View Full Version : Why are Bloomer fans the way they are?

07-24-2018, 12:54 PM
Ya'll are all the first ones to boast when he wins, and the first ones to complain and blame other people when he gets his arse kicked. I don't get it, were you not hugged enough as a child? I realize ya'll don't have jobs or anything (which is indeed admirable), but I mean come on. There is a difference between "gossip" and complete b*llsh*t. Maybe there needs to be another section created for all of the children of the black sunshine that defend daddy even when he gets it handed to him. Is he still the greatest out there right now? Probably, but geeze get over yourselves.

This forum got decent for a while about a year ago but since certain folks have figured out the way to navigate around being banned, it has gone to crap again.

07-24-2018, 01:12 PM
For the most part most (not all not all not all) but most imitate far left radical behavior, they ignore facts and they accuse everyone else for doing the very exact same thing that they are. And the way they group up and pile on a person when someone says something they dont agree with. But mostly I think they jump on the Bloomer bandwagon because they suffer from some kind of inadequacy in life, falling short so by liking the most successful guy in the past 25 years in the sport, it makes them feel important, like a winner themselves to live vicariously through another man. Like they are better or know more than you because they are pointing out to you what has been blatantly obvious the last quarter century, that Bloomer is good..lol dont go to far out on that limb there guys...

07-24-2018, 01:21 PM
They call them jersey chasers when I was in college.

Chris Thomason
07-24-2018, 01:41 PM
I like how you don't call out the a$shats of 4m and just lump all us into one. Kind of selling yourself short as a respected member here ain't it?

I have a half decent job... since you asked.

07-24-2018, 01:49 PM
I just like the skull and crossbones :)

07-24-2018, 01:55 PM
They'll be on this thread soon disecting your post or they will just come after me.
I guess u could call them my special fan cwub

07-24-2018, 02:01 PM
with all due respect, your observation of bloomer fans is a narrow one. Bloomer fans can quickly point out how non-Bloomer fans are quick to rub their faces in the dirt when their driver beats him. It's a two way street bro. I've been a fan of Bloomquist long before he was considered to be the best by many. But I've also been critical of some of his dumb moves too. Nobody gets a free pass from me for stupidity. But, I can also say that the haters are many on this forum. On both sides.

07-24-2018, 02:09 PM
Dirtdobber I will agree to an extent, but I can speak for my self and I think most others its primarily the few worshippers of Bloom on here that rub in the face, "howd you like that Tennessee a** kickin", I hear that almost every thread when he wins from more than one person, I dont see Pierce fans or JD fans acting like that everytime they win, I only start talkin trash when I have to defend my driver from false narrative attacks..maybe my view is skewed but im pretty rational so I dont think so...

07-24-2018, 03:35 PM
DD I don't disagree, I guess what I should have said the ones that are overly obnoxious, and we know who they are. You don't see "fans" of any other driver posting that stuff like the constant bull-malarkey that is posted after every race. Even when Bloomer was going to be sitting out for the next six months (magically he got well again all of the sudden), they still would be bashing everybody else.

07-24-2018, 03:48 PM
Your drunk zach. Go home. Hahhahahahaha

07-24-2018, 03:57 PM
Dirtdobber I will agree to an extent, but I can speak for my self and I think most others its primarily the few worshippers of Bloom on here that rub in the face, "howd you like that Tennessee a** kickin", I hear that almost every thread when he wins from more than one person, I dont see Pierce fans or JD fans acting like that everytime they win, I only start talkin trash when I have to defend my driver from false narrative attacks..maybe my view is skewed but im pretty rational so I dont think so...

Can I offer you a Puffs? 😀

07-24-2018, 04:51 PM
Ya'll are all the first ones to boast when he wins, and the first ones to complain and blame other people when he gets his arse kicked. I don't get it, were you not hugged enough as a child? I realize ya'll don't have jobs or anything (which is indeed admirable), but I mean come on. There is a difference between "gossip" and complete b*llsh*t. Maybe there needs to be another section created for all of the children of the black sunshine that defend daddy even when he gets it handed to him. Is he still the greatest out there right now? Probably, but geeze get over yourselves.

This forum got decent for a while about a year ago but since certain folks have figured out the way to navigate around being banned, it has gone to crap again.

Come on lighten up, I realize you have never liked ZERO, by the way. Now how about attacking other driver's fans.

MI Dirt Fan
07-24-2018, 05:02 PM
I thought he quit coming here...


07-24-2018, 05:06 PM
That was a sad day. I remember it well. I felt like I lost my best fat girl.

07-24-2018, 05:13 PM
There are guys who like things or persons that most everyone else hates.....they like the attention they get for liking a unpopular thing or person... Makes them feel like a bad a$$.

07-24-2018, 05:14 PM
I like how you don't call out the a$shats of 4m and just lump all us into one. Kind of selling yourself short as a respected member here ain't it?

I have a half decent job... since you asked.

you know chris , for some one that said a while back that they were gone quit posting on here because of all the bull sh!t , ole zach sure does like to pop in every now and then and stir the pot......

07-24-2018, 05:16 PM
I thought he quit coming here...


he cant quit , you know , kind of like bloomer on.....well , you know....lol

07-24-2018, 05:16 PM
There are guys who like things or persons that most everyone else hates.....they like the attention they get for liking a unpopular thing or person... Makes them feel like a bad a$$.

Exactly! For example, look at SS!!! He thinks hes so tough. He ain't!

07-24-2018, 05:17 PM

They can't help it,they all have a HUGE MAN CRUSH on him.

Have you not heard that LOVE IS BLIND??? LMAO

07-24-2018, 05:21 PM
Exactly! For example, look at SS!!! He thinks hes so tough. He ain't!


07-24-2018, 05:22 PM
Don't know abOut a man cruch but I can tell ya all about being crushed by a HUGE WOMAN. HAHHAhahahaha

MI Dirt Fan
07-24-2018, 05:24 PM
he cant quit , you know , kind of like bloomer on.....well , you know....lol


07-24-2018, 05:29 PM
👉💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪👈 SS are you being cute again?

MI Dirt Fan
07-24-2018, 05:31 PM
Don't know abOut a man cruch but I can tell ya all about being crushed by a HUGE WOMAN. HAHHAhahahaha

Been hanging around Peoria too much man...😉😉😉😂😂😂🙄🙄🙄

07-24-2018, 05:47 PM
My experience with Bloomer fans is the same as just about every other driver.

A majority are easy to talk to/get along with at the racetrack, and while bias towards "their guy" not entirely blinded by what other fans find irritating about their driver.

There's a handful of fans that are completely over the top and worthy of being throat punched so they stfu, but the same can be said of almost every fan base out there, regardless of the sport.

chupp n bloomer fan
07-24-2018, 05:57 PM
Oh yes, it’s only the Bloomer fans that do that sh!t. Not the JD ones, Pierce ones, Moyer ones, Boggs ones, and so on, gimme a break. All do it, yeah, some are worse, and I have no issue calling Bloomer out for a screw up.

For instance, he stepped on his chubby Saturday. And Bobby ran a heck of a race, only to break again, and JD was in position to win.

But y’all can get off your high horses, and quit labeling us, whether it’s political, or working wise.

For instance, I vote for both parties, I do not like Trump or Hillary, though I hope Dems get a good candidate, because I may vote for the turdhat otherwise. I do not watch CNN or Faux, they all slant the news.

Job, I have run heavy equipment my whole life. Primarily loaders, specifically wheel loaders on a pipe crew. I have been Union for the past 8 years, I make scale, I won’t say what, but it’s a dam good job. So you can stick that up your butt too.

Truly do appreciate how some try to make theirselves seem better than others by lumping everyone into a nice little box for their jacked up stereotypes. Just makes you seem ignorant. I do not fit into any box, other than as a smartbutt/ahole maybe. I don’t believe in anything to the extreme. Always be looking at the big picture and thinking how you’d feel if it was done to you.

chupp n bloomer fan
07-24-2018, 05:59 PM
My experience with Bloomer fans is the same as just about every other driver.

A majority are easy to talk to/get along with at the racetrack, and while bias towards "their guy" not entirely blinded by what other fans find irritating about their driver.

There's a handful of fans that are completely over the top and worthy of being throat punched so they stfu, but the same can be said of almost every fan base out there, regardless of the sport.Exactly Zonks.

07-24-2018, 06:19 PM
The original poster must not know about the Jackie Boggs fan base. I will take being around a crowd of Bloomquist fans before I will being in the middle a bunch of Boggs freaks. Nothing against Jackie, he is really good. But his fans see no wrong in anything he does.....ever.

07-24-2018, 06:19 PM
We'll let you join the club Zach! :)

07-24-2018, 06:22 PM

Who you married to....Popeye? :)

chupp n bloomer fan
07-24-2018, 06:35 PM
The original poster must not know about the Jackie Boggs fan base. I will take being around a crowd of Bloomquist fans before I will being in the middle a bunch of Boggs freaks. Nothing against Jackie, he is really good. But his fans see no wrong in anything he does.....ever.Dude, and PRP is thee worst. Nothing worse than the old hag with the smokers voice yellin go Jackieeeee, go. Makes me cringe, I can still hear it.

07-24-2018, 06:35 PM
My experience with Bloomer fans is the same as just about every other driver.

A majority are easy to talk to/get along with at the racetrack, and while bias towards "their guy" not entirely blinded by what other fans find irritating about their driver.

There's a handful of fans that are completely over the top and worthy of being throat punched so they stfu, but the same can be said of almost every fan base out there, regardless of the sport.

You just described every fan of every driver....lol

07-24-2018, 08:56 PM
The original poster must not know about the Jackie Boggs fan base. I will take being around a crowd of Bloomquist fans before I will being in the middle a bunch of Boggs freaks. Nothing against Jackie, he is really good. But his fans see no wrong in anything he does.....ever.

Unless Boggsy races somewhere other than Portsmouth. Then they complain about having to travel. Some of them only want him to race at PRP because "It's the Place to Be"...

07-24-2018, 08:58 PM
Dude, and PRP is thee worst. Nothing worse than the old hag with the smokers voice yellin go Jackieeeee, go. Makes me cringe, I can still hear it.

😂 I can too

07-25-2018, 02:49 AM
Because we wear tee shirts that say Scott fkn Bloomquist. Dummy!

chupp n bloomer fan
07-25-2018, 03:54 AM
Because we wear tee shirts that say Scott fkn Bloomquist. Dummy!Very true. And the reaper is tellin ya you’re number one. Duh.

07-25-2018, 05:01 AM
Not a Bloomer fan but to each their own. Painting an entire group of people one way or the other reflects someone with an inability to reason things for themselves. There might even be some Nancy Pelosi fans I could like,,,,well maybe not.

09-20-2018, 05:28 PM
Ya'll are all the first ones to boast when he wins, and the first ones to complain and blame other people when he gets his arse kicked. I don't get it, were you not hugged enough as a child? I realize ya'll don't have jobs or anything (which is indeed admirable), but I mean come on. There is a difference between "gossip" and complete b*llsh*t. Maybe there needs to be another section created for all of the children of the black sunshine that defend daddy even when he gets it handed to him. Is he still the greatest out there right now? Probably, but geeze get over yourselves.

This forum got decent for a while about a year ago but since certain folks have figured out the way to navigate around being banned, it has gone to crap again.



ride height
09-20-2018, 07:06 PM
Just like our president...there are a lot of closet fans. Anybody who likes going to see the late models race...if they say they aren’t happy Bloomquist is there to watch...they are liars. I don’t like the skulls and dark image, but yes...I like to see what he can do that night. I don’t necessarily cheer to win. Sometimes I do....but he’s a major star in the sport and he brings excitement. Even if you “hate” him....you’d rather he be there to watch than not. It’s going to be a lot less fun whe he quits.

09-20-2018, 08:33 PM
not reading all this until tomorrow, but have a quick sober reply.

first: it's not all bloomquist fans.

second: it's mostly on this board, not at the races, that the stupidity of the "fanatics" on both sides appear.

third: everyone on this board knows scott is one of the most talented to ever race in our favorite sport, second only to billy moyer. so his skills are never questioned. just his approach to the fans, his competitors, and sanctioning bodies.

conclusion (and consider me a part of the problem on occasion): it's pretty easy to push the buttons of certain 4m fanatics when circumstances are favorable to your side. but if you are going to give it, you better be able to take it when the tables are turned.

fyi: I've had to eat crow before. if you are hungry enough, and add plenty of salt and pepper, you can get it down. and with plenty of beer, I've been able to come right back with a new argument against those stupid bloomer groupies' opinions.

MI Dirt Fan
09-20-2018, 08:48 PM
I'd like to see a list of these groupies. I don't think they are anymore obnoxious than the Pierce fans here.

09-20-2018, 09:11 PM
I'd like to see a list of these groupies. I don't think they are anymore obnoxious than the Pierce fans here.

they aren't. but the bloomer and bobby groupies deserve each other. you could add a couple of superman fans too. makes great entertainment for the Richards and Sheppard fans who just win and smile.

MI Dirt Fan
09-20-2018, 09:13 PM
What if I'm a Richards, Sheppard, Madden, Bloomquist, McDowell, Marlar, Overton, Weiss, Lanigan and Babb fan?

I don't think Richards has won anything lately though...

09-20-2018, 10:07 PM
What if I'm a secret Jonathan Davenport and Bobby Pierce fan?

I don't think Richards has won anything lately though...

I know you was does it feel better finally getting that of your chest.

MI Dirt Fan
09-20-2018, 10:10 PM
I know you was does it feel better finally getting that of your chest.

I see what you did there.


09-20-2018, 11:50 PM
I am Bloomer fan, I do not like some bloomer fans. Some make me wanna say hey you don't know sh!t and make us fans look bad. But it goes on the same with all the drivers and fans. I think guys like Bobby Pierce need to grow up, especially seeing that shirt that says I am Bobby f@@cking pierce, if you don't like it eat sh1t. When I see a shirt like that I just lose respect for the person that bought it and the Pierce family for making it. Very tasteless and ridiculous. There are young kids around and they see that. Then there is chassis builders that I could give 2 sh1ts about. Racket and MB customs. these guys don't care about anyone and all they just care about the money in my opinion.

Every driver in late model racing has some sort of idiot deals. Nobody is perfect. Scott Bloomquist is not perfect but he always has the time for me to talk or sign autographs. Gotta remember everyone wants a piece of him it seems and if someone has a falling out with him well maybe you caught him at a bad time. But you gotta remember he has a life too. He has a million things on his mind.

09-21-2018, 01:30 AM
Thank god my buddy SS will never have this problem. He has abandoned more ships than the French Navy. I respect a loyal fan! No flavor of the month when it comes to loyalty. Pierce fans can pray for every cushions week in and week out but they are still fans. Pierce fans have to be the wildest! Only a 32 fan can be loyal to such a one dimensional driver. Cheer him on fellas

09-21-2018, 06:02 AM
It's no different than being a liberal...being a Bloomer fan is a mental disorder too. :)

09-21-2018, 07:09 AM
So you think Bernie Sanders is a Scott Bloomquist fan, blasphemy! :). No self respecting tree hugging, granola munching socialist is a fan of racing of any type, period! Unless the cars run on wind and solar power.

09-21-2018, 08:29 AM
Ya'll are all the first ones to boast when he wins, and the first ones to complain and blame other people when he gets his arse kicked. I don't get it, were you not hugged enough as a child? I realize ya'll don't have jobs or anything (which is indeed admirable), but I mean come on. There is a difference between "gossip" and complete b*llsh*t. Maybe there needs to be another section created for all of the children of the black sunshine that defend daddy even when he gets it handed to him. Is he still the greatest out there right now? Probably, but geeze get over yourselves.

This forum got decent for a while about a year ago but since certain folks have figured out the way to navigate around being banned, it has gone to crap again.

For the most part most (not all not all not all) but most imitate far left radical behavior, they ignore facts and they accuse everyone else for doing the very exact same thing that they are. And the way they group up and pile on a person when someone says something they dont agree with. But mostly I think they jump on the Bloomer bandwagon because they suffer from some kind of inadequacy in life, falling short so by liking the most successful guy in the past 25 years in the sport, it makes them feel important, like a winner themselves to live vicariously through another man. Like they are better or know more than you because they are pointing out to you what has been blatantly obvious the last quarter century, that Bloomer is good..lol dont go to far out on that limb there guys...

You could just as easily change your post from, "Bloomquist fans" to "Rocketeers" and it would fit the same. I myself am NOT a fan of either, though I have respect for one and NOT the other.

09-21-2018, 11:19 AM
I know you was does it feel better finally getting that of your chest.

I knew it I knew it Mi dirt fan has come out.

09-21-2018, 11:21 AM
Thank god my buddy SS will never have this problem. He has abandoned more ships than the French Navy. I respect a loyal fan! No flavor of the month when it comes to loyalty. Pierce fans can pray for every cushions week in and week out but they are still fans. Pierce fans have to be the wildest! Only a 32 fan can be loyal to such a one dimensional driver. Cheer him on fellas

I am very loyal. You just spew so much BS that it aint fummy

09-21-2018, 11:27 AM
I knew it I knew it Mi dirt fan has come out.

They say there picture of MI wearing a team zero shirt, JD cape and Bobby Pierce eat chit speedo. Think it was from his 2015 meet and greet at Eldora.

09-21-2018, 03:18 PM
It's no different than being a liberal...being a Bloomer fan is a mental disorder too. :)

Actually, it is a mental evolvement... :)

09-21-2018, 03:19 PM
I am very loyal. You just spew so much BS that it aint fummy

Hi Jumper!!!! :)

09-21-2018, 03:49 PM
Hi Jumper!!!! :)


09-22-2018, 02:35 PM
Ya'll are all the first ones to boast when he wins, and the first ones to complain and blame other people when he gets his arse kicked. I don't get it, were you not hugged enough as a child? I realize ya'll don't have jobs or anything (which is indeed admirable), but I mean come on. There is a difference between "gossip" and complete b*llsh*t. Maybe there needs to be another section created for all of the children of the black sunshine that defend daddy even when he gets it handed to him. Is he still the greatest out there right now? Probably, but geeze get over yourselves. This forum got decent for a while about a year ago but since certain folks have figured out the way to navigate around being banned, it has gone to crap again.Zach.... Casting stones are we? I havent been on here because I do have job(s). Yall can sit here saying wtfever but ...we all know Bloomquist is the G.O.A.T. #DEALWIT

09-22-2018, 02:37 PM
I am very loyal. You just spew so much BS that it aint fummySS... you jump more than a flea on a pack of dogs

MI Dirt Fan
09-22-2018, 02:45 PM
SS... you jump more than a flea on a pack of dogs

And his own dogs by the way....lol

09-22-2018, 04:04 PM
And his own dogs by the way....lolThe only way his dogs come around him is if he has a pork chop hanging from his neck

09-22-2018, 04:37 PM
Zach.... Casting stones are we? I havent been on here because I do have job(s). Yall can sit here saying wtfever but ...we all know Bloomquist is the G.O.A.T. #DEALWIT

Did someone give you food stamps and workboots!

09-22-2018, 04:40 PM
SS... you jump more than a flea on a pack of dogs

Oh really? Show me proof instead of flapping your gums

09-22-2018, 08:37 PM
The only way his dogs come around him is if he has a pork chop hanging from his neck

Don't you mean lamb chops.....SS has plenty of his "girlfriends" penned up! :)

09-22-2018, 08:55 PM
Don't you mean lamb chops.....SS has plenty of his "girlfriends" penned up! :)

You & a few others must have had a boring time on 4m before I joined!

09-22-2018, 09:59 PM
You & a few others must have had a boring time on 4m before I joined!

Nope...blackie, litey, and nasty kept us entertained!

MI Dirt Fan
09-22-2018, 10:06 PM
Nope...blackie, litey, and nasty kept us entertained!

We just pretend your still not here lol...

09-23-2018, 12:44 AM
For the same reason Trump voters like Trump. ALL THE WINNING!

11-03-2018, 02:09 PM
There all TRUMP on steroids.

11-04-2018, 12:33 PM
There all TRUMP on steroids.

yep......winning never gets old!

11-04-2018, 01:28 PM
Bloomer in 2024?

Or maybe Trump could appoint him to replace RBG on the court. Installing a brand new set of scales the week before the Dream, and not having them calibrated, would be declared unconstitutional. ;)

ride height
11-04-2018, 02:04 PM
Zero is the one thing Nascrap lacks.....a villain. As I’ve said many times....anybody who goes to the races and isn’t glad Zero is there for the party.....is a liar. He’s entertainment. That’s what you paid for.

11-04-2018, 02:23 PM
Zero is the one thing Nascrap lacks.....a villain

They've got Kyle Bush, but he's kind of mellowed a bit since becoming a father and winning a championship. They've also got Joey Lagano, but he's way too nerdy. So, I guess Kyle needs to smash a guitar again or something. ;)