View Full Version : Who all has “this crackpot” at their local Saturday night track?

ride height
07-30-2019, 05:42 PM
Answer....we do. The guy with the 500k NASCAR stacker hauler, and fully lettered 2000.00 fire suit, and gets run clean over and lapped week after week in the late model class? Who are these type people? Here’s an idea. Spend money on your car, learn how to race, and come in an open trailer like the rest of the beginners and quit looking like a moron. We laugh our butts off weekly at this. Our little $hit box operation and humble trailer and we run over these idiots at will and we’re nothing special trust me.

07-30-2019, 06:18 PM
You go girl!

07-30-2019, 06:50 PM
maybe you shouldn't be running anyone over..... just be happy they are there sweetie

07-30-2019, 07:14 PM
We all know money can't buy talent but I've never knocked somebody for having it especially if their supporting dirt racing. Alot of those types go on to be car owners. Witch this sport is in dyer need of. Instead of running over the guy at will maybe go over and try to help the guy. A little insight can go along way.

07-30-2019, 07:22 PM
We all know money can't buy talent but I've never knocked somebody for having it especially if their supporting dirt racing. Alot of those types go on to be car owners. Witch this sport is in dyer need of. Instead of running over the guy at will maybe go over and try to help the guy. A little insight can go along way.

Well said jking24!!

I know of a young guy who's dad passed away but, always wanted the son to race so, the son bought a crate car had a real nice enclosed trailer and he would have told you had no business being out there but, what he did was let every driver know it and told them he would stay on the bottom. He never came off the bottom until he got better and felt more comfortable. He always had people helping him with the setup and telling what he needs to be doing on the track.

He raced for one season an soon realized it wasn't for him so, he sold everything. He did it for his dad even though he wasn't with us anymore so, you never know what one's situation is.

chupp n bloomer fan
07-30-2019, 07:57 PM
We all know money can't buy talent but I've never knocked somebody for having it especially if their supporting dirt racing. Alot of those types go on to be car owners. Witch this sport is in dyer need of. Instead of running over the guy at will maybe go over and try to help the guy. A little insight can go along way.Could possibly decide to sponsor someone, but not someone hating on them for having $$$. Could spend it elsewhere.

07-30-2019, 10:20 PM
Just because you don't have the greatest success doesn't mean you can't use all the resources you are capable of using. I appreciate those that hang in there and like doing what they do.

nc mudcat
07-31-2019, 04:58 AM
And because a guy has money and no talent, he's a crackpot?

07-31-2019, 12:53 PM
More than agree with you all. If you willfully run theses cats over, take ya monkey head to the go kart track let racers race and have their fun!

08-01-2019, 11:23 AM
Never did care much for the rich daddy kids that got the most expensive stuff in the pits, be it a $20k mini stock or bomber or a top notch DLM or 410 Sprinter without the talent to back it up. When Daddy's bucks went away so did they.
Always had an affinity for the younger guys that had no backing and did whatever they had to to race. Remind me of when I started with no bucks and no help and little talent. I've helped a lot of these racers with parts, advise, encouragement and a few bucks for years and get as much satisfaction in watching them progress as I do when we have a good night. Got to keep the fire burning in the next generation to preserve our sport.