed , but it only showed positive or negative. If they could develop something for pot , like with alcohol , that could tell if a person is stoned at the time , problem would be solved...........

07-05-2018, 09:17 PM
Read Phil's reply, bottom line is wrg has a 0 tolerance so that means NO USE. Same at my job.

07-05-2018, 09:29 PM
if its not illegal and im not using it while im racing , then whats the problem?

07-05-2018, 09:34 PM
It IS illegal by their rules. Makes no difference what state laws are, it is their rules. Really
It's simple

07-05-2018, 09:44 PM
yea , your right , it is simple , if i had the choice of being on the track on sat with a driver that had smoked a joint on friday night or a driver that had drank a fifth of whiskey on friday night and still hung over as he!! but ok according to there rules , i would rather race with the head , but thats just me , i haven't done any in years , but it dont matter either way , I cant afford to race any where to have to worry about getting tested any way.....lol.....

07-05-2018, 10:11 PM
Fastford, I thought a blood test could show a level. Don't remember where I heard that but I'm sure you world know.

07-05-2018, 10:17 PM
i dont know much about a blood test blackie , i have never had to take any type of drug test , but a way to easily determine a persons sobriety at the time there racing seems to me would solve the problem....

07-05-2018, 10:21 PM
hey blackie ,I have been gone for 2 weeks on a motorcycle trip up the east coast and back down the blueridge park way , i missed the ole 4m and had to get in on something....lol.... ,

07-05-2018, 10:30 PM
There has been a lot of drug talk in here lately. I'm starting to think 4m might be a gateway to a more dangerous racing forum.... Lol, bunch of keyboard junkies. 😁

Sounds like a fun run...

07-05-2018, 10:56 PM
You really need to stop needling people!🤣

07-05-2018, 11:00 PM
You need to open your eyes. 😉

Dirt Reynolds
07-06-2018, 12:17 AM
i think most drivers have already let their opinion be known. 15 drivers were selected to piss at the dream and only one had a problem the other 14 went and peed and went on about their business with no complaintes from them.

Why not be transparent about the 15 tested then?

WRG/WoO is probably tired of the Lucas Oil guys winning all of their money... Ever think of that?

Was the 15 any of their "regulars"?

or were the 15 people such as, Satterlee, Owens, Bloomquist, Davenport, Pierce, Pearson, Don ONeal, Hudson ONeal, Richards, Erb, McCreadie, Lannigan, Zeigler, Bronson, and Jameson?

You can't just "random test the people you don't like, because they win all of your races and your regulars get the scraps...

And before you come back with something lame did these same "great WoO officials that drug tested and made sure everyone was Jesus Christ pure do anything or suspend Chub Frank when he was busted (actual Police arrest) with prescription drugs in 2012? Or did that just conveniently leave everyone's mind?

I've noticed that the Lucas Oil guys have taken many of the WoO races off their schedule.... you know to let the WoO guys have a chance at winning... well thats one way of making sure your regulars win some money....

07-06-2018, 12:57 AM
Why not be transparent about the 15 tested then?

WRG/WoO is probably tired of the Lucas Oil guys winning all of their money... Ever think of that?

Was the 15 any of their "regulars"?

or were the 15 people such as, Satterlee, Owens, Bloomquist, Davenport, Pierce, Pearson, Don ONeal, Hudson ONeal, Richards, Erb, McCreadie, Lannigan, Zeigler, Bronson, and Jameson?

You can't just "random test the people you don't like, because they win all of your races and your regulars get the scraps...

And before you come back with something lame did these same "great WoO officials that drug tested and made sure everyone was Jesus Christ pure do anything or suspend Chub Frank when he was busted (actual Police arrest) with prescription drugs in 2012? Or did that just conveniently leave everyone's mind?

I've noticed that the Lucas Oil guys have taken many of the WoO races off their schedule.... you know to let the WoO guys have a chance at winning... well thats one way of making sure your regulars win some money....

All this because one guy couldn't produce a sample, 2 times in a row. Why not save a the lawyer BS and conspiracy talk for when/IF he actually tests dirty.
Also, please stop with this WoO guys can't beat the Lucas guys. I heard that for years about Richards and we can see how true that was.

07-06-2018, 01:32 AM
I do not know about this last time, but some of the guys that were tested last time were not series regulars with either of the sanctioning bodies. So before anyone goes thinking that is the case, look back at Justin Ratliffs deal. They're not out there picking on Lucas guys only.

07-06-2018, 05:56 AM
BBQ, the crap that rolls out of your finger tips at times you have to be stoned, well the bourbon may explain that!!! And didn't you already welch on a bet?

If I did I don't know about it.....please refresh my memory.

So I'm guessing by your tone, you won't put your money where your mouth is?

The truth scares you, huh?

07-06-2018, 06:00 AM
Read Phil's reply, bottom line is wrg has a 0 tolerance so that means NO USE. Same at my job.

Guess the hypocrisy of taking the pills you say you get red flagged for and being ok to work is perfectly fine because your dr says it's ok?and gets paid to prescribe them.

Yup, makes perfect sense.

07-06-2018, 06:03 AM
It IS illegal by their rules. Makes no difference what state laws are, it is their rules. Really
It's simple

Yup, just like the tire rule debacle......it's their rules, their game.

That way they can totally own it when it fails or breaks down.

07-06-2018, 06:06 AM
You really need to stop needling people!藍
Ironic post in many ways.

07-06-2018, 08:25 AM
Richmond was a partier a different racer of a different decade never met a stranger but on race day was 100% focused on racing and winning which he did both it was just a dam shame that his life ended so soon.

07-06-2018, 08:37 AM
So they are using USADA for the drug testing or WADA ???

07-06-2018, 09:25 AM
^^ making sure Jon Jones dont race.

07-06-2018, 09:34 AM
what about this , pot is now legal for recreational use in like 26 or so states now , if a race is held in one of these states , will they still test them ? reason i ask is , what if some one sat on his porch on tuesday evening and smoked a legal joint and then was tested saturday night and DQ,d , and had not smoked anything since tuesday.

My cousin has a medical marijuana card in Ill, but he still doesnt carry anything in his car because he said the police, when they see you have something on you, some will try to give you a dui. With that said hes heard from people in his dispensary that somebody is (somebody correct me if im wrong) trying to develope a nano test, which measures the nanos on your breath. Kind of like a breathalyzer for marijuana. If they can make something to accurately measure how much and a time table for when you smoked, thats the only way the testing process could be done fairly. Especially when its gna be legal everywhere...

Dirt Reynolds
07-06-2018, 10:15 AM
All this because one guy couldn't produce a sample, 2 times in a row. Why not save a the lawyer BS and conspiracy talk for when/IF he actually tests dirty.
Also, please stop with this WoO guys can't beat the Lucas guys. I heard that for years about Richards and we can see how true that was.

The only thing correct here is that Richards is now a Lucas guy. My point is that the Lucas guys win the big WoO races, taking away money from them. Go back and look this year. I could give a crap less who is better, look at the money won/lost.

You forgot to mention the Chub Frank ordeal too. How convenient is it that they dont go after the WoO guys. No transparency. You cant do things like this and not expect someone to question it.

Strange deal with the tires too. Its gonna get to the point where they dont race together at all and Lucas Oil runs bigger races against them because they have the star power.

With all due respect, would you go see Tyler Erb, Chris Madden, and Devin Moran run for 100k at Eldora
Bloomquist, Davenport and ONeal, running for 100k at Florence same weekend?

WRG/WoO/UMP is gonna back themselves into a corner they dont want to go into.

07-06-2018, 12:33 PM
My cousin has a medical marijuana card in Ill, but he still doesnt carry anything in his car because he said the police, when they see you have something on you, some will try to give you a dui. With that said hes heard from people in his dispensary that somebody is (somebody correct me if im wrong) trying to develope a nano test, which measures the nanos on your breath. Kind of like a breathalyzer for marijuana. If they can make something to accurately measure how much and a time table for when you smoked, thats the only way the testing process could be done fairly. Especially when its gna be legal everywhere...

I agree with you 100% , you would think if they can send a space ship to mars , they should easily be able to do this......

07-06-2018, 01:10 PM
I agree with you 100% , you would think if they can send a space ship to mars , they should easily be able to do this......

I think that's already available for use in some applications, just isn't cost prohibitive yet.......they have the technology , just like the tire manufacturer has the ability to make a better tire.

The whole " in the name of safety" tire and drug rule hypocrisy they use to sell it is what is maddening.

Just be honest about it.

07-06-2018, 04:23 PM
The only thing correct here is that Richards is now a Lucas guy. My point is that the Lucas guys win the big WoO races, taking away money from them. Go back and look this year. I could give a crap less who is better, look at the money won/lost.

You forgot to mention the Chub Frank ordeal too. How convenient is it that they dont go after the WoO guys. No transparency. You cant do things like this and not expect someone to question it.

Strange deal with the tires too. Its gonna get to the point where they dont race together at all and Lucas Oil runs bigger races against them because they have the star power.

With all due respect, would you go see Tyler Erb, Chris Madden, and Devin Moran run for 100k at Eldora
Bloomquist, Davenport and ONeal, running for 100k at Florence same weekend?

WRG/WoO/UMP is gonna back themselves into a corner they dont want to go into.

I don't care about any of that nonsense tbh. I just find it comical that all this is only a topic because of one guy. What's next? That one guy don't like the shock rules so we're not going to enforce them? Tire rules? Body rules? weight rule? Bottom line is, if the rule is a bad idea, it should have been a bad idea and challenged before it affected the guy you're defending. Which is funny in itself because he doesn't need defending. He hasn't tested dirty.

As far as which race I would attend. I will attend the one where I think everyone is treated the same, regardless of their stature in the sport. Letting one guy not conform to any one rule while enforcing them onto the others creates an advantage for one guy, no matter the rule.

For those that think his prescriptions would make him fail the test, do some research. It's not 1980 anymore, the test will show which drugs are in his system. He's not going to test positive for dope because of a pain killer. As long as he has a prescription for what's in his system there isn't a problem. There would be no need to disclose any medical conditions associated with it.

In this day and age, drug testing is here to stay. Could you imagine the negative light that would be cast on the sport if they decided to do away with it?

07-06-2018, 04:47 PM
Ironic post in many ways.

Not sure if he thinks I'm a dealer or just a genuine pain in the a.. 😇

07-06-2018, 05:01 PM
Has anybody thought, maybe ole Bloomer had gotten some prescription pain pills from a friend, without a prescription!.....Big deal if he did!

We've ALL done it .....Lets be honest!

07-06-2018, 05:06 PM
Not I but it does happen.

07-06-2018, 07:22 PM
I don't care about any of that nonsense tbh. I just find it comical that all this is only a topic because of one guy. What's next? That one guy don't like the shock rules so we're not going to enforce them? Tire rules? Body rules? weight rule? Bottom line is, if the rule is a bad idea, it should have been a bad idea and challenged before it affected the guy you're defending. Which is funny in itself because he doesn't need defending. He hasn't tested dirty.

As far as which race I would attend. I will attend the one where I think everyone is treated the same, regardless of their stature in the sport. Letting one guy not conform to any one rule while enforcing them onto the others creates an advantage for one guy, no matter the rule.

For those that think his prescriptions would make him fail the test, do some research. It's not 1980 anymore, the test will show which drugs are in his system. He's not going to test positive for dope because of a pain killer. As long as he has a prescription for what's in his system there isn't a problem. There would be no need to disclose any medical conditions associated with it.

In this day and age, drug testing is here to stay. Could you imagine the negative light that would be cast on the sport if they decided to do away with it?
The negative light would be cast by idiots like you. You have to be a woman.

3 wide
07-07-2018, 03:12 PM
Don't worry about one twisted up it goes a lot deeper than that.

07-07-2018, 05:12 PM
Centeroff isn’t banned long bubstr. Kinda like you, faking his own death! Also, 38BUMacillian, you shouldn’t act like you have any car other than the 49. Destitute are we!! Yankees like you never pay anyway! He said see you chumps in a week!

07-09-2018, 05:00 PM
For those that think his prescriptions would make him fail the test, do some research. It's not 1980 anymore, the test will show which drugs are in his system. He's not going to test positive for dope because of a pain killer. As long as he has a prescription for what's in his system there isn't a problem. Well, Tommy Johnson Jr had a prescription for his medication, but the FIA still claimed he failed the test and made it public that he did. And they used it to conveniently prevent him from beating their regulars out for the championship. http://www.competitionplus.com/drag-racing/news/18518-tommy-johnson-jr-suspended-from-fia http://www.competitionplus.com/drag-racing/editorials/18949-when-common-sense-failed-to-cross-the-atlantic
There would be no need to disclose any medical conditions associated with it. You mean like how Tommy didn't have to disclose he suffers from Narcolepsy or how Tim Richmond didn't have to disclose he had HIV? Sure they may not reveal a drivers private medical information to the public, but if they announce publicly that he or she has failed their drug test or simply that they are suspending that driver based on the results of a drug test what does that do? It plants an image in the mind of the public that the driver must be a drug addict. Then in order to clear their name, and set the record straight, they'll be forced to disclose that information to the public or else be perceived as a drug addict. That's the point here. It may be true that racing sanctioning body can't legally disclose a drivers health issue. However, they can use this as leverage to force that driver to reveal it or else have a tainted public image.
In this day and age, drug testing is here to stay. Sure, it is, but it can be handled in a more professional manner. If a driver, has something show up on a drug test, the first thing that should happen is the driver should be contacted privately, instead of reporting it to the media first for publicity. That's the way it's handled between most companies and their employees. If an employee has something show up on a test, they'd be contacted and it would be discussed privately. And in most instance the employee is offered the chance of a retest, because sometimes false positives do happen. Anyway, an employee would have a chance to respond and whatever the outcome the results wouldn't be reported on the evening news or shared publicly with anyone. On the other hand these sports drug test are shared publicly, because that's the whole point behind them, publicity and making the public think they are doing their part to keep America drug free.
Could you imagine the negative light that would be cast on the sport if they decided to do away with it? And your final statement here, proves this. That it's all about publicity and political correctness. And when publicity and political correctness enters the picture common sense goes out the window and it all becomes a dog and pony show.

Last Rebel 1
07-09-2018, 09:11 PM
Drug testing is a bunch of B.S. All it is,is a way for one of there buddy's to make a dollar.

07-09-2018, 09:35 PM
Instead of having drug tests, maybe they should just, test drugs!!!! hahahahahaaa

07-09-2018, 11:21 PM
Instead of having drug tests, maybe they should just, test drugs!!!! hahahahahaaa

Yeah... We will use you as the testie. Hehehehe Hahahaha

07-10-2018, 12:55 PM
Yeah... We will use you as the testie. Hehehehe Hahahaha

Oxy's at ten paces!!!