View Full Version : thank you anonymousnate

02-27-2019, 08:15 AM
hey nate , after reading over several of your past comments on here , i have come to the conclusion that you are really a conservative republican and the reason you spew the rhetoric you do is to entice me and my fellow conservatives on here to engage in constructive conservative thought , once again , thank you for your service........

02-27-2019, 10:03 AM
LOL, how about THAT!!!!

02-27-2019, 03:11 PM
Ya'll full a chit, you Jerry's Kids!!!! :)

02-28-2019, 01:49 PM
Nate makes me wonder why he doesnt share out of his bag? LMFAO

03-01-2019, 09:26 AM
i hate any one that coins/consider them selfs any of those for the simple fact all you are doing nothing but MONKEY SEE MONKEY DO following what another millions other people follow!!! Just call me 100% Prolife Acitvist!!!

03-01-2019, 09:33 AM
ONCE AGAIN FOR THE RECORD FORD I AM HERE TO TRY GET YOU ALL TO OPEN YOUR DAM MINDS AND WITHOUT A DOUBT 100& FULLY THINK FOR SELF MAKE YOU OWN VIEWS OWN IDOLOGIES AND SUCH! I lived over 3rd my life blinded to what this life/world truly is and the Illusions of reality its self!

03-01-2019, 11:54 AM
and you have done a great job , once again , THANKS........

03-01-2019, 06:45 PM
ONCE AGAIN FOR THE RECORD FORD I AM HERE TO TRY GET YOU ALL TO OPEN YOUR DAM MINDS AND WITHOUT A DOUBT 100& FULLY THINK FOR SELF MAKE YOU OWN VIEWS OWN IDOLOGIES AND SUCH! I lived over 3rd my life blinded to what this life/world truly is and the Illusions of reality its self!

You did right to take Datura, you have to open your mind!!

03-13-2019, 08:04 AM
where you at nate , we need your insight on these latest developments with your bunch , 50 indictments for cheating there kids into school , while denouncing the way poor underprivileged children are treated in this country , im sure you can justify this in some manner.......im waiting......

03-13-2019, 09:27 AM
my mind is plenty more open than any of yours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Straight Facts on those words!!!!

03-13-2019, 09:38 AM
where you at nate , we need your insight on these latest developments with your bunch , 50 indictments for cheating there kids into school , while denouncing the way poor underprivileged children are treated in this country , im sure you can justify this in some manner.......im waiting......i can give to jacks less bout what ever is your talking about! I dont got ''time'' for people that are simple closed minded folks that cant even except the truth/facts even when its presented right in front of your faces! Yall just seriously a bunch dam conformed chimpanzee and what not! No fully opened heads get panties all in a bunch when some one like my self wanna knock down your/yall's ''god'' know one you all believe that put you here for some kind of purpose/reason for us to actually be born now that is some RETARDATION right there! Proof of him is all nothing more than coincidence and so on ALL IN YOUR HEAD taking up space clouded your own self free thought/ ''FREE WILL". yall have nice day non thinking chumps!

03-13-2019, 09:58 AM
Free will was one of the best Rush songs ever.......

03-13-2019, 10:06 AM
i can give to jacks less bout what ever is your talking about! I dont got ''time'' for people that are simple closed minded folks that cant even except the truth/facts even when its presented right in front of your faces! Yall just seriously a bunch dam conformed chimpanzee and what not! No fully opened heads get panties all in a bunch when some one like my self wanna knock down your/yall's ''god'' know one you all believe that put you here for some kind of purpose/reason for us to actually be born now that is some RETARDATION right there! Proof of him is all nothing more than coincidence and so on ALL IN YOUR HEAD taking up space clouded your own self free thought/ ''FREE WILL". yall have nice day non thinking chumps!

Do not ever utter the words or tell any of us to have a blessed day again you fking hypocrite......the fact that you live in your folks basement and have the ideologies that you do is no coincidence.

At first I tried to read and understand what you were trying to convey and be open minded about it because I don't claim to know everything and I like to learn.....but after the whole railing on God thing and then telling us to have a blessed day just opened up Pandora's box to your stupidity, hypocrisy and delusionality.

Good luck in the future, because you're going to mouth off at somebody one day with this nonsense and someone with less patience and compassion is going to plant your azz.......and that's a fact Nate.

You act like you are the only person on the planet that knows how to think for themselves......idiot.

03-13-2019, 01:53 PM
Do not ever utter the words or tell any of us to have a blessed day again you fking hypocrite......the fact that you live in your folks basement and have the ideologies that you do is no coincidence.At first I tried to read and understand what you were trying to convey and be open minded about it because I don't claim to know everything and I like to learn.....but after the whole railing on God thing and then telling us to have a blessed day just opened up Pandora's box to your stupidity, hypocrisy and delusionality.Good luck in the future, because you're going to mouth off at somebody one day with this nonsense and someone with less patience and compassion is going to plant your azz.......and that's a fact Nate.You act like you are the only person on the planet that knows how to think for themselves......idiot.Or put him in a nut house.... LMFAO!!!!

03-13-2019, 02:13 PM
hey nate , how much bribe money did your parents have to pay to get you into jr. college in mexico?

03-13-2019, 02:44 PM
where you at nate , we need your insight on these latest developments with your bunch , 50 indictments for cheating there kids into school , while denouncing the way poor underprivileged children are treated in this country , im sure you can justify this in some manner.......im waiting......

Why did you poke the bear????? :)

It was painful reading those comments!!!!

03-13-2019, 03:46 PM
hey nate , how much bribe money did your parents have to pay to get you into jr. college in mexico?

College???......they cant get him outa their basement!

03-13-2019, 04:40 PM
Why did you poke the bear????? :)

It was painful reading those comments!!!!

i aint skeered of no bear , especially a wee little cub named Nathaniel .......

03-24-2019, 12:57 AM
i aint skeered of no bear , especially a wee little cub named Nathaniel .......yaaa think a ''cub'' all you want Fool.... BTT....... ''may god be with you all''..................

03-24-2019, 10:18 AM
he is with all of us but you , FOOL.........read your sub title and quit ignoring reality , or the consequences for you will be a very hot place , and im not talking about mexico...." may god help you see the light"......

03-24-2019, 05:18 PM
he is with all of us but you , FOOL.........read your sub title and quit ignoring reality , or the consequences for you will be a very hot place , and im not talking about mexico...." may god help you see the light"......

Ya think Nator is going a lot farther south than Mexico???? hahahahahaha

03-30-2019, 08:25 AM
Do not ever utter the words or tell any of us to have a blessed day again you fking hypocrite......the fact that you live in your folks basement and have the ideologies that you do is no coincidence.At first I tried to read and understand what you were trying to convey and be open minded about it because I don't claim to know everything and I like to learn.....but after the whole railing on God thing and then telling us to have a blessed day just opened up Pandora's box to your stupidity, hypocrisy and delusionality.Good luck in the future, because you're going to mouth off at somebody one day with this nonsense and someone with less patience and compassion is going to plant your azz.......and that's a fact Nate. barqBOY we all some kind fuking stupid of some kinds jask aszYou act like you are the only person on the planet that knows how to think for themselves......idiot.rather u want to admit or not we all are some kind of fn stupid...... all of us every single dam one of us!!!!!!

03-30-2019, 08:35 AM
tell me clayton boy how do i ignore reality????? i my self i know for fact there is no dam fn so called '''god'' that created all of humanity and the heavens and earth! Il talk what ever i feel like putting out. I feel like trying to be nice is when i say hey have a ''blessed'' day/. Gusse yall to dam slow to even catch how i do use it!!! Sheeple sheeple sheeple... ones that follow with out question know like yals beloved ''god''. To believe with out question is ignorance!!! Now days is full of all kinds of info at tip our finger tips but some still choose wilfull ignorance over TRUTH AND FACTS!! Even when people think they are ''real'' they are Faker than fake!!!!!!!!

03-30-2019, 11:45 AM
rather I want to admit or not I am some kind of fn stupid...... me and every single dam one like me!!!!!!

there , i fixed it for you , now if only some one could fix your fn brain , and dont worry nate , the big man up above will send you exactly where you belong , enjoy the ride ........

03-31-2019, 03:50 PM
there , i fixed it for you , now if only some one could fix your fn brain , and dont worry nate , the big man up above will send you exactly where you belong , enjoy the ride ........

In the end Ole Nate will say, "I was just kiddin". And the answer will be "ACCESS DENIED" :)

03-31-2019, 03:53 PM
Nate is living proof of MK Ultra... look it up. Wikileaks...

03-31-2019, 03:56 PM
Nate is living proof of MK Ultra... look it up. Wikileaks...

No doubt!!!! He could have been given an Agent Orange Enema possibly?????? :)

04-01-2019, 08:26 AM
lmaos you got jokes ya DirtGoober... THHINK Want you want! FACE dobber you know its true WE The ''people'' allowed it to get to where it is TODAY!!!!!!! NOTHING BUT WE THE PEOPLES FAULT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

04-01-2019, 08:31 AM
he is with all of us but you , FOOL.........read your sub title and quit ignoring reality , or the consequences for you will be a very hot place , and im not talking about mexico...." may god help you see the light"......and your head is filled with straight utterly BS . Isn no body ever with me! He not with me hes not with you. MOFO IS WITH NO ONE!!! What happens when people LET (not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word) GO STRAIGHT TO THERE HEADs with out any kind of QUESTIONING.........

04-01-2019, 07:40 PM
dam it man , i held some form of hope for you , but im afraid that ' LIGHT ' is getting mighty dim for you , good luck any way.......

04-01-2019, 08:35 PM
lmaos you got jokes ya DirtGoober... THHINK Want you want! FACE dobber you know its true WE The ''people'' allowed it to get to where it is TODAY!!!!!!! NOTHING BUT WE THE PEOPLES FAULT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Its hard for 'We the People' to fight it when we have been censored put in jail or found 'suicided'. And we cant vote against them when the elections were rigged. Maybe you should do some research before you point fingers.... obtw Happy Bday Nate