View Full Version : Dirt Million - final track prep

08-23-2019, 09:37 PM
Why is it acceptable for Cody to consult Scott Bloomquist on how to do final track prep? Scott took his 4-wheeler o to the track after the 2nd A-main tonight and gave Cody direction on how to prep the track.

Is this not a conflict of interest? The grader stopped next time thru and Cody gave him the instructions.

Josh Bayko
08-23-2019, 09:39 PM
Him partnering with Bloomer was a conflict of interest from day one.

08-23-2019, 09:51 PM
Yea, not trying to jump on the Bloomer bashing train here. That being said, are any of us surprised that this would happen?

You just can't have a race this big without a conflict of interest when promotor has a stake in how well Scott finishes tomorrow night.

08-23-2019, 10:13 PM
Lol. It's been that way for a long time. Lots of deals to get the win. Tips on post race inspections.😎

08-23-2019, 10:45 PM
Oh so y'all think he's the only one in the pits that likes dry, wide, and racy?

3 wide
08-24-2019, 06:11 AM
Better watch the scales.

chupp n bloomer fan
08-24-2019, 06:50 AM
Why is it acceptable for Cody to consult Scott Bloomquist on how to do final track prep? Scott took his 4-wheeler o to the track after the 2nd A-main tonight and gave Cody direction on how to prep the track.

Is this not a conflict of interest? The grader stopped next time thru and Cody gave him the instructions.Of course it is. Scott has done this quite a few other times too.

I don’t think if you promote a place, and own or race cars, that you should be allowed race there. The only way I’d say it’s fine is if you let other people make the calls. When the car you are affiliated with, driver or owner, is racing, you shouldn’t have any input. Let someone else make the calls.

In saying that, most of the big drivers want smooth, wide, and not heavy. They don’t wanna be tearing stuff up. So the way he wants it, is the way most of them want it. But, it’s still not cool. And is a great way to help you lose cars. Though you could use it as incentive to beat Bloomer or whoever else too.

All this after he assured everyone it wouldn’t be an issue. Yeah right.

chupp n bloomer fan
08-24-2019, 06:51 AM
Better watch the scales.Is Lucas not overseeing this race? I don’t expect any wisdom from you, but Lucas should be at the scales.

08-24-2019, 07:24 AM
When the Show Me was still at West Plains saw him bending Don Gibson’s ear while intermission track prep was underway. Mr. Gibson paid no attention. Have seen Moyer Sr. do the same. It isn’t new, like Scott or not he is playing every angle available to him. There are many things in life and business that reward those that play in the “gray” areas, racing is no exception.

08-24-2019, 08:18 AM
I’ve seen Scott go out on the track at Cedar Lake multiple times and talk to management before track prep started. Nothing new.

08-24-2019, 08:59 AM
Ya but this time there is a vested interest in Scott, Def a bunch of crap, I'm surprised they wouldn't blade the top down to nothing after every race if Scott has any say, too bad physics will not agree with them....

08-24-2019, 09:26 AM
I guess Devin Moran shouldn’t be allowed to race at his dads track?
Gundacker shouldn’t race at his dads track?
The Taylor boys not allowed to race at their step dads track ( Batesville)??

Can’t you people find something more legitimate to complain about??
Next year when this track is closed- I guess you will complain about that??

08-24-2019, 09:45 AM
Excellent post foxfire........

08-24-2019, 09:57 AM
If Gordy is out telling his dad how to prep then ya it wouldn't be right. But he doesn't sooo....

08-24-2019, 10:01 AM
Right On FoxFire......................

08-24-2019, 10:03 AM
Everyone races on the same track. The track changes throughout the night. No advantage to anyone. I’m sure all drivers have thrown in their 2 cents at one time or another. Sounds like another baited thread. Agree with foxfire

chupp n bloomer fan
08-24-2019, 10:04 AM
If Gordy is out telling his dad how to prep then ya it wouldn't be right. But he doesn't sooo....Right. They aren’t father and and son and work hand in hand on the car. I’m sure Kevin has no idea how Gordy wants the track. You think Bob has no idea how Bobby likes a track?

08-24-2019, 10:12 AM
Back when I was a young racer, my father briefly considered taking over promoter duties of a track. He informed me early on I would not be allowed to race there. I realize that was a good stance to take.

08-24-2019, 10:18 AM
C and b ........do I even need to say" and they wonder why?" Anymore?

08-24-2019, 10:44 AM
I stopped going to Muskingum years ago when Devin was young and won about every time, thats where he won his first
Lucas race, fast time ,win heat, lead every lap. When you have your own track, huge advantage.
I do root for Devin when i go elsewhere, and hes competing at a national level.
Theres a lot of options on what and where to spend your money, everyone is different.

08-24-2019, 10:56 AM
Talking about it in private I'm sure, but stopping the grader on the track in front of everybody and giving direction...cmon man, then of course maybe they could be talking about their fantasy football teams.. but I doubt it lol...

08-24-2019, 10:58 AM
CnB I don't blame Bloomer one bit for the record I would do the same thing, but it's still catering to him for an advantage and I don't think it's right, and I'm sure you know why lol...but you can try to eliminate a cushion but still physics is on my side...

08-24-2019, 11:35 AM
Everybody has to race on the same track and im pretty sure from what I've seen the crew at Mansfield could use all the help they can get. Who better to critique the prep than the people who see this day in and day out. Their is absolutley no advantage gained here. The best driver and car are gonna win and any driver just wants a track that will allow that.

george w
08-24-2019, 11:39 AM
To be quite honest with you guys, I've heard more drivers complaining after races saying how dumb they felt after a race listening to the track owner .... could be anything from .... "they said it rained here all week.... couldn't tell tonight" or "so an so promised to be easy on everyone's stuff" or "gosh shouldn't of listened to so an so when they dumped 30 loads of water on this thing yesterday.... couldnt tell today" granted these are more on the local regional level but moral of the story is I personally heard more drivers/crewman bitch bout "how they said they'd make the track for everyone just to get cars" I actually think promoters use this angle to get more cars in the weeks leading up to the events .... again this is more on local an regional stuff....... random thought ..... ever see t-stew at the chili bowl..... nobody bitches about rico or whoever choppin it up with him before or after track prep .... as mentioned above its different everywhere u go but it happens ...... you dont think bob pierce an kevin gundaker havent done this at tri city ..... your crazy ...... I'll also go on record saying that people have dam near unanimously told me old man moyer is the absolute worst at the stuff. Also .... if this race paid 10 large to win an there where off to a different track tomorrow it wouldn't even be brought up .... the money this event offers is why it gets glorified or dramatized but in reality it happens dang near every week.

08-24-2019, 12:09 PM
I am at Mansfield-been here since Wednesday. Although the track has been very dirty/dusty for us fans-it has produced some good racing. That’s what I came for. The track is racy top to bottom & hasn’t became 1 grooved. Heck- last night BShepp was on the bottom and Earl Pearson on the top- what’s wrong with that picture. I think any driver that makes the field could win? Pearson won last year after 4or 5 pit stops. If you listen to the driver interviews- the track changes every lap. Isn’t that what we as fans want? The rock problem appears to have gone away- but not sure why- but the dust problem prevails.
As far as drivers manipulating track prep- the track guys couldn’t do it if they tried! One poster has even stated they don’t want a cushion for his driver (although he hasn’t stated the drivers name). Maybe I am just to “stupid” to understand why: last year it was criticized for the name-same again this year. Now-before we have the feature race tonight-we are hearing of track prep conspiracies & conflicts of interest. Most of these are probably coming from folks that aren’t even here?
Big $$ throughout the field & great facility. I can’t wait to hear everyone’s expert opinions on why it doesn’t return. I for one hope it does for its still in the infant learning/growing stages. Fairbury & the Silver Dollar Nationals were not created in 2 years.
I hope I am thoroughly entertained tonight with some good racing but if not- Monday I will make 15 minute drive to the Bloomquist Shop & jump his bones about how his track prep consultations ruined it for all fans/drivers/teams & unborn children.
With that being said- you guys can now carry on with your pessimist comments!

08-24-2019, 01:35 PM
I know of a past promoter that would have ask Scott if he was driving tonight and of course Scott would have answered yes. The promoter would have said then you go back and worry about your car and I will worry about the track prep. lol

08-24-2019, 02:16 PM
I guess Tony Stewart can't run at Eldora...

08-24-2019, 02:22 PM
The name Earl Baltes does come to mind. LOL

08-24-2019, 02:23 PM
BTW, I still say this is Bloomers race to lose. Car is unbelievable.

08-24-2019, 02:40 PM
The thing that rubs me wrong about the Bloomer/Mansfield/Cody thing is that Team Zero has been virtually the only late model on that track all year before this weekend. IMO, that’s a clear advantage for a track as tricky as Mansfield. It’s been well documented that they’ve been testing there at least several times.

Some have mentioned the other guys that have families owning race track. Those tracks run all year and based on the results. It’s clearly not an advantage for those guys.

08-24-2019, 02:47 PM
Is it raining or is that the tears falling?

08-24-2019, 02:57 PM
Bloomer clearly has benefitted from testing. He already had the best car, now it is superior, a matter of how many cars he laps.LOL. That is just the way it goes.

08-24-2019, 03:10 PM
So your a pedophile like r kelly?

08-24-2019, 03:33 PM
Fox. Finally from somebody that's actually there watching the show. Conflict, Yea and Bloomer and Cody understood that going in. Shows no class doing it out in the open like that. Does anyone think Scott cares ? No. He wants to win and he doesn't care how. His time off he found something and right now he could very well be the car to beat.

I've watched the replays from the first 2 nights and the track has had multiple grooves . Dusty yes, but really good racing so far.

100 laps this could be anyone's race. I think Scott has the car to beat, does he have the endurance to do 100 laps ? Can he withstand getting bounced around if he gets caught up in a accident ?

08-24-2019, 03:35 PM
Agree with the above post

08-24-2019, 04:26 PM
100 laps this could be anyone's race. I think Scott has the car to beat, does he have the endurance to do 100 laps ? Can he withstand getting bounced around if he gets caught up in a accident ?
Scott told me at Florence that the injury has no impact once he’s seated in the car. The pain isn’t an issue, there’s no endurance issues, etc. He had the Topless 100 won, if not for making a mental mistake by leaving the bottom for a lap. He’s the same old Scott in the car. It’s when he’s not in the car that it’s a problem. He has a hard time just walking.

08-24-2019, 04:57 PM
The busses are running the track in now. It “appears” they have put a lot more water on it today? Who knows what the dirt will do once racing starts. Just hoping a little less dust & awesome racing!

08-24-2019, 05:49 PM
Among the track packer's. Kevin Gundaker in a bus. Tony Izzo jr on a tractor. Steve Francis in a water truck, and Cody Sommer in a bus with 3 passengers.I seen Rick Aukland maybe he should get in something to along with Bob Pierce. Let's just get all former drivers out there!!

08-24-2019, 05:50 PM
I am shocked it has not started before now.That butt team 0 has been giving is not sitting well.

08-24-2019, 07:20 PM
Among the track packer's. Kevin Gundaker in a bus. Tony Izzo jr on a tractor. Steve Francis in a water truck, and Cody Sommer in a bus with 3 passengers.I seen Rick Aukland maybe he should get in something to along with Bob Pierce. Let's just get all former drivers out there!!

Is tony izzo really there??? Would seem weird after Cody Sommer was engaged to his sister and they did not end on good terms

08-24-2019, 07:29 PM
Yes hes been here all weekend. I thought it was odd to. I didn't think him and cody got along.

08-24-2019, 08:05 PM
Yes hes been here all weekend. I thought it was odd to. I didn't think him and cody got along.

No he was always bashing him for doing the Gateway event and said it was a money grab and so on as well.

08-24-2019, 08:48 PM
Let's burn up that middle and bottom baby about lap 70 it's go time...

08-25-2019, 12:16 AM
Lap 70 was go load up time.....spoke a little too soon.