View Full Version : WEISS crew guys responds to WORLD 100 issue with car.

09-09-2018, 02:31 PM

09-09-2018, 02:53 PM
wow. there is a lot to think about in that statement.

09-09-2018, 03:03 PM
Again even if Bronson let Richards copy the car and they found out the tubing is not on par with the rules, why are you mad at them for pointing it out. No matter what the motivation is or was you were illegal, no need to be mad at anybody else its on you to get through tech..sounds like people mad cause the secrets out..all I can say is watch who you deal with... #lessonlearned...

09-09-2018, 03:20 PM
No body likes a snitch. Can't beat them. Rat them out.
I'm sure that why they check door bars. Cuz they got a tip from someone...lol

09-09-2018, 03:25 PM
No dog in the hunt for me but years ago Weiss would have been taken aside by the guys who knew the infraction(Richards) and been told to get it right or they'd spill the beans.

Jigging the competitions cars to try to find an infraction is a cheap shot IMHO unless you are a low buck guy trying to copy a car to build himself on the cheap....tons of those out there on weekly tracks.

Just looking a Bronson makes me gag given his history of theft...

09-09-2018, 03:30 PM
This is the very reason why Bloomquist don't trust anyone with his chassis. Bronson and Mark jig his car find out what Bloomquist doing. That kind of sad to me specially when Mark is the power house of selling chassis. When Jimmy and Madden left Bloomquist, they didn't scoop that low. Heck rumley wouldn't even do that. Shows what kind of shake Bronson and mark are. Just lost respect for Bronson I had for him. Never had respect for Mark at all and never will.

09-09-2018, 03:35 PM
Bronson gonna Bronson...

09-09-2018, 03:46 PM
See why Scott didn't give Bronson a 2017 or 18 lol I guess Bronson butt hurt that Scott wouldn't let him drive his car rest of the season lol.

09-09-2018, 03:58 PM
LOL ... This all goes back to Scott. It's why he can never get more than 4 or 5 cars out there at a time.

09-09-2018, 04:03 PM
The funny thing is prob every car in history has been built off of ideas of cars that have came before them, so why everyone thinks that jigging another mans car is so taboo in the first place is odd to me, when you build and sell a car for profit you are susceptible to this there is nothing you can do about it. Complaining that someone has found out and is making it known in the racing world is a waste of time...#makeitright...

09-09-2018, 04:04 PM
sounds like they were scared of mr weiss, its nice to be feared, keeps them guessing, good for you team bloomquist, if they only knew what they were really looking for

09-09-2018, 04:05 PM
See why Scott didn't give Bronson a 2017 or 18 lol I guess Bronson butt hurt that Scott wouldn't let him drive his car rest of the season lol.

They were building a 2018 for him. I’m pretty sure Bronson has or had that car for sale.

09-09-2018, 04:06 PM
I have never seen a joke like Bronson. The poor guy thinks he has all of these racing friends at Rocket when all he is is a tool to get at Bloomquist. He is the exact kind of rich kid who rips the soul out of racing. The good thing is Weiss will be back for the World. No harm done and he still won this weekend. I would say Pinhead and Richards=FAIL

09-09-2018, 04:13 PM
^^^^^now that I could completely see, being Mark prob cant get close to a Sweet/ Bloom very easy, maybe he gave Bronson a discount on his new Rocket lol, at any other track no but im sure Mark would like to know what makes that Sweet car get around the big E so good...my opinion is those Penskes way more than the car itself...

09-09-2018, 04:23 PM
Leopards don't change their spots no matter how much money is behind them.

Trash gonna Trash.

Kind of opening Pandora's box here. Not the first time someone has jigged a car, but there's always been "an honor amongst thieves" mentality. Running and telling someone exactly what to look for opens you up to having the exact same thing done to you down the road. Not to mention it's just a b!tch move.

09-09-2018, 04:47 PM
Leopards don't change their spots no matter how much money is behind them.

Trash gonna Trash.

Kind of opening Pandora's box here. Not the first time someone has jigged a car, but there's always been "an honor amongst thieves" mentality. Running and telling someone exactly what to look for opens you up to having the exact same thing done to you down the road. Not to mention it's just a b!tch move.

If Bronson didn’t have a rich uncle no one would hire that guy to drive. The ultimate silver spoon, with sticky fingers to boot.

MI Dirt Fan
09-09-2018, 05:49 PM
Seems odd that Mark would stoop that low and put his and Steve's reputation on the line. Rocket already builds a top of the line piece and has had very good drivers in thier house car. And they somehow feel the need to pull this stunt. I'm sure they're was probably some kind of compensation behind it.

Bronson's stats haven't been any better in a Rocket than they were in the Longhorn. He at least won one Lucas event with it. He seems to be one of those guys that has a big following and can move some merchandise but can't back it up come feature time.

I'm sure this thread will be deleted soon because it's anti rocket and that usually what happens

09-09-2018, 05:57 PM
I am a Weiss and Bloomquist fan but this falls all on Sweet Bloomquist race cars for not making a legal car in 2016. I do not know how it can be anyone else's fault. The race organizations need to be strict on all rules today to try to keep the cost down for everyone. In Lucas Oil, wasn't Steve Francis supposed to be the answer, since he knew the reason and quit racing because of the high costs of keeping up?

09-09-2018, 06:01 PM
I am a Weiss and Bloomquist fan but this falls all on Sweet Bloomquist race cars for not making a legal car in 2016. I do not know how it can be anyone else's fault. The race organizations need to be strict on all rules today to try to keep the cost down for everyone. In Lucas Oil, wasn't Steve Francis supposed to be the answer, since he knew the reason and quit racing because of the high costs of keeping up?

I hope Francis missed this because he was looking for things that actually matter and/or drive costs up.

09-09-2018, 06:03 PM
I am a Weiss and Bloomquist fan but this falls all on Sweet Bloomquist race cars for not making a legal car in 2016. I do not know how it can be anyone else's fault. The race organizations need to be strict on all rules today to try to keep the cost down for everyone. In Lucas Oil, wasn't Steve Francis supposed to be the answer, since he knew the reason and quit racing because of the high costs of keeping up?

Thank you ! I thought it was just me and reading everyone's blame for this , but why is no blame put on the chassis builder who built it illegal ? Am I missing something?

If it was purchased knowing it was illegal then shame on him and you take your chances of getting caught . If it was purchased thinking it was a legal car and isn't then be pissed at nobody but the people who made it that way.

09-09-2018, 06:10 PM
I hope Francis missed this because he was looking for things that actually matter and/or drive costs up.

Exactly my point in the other thread!

MI Dirt Fan
09-09-2018, 06:11 PM
I think the argument is more about someone having a grudge against someone else and having it go down this path (which was pretty cheap) rather than if the was the car legal or not.

09-09-2018, 06:15 PM
MI Dirt Fan you are exactly right , but isn't that backwards ? Shouldn't racing a legal car be questioned more than who might be a snitch ? That's the problem with all of the soap opera crap that goes on here.

MI Dirt Fan
09-09-2018, 06:18 PM
I agree with that but guys are always pushing the limits and grey areas of the rules. Remember when Lucas earlier this season had to out out a warning to not use Kevlar tire inserts. No one was technically caught. But something had to tip them off. Just a matter of time before you get caught.

09-09-2018, 06:22 PM
This doesn’t make sense , Rocket chassis is the most successful business in the history of dirt track racing. They have built a fuc&ing empire building race cars , why would they waste their time on this ??

09-09-2018, 06:24 PM
Maybe a globe is worth "the world" to Rocket?

09-09-2018, 06:25 PM
Zero Dream/World wins and the chance to knock Bloomquist out of the running?

09-09-2018, 06:33 PM
MI Dirt Fan you are exactly right , but isn't that backwards ? Shouldn't racing a legal car be questioned more than who might be a snitch ? That's the problem with all of the soap opera crap that goes on here.

Im with ya sometimes I wonder if im all alone on some stuff, I could give a flip about Bronson or Richards but this trend these days to blame everyone else for stuff you should take accountability for is mind boggling..they are mad at the wrong people and completely missing it, this goes for racing and life in general...

09-09-2018, 06:40 PM
If you want everyone running the same rule, you enforce the rules or eliminate the rules, you can't enforce. The old everyone cheats excuse is School yard BS. Two wrongs, don't make a right. There are a lot that cheat, but the low budget guy can't afford to replace cheated parts and are the victims here.

I'd say get rid of a lot of these rules and make expensive parts illegal. The Rumley devise was cheap and eliminating 2k 3k shocks was a better option. It just shows the mentality of these touring groups.

The tires are another deal. If everyone cheats and only 5 out of a 100 get caught, it's a bad rule or unenforceable. The rules makers should be banned and fined, because they earned that.

MI Dirt Fan
09-09-2018, 06:46 PM
The low budget guy term is just as much old school B.S

09-09-2018, 07:01 PM
The low budget guy term is just as much old school B.S

Its way overused, but I cant say BS.

09-09-2018, 07:29 PM
Thank you ! I thought it was just me and reading everyone's blame for this , but why is no blame put on the chassis builder who built it illegal ? Am I missing something?

If it was purchased knowing it was illegal then shame on him and you take your chances of getting caught . If it was purchased thinking it was a legal car and isn't then be pissed at nobody but the people who made it that way.

I have news for ya . If you think Half of every one has not cheated , or still is on some
degree . You don't have a clue . So you have a verified ( thief ) helping the looser steal secrets
to try to beat the best , that's ok . The team that is crying , well they are just perfect . Now
tell us Bronson didn't know sh!t , about any of this before hand .

09-09-2018, 07:40 PM
I have news for ya . If you think Half of every one has not cheated , or still is on some
degree . You don't have a clue . So you have a verified ( thief ) helping the looser steal secrets
to try to beat the best , that's ok . The team that is crying , well they are just perfect . Now
tell us Bronson didn't know sh!t , about any of this before hand .

I smell a RAT......with sticky fingers ,too!

09-09-2018, 07:46 PM
Per the fb post I only see one team crying, he just got done saying it two wrongs dont make a right just cause everyone else is supposedly cheating, well you got caught deal with it its not somebody elses fault, once again mad at the wrong people this is like your buddy telling you ur wifes cheating on you, and when you find out its true, you are mad at your buddy and not her lol smh this is complete nonsense...whew...

09-09-2018, 07:53 PM
Is this the guy that Ciara was chasin around in AZ? Lol id say maybe he should go knock Bronson in the mouth but if she takes up for her ol man like she does her family look out!....lol...

09-09-2018, 08:13 PM
I have news for ya . If you think Half of every one has not cheated , or still is on some
degree . You don't have a clue . So you have a verified ( thief ) helping the looser steal secrets
to try to beat the best , that's ok . The team that is crying , well they are just perfect . Now
tell us Bronson didn't know sh!t , about any of this before hand .

The point is that the car was illegal and they got caught. 1\8" smaller. Somebody said well maybe it's slightly less safe. Why not make it 1\4" smaller then and it's only a little more less safe right? Maybe , just maybe that is why the rule is there and the specs they have are for safety.

When Bloomer was 25 and 15 LBS light were his DQ's because he was illegal or were they a technicality? Or were they in this grey area I here people mentioning? Did that 15 LBS make the difference in him winning? If no , then why DQ him??

And yes many cheat or try to bend rules, AND many snitch just like in NASCAR when the Penske cars were so fast until the rumors got out. They got their fingers slapped and slowed down. Somebody snitched , but guess what. They were illegal !

If I'm running something I know is illegal and I get caught , the only thing I can do is tuck my tail and accept the consequences . Doesn't matter who tattled on me. I knew it was wrong when I did it and figured oh well, they won't find out. well guess what..

09-09-2018, 08:13 PM
The low budget guy term is just as much old school B.S

There are quite a few, that have to save a dollar, here and there. Old school BS, indeed. Some can't even afford good shock, or a open engine and your saying BS?

09-09-2018, 08:24 PM
Maybe a globe is worth "the world" to Rocket?

Right , even if its underhanded . They didn't get where they are without it .
Illegal , yes . thief's yes . jealous yes . Like a weiss man once said , I guarantee it .

MI Dirt Fan
09-09-2018, 08:29 PM
There are quite a few, that have to save a dollar, here and there. Old school BS, indeed. Some can't even afford good shock, or a open engine and your saying BS?

Yep. They have no business being involved in a DLM then.

09-09-2018, 09:01 PM
The point is that the car was illegal and they got caught. 1\8" smaller. Somebody said well maybe it's slightly less safe. Why not make it 1\4" smaller then and it's only a little more less safe right? Maybe , just maybe that is why the rule is there and the specs they have are for safety.

When Bloomer was 25 and 15 LBS light were his DQ's because he was illegal or were they a technicality? Or were they in this grey area I here people mentioning? Did that 15 LBS make the difference in him winning? If no , then why DQ him??

And yes many cheat or try to bend rules, AND many snitch just like in NASCAR when the Penske cars were so fast until the rumors got out. They got their fingers slapped and slowed down. Somebody snitched , but guess what. They were illegal !

If I'm running something I know is illegal and I get caught , the only thing I can do is tuck my tail and accept the consequences . Doesn't matter who tattled on me. I knew it was wrong when I did it and figured oh well, they won't find out. well guess what..

You have every right to your opinion . Its not that they got caught , It was dirty how they
got caught . When you know who your dealing with , and associate your self with to conspire
with to steal secrets , what does that make you . I was always told It takes one to know one .

chupp n bloomer fan
09-09-2018, 09:23 PM
I’ve always stuck up for Rocket, because of his success, and pretty much fuk Bronson. Spoiled brat and just shady.

But if they really did this, seems as though they did, it’s shady. When did the door thickness rule come out? Before this car was built or after? If before, then it’s on them completely for building an illegal car. If after, it coulda been an oversight, though still on them. It’s not that they weren’t illegal, obviously they were. It’s the way it was done. I mean Rocket ran air shocks when they weren’t legal for a good six months I believe. And they’d gain you more speed than an 1/8” thickness.

I mean, illegal is illegal, but it definitely smells awful. Do things in the name of safety and for the right reasons, not to hang someone on a technicality.

09-09-2018, 09:38 PM
Well said . I agree . If you cant beat them ,rat on them . lol . There is a old Weiss saying
don't sh!t where you make your bed .

09-09-2018, 10:11 PM
The amount of misguided butthurt on this topic is astounding...and even if they did "snitch" why are you surprised?... #suckitupbuttercups...

09-09-2018, 10:12 PM
Bronson just a thieving lil b!tch....

09-09-2018, 10:28 PM
The amount of misguided butthurt on this topic is astounding...and even if they did "snitch" why are you surprised?... #suckitupbuttercups...

I don't see anyone having a problem . And am not surprised . Sure is bs though .

09-09-2018, 10:44 PM
Zero Dream/World wins and the chance to knock Bloomquist out of the running?

Rocket Chassis’s have won both before

MI Dirt Fan
09-09-2018, 10:50 PM
I think he meant Rocket1 hasn't won the Dream or the World.

09-09-2018, 10:53 PM
I'm definitely not surprised

09-10-2018, 01:35 AM
Nobody was flipping cheating here, this was 2016 car and they changed the rule recently. Do you even know what it was? It was a bar behind the seat. It was 1 3/8th and was supposed to be 1 and 1/2. His new car (wissota ) had it right and his old car didn't and they raced with it all year and no one said a thing about it. They will have this fixed by Knoxville. I am pretty sure nobody cared but Rackett and Bronson because he was going around telling everyone because he didn't get what he wanted from Bloomer. He got all pissy and stated anyone can look at one of the uncompleted cars for a fee on the jig. I lost respect for Rackett and Bronson. They are basically a couple of tools.

Per the fb post I only see one team crying, he just got done saying it two wrongs dont make a right just cause everyone else is supposedly cheating, well you got caught deal with it its not somebody elses fault, once again mad at the wrong people this is like your buddy telling you ur wifes cheating on you, and when you find out its true, you are mad at your buddy and not her lol smh this is complete nonsense...whew...

09-10-2018, 01:46 AM
Ricky Weiss is racing big shows for the first time in his career. I do not think he even knew what was going on. Sounds like they were caught off guard. But all in all it made him leave the world 100 that got rained out and ended up winning a big race with the Wissota car in Grand forks. They are still learning and I think Racket is worried. They always seem to be up to no good looking for any gray area on any cars that are not theirs. They are racing narcs in my opinon because they want to sell more cars.. You know what I think, they should figure out how to race their cars instead of trying to ruin someone else's day.

09-10-2018, 01:54 AM
I hope Francis missed this because he was looking for things that actually matter and/or drive costs up.

Rules are rules and his car did not meet the rule requirements and that is why he loaded up to go to Grand Forks. Just asking, how many drivers has Francis disqualified this year for running something illegal? Besides the Kevlar insert rule, what has Francis done to lower the cost of racing that he complained about in public? Again the onus of this situation is on Sweet Bloomquist race cars if Weiss was not aware of the size of the tubing and if he was than it is his own fault. Again, I am a fan of Bloomquist, but he is making it harder and harder to keep being a fan because of all his antics esp. this year . Another question, because I do not know the answer, when the Rumley device was banned, was it because other drivers or chassis manufactures complained?

09-10-2018, 09:14 AM
I agree with Badlands up there, complete BS.

My question is why did they "jig" the car, you don't have to jig anything to tell if its legal or not. Sounds to me like Bronson was butt hurt over Bloomquist not handing out all his knowledge or something. Then allows Richards to look at the chassis and or jig it to see what Bloomquist is doing so well. BTW that would have nothing to do with tubing sizing.

Anyway, complete LOW CLASS move on Richards part, IMHO. Bronson, no need to comment.

09-10-2018, 10:01 AM
Rules are rules and his car did not meet the rule requirements and that is why he loaded up to go to Grand Forks. Just asking, how many drivers has Francis disqualified this year for running something illegal? Besides the Kevlar insert rule, what has Francis done to lower the cost of racing that he complained about in public? Again the onus of this situation is on Sweet Bloomquist race cars if Weiss was not aware of the size of the tubing and if he was than it is his own fault. Again, I am a fan of Bloomquist, but he is making it harder and harder to keep being a fan because of all his antics esp. this year . Another question, because I do not know the answer, when the Rumley device was banned, was it because other drivers or chassis manufactures complained?

Francis is working for folks who keep changing the rules to accommodate cars that would fail. Only so much he can actually do. Besides, Mark Richards, I think most everyone cried about the $500 Rumley Device.

09-10-2018, 10:03 AM
why are you guys surprised Bronson would do this??

09-10-2018, 10:54 AM
Seems odd that Mark would stoop that low and put his and Steve's reputation on the line. Rocket already builds a top of the line piece and has had very good drivers in thier house car. And they somehow feel the need to pull this stunt. I'm sure they're was probably some kind of compensation behind it.

Bronson's stats haven't been any better in a Rocket than they were in the Longhorn. He at least won one Lucas event with it. He seems to be one of those guys that has a big following and can move some merchandise but can't back it up come feature time.

I'm sure this thread will be deleted soon because it's anti rocket and that usually what happens

This isn't the first time Mark has done this. He used Blankenship the exact same way, only he put that copy into production, the infamous "Orange" front end. However, you can't just graft parts of cars together and expect magic to happen. When a car is built right the suspension complements the chassis and vice versa. This is what makes Bloomquist's car so awesome, its a complete package, bumper to bumper designed to work in harmony. Too often racers get over focused on one thing and think if a little of something was good then going to an extreme should be awesome. Wrong. Balance is everything. To me it would be one thing to look at a competitors car and try and figure out what your missing, but to do it for sabotage isn't cool. Lots of people like and do business with Rocket, but I just don't like how they roll and then "Along came Bronson". I won't hurl any insults their way because I said I wouldn't do that anymore, but I must say none of this surprises me.

I'm not ok with cheating of any kind, but this seems like it was a planned strategy to take Bloomquist off the board at eldora. If they've known for a couple of months, why not contact the sanctions and show them what you found. I don't know what the infraction is exactly, except I guess it has to do with tubing size somewhere. If Weiss was wrong, how come Bloomquist was able to race? Was his car different?

MI Dirt Fan
09-10-2018, 11:13 AM
Probably didn't want to take another whippin' at Eldora like they have in the past.

09-10-2018, 11:30 AM
Its just a d1ck move on Bronson's part to have that info (rule infraction) in your back pocket and wait for the right time to pull it out of your pocket. Let Ricky travel over 17 hours to Eldora for the biggest race of the year and do it. Bush league move and way to go about it.

MI Dirt Fan
09-10-2018, 11:33 AM
Its just a d1ck move on Bronson's part to have that info (rule infraction) in your back pocket and wait for the right time to pull it out of your pocket. Let Ricky travel over 17 hours to Eldora for the biggest race of the year and do it. Bush league move and way to go about it.
How could you even walk through the pit area knowing you pulled some stunt like that. Must those 16 wins prior to this was too much to grasp even though it never really made any difference.

09-10-2018, 11:55 AM
Under the table stuff happens in almost every facet of business and sport. One party gets offended by something a competitor does and does something to strike back. Each successive move tends to heighten the fray and it goes from there. Would expect this back and forth may not be over.

Bob Hubbard
09-10-2018, 12:20 PM
Seems like I remember when Jd was winning with his secret device teams were taking pictures of his car when it was parked on the track during drivers introduction ....

chupp n bloomer fan
09-10-2018, 12:29 PM
The amount of misguided butthurt on this topic is astounding...and even if they did "snitch" why are you surprised?... #suckitupbuttercups...Maybe some are misguided, not here. Illegal is illegal, and if this car was out before the rule change it’s an easy oversight. Still illegal, but easy to miss. And if after the rule was out, then just dumb. Were you not complaining when Bobby got caught with cheated tires?

09-10-2018, 01:37 PM
It was an older car from what I understand legal when it was built pretty (not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)ty thing to pull hell they could have made him carry extra wgt to make up the difference I bet it wasn't but a couple of pounds difference if that much.

09-10-2018, 02:26 PM
It was an older car from what I understand legal when it was built pretty (not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)ty thing to pull hell they could have made him carry extra wgt to make up the difference I bet it wasn't but a couple of pounds difference if that much.

I don't think it's a weight thing but safety. Now does it make a difference, probably not really but standards are standards.

09-10-2018, 03:13 PM
How people soon forget. A few years ago at Pittsburgh when Mars won the race by a half a lap and Scott bloomquist insisted he was cheating and never let it go and protested and made it personal.

09-10-2018, 04:05 PM
I am confused and want to know so I can check my own car. Which bar was the rule change on? The door bars have always been 1.5" tubing, same as main hoop. I don't remember a bar behind the driver being even in the rule book. The frame rails, door bars and hoops are all most address, and they have always been 1.5" tubing, at least what I can remember.

09-10-2018, 04:43 PM
Does anyone actually know if it was door bars or a brace supporting door bars just curious i find it hard to believe the actual door bars were 1 3\8 tubing but could have i remember when people built roll cages out of exhaust pipe.

09-10-2018, 05:22 PM
Again even if Bronson let Richards copy the car and they found out the tubing is not on par with the rules, why are you mad at them for pointing it out. No matter what the motivation is or was you were illegal, no need to be mad at anybody else its on you to get through tech..sounds like people mad cause the secrets out..all I can say is watch who you deal with... #lessonlearned...

Just like you to side with the rats on this one.....

MI Dirt Fan
09-10-2018, 05:27 PM
Just like you to side with the rats on this one.....

Well yeah look at who his driver's sister is hanging out with.

09-10-2018, 05:42 PM
Well yeah look at who his driver's sister is hanging out with.

He never said bad a word about the 32's illegal tires though.

09-10-2018, 06:04 PM
How people soon forget. A few years ago at Pittsburgh when Mars won the race by a half a lap and Scott bloomquist insisted he was cheating and never let it go and protested and made it personal.

Excellent post. Just proves that even Bloomquist is a snitch.

09-10-2018, 06:05 PM
Actually CnB no I wasnt I didnt know what to think, they did pass lie detector test, I didnt think Bobby would do such a thing didnt know about DB. Not a good comparison tho the tires are always debatable this was cut n dry rule infraction..Its just funny people go as far as they do just because Scotts name is tied to this people will defend to the death no accountability..those same people if were anybody else theyd be through the roof calling the person a cheater and thats what they get...lol but something to do with Scott nope everyone elses fault...

09-10-2018, 06:35 PM
How people soon forget. A few years ago at Pittsburgh when Mars won the race by a half a lap and Scott bloomquist insisted he was cheating and never let it go and protested and made it personal.

I remember that! Man, Jimmy put it on em that weekend!

09-10-2018, 08:00 PM
House Car, and House Car 2 (BPM) are 0’ fer

MI Dirt Fan
09-10-2018, 08:15 PM
Seems to me as though they got lucky and found something with a SB car and waited until the World to say something to catch Scott off guard (whether or not he knew about it, I don't know) and getting him DQ'ed. Because it's Eldora and Scott Bloomquist.

09-10-2018, 09:30 PM
I remember that! Man, Jimmy put it on em that weekend!

That was Lernerville, not Pittsburgh

09-10-2018, 09:44 PM
I think the argument is more about someone having a grudge against someone else and having it go down this path (which was pretty cheap) rather than if the was the car legal or not.

Sounds like it.....and for once , Mark isn't the biggest jackass in the equation,lol.

I hope the Weiss kid does the "killer" stomp in victory lane every time he rolls in from here on out......

09-10-2018, 09:46 PM
Actually CnB no I wasnt I didnt know what to think, they did pass lie detector test, I didnt think Bobby would do such a thing didnt know about DB. Not a good comparison tho the tires are always debatable this was cut n dry rule infraction..Its just funny people go as far as they do just because Scotts name is tied to this people will defend to the death no accountability..those same people if were anybody else theyd be through the roof calling the person a cheater and thats what they get...lol but something to do with Scott nope everyone elses fault...

The irony in your last sentence is very strong......

09-10-2018, 10:22 PM
This isn't the first time Mark has done this. He used Blankenship the exact same way, only he put that copy into production, the infamous "Orange" front end.

I remember that. Ironically it seemed like Rocket went down some after that. A lot of drivers didn't like the orange front end cars, a lot of big name drivers started leaving after that.

09-11-2018, 01:15 AM
I agree 100% with CageFaraday and have first hand knowledge this is an accurate statement.

chupp n bloomer fan
09-11-2018, 05:48 AM
How people soon forget. A few years ago at Pittsburgh when Mars won the race by a half a lap and Scott bloomquist insisted he was cheating and never let it go and protested and made it personal.Did he do it behind peoples back, nope, right out in the open laid it out there. Called him out. And this isn’t about Jimmy and Scott, this is about Ricky getting boned because Kyle is mad that Bloomer didn’t give him the reins to his personal car. Won’t make a difference, Kyle is not even a pube on Bloomers nuts. Kyle knew the old Bloomer car was off, so he snitched.

Personally, I’d get ahold of Ricky and tell him, don’t bring that car, you need to change the bar. Just because it’s a huge technicality, illegal, but not something you’re trying to pull over on someone.

And just to refresh your memory, it was the Firecracker at Lernerville, not PMS.

chupp n bloomer fan
09-11-2018, 05:52 AM
Actually CnB no I wasnt I didnt know what to think, they did pass lie detector test, I didnt think Bobby would do such a thing didnt know about DB. Not a good comparison tho the tires are always debatable this was cut n dry rule infraction..Its just funny people go as far as they do just because Scotts name is tied to this people will defend to the death no accountability..those same people if were anybody else theyd be through the roof calling the person a cheater and thats what they get...lol but something to do with Scott nope everyone elses fault...And there ya go off the deep end. It’s a bar on a car 1/8” off, not a performance advantage. Car is illegal, per the current rules, it’s illegal. It’s the way it was brought up that’s crappy. If we were talking about tires, shocks, motor, suspension gadgets, oh yeah, any of them, should be a dq. This too if we are going to start following the rules to a T.

I don’t see anyone defending it, they are calling bs on the way it was brought to their attention. Huge difference.

09-11-2018, 05:57 AM
When will these delusional spenders realize that the magic isn’t Scott Bloomquist car .... the magic is Scott Bloomquist. Yes Bloomquist can make nearly anyone run better than they do with his full support but who’s to say any amount of spending will get you that ?? The delusion is that with his full support a guy who struggles to make 10k shows will be a world 100 winner ... If you aren’t super talented especially when it gets slick it doesn’t matter what car you have. And I honestly believe if you or someone on your team can’t take a car and make it able to do what you want/ need it to you probably won’t be a factor is this caliber of races anyway. These cars are tubing and brackets , any reasonably skilled fabricator should be able to make it work with enough effort

09-11-2018, 06:43 AM
Maybe the Mueller team can get to bottom of this Rocket collusion theory. Anonymous sources continue to state that Rocket client Vlady Bronsky met with high level Rocket officials numerous times and vast amounts of money has been exchanged thru Bronsky's connections at Brandon towers in Florida. CNN (4m) will continue to investigate these allegations and has dedicated reporters Omarosa and Stormy to the story.

09-11-2018, 08:20 AM
I am with Huck on this one, and also know it will never change.

CnB said it right as well, Illegal your out.

Most of us just think its pretty pathetic on Rockets part, i really hope there business suffers over it, but it wont.

Anybody want to lay some bets now on all new Rocket Chassis coming out next year? XR2 ?? LOL i bet it will even have a reverse right front strut on it LOL.

09-11-2018, 10:55 AM
Maybe the Mueller team can get to bottom of this Rocket collusion theory. Anonymous sources continue to state that Rocket client Vlady Bronsky met with high level Rocket officials numerous times and vast amounts of money has been exchanged thru Bronsky's connections at Brandon towers in Florida. CNN (4m) will continue to investigate these allegations and has dedicated reporters Omarosa and Stormy to the story.

LOL.....4m Zero/Rocket haters are in full meltdown mode!

09-11-2018, 12:37 PM
Another question here is that if someone buys a used race car , that was built before
certain rules . How can they really know . Even if the builder forgets some fine details .
I mean come on , If it weigh in It should pass . I thought they were hunting for
a obvious cheating susp rule . How does a 1/8 in tube effect anything . Besides
that why not a penalty of some kind . CHEAP SHOT BY ELDORA . Tony trying
to get even . He loves rocket boy .

09-11-2018, 12:40 PM
Another question here is that if someone buys a used race car , that was built before
certain rules . How can they really know . Even if the builder forgets some fine details .
I mean come on , If it weigh in It should pass . I thought they were hunting for
a obvious cheating susp rule . How does a 1/8 in tube effect anything . Besides
that why not a penalty of some kind . CHEAP SHOT BY ELDORA . Tony trying
to get even . He loves rocket boy .

What would be great , now that it has been postponed ,that if he fixes it and comes
back and blast their azz , and win .

MI Dirt Fan
09-11-2018, 12:51 PM
What would be great , now that it has been postponed ,that if he fixes it and comes
back and blast their azz , and win .

Maybe but I don't think he is quite yet ready to contend at Eldora. His best finish there I believe was 12th at this past Dream

09-11-2018, 12:57 PM
To those that are saying, "what difference does 1/8" make". Think about this. If it doesn't have any kind of a benefit, why did Bloomquist build it that way?? That guy thinks two to three moves ahead all the time. He wouldn't have built it like that if it didn't have some kind of bearing on the performance of the car...

09-11-2018, 01:36 PM
To those that are saying, "what difference does 1/8" make". Think about this. If it doesn't have any kind of a benefit, why did Bloomquist build it that way?? That guy thinks two to three moves ahead all the time. He wouldn't have built it like that if it didn't have some kind of bearing on the performance of the car...

Weight , in different areas . Its not what you use , but where you put it .

09-11-2018, 01:54 PM
Sounds like it.....and for once , Mark isn't the biggest jackass in the equation,lol.

I hope the Weiss kid does the "killer" stomp in victory lane every time he rolls in from here on out......

You sound like a real "Weiss" guy!!!!! hahahahaha

09-11-2018, 03:15 PM
To those that are saying, "what difference does 1/8" make". Think about this. If it doesn't have any kind of a benefit, why did Bloomquist build it that way?? That guy thinks two to three moves ahead all the time. He wouldn't have built it like that if it didn't have some kind of bearing on the performance of the car...

I know for a fact that there isn't always science to back up what he does. Just like everyone else. Dude is good, but not a God. Can't even get to the races on time all the time. lol

09-11-2018, 03:57 PM
To those that are saying, "what difference does 1/8" make". Think about this. If it doesn't have any kind of a benefit, why did Bloomquist build it that way?? That guy thinks two to three moves ahead all the time. He wouldn't have built it like that if it didn't have some kind of bearing on the performance of the car...

Its a door bar and the rule was changed after the car was built. At least that is my understanding. If its true, that things are so desperate at NASA that they are calling out door bar diameter in attempts to take players off the board. That's pathetic. Obviously not motivated by a concern for anyone's safety, which is about as pathetic as you can get. Had it been a body infraction, or suspension related, or maybe engine setback, or deck height I'd be on board with calling someone out. If it really is all about a door bar, I'd be ashamed to mention it, much less cry to an official...
It fits with Bronson's brat-ish persona.

09-11-2018, 04:43 PM
Its a door bar and the rule was changed after the car was built. At least that is my understanding. If its true, that things are so desperate at NASA that they are calling out door bar diameter in attempts to take players off the board. That's pathetic. Obviously not motivated by a concern for anyone's safety, which is about as pathetic as you can get. Had it been a body infraction, or suspension related, or maybe engine setback, or deck height I'd be on board with calling someone out. If it really is all about a door bar, I'd be ashamed to mention it, much less cry to an official...
It fits with Bronson's brat-ish persona.

I don't think it was a matter of rules changing if we are talking about a door bar. I've never seen anything in a rule book that allowed less than 1.5" for them. I don't see it as a big deal regardless, but there has to be a line somewhere.

To the people that think rocket will have a different car after this, I think Mark learned his lesson the last time. That orange front car was a waste of time and money.

So, did Bloomer copy Swartz with the reverse strut arm or did Swartz copy Bloomer? I know Swartz has been doing it for quite a while.

09-11-2018, 04:58 PM
I also have never seen a rule book allow anything other than a 1.5” bar in the doors.

My 99 Swartz had reverse mount struts on it.

09-11-2018, 05:41 PM
I don't think it was a matter of rules changing if we are talking about a door bar. I've never seen anything in a rule book that allowed less than 1.5" for them. I don't see it as a big deal regardless, but there has to be a line somewhere.

To the people that think rocket will have a different car after this, I think Mark learned his lesson the last time. That orange front car was a waste of time and money.

So, did Bloomer copy Swartz with the reverse strut arm or did Swartz copy Bloomer? I know Swartz has been doing it for quite a while.

Swartz has both sides reverse strut. Or at least did. This was back when Bloomquist was getting cars built at Warrior. Audie was way ahead on that.

09-11-2018, 05:47 PM
CnB ive changed my tune a little on this. If Bronson or Richards or whoever did tip off wrg officials at the World, and they had this info in their back pocket, then yes I will agree that it was an attemp to get Scott penalized in some way, and that is def underhanded they should of said something right away, problem is Scott updated his new cars they prob didnt know that... but I still stand by my statement if this was any other car but Scotts or a Sweet/Bloom chassis, these people complaining opinions would be flip flopped 180 degrees...

09-11-2018, 10:09 PM
I don't think it was a matter of rules changing if we are talking about a door bar. I've never seen anything in a rule book that allowed less than 1.5" for them. I don't see it as a big deal regardless, but there has to be a line somewhere.

To the people that think rocket will have a different car after this, I think Mark learned his lesson the last time. That orange front car was a waste of time and money.

So, did Bloomer copy Swartz with the reverse strut arm or did Swartz copy Bloomer? I know Swartz has been doing it for quite a while.

1. The rule was changed after 2016 when Weiss car was built, according to posts elsewhere.
2. No I don't think Rocket will have a different car after putting Bloomquist's on his jig, but he has tried that before as you stated. He may update his front end a bit and test.
3. Reverse strut is at least as old as I've been in DLM(1986).

Swartz has been using them for a while.

Warrior use to offer both styles about 10-15 years ago.

Custom had them on all their cars back in the 80's, which is where I first encountered it. Although the Custom(Frank McClendon) type was slightly different in that the lower control arm was one piece instead of a strut rod/control arm type, but they did face the rear.

Mach 1 was also rear strut similar to the Custom type but with adjustable uppers similar to Lazer, those were really neat cars, hate he got killed.

Barry Seal
09-12-2018, 03:30 AM
1. The rule was changed after 2016 when Weiss car was built, according to posts elsewhere.2. No I don't think Rocket will have a different car after putting Bloomquist's on his jig, but he has tried that before as you stated. He may update his front end a bit and test.3. Reverse strut is at least as old as I've been in DLM(1986). Swartz has been using them for a while. Warrior use to offer both styles about 10-15 years ago. Custom had them on all their cars back in the 80's, which is where I first encountered it. Although the Custom(Frank McClendon) type was slightly different in that the lower control arm was one piece instead of a strut rod/control arm type, but they did face the rear. Mach 1 was also rear strut similar to the Custom type but with adjustable uppers similar to Lazer, those were really neat cars, hate he got killed.This! Listen to the man.

09-12-2018, 08:18 AM
billy moyer and skip arp was running reverse struts years ago as well , it went away for a while , then moyer , and probably some others , brought it back when more clearance was required at right front when the soft rt frt set up became popular , i think about all chassis mfg,s offer that now.......