View Full Version : Lucas Oil LM Aberdeen SD

07-16-2019, 10:35 PM
Kid Rocket with the win, T-MAC, Stormy Scott the top 3.

07-16-2019, 10:40 PM
B Shep led and lost again!!

07-16-2019, 10:52 PM
#LucasDirt Feature Finish:

07-16-2019, 11:48 PM
Thanks for the info really appreciate it

07-17-2019, 07:55 AM
What is the deal with McCreadie? I saw the contact in the heat race with Norris where he spun out, and it looked to me like it was a racing deal - Norris didn't do anything wrong from my perspective. He pulls up along side Norris, and makes a motion to him. Then in his postrace interview on DoD without even being asked about it goes out of his way to rip on Norris. Why? I really want to like TMac but between the whining about not having a hauler last year and now this, makes it very tough. Why not be happy about your 2nd place finish instead of bringing up something from the heat race you weren't even asked about?

Highside Hustler25
07-17-2019, 08:20 AM
What is the deal with McCreadie? I saw the contact in the heat race with Norris where he spun out, and it looked to me like it was a racing deal - Norris didn't do anything wrong from my perspective. He pulls up along side Norris, and makes a motion to him. Then in his postrace interview on DoD without even being asked about it goes out of his way to rip on Norris. Why? I really want to like TMac but between the whining about not having a hauler last year and now this, makes it very tough. Why not be happy about your 2nd place finish instead of bringing up something from the heat race you weren't even asked about?

I'm a tmac fan but totally agree.

chupp n bloomer fan
07-17-2019, 08:42 AM
What is the deal with McCreadie? I saw the contact in the heat race with Norris where he spun out, and it looked to me like it was a racing deal - Norris didn't do anything wrong from my perspective. He pulls up along side Norris, and makes a motion to him. Then in his postrace interview on DoD without even being asked about it goes out of his way to rip on Norris. Why? I really want to like TMac but between the whining about not having a hauler last year and now this, makes it very tough. Why not be happy about your 2nd place finish instead of bringing up something from the heat race you weren't even asked about?Somebody has to take over Moyer’s throne.

07-17-2019, 09:49 AM
McCreadie stuck his nose where he shouldn’t have and it screwed him. Plain and simple. Norris has made a few mistakes but that’s what happens when your out on the road in parts of the country where he hasn’t even seen pretty much all of these tracks he’s been too.

07-17-2019, 10:51 AM
CnB - Madden will be back shortly & he can assume that role very well!

07-17-2019, 10:59 AM
There are guys you can race with and guys you can't. We've now learned Norris is not a guy you can race with. Did Norris drive into turn 3 and forget Tim was on his outside or did he drive in, try to take the line away and if contact happened to bad? Only Norris knows the answer to that.

07-17-2019, 11:32 AM
I didn’t see Norris do a dang thing wrong. Mccreadie has turned into a whiny, woe is me racer. It gets old

07-17-2019, 11:43 AM
There are guys you can race with and guys you can't. We've now learned Norris is not a guy you can race with. Did Norris drive into turn 3 and forget Tim was on his outside or did he drive in, try to take the line away and if contact happened to bad? Only Norris knows the answer to that.You better watch the video again without your I love t-mac glasses on.

07-17-2019, 12:37 PM
T-mac was also whining about having 7 or 8 races in 11 days. No wonder they are not going to race at Macon. I don't think some of them would make it very long on the Hell Tour.

07-17-2019, 01:46 PM
It's sickening. These days if you whine you will get your way. That's all you need to do to get your way and enablers give it to them. So many enablers (pu$$ies) out there.

07-17-2019, 01:57 PM
What is the deal with McCreadie? I saw the contact in the heat race with Norris where he spun out, and it looked to me like it was a racing deal - Norris didn't do anything wrong from my perspective. He pulls up along side Norris, and makes a motion to him. Then in his postrace interview on DoD without even being asked about it goes out of his way to rip on Norris. Why? I really want to like TMac but between the whining about not having a hauler last year and now this, makes it very tough. Why not be happy about your 2nd place finish instead of bringing up something from the heat race you weren't even asked about?

He definitely does a lot of whining.

07-17-2019, 01:59 PM
T-mac was also whining about having 7 or 8 races in 11 days. No wonder they are not going to race at Macon. I don't think some of them would make it very long on the Hell Tour.

He is free to go home anytime he wants.

07-17-2019, 02:29 PM
T-mac just believes he gets that chance to have the mic he is going to express all his displeasure for the day. Norris is going to tracks he has never seen before, never turned a lap on, and unfortunately everyone knows that as soon as Don is ready to come back, he's out. So the kid is trying to be noticed. Sure he's going to push the limit and in some cases hope it sticks. I don't believe he's walled anyone yet, so I say keep tossing it in there mike, eventually she's gonna bite and people may notice.

07-17-2019, 02:34 PM
I use to like TMac years ago but can't stand the guy now, always get the poor me bs all the time.

07-17-2019, 02:48 PM
TMAC complains more than all the other Lucas regulars combined. I think it is starting to wear thin with the fans that seriously follow racing. I don’t believe he would have made the comments about the #5 car if Don O’Neil had been driving it. It seems Tim has lost some of the burning desire it takes to stay successful. Mainly just wants to drive the car- then go home to New York.
Just my opinion though. 🏁🏁

07-17-2019, 03:29 PM
He is free to go home anytime he wants.

Racist comment!!

07-17-2019, 03:37 PM
There are guys you can race with and guys you can't. We've now learned Norris is not a guy you can race with. Did Norris drive into turn 3 and forget Tim was on his outside or did he drive in, try to take the line away and if contact happened to bad? Only Norris knows the answer to that.

Username bias????? hahahhahaaa

07-17-2019, 03:38 PM
I use to like TMac years ago but can't stand the guy now, always get the poor me bs all the time.

I did like Bob though, but not this cat....

07-17-2019, 03:39 PM
It’s too bad, he was a feel good story in the past and somewhat different from the usual crowd. In general his personality is more dark now when he’s interviewed. Noticed at Wheatland this past weekend it seemed a burden to talk to the camera. It will bite him, hope he gets past it.

07-17-2019, 05:11 PM
Must be T-Mac’s turn to receive the wrath of 4m lol.

Can someone name a nationally known driver — any driver — who doesn’t whine occasionally? Some more than occasionally? Because I’ve never met one.

07-17-2019, 05:16 PM
Terry m tmac complains every time he gets interviewed. Even when he wins

07-17-2019, 05:22 PM
Terry m tmac complains every time he gets interviewed. Even when he wins
I’ve seen a lot of really good interviews with him. I’ve also seen a couple in which he voiced his displeasure about something. Never once have I considered him a whiner. There are far bigger whiners in the sport than T-Mac.

07-17-2019, 07:57 PM
I most be missing something. Every time I've seen him interviewed he wants everyone to know about how this guy almost took me out or someone's driving over there head and let's not forget how underfunded they are. That got real old last year.

07-17-2019, 08:14 PM
I most be missing something. Every time I've seen him interviewed he wants everyone to know about how this guy almost took me out or someone's driving over there head and let's not forget how underfunded they are. That got real old last year.

Would you like to chip in to help pay the bills? They did drive 300 miles last night to Jackson only to get rained out this afternoon which means no show-up money to help offset the cost of travel. Wheatland to Brown County to Jackson to I-80 will be 1,300 miles.

07-17-2019, 08:45 PM
SO did everyone.

07-17-2019, 09:02 PM
Exactly only difference is he whines about it

07-17-2019, 09:38 PM
SO did everyone.

With one crew guy? with a borrowed hauler?

If you only knew how little resources he has compared to the guys he has to race against every night on the Lucas series.

07-17-2019, 09:41 PM
Oh man the whining has rubbed off on his fans. If he's in that bad of shape and it's such a drag for him why not down size and go to racing regional.

07-17-2019, 10:02 PM
Oh man the whining has rubbed off on his fans. If he's in that bad of shape and it's such a drag for him why not down size and go to racing regional.

So everyone who is not JD or Sheppard should just quit? hell no Tim has a national championship and 8 crown jewels wins. As far as what happened at Brown County he felt he got spun and suffered nose damage from something that should have never happened. Tim will go on to win more crown jewels and in six weeks Norris will go back to being irrelevant in dirt late model racing.

07-17-2019, 10:15 PM
You really need to watch the race again before you spout off McCreadies “nose damage “came from him hitting a uke tire all by himself.If 50 super victory’s ,4 championships,2 outlaw wins is irrelevant I’d sure like to see your resume.

07-17-2019, 11:20 PM
I'm not doubting his accomplishments he's a top notch Wheelman no doubt but (not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word) quit bitching every time you get a mic in your face. Put on your big girl panties and race, I'm sure others have problems but unlike him they suck it up and just race.

chupp n bloomer fan
07-18-2019, 03:31 AM
So everyone who is not JD or Sheppard should just quit? hell no Tim has a national championship and 8 crown jewels wins. As far as what happened at Brown County he felt he got spun and suffered nose damage from something that should have never happened. Tim will go on to win more crown jewels and in six weeks Norris will go back to being irrelevant in dirt late model racing.Now you just sound like a total douchebag. Norris is not irrelevant, it’s how he got the seat, he has lots of talent. Whether the pressure has got to him, I dunno. I wouldn’t doubt if he wouldn’t do better in the family car.

Tim has two very good rides, if they are still underfunded, have no hauler, that’s on them. Then you scale back.

And you can race with Norris, just cause he touched your boy, doesn’t make him dirty. That’s just BS. Watched him plenty, he is good.

Been a fan of Timmy’s and before that, his Dad. But lately, it has been the poor me song. Change it, if you keep doing the same crap, it ain’t going to get better.

Mod Runner
07-18-2019, 04:02 AM
Kid Rocket appears to have found the speed. The other Lucas racers may have their work cut out for themselves now.

07-18-2019, 06:55 AM
The hell tour versus the Lucas tour comparisons crack me up.......

07-18-2019, 07:45 AM
if the guy wins a heat or main or whatever, you know as soon as the helmet comes off youre getting some cheese and whine. i get being understaffed and funded, but hes not the only guy out there doing with less. he gets to drive a racecar for a living, it gets real old hearing the complaining

07-18-2019, 08:24 AM
if the guy wins a heat or main or whatever, you know as soon as the helmet comes off youre getting some cheese and whine. i get being understaffed and funded, but hes not the only guy out there doing with less. he gets to drive a racecar for a living, it gets real old hearing the complaining

You can always offer to help pay the bills, how many fans go in the pit area after a race and offer $50 or $100 to their favorite driver and say that was a great show thank you coming? Instead "race fans" get on anonymous forums and complain when or where a driver races, how a driver interviews, etc. EVERY team not just Tim McCreadie are always looking for more money or crew help so how about stop hiding behind a keyboard and actually contribute to these teams.

07-18-2019, 08:32 AM
How about he go out there and promote himself rather than cry every chance he gets. As a business I'd rather give my money to the guy that's upbeat and positive not the one that crys about everything. Maybe he should try to sell more apparel every race I go to bloomquist, pierce, Owen's and many more are selling a boat load of items. I don't see TMac ahirts. A few years back my daughter and myself went to the race and she wanted a Jimmy Owen's shirt we got there late because I had to work so I told her we would get one after the race and of course Owen's had a terrible night and wrecked out. So I was a little nervous going up to them and bothering them after the race but he came out spent time with her showed her the wrecked car and even signed her shirt for her. She still has the shirt after 5 years an wears it to every race we go to. Thats how to do it not cry and complain about it

07-19-2019, 09:02 AM
i have helped local guys out, why would i wanna help somebody that never seems grateful for what they have. i used to like timmy alot, maybe hes gotten worse the last few years or maybe i just noticed it more