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View Full Version : little something for you peoples ..... LOL FREE style.....

07-23-2019, 04:42 AM
this is my escape from faker'y manufactured reality through false teachings. mind control over the masses that began many many century's long ago, before the very birth of any mythligion. for it is alll depicts same things with great similarities of enites and deities, truth of man so greatly twisted pushed on the masses taught what to beLIEve. so mind boggling what man his self has done to so called humanity. truest connection destroyed to produce a fake reality. false teachings every where and any where.for it is a created fakery of illusions keep you from wondering in the depths of truth. ................................................ welcome welcome to my MIND of RADICAL Nathaniel........... I AM ME I AM MY TRUEST SELF........... Till next time gentleMEN........... much LOVE to you ALL!!! ALL YOU!!!!