View Full Version : Weiss (illegal car) transparancy

09-11-2018, 12:24 PM
So here is my issue. Where is the statement from WRC saying EXACTLY what the issue was and why it was "ok" in June but not now. Was this kid used to make an example of? Is there more to the story that is not being told?

I can scroll thru pages of keyboard jockeys here that think they have all the answers but they really do not.

If it was INDEED the same car as the Dream why was it ok then and not now? If was INDEED the same car that won North/South and big money at Rt 80 then why was it ok then?

Transparency is key in situation like this. Where is Francis's side? Where is Drigger's side? If it was INDEED Bronson/Richards that said something where is their side of the story? (In NHRA this year Chris McGaha protested Enders and Jeg and owned up to doing it)

09-11-2018, 12:58 PM
If I was Francis I wouldn't have a "side." He's not a WRG employee so he's under no obligation to issue a statement on a WRG matter.

09-11-2018, 01:08 PM
I don't think that they owe an explanation to anyone but Ricky Weiss. This isn't the government that is funded by American tax dollars. This is a private company that operates with its own money. Race fans pay for a ticket to see the show. If there was no show, well that would demand an explanation. The fact that one competitor had a rule infraction and was not allowed to race, would only demand the statement that was made...

MI Dirt Fan
09-11-2018, 01:09 PM
Because Rocket/Bronson didn't know about it in June to tip them off so they didn't look

09-11-2018, 01:42 PM
So here is my issue. Where is the statement from WRC saying EXACTLY what the issue was and why it was "ok" in June but not now. Was this kid used to make an example of? Is there more to the story that is not being told?

I can scroll thru pages of keyboard jockeys here that think they have all the answers but they really do not.

If it was INDEED the same car as the Dream why was it ok then and not now? If was INDEED the same car that won North/South and big money at Rt 80 then why was it ok then?

Transparency is key in situation like this. Where is Francis's side? Where is Drigger's side? If it was INDEED Bronson/Richards that said something where is their side of the story? (In NHRA this year Chris McGaha protested Enders and Jeg and owned up to doing it)

Where is Sweet Bloomquist racecars side of the story of why one of the cars they made illegal? If it was Bronson and Richards that snitched, why didn't Weiss or even Bloomquist or both, confront them about it?

Josh Bayko
09-11-2018, 01:49 PM
Because the only thing that is an absolute fact is that Weiss wasn’t legal. All he other b.s. is conjecture.

09-11-2018, 01:49 PM
Who cares? If the car was fount illegal in June or September? The facts are the car was illegal. Whether it was Bronson being jealous of his success or Richards trying to get at Scott doesnt matter. The only thing that matters is the car was illegal and now it will be fixed.

09-11-2018, 02:12 PM
Say Doug Drowns car had an illegal bar on it. Would it still be someone else's fault for pointing it out? Or is this whoke ordeal being blown out of proportion because of the parties involved and all of the hear say? Only a select few know why the bar was the size it was and only a select few know how they found it. We as spectators aren't owed anything other than the races we pay to watch. We don't carry some special privledge to know what goes on behind closed doors. Never have. Never will.

09-11-2018, 03:15 PM
So here is my issue. Where is the statement from WRC saying EXACTLY what the issue was and why it was "ok" in June but not now. Was this kid used to make an example of? Is there more to the story that is not being told?

I can scroll thru pages of keyboard jockeys here that think they have all the answers but they really do not.

If it was INDEED the same car as the Dream why was it ok then and not now? If was INDEED the same car that won North/South and big money at Rt 80 then why was it ok then?

Transparency is key in situation like this. Where is Francis's side? Where is Drigger's side? If it was INDEED Bronson/Richards that said something where is their side of the story? (In NHRA this year Chris McGaha protested Enders and Jeg and owned up to doing it)

Explain to me why Francis has to say anything about something he wasn't involved in!

09-11-2018, 04:11 PM
If I was Francis I wouldn't have a "side." He's not a WRG employee so he's under no obligation to issue a statement on a WRG matter.
Is Francis no longer the WRG tech inspector? If he is wouldn't that make him an employee?

I don't think that they owe an explanation to anyone but Ricky Weiss. This isn't the government that is funded by American tax dollars. This is a private company that operates with its own money. Race fans pay for a ticket to see the show. If there was no show, well that would demand an explanation. The fact that one competitor had a rule infraction and was not allowed to race, would only demand the statement that was made...
Your right, people on here tend to confuse the other worldly political non-sense in Washington and elsewhere with ow the rest of reality goes. It doesn't.

Because Rocket/Bronson didn't know about it in June to tip them off so they didn't look
I've heard it was a door bar diameter, which if true is pretty pathetic on Bronson's part and understandable on how it was missed during inspection. Nobody ever won a race because of a door bar. Ever. Obviously NOT motivated by concern for anyone's safety or a performance advantage, just an attempt to take Bloomer off the board for the World, only he missed and got Weiss. In this situation I'd have no issue with a warning to get it fixed ASAP, not to throw him out, this isn't Nascar...

09-11-2018, 04:23 PM
your last statement is well said and exactly the way i feel cagefaraday , there is no advantage as far as performance is concerned , give them a stern warning , fix it and continue on.....jmo.....

09-11-2018, 04:23 PM
Francis is employed by Lucas Oil Late Model Series. He has nothing to do with WRG whatsoever.

09-11-2018, 04:49 PM
Francis problem glanced at the bar not paying to much attention. Because (a) it looks about the same size as 1 1/2 (b) Steve know this not cheating for speed just a safety deal. Yes, this was a setup to catch Bloomquist on something to not let him run world 100. Yes, Bronson is douche for doing that. Yes, it was against safety rules. Move on, there other thread started about this why make a new one for.

09-11-2018, 05:11 PM
I can't say this is true, but the word was that Scott had been warned about the bars (by Eldora) being small in the past and they he needed to fix them. Thus he did on the newer cars (17 and 18 cars) and basically since Weiss had an older 16 car he got caught in the crossfire so to speak.

It was also said the Weiss was allowed to race, but was gonna incur a weight penalty for the infraction and chose to load up instead of switching cars or adding whatever weight penalty they decided.

Again can't say that is 100%, but it makes sense.

09-11-2018, 07:58 PM
I don't think that they owe an explanation to anyone but Ricky Weiss. This isn't the government that is funded by American tax dollars. This is a private company that operates with its own money.

This is true. They certainly don't owe fans an explanation and if they choose not to offer a statement they're certainly within their rights. However, for the sake of PR and to avoid a lot of speculation, rumors, and misinformation that could arise as result of that, it might be a lot smarter to issue a statement and explain the circumstances and situation surrounding the disqualification. Otherwise, they wind up looking like they may have something to hide here, like perhaps they were specially targeting certain teams. Of course, it could also be that if they did release more details and information, that might only hurt them and make them look worse, because perhaps they were trying to specifically target someone. Anyway, the choice is theirs. However, they have to know that keeping it under wraps is going to fuel rumors and speculation that something fishy was going on.

09-11-2018, 08:39 PM
He was not disqualified... just not aloud to race the car he wanted too. He chose to leave.

09-11-2018, 08:50 PM
I don't think that they owe an explanation to anyone but Ricky Weiss. This isn't the government that is funded by American tax dollars. This is a private company that operates with its own money. Race fans pay for a ticket to see the show. If there was no show, well that would demand an explanation. The fact that one competitor had a rule infraction and was not allowed to race, would only demand the statement that was made...

You hit the nail on the head.

09-11-2018, 09:35 PM
This is true. They certainly don't owe fans an explanation and if they choose not to offer a statement they're certainly within their rights. However, for the sake of PR and to avoid a lot of speculation, rumors, and misinformation that could arise as result of that, it might be a lot smarter to issue a statement and explain the circumstances and situation surrounding the disqualification. Otherwise, they wind up looking like they may have something to hide here, like perhaps they were specially targeting certain teams. Of course, it could also be that if they did release more details and information, that might only hurt them and make them look worse, because perhaps they were trying to specifically target someone. Anyway, the choice is theirs. However, they have to know that keeping it under wraps is going to fuel rumors and speculation that something fishy was going on.

Everything about the wrg/ump is stinky these days. From this incident to the tire tests fiasco, to the drug tests, its a big smelly sideshow!

Their PR department must be non-existent!

09-11-2018, 09:52 PM
Just curious does Weiss have the option of him and his crew taking a polygraph test? ;) If they all swear the bar was really 1 1/2 and the machine says they are telling the the truth will the decision be changed? ;) If passing a polygraph could get Bobby and Dunn Benson's suspension reduced why shouldn't it be worth something here?

He was not disqualified... just not aloud to race the car he wanted too

A rose by any other name?

09-11-2018, 09:55 PM
He was not disqualified... just not aloud to race the car he wanted too. He chose to leave.

I disagree, if the car he setup to run Eldora was disqualified(deemed unusable) then "he" is disqualified. Which is the same result practically. You can't just unload a Wissota car(which I think is spec) and have any prayer of competing at the World. Its bring your "A" game or don't come. So telling him he couldn't run his car the way it was setup was the same as a disqualification, even if "Technically" they didn't say he was disqualified. Its the same result. I hope he comes back in October and Blisters Bronson & Richards. Its a low class move from a douche' bag brat. Wonder where I can get a Weiss shirt online...

09-11-2018, 10:31 PM
Say Doug Drowns car had an illegal bar on it. Would it still be someone else's fault for pointing it out? Or is this whoke ordeal being blown out of proportion because of the parties involved and all of the hear say? Only a select few know why the bar was the size it was and only a select few know how they found it. We as spectators aren't owed anything other than the races we pay to watch. We don't carry some special privledge to know what goes on behind closed doors. Never have. Never will.

Nah BS I deserve to know as a paying customer

09-11-2018, 11:40 PM
Is Francis no longer the WRG tech inspector? If he is wouldn't that make him an employee? Your right, people on here tend to confuse the other worldly political non-sense in Washington and elsewhere with ow the rest of reality goes. It doesn't. I've heard it was a door bar diameter, which if true is pretty pathetic on Bronson's part and understandable on how it was missed during inspection. Nobody ever won a race because of a door bar. Ever. Obviously NOT motivated by concern for anyone's safety or a performance advantage, just an attempt to take Bloomer off the board for the World, only he missed and got Weiss. In this situation I'd have no issue with a warning to get it fixed ASAP, not to throw him out, this isn't Nascar... Very good points. It sounds like old Nark Richards is not making any new friends this week !

09-12-2018, 07:24 AM
Francis is employed by Lucas Oil Late Model Series. He has nothing to do with WRG whatsoever.

Yea, I got that turned around, I thought for some reason he was with WRG, but I looked it up and your right, Lucas job. The whole deal is just so classless. Somebody brought up Bloomquist getting torque'd up one time when Mars beat him, thats true. Only different in Mars situation was it was between Bloomquist and Mars and Bloomquist paid up for the tire protest, no sneaking around whispering things to tech dude. Even though Bloomy lostthat protest he did it the right way, no waiting till everybody is hours from home and pointing out some non-essential item that can't be changed at the track, he put up his money and lodged a formal protest on the spot. Bronson is a douche' of the lowest order, I bet Bloomquist will be more selective on who else he sells to from now on. I want a Weiss shirt.

09-12-2018, 08:52 AM
Scott was upfront on that one but he is well known to do some shady stuff too. He loves to play in the gray area.

09-12-2018, 10:14 AM
Is Francis no longer the WRG tech inspector? If he is wouldn't that make him an employee?

Your right, people on here tend to confuse the other worldly political non-sense in Washington and elsewhere with ow the rest of reality goes. It doesn't.

I've heard it was a door bar diameter, which if true is pretty pathetic on Bronson's part and understandable on how it was missed during inspection. Nobody ever won a race because of a door bar. Ever. Obviously NOT motivated by concern for anyone's safety or a performance advantage, just an attempt to take Bloomer off the board for the World, only he missed and got Weiss. In this situation I'd have no issue with a warning to get it fixed ASAP, not to throw him out, this isn't Nascar...

Since when does WRG own Lucas? Wow...

09-12-2018, 12:49 PM
Since when does WRG own Lucas? Wow...

All you smart 4m'ers missed my point. Rules for a such thing have to be the same across the board for a car to run from series to series. IF these cars are truly being teched the way they should (especially from a safety standpoint) why was it allowed for all these races leading up to the World 100?

I am guessing that Steve would say no comment to cover his behind BUT maybe it would make him think twice when inspecting cars.

How did cars get to the look we have today? Because nobody was made an example of and sent home at a race. The tolerances got laxer and laxer as cars showed up with more wedge in the nose and a higher and higher RF nose clearance. This car passed tech many times (allegedly) so why now was he sent home. See my point?

09-12-2018, 12:58 PM
I don't know so I am asking. Is this car that failed inspection, the same car that won the North/South?

This needs to be answered.

09-12-2018, 05:16 PM
Since when does WRG own Lucas? Wow...

Either you chose to ignore it or maybe you missed it, but in my follow up post I said I was wrong about Francis working for WRG, it was Lucas, my mistake. That's as far as I'm gonna take this with you because I don't play the whole troll and swap DA insults for 6 pages. Francis works for Lucas, I was wrong.

09-12-2018, 05:50 PM
In the other threads, people were talking about cost and how things like wide bore motors make it too expensive for the little guy to compete. Well, there are other things that can make it costly for the little guys to compete as well. One of those is rule changes that make the equipment he already bought and paid for obsolete and no longer legal. And this affects little guys like Weiss a lot more than it doe big guys, because big guys are probably going to be running a brand new car that's the latest and greatest every year anyway. It's the little guys who are going to be running cars a few years older and when they do get a new car they have to hopefully get as many years as they can out of it. I'll bet Weiss wasn't the only person who bought a 2016 Bloomquist car and he probably isn't the only one still running one. That means there are probably others out there who bought these cars when they were legal and now have a car, that if the officials should arbitrarily decide to scrutinize more closely could be declared illegal whenever it's convenient to do so.

In a situation like this, what would make more sense, would be to have a clause in the rules that allow older cars built before the rule change to be grandfathered in, provided the team could prove the car was built and bought that way, before the rule change went into affect. Teams with Newer chassis which were built with the larger tube diameter, who have to have the tubing size they were built with. This would make perfect sense, as it's highly unlikely any team would want to run an older car, just to be able to run very slightly smaller door bars. And it would mean that any little guys who had these older cars, would not be suddenly faced with a large expense of having to buy a brand new car or have the older one modified and upgraded to conform.

09-12-2018, 05:58 PM
What rule was changed?

MI Dirt Fan
09-12-2018, 06:38 PM
In a situation like this, what would make more sense, would be to have a clause in the rules that allow older cars built before the rule change to be grandfathered in, provided the team could prove the car was built and bought that way, before the rule change went into affect. Teams with Newer chassis which were built with the larger tube diameter, who have to have the tubing size they were built with. This would make perfect sense, as it's highly unlikely any team would want to run an older car, just to be able to run very slightly smaller door bars. And it would mean that any little guys who had these older cars, would not be suddenly faced with a large expense of having to buy a brand new car or have the older one modified and upgraded to conform.

I think IMCA did that a few yrs ago atleast with thier mods.

Mod Runner
09-12-2018, 11:40 PM
I would think the car could have been made legal for the race by installing a plate on the outside of the bars. The car would then be safe to race.

09-13-2018, 06:09 AM
The piece of plate was already required

09-13-2018, 07:06 AM
May have missed it but is the Lucas rule for diameter of this specific piece of tubing the same as WRG?

09-13-2018, 07:26 AM
People cheat and get caught. Everyone knows the World inspection is tuff. Don't matter if you got by all year and it wasn't found. If you bought an illegal car 'then whose fault is that? This isn't T-Ball.

09-13-2018, 08:31 AM
People cheat and get caught. Everyone knows the World inspection is tuff. Don't matter if you got by all year and it wasn't found. If you bought an illegal car 'then whose fault is that? This isn't T-Ball.

Have you sustained a head injury? Having your car obsoleted by a rule change isn't exactly what I call cheating. Also, the rule infraction wasn't discovered by normal inspection, it was revealed by a competitor to the inspector. When the car was purchased/built it wasn't illegal. No this isn't T-ball and it's not NASCAR yet either, but cr@p like this is why many like myself have chosen to walk away and pursue other things.

09-13-2018, 11:32 AM
I have looked through the WRG rules past 2013. I cant find any "Rule Change" to obsolete a chassis. The minimum tubing requirements haven't been changed as far back as 2013. Most changes are with bolt on safety equipment and working components.

09-13-2018, 12:17 PM
The rules have not changed. The car has never been legal. It was not the door bars either it was the Halo bar that was to small in diameter.

09-13-2018, 12:23 PM
The rules have not changed. The car has never been legal. It was not the door bars either it was the Halo bar that was to small in diameter.

If you are indeed correct then the question remains the same. Why was it legal for every other race leading up the DQ? Including a $50,000 crown jewel win!!!!!!!!!!

Sure makes you question the inspection process in this 'sport'

09-13-2018, 12:26 PM
The rules have not changed. The car has never been legal. It was not the door bars either it was the Halo bar that was to small in diameter.

( Oh ) , well that will keep it from making weight . humm .

09-13-2018, 02:07 PM
I don't know so I am asking. Is this car that failed inspection, the same car that won the North/South?

This needs to be answered.

Nobody knows or are afraid to say????

09-13-2018, 04:26 PM
If you are indeed correct then the question remains the same. Why was it legal for every other race leading up the DQ? Including a $50,000 crown jewel win!!!!!!!!!!

Sure makes you question the inspection process in this 'sport'

it's no different then them not enforcing the Right side body has to be straight with in 1" tolerance. They just don't look at bar diameter and thus it was missed or just ignored, but from what I'm told Eldora warned Scott about it and told him to fix which he eventually did. Weiss's car just wasn't for whatever reason. Stuff gets by tech all the time.


Clearly illegal but most of the cars where this way.


90% of the things that get caught are not because of tech, but because another racer told tech about it. You rarely need to worry about the tech guy, it gets found because of other racers telling tech. Always been that way and always will, racers police the other racers more then the actual tech guys ever have.

It is supposed to be the same car Ricky used, but you can't take a win away from him as there is no way to prove it was in fact that car so..... Just like a guy that wins a bunch then gets caught cheating you can only D/Q that win and suspend or whatever but can't really take away previous wins. But fans/racers may put an * by the wins.

Josh Bayko
09-13-2018, 06:15 PM
it's no different then them not enforcing the Right side body has to be straight with in 1" tolerance. They just don't look at bar diameter and thus it was missed or just ignored, but from what I'm told Eldora warned Scott about it and told him to fix which he eventually did. Weiss's car just wasn't for whatever reason. Stuff gets by tech all the time.


Clearly illegal but most of the cars where this way.


90% of the things that get caught are not because of tech, but because another racer told tech about it. You rarely need to worry about the tech guy, it gets found because of other racers telling tech. Always been that way and always will, racers police the other racers more then the actual tech guys ever have.

It is supposed to be the same car Ricky used, but you can't take a win away from him as there is no way to prove it was in fact that car so..... Just like a guy that wins a bunch then gets caught cheating you can only D/Q that win and suspend or whatever but can't really take away previous wins. But fans/racers may put an * by the wins.

The doors and deck should really be flat, no tolerance, checked with a level. Could be teched in roughly 30 seconds.

09-14-2018, 09:31 AM
The doors and deck should really be flat, no tolerance, checked with a level. Could be teched in roughly 30 seconds.

Rule use to be you had to have a break running the length of the door that didn't let the door dish in. It was an easy an viable rule to check. The horse is long since left the barn and they show no signs of correcting anything, only allowing more and more while enforcing irrelevant rules that only drive up costs.

Josh Bayko
09-14-2018, 09:50 AM
Rule use to be you had to have a break running the length of the door that didn't let the door dish in. It was an easy an viable rule to check. The horse is long since left the barn and they show no signs of correcting anything, only allowing more and more while enforcing irrelevant rules that only drive up costs.

Oh, I agree. Body rules are the cheapest to change, but the powers that be would rather look at everything else. It's absurd.