View Full Version : Tony Stewart

Betty Taylor
06-08-2019, 09:10 PM
Bloomquist is fighting a losing battle with Tony Stewart, Stewart will do whatever he can to prevent Scott from racing. Stewart has always been an A--ho--. Smart alec of the year.

06-08-2019, 09:13 PM
Losing battle ? If the green light didn't come on, your out its really that simple, be it bloomer or anybody that rolls across the scale. If he's that dumb to cut it that close, nobodies fault but his own.

06-08-2019, 09:14 PM
Bloomquist is fighting a losing battle with Tony Stewart, Stewart will do whatever he can to prevent Scott from racing. Stewart has always been an A--ho--. Smart alec of the year.

Bloomer does it to himself!

06-08-2019, 09:15 PM
He wasn't the only one to be dq so it's his own fault.

Highside Hustler25
06-08-2019, 09:28 PM
Really surprised to see Henry light.

06-08-2019, 09:36 PM
Where was Tony? I didn't see Tony . Did anyone else see Tony ? Hilarious

06-08-2019, 09:37 PM
To start a Stewart bashing thread because the zero team still can't scale a car is beyond ridiculous. After the first time one would think he would run a bit over the limit to make sure it can't happen again.

There isn't a good excuse for incompetence.

06-08-2019, 09:38 PM
Yeah, when all else fails, trash Stewart. Good grief

06-08-2019, 09:38 PM
That’s weird cause light did turn green. 3 times with bloomer

06-08-2019, 09:40 PM
Losing battle ? If the green light didn't come on, your out its really that simple, be it bloomer or anybody that rolls across the scale. If he's that dumb to cut it that close, nobodies fault but his own.

(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word) good post!!!

06-08-2019, 09:40 PM
Bloomquist is fighting a losing battle with Tony Stewart, Stewart will do whatever he can to prevent Scott from racing. Stewart has always been an A--ho--. Smart alec of the year.

Seriously? Wake up snowflake.

06-08-2019, 09:41 PM
Sorry I should have said dam good post!!!

06-08-2019, 09:42 PM
The light only turned green when he was turning the wheel and moving the (not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word) car on the scales. Once the car was still it was red. Pretty easy call.

06-08-2019, 09:44 PM
What a moron he was bouncing the car to get it green. Don't be so ignorant

06-08-2019, 09:57 PM
bloomer better be careful. tony will get mad and run him over.

06-08-2019, 10:12 PM
now that's just sick.

06-09-2019, 12:26 AM
Yeah tony is so out to get him! To bad he was in New York racing his car

06-09-2019, 01:17 AM
The funny part was Sheppard weighed 2425. No need in cutting it so close. Heck, Babb weighed 2390 after his B main in the other Zero car. McDowell was just over 2400. Didn’t seam to slow him down.

06-09-2019, 05:47 AM
It's the drama. He relishes in it.

06-09-2019, 06:10 AM
It's the drama. He relishes in it.

Yeah, Tony has always been a bit of a drama queen. However, in this case, I think it's just poor management. Let's just be honest, Tony is not Earle and he just doesn't know how to promote and manage the way Earle did. It was Earle who made Eldora what it is. Let's just hope Tony doesn't wind up completely destroying all of what Earle accomplished. Tony was a pretty good race car driver. But this is a whole different ball game and he simply isn't suited for it. For one thing he lacks the proper temperament. As such his decisions are often more emotionally motivated and in business, that's often very bad.

3 wide
06-09-2019, 07:02 AM
Looks to me like tony has done a pretty good job he has had it I believe 15 years built all kind of new buildings had a record crowd at the world last year earl sold it to tony cause he wanted it to go on he actually turned down more money to sell it to tony now he is starting to raise the purse for late models an sprints.

06-09-2019, 07:12 AM
Yeah, Tony has always been a bit of a drama queen. However, in this case, I think it's just poor management. Let's just be honest, Tony is not Earle and he just doesn't know how to promote and manage the way Earle did. It was Earle who made Eldora what it is. Let's just hope Tony doesn't wind up completely destroying all of what Earle accomplished. Tony was a pretty good race car driver. But this is a whole different ball game and he simply isn't suited for it. For one thing he lacks the proper temperament. As such his decisions are often more emotionally motivated and in business, that's often very bad.Their talking about bloomquist. Tony has virtually nothing to do with the day to day operations at eldora. That mans name is roger slack and he seems to be doing a pretty good job. Furthermore all decisions about the race and its participants are made by the sanctioning body. This is why sam driggers and about five other dirtcar officials were standing around those scale things that tony rigged to make bloomer light

06-09-2019, 07:13 AM
Trying to blame Tony for Scott being light is a riot. And then to say he doesn't have the temperament to manage is something else. Besides Eldora he has a series and that little thing called a 4 car cup team that seems to be pretty successful.

06-09-2019, 07:42 AM
The only person to blame on this is Bloomer himself. You can make all the excuses you want but, the buck stops with Bloomer.

06-09-2019, 07:42 AM
Can you imagine the uproar that would have happened if Scott lite the red light on the scales, and the officials said “that’s close enough, he is legal”?! Good God. I’m a Bloomer fan, but he has to race under the same rules everyone else does.

06-09-2019, 07:51 AM
Just for the record Tony was racing his sprint last night at Stateline Speedway.

06-09-2019, 08:01 AM
Say what you want but Eldora has always enforced their rules pretty fairly across the board. Doesn’t matter who you are if you break the rules you get penalized. That is all you can ask for from the officials Babb is my favorite and he lost the World for being light. It just is what it is. I’d rather it be this way than for the track to play favorites depending on who you are.

06-09-2019, 08:10 AM
when they restarted the 5th heat bloomquist came out late. earl had a rule that if you were not in line for your heat, you would not race. I remember him turning back a few cars in those days. bloomquist was lucky even to race.

06-09-2019, 09:27 AM
Scott shot himself in the foot, end of story. Given his past history he will be along soon to blame everyone except himself.

06-09-2019, 09:28 AM
Yeah, Tony has always been a bit of a drama queen. However, in this case, I think it's just poor management. Let's just be honest, Tony is not Earle and he just doesn't know how to promote and manage the way Earle did. It was Earle who made Eldora what it is. Let's just hope Tony doesn't wind up completely destroying all of what Earle accomplished. Tony was a pretty good race car driver. But this is a whole different ball game and he simply isn't suited for it. For one thing he lacks the proper temperament. As such his decisions are often more emotionally motivated and in business, that's often very bad.

Keep your day job. Comedy isn't your thing.

06-09-2019, 09:58 AM
I'm sitting here trying to figure out what Tony did wrong. The place was packed, the racing was great, the track had multiple grooves, Tony had nothing to do with Scott being light at the scales, Tony didn't make the call to run heat 6 and then go back and finish heat 5 so, trying to figure what Tony himself did wrong here. Can someone help me out to see what I'm missing, thanks in advance.

06-09-2019, 10:09 AM
This is all on Scott and his crew. Noboby else!

3 wide
06-09-2019, 10:16 AM
Yeah, Tony has always been a bit of a drama queen. However, in this case, I think it's just poor management. Let's just be honest, Tony is not Earle and he just doesn't know how to promote and manage the way Earle did. It was Earle who made Eldora what it is. Let's just hope Tony doesn't wind up completely destroying all of what Earle accomplished. Tony was a pretty good race car driver. But this is a whole different ball game and he simply isn't suited for it. For one thing he lacks the proper temperament. As such his decisions are often more emotionally motivated and in business, that's often very bad.I just love when people get on here and they have no idea what they are talking about.

Highside Hustler25
06-09-2019, 10:32 AM
I'm sitting here trying to figure out what Tony did wrong. The place was packed, the racing was great, the track had multiple grooves, Tony had nothing to do with Scott being light at the scales, Tony didn't make the call to run heat 6 and then go back and finish heat 5 so, trying to figure what Tony himself did wrong here. Can someone help me out to see what I'm missing, thanks in advance.
The only thing you're missing is the original poster is a nutcase.

06-09-2019, 10:33 AM
The Bloomeroids think he should have somehow been allowed to race. Like a GOAT provisional or something. He wasn't, so all it's Tony's fault from afar, while racing his Sprint Car.

06-09-2019, 10:37 AM
Bloomer thats why some love to hate them he Lives in his own world.. and Burns to the ground sometimes because of it.
He has no one but him self to blame..
Learned a long time a go you kiss the one in charge you dont pinch him!

06-09-2019, 10:38 AM
If Tony had been there he may have said the scales light blinked green - you good to go !

06-09-2019, 11:02 AM
Stewart can be accurately called a lot of things but his influence on this particular incident is zero.

Anyone who has remotely followed dirt late model racing at any point in time over the past 30+ years knows that ol' snort is a master in reference to preparing a dirt late model racecar for most any circumstance.

Ol' snort, or someone very close to him, knew, as precise as is humanly possible, the weight of the racecar. It's a relatively safe assumption that if ol' snort was asked who was responsible for the weight gaff he'd say is was him and/or his team, not Stewart.

06-09-2019, 11:30 AM
The only thing you're missing is the original poster is a nutcase.

I'm sorry I missed that one lol...………………….

06-09-2019, 11:31 AM
It bounced green for a second. He weighed 2347. 2350 is the rule.

06-09-2019, 11:39 AM
was kinda funny seeing him get waived on by Heather.. Basically get that POS out of here

06-09-2019, 01:49 PM
If he would have just held that fart in, he would have made weight.

06-09-2019, 01:50 PM
was kinda funny seeing him get waived on by Heather.. Basically get that POS out of here

Nah.....shes just mad that she/erb cant sell 2 bloomer cars they have had for sale for years! :)

06-09-2019, 01:56 PM
was kinda funny seeing him get waived on by Heather.. Basically get that POS out of hereJust saw that on the DOD Video, that’s hilarious

06-09-2019, 01:59 PM
Did they forget to put the walker back in car after the red flag ?????

06-09-2019, 02:16 PM
I just can't believe how he keeps getting busted for being under weight, you figure he would stay on the safe side and weigh a little extra like a lot of guys some were 50 over. Then he wants to throw a tantrum on the scales bouncing the car to get the green to flash. Only one to be mad at is him self, I wonder how much money he has lost over the years for being under weight.

06-09-2019, 03:03 PM
Then he wants to throw a tantrum on the scales bouncing the car to get the green to flash.

Throwing a Tantrum? trying to get your car perfectly positioned on the scales so it weighs right is "throwing a tantrum"? How about punching a photographer in the face? Is that not "throwing a tantrum"? Amazing how every little thing Scoot does is exaggerated and blown way out of proportion yet some others can almost get away with murder.

I just can't believe how he keeps getting busted for being under weight

The last time he was underweight, a brand new set of scales had been installed just before the highest paying late model race at the track and they had not been tested and calibrated by the Ohio department of agriculture, who normally tests and calibrates scales like this. When they were tested a couple weeks after Bloomquist was disqualified, they were found to be measuring about 20lbs. too lite. This time it might have been legit and the extra fuel burn off may have made him too light, but the previous time, he was robbed of a dream victory.

Did they forget to put the walker back in car after the red flag ?????

WRG officials would have declared it an "aerodynamic devices" and sent him to the rear, like they did with the window net.

06-09-2019, 03:31 PM
Did they forget to put the walker back in car after the red flag ?????

Ding ding ding we have a winner!
Theres the difference. Good job MEE your a genius

06-09-2019, 04:32 PM
Lastly I'm pretty sure after the stink Bloomquist raised last time he was lite, that the Eldora scales are probably the most accurate you'll roll across in a DLM.


The "stink" was justified. They changed the scales right before the race and didn't bother to test and calibrate them properly. The Ohio department of agriculture tested them after Bloomquist was disqualified and found them to be faulty.

The next month, the Ohio Department of Agriculture found that the scale was “out of tolerance”, indicating weights 15 to 61 pounds too light in six tests, the lawsuit states.

The scales, which Eldora had replaced just before the race, allegedly indicated errors of 37 to 61 pounds, state inspectors found.

This time it may have been legit, but back then they screwed up big time. You don't just install a brand new set of scales right before the biggest paying race of the season and don't bother to calibrate them properly. That's not a professional way of doing business. Big Earle would have been more professional than that. Basically, Bloomquist was the rightful winner of the Dream that year.

As for the Ward incident, I agree. I think that was just an extremely tragic accident. But Tony has done himself no favors with his past behavior. And that has given him the kind of reputation that makes people inclined to believe otherwise. Punching the photographer in the face is kinda hard to call an "accident" as well as slapping a tape recorder out of the hands of a reporter. Repeated incidents like that make people wonder about his temper.

06-09-2019, 05:13 PM
Tony stewart is a great driver/former driver whatever but even with tony being a former nascar champ when it comes to race fans that know racing top 6 names come to mind prolly in this order Earnhardt sr. Bloomquist,jeff gordon,billy moyer,richard petty,jack boggs argue all you want even as we all know tony has alot more money than the late model drivers his fame will never be as much as bloomquist although they both killers on the track bloomer does it by victories tonys does it by running over people and money got him away with it and that lost alot of his fame and fans

06-09-2019, 06:40 PM
Stewart can be accurately called a lot of things but his influence on this particular incident is zero. Anyone who has remotely followed dirt late model racing at any point in time over the past 30+ years knows that ol' snort is a master in reference to preparing a dirt late model racecar for most any circumstance. Ol' snort, or someone very close to him, knew, as precise as is humanly possible, the weight of the racecar. It's a relatively safe assumption that if ol' snort was asked who was responsible for the weight gaff he'd say is was him and/or his team, not Stewart. Great incentive !

06-09-2019, 06:45 PM
The 1 major problem with all of u Bloomer nut swingers, is no matter WHAT TRACK u go to, the rules CLEARLY STATE that u must meet weight on the tracks scales. The scales are open the entire time cars are there, if u so choose to not check your weight, that is no ones fault but your own.

06-09-2019, 07:47 PM
Wow, all this crap about sour grapes after the 2016 race! You weigh your cars on the scale at that track, if its off adjust your car to make up the difference. Not one other driver cried and moaned about the scale that year. This is beyond pathetic.
And the whole Tony thing, Tony has not been so great for the people around Eldora, they barely race there anymore, its a big event track and thats it! Let this sink in, there is not a late model race at Eldora all summer, the next late model race is the Baltes Classic in September, and yes I realize thats still summer, but no late models in most of June, and all of July and August, that sucks. Why do you think there is no Eldora locals anymore.

06-09-2019, 10:13 PM
Where was Tony? I didn't see Tony . Did anyone else see Tony ? Hilarious

He has co conspirators!! He doesn't need to be there. There may be something to this theory Betty. It's possible.

Now back to the BS comments!!! :)

06-09-2019, 10:17 PM
The 1 major problem with all of u Bloomer nut swingers, is no matter WHAT TRACK u go to, the rules CLEARLY STATE that u must meet weight on the tracks scales. The scales are open the entire time cars are there, if u so choose to not check your weight, that is no ones fault but your own.

Scales are not always accurate regardless what happens. One track used to wave Jack Boggs across the scales on his big wins until one crew finally stepped in front of the car so he couldn't get off of them. Guess what? He was underweight.

06-09-2019, 10:20 PM
Ding ding ding we have a winner!
Theres the difference. Good job MEE your a genius

You are completely full of crap!!! Not just almost, but totally!!!

06-10-2019, 12:23 AM
Throwing a Tantrum? trying to get your car perfectly positioned on the scales so it weighs right is "throwing a tantrum"? How about punching a photographer in the face? Is that not "throwing a tantrum"? Amazing how every little thing Scoot does is exaggerated and blown way out of proportion yet some others can almost get away with murder.

The last time he was underweight, a brand new set of scales had been installed just before the highest paying late model race at the track and they had not been tested and calibrated by the Ohio department of agriculture, who normally tests and calibrates scales like this. When they were tested a couple weeks after Bloomquist was disqualified, they were found to be measuring about 20lbs. too lite. This time it might have been legit and the extra fuel burn off may have made him too light, but the previous time, he was robbed of a dream victory.

WRG officials would have declared it an "aerodynamic devices" and sent him to the rear, like they did with the window net.

LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL 😪⚖ ⚖ ⚖ ⚖ ⚖ ⚖ ⚖ ⚖
u need some help with ur bloomer crush..

06-10-2019, 09:36 AM
http://www.totallyspeedway.com.au/8-general/2581-racers-seek-millions-for-faulty-disqualificationsThe "stink" was justified. They changed the scales right before the race and didn't bother to test and calibrate them properly. The Ohio department of agriculture tested them after Bloomquist was disqualified and found them to be faulty.This time it may have been legit, but back then they screwed up big time. You don't just install a brand new set of scales right before the biggest paying race of the season and don't bother to calibrate them properly. That's not a professional way of doing business. Big Earle would have been more professional than that. Basically, Bloomquist was the rightful winner of the Dream that year. As for the Ward incident, I agree. I think that was just an extremely tragic accident. But Tony has done himself no favors with his past behavior. And that has given him the kind of reputation that makes people inclined to believe otherwise. Punching the photographer in the face is kinda hard to call an "accident" as well as slapping a tape recorder out of the hands of a reporter. Repeated incidents like that make people wonder about his temper.Who the hell is EARLE? I know of an Earl Baltes, but not an Earle. Not hard to take 5 seconds to know that. I can tell you, Tony didn't know wtf was going on there Saturday. He was talking to us, on his quad by the pit gate while they were doing track prep on Saturday at Stateline. And, mind you, had us all laughing at some of the goofy (not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word) he was saying. Yeah, I'm sure he can be an @$$, but if you had 2k people wanting stuff before you were racing, wouldn't it get annoying to you too? Go to his hauler after the race, and hes there signing and taking pics with everyone. The Ward stuff is just to the point it gets old after a while. But, you have the internet PoPo that know everything, so there's that.

06-10-2019, 12:10 PM
Yes he was bouncing the car trying to get the green, anyone with a brain could see that. He had the wheel cranked all the way to the right making the car bounce. He had 2 tries to position his car right the first time he was light then he back off and went back on. Don't be so ignorant stefan2k4.

06-10-2019, 04:24 PM
when it comes to race fans that know racing top 6 names come to mind prolly in this order Earnhardt sr. Bloomquist,jeff gordon,billy moyer,richard petty,jack boggs argue all you want even as we all know tony has alot more money than the late model drivers his fame will never be as much as bloomquistI don't know where you get your statistical information but it's a cinch that you or someone has made it up. Just to give you the benefit of the doubt we can all assume this is your best impression of a numb skull, but if it's not you're obviously livin' in AU (alternate universe).

Go to his hauler after the race, and hes there signing and taking pics with everyone. The Ward stuff is just to the point it gets old after a while. But, you have the internet PoPo that know everything, so there's that.Oh really? I went to his hauler after a winged sprint car race at La Salle Speedway one night a few years back and watched him back down from a soldier who was home on leave from Iraq. The soldier was with his wife, who had previously been a TS fan, and he was intent on kicking Stewart's ass for being extremely rude to the soldiers wife after she asked him politely to sign some merchandise. The soldier was dissuaded from rearranging Stewart's facial features by track security that had been provided by the La Salle County Sheriff's Department. Keep in mind this was after the racing was done. I witnessed this so don't give us this BS how nice of a guy Stewart is after the races, or before the races, or anytime, for that matter. There was also a little dust up involving the Vermillion County Sheriff's Police at a racetrack near Danville, Illinois a while ago that resulted in Stewart spending some time (and probably some money, as well) being detained by the real PoPo.

The Ward stuff may have gotten old to the likes of you but it's a safe bet that the Ward stuff hasn't gotten old to the Ward family, and it probably never will.

I'm not internet PoPo and I don't know everything but one thing is for sure, I saw and heard what I saw and heard at La Salle, so there's that!

06-10-2019, 05:21 PM
The 1 major problem with all of u Bloomer nut swingers, is no matter WHAT TRACK u go to, the rules CLEARLY STATE that u must meet weight on the tracks scales. The scales are open the entire time cars are there, if u so choose to not check your weight, that is no ones fault but your own.

Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner. It is as simple as that. Does not matter who it is.

06-10-2019, 05:23 PM
Wow, all this crap about sour grapes after the 2016 race! You weigh your cars on the scale at that track, if its off adjust your car to make up the difference. Not one other driver cried and moaned about the scale that year. This is beyond pathetic.

Another thing to consider, bloomer had weighed on the scales several times that year and weighed enough those times. It was HIS fault that he tried to cut it too close for the 100 lapper.

06-10-2019, 06:19 PM
From what I have read, Bloomer was not complaining about it (a team member forgot to bolt on some weight).

Overall, it was an impressive weekend for him, when you consider he was coming back from some major injuries.