View Full Version : Could Eldora do something like this and fix relationship with local drivers and fans?

10-01-2019, 09:09 PM
Like the ideas but not sure if Tony, Roger, or Eldora could give a rats blank about either fans or drivers. JMO

Link to article - below.

10-01-2019, 09:17 PM
Its sad to say, but honestly I dont think they care what the people around there think, They kept things kind of the same as long as Earl was alive, when he passed, thats when it all changed.

10-02-2019, 08:39 AM
the problem you guys have that live around eldora is your location to other tracks. Get in the car and drive somewhere else once in a while. It would be like living by bristol and being upset they only get 2 nascar weekends a year. Times have changed local car counts are down across the nation and so are local fans. Cry me a river about Eldora's schedule. If you want to see local racing move somewhere else and then complain about not getting the WoO sprints, USAC divisions, the 2 biggest races in a DLM season.

10-02-2019, 08:49 AM
Agreed WisWildManFan, in the "upper" Midwest we have to drive/travel to tracks to see racing. I'm sorry but no Love lost for these people when it comes to Eldora's Schedule for them. We all travel 2-5hrs for good late model racing. So to the Eldora Locals....Welcome to our World.

10-02-2019, 09:00 AM
^^ agree 100% on the last 2 post

10-02-2019, 11:12 AM
Listen, I'm a local (consider Eldora my home track less than 30 min away), but I think trying to throw the blame at Stewart and Slack for ruining the schedule is misplaced at best. This is a different world we live in these days compared to when Earl was alive and owned the track. Car counts are down nearly everywhere across all divisions now compared to back then and there are infinitely more entertainment options these days compared to back then. I bet if somebody had a way to look at track schedules back then vs now I doubt you'd find many if any that run more races today vs then.

My day job is in the business world so I tend to look at things from that angle. That mock schedule posted above would do absolutely nothing for the track's bottom line. Most of the dates, all the author did was add a 3rd and sometimes 4th division to an existing show. Sorry but 4 divisions is a TERRIBLE idea at any track. Even 3 is a stretch. Nobody wants to be there all night. And sorry to the stock or mod people, but you guys being added to the World of Outlaws and USAC weekend isn't going to sell more tickets. Not enough to pay for your purse anyways. The track has already stated in the past the UMP Nationals lost money every year so I hardly see that coming back either.

The bottom line is Eldora is not a charity. The place is a business and I'm sure they run the races that make money and don't run the races that lose money. If Earl was alive today I highly doubt it'd be any different. He wouldn't be holding a bunch of extra races that lost money just because he was a nice guy and felt sorry for those drivers. You can tell yourself that all you want but that wouldn't be happening.

Sorry for the long post but I continue to see these silly stories written that basically bash the place for being business savvy. I love going there and want to be able to keep going there for many years to come. So in a time when it seems a lot of tracks struggle to even keep their doors open I have a hard time arguing about what Eldora is doing because they're one of the few tracks who seem to be thriving.

10-02-2019, 12:16 PM

I consider myself lucky to live 2 hours from Cedar Lake Speedway, and 5-6 hours from other tracks that run Crown Jewel events for late models and sprint cars. After driving 15 hours to Eldora for the Dream our group wished we were 7-8 from it so we could goto more events there. I understand we need weekly races to produce weekly racers, to produce future national racers. There are a cross-section of tracks in the US that do well financially at running a schedule that is all weekly races and a couple specials. This is not for tracks like Eldora, they are now on this planet to host successful big time events. And I'm ok with that.

10-02-2019, 01:05 PM
Its sad to say, but honestly I dont think they care what the people around there think, They kept things kind of the same as long as Earl was alive, when he passed, thats when it all changed.

And the majority of the changes that have been made are positive. Overall, things are a lot better now than when Tony Stewart bought the track.

10-02-2019, 01:11 PM
Schedule used was basically copy of 10yr ago schedule without a couple 360, mods, & stocks shows. Eldora been fading to specials only track for years even when earl had it.

10-02-2019, 04:33 PM
I was almost done with this site(not really but kind of) but the above posters give me hope lol. Eldora is the holy land of dirt racing and if there is anywhere in the WORLD that should be a special event only it is ELDORA. The analogies are endless but the first that comes to my mind is the Olympics. The best in the world compete in big events year around to ultimately end up in the most electric venue their sport has to offer. Truly the proving grounds. Sure a few guys run the johnny appleseed/blates/LR2 races but it's obvious running those races don't provide much advantage to the jewels. Nothing would damage the prestige of the Big E than doubling the schedule with 1/3 capacity crowds. I'm sorry for the locals but too much of a good thing takes away from what makes it actually good. Quit trying to change everything and be thankful for what you got.

10-02-2019, 05:26 PM
To be honest with all of you. Do you know why the World 100 had 200 cars a year and why the Dream had 140 a year? Its because at least 40 to 50 cars ran there every dang time there was a late model show. Also same reason why they had 150 mods for the UMP Nationals. If you make a track a specials only then you get just touring guys and the way the touring is going you might have maybe 50 drivers who tour. Also when you run USAC and mods and stocks you normally get the mods and stocks families who pay the $25 or so to get in and you have one hell of a crowd. Plus the mods and stocks pay $30 for a pit pass. Then look at the concessions and shirts and stuff.

10-03-2019, 08:17 AM
i personally would rather see 80-100 of the best cars in the country than 200 with half the field having no shot at winning. I would have to drive to 8-10 different tracks to see the schedule that eldora offers in a year... all of which would be a min of 1.5 hour drive one way.

10-03-2019, 08:48 AM
The bottom line is Eldora is not a charity. The place is a business and I'm sure they run the races that make money and don't run the races that lose money. If Earl was alive today I highly doubt it'd be any different. He wouldn't be holding a bunch of extra races that lost money just because he was a nice guy and felt sorry for those drivers. You can tell yourself that all you want but that wouldn't be happening.

BINGO! 12m gets the square.

10-03-2019, 09:39 AM
This thread is lunacy. Eldora is owned and run by businessmen. They know their numbers , we don’t. If running weekly made them money they would run weekly. But clearly it doesn’t

10-03-2019, 10:10 AM
this is the best place to see how people would do something with the fictional money we don't have lol

10-03-2019, 10:19 AM
To be honest with all of you. Do you know why the World 100 had 200 cars a year and why the Dream had 140 a year? Its because at least 40 to 50 cars ran there every dang time there was a late model show. Also same reason why they had 150 mods for the UMP Nationals. If you make a track a specials only then you get just touring guys and the way the touring is going you might have maybe 50 drivers who tour. Also when you run USAC and mods and stocks you normally get the mods and stocks families who pay the $25 or so to get in and you have one hell of a crowd. Plus the mods and stocks pay $30 for a pit pass. Then look at the concessions and shirts and stuff.

The fact that the Dream and the World no longer draw that number of cars has zero to do with the rest of the Eldora schedule.

10-03-2019, 10:27 AM
I'd much rather have a track that ran specials only, and top notch ones at that, than have a track that ran weekly and went out of business.

10-03-2019, 10:48 AM
Schedule used was basically copy of 10yr ago schedule without a couple 360, mods, & stocks shows. Eldora been fading to specials only track for years even when earl had it.

Curiosity got the best of me last night. I have a ton of old Mid Americans and other racing papers that I've saved over the years so I looked for some old Eldora schedules. In 1998 Eldora had 37 race nights on the schedule. In 2004 Earls last year there were 26 race nights on the schedule. So you were pretty spot on, this consolidation and move to special events started long before the ownership change. Since that point a few more races dropped off since then to the point now where it's pretty much all specials with the exception of the season opener and the family nights. So maybe at this point what you see is what you get on the schedule going forward. Time will tell. One thing is for sure. Earl was a brilliant business man. And Tony is no dummy either. I'm going to say those guys probably knew/know what they're doing with the schedule.

Also on a somewhat related note about this just being a different era compared to back then I will share this. I went to the Four Crown last weekend at Eldora. Was a really nice weather night so tried to get my neighbor to go out there with me but he didn't want to miss the Ohio State game which was being played at the same time. How many more sporting events are held in prime time on national TV now vs back then? The exponential amount of entertainment options these days can't be ignored when having discussions like this.

10-03-2019, 11:04 AM
Eldora is a gold mine.

Even back in the old days, ive heard stories from guys that we're there helping Earl.

Weekly shows, or even Regional Shows that pay 10k or so would diminish the luster of the place now days.

Let it be.

If T. Stewart were inclined, build another track close, and run it weekly, something smaller and less of an effort to operate on a weekly basis.

10-03-2019, 11:13 AM
The specials only model has worked for some tracks here in Iowa. Tipton couldn't get enough cars to maintain a weekly program but now that they are running a few specials a year they pack them in. The same is true for West Liberty. You always want a few weekly tracks in any area, but too many weekly tracks reduce the car counts. A few weekly tracks with the rest being specials only is the ideal situation in today's world.

10-03-2019, 11:30 AM
The specials only model has worked for some tracks here in Iowa. Tipton couldn't get enough cars to maintain a weekly program but now that they are running a few specials a year they pack them in. The same is true for West Liberty. You always want a few weekly tracks in any area, but too many weekly tracks reduce the car counts. A few weekly tracks with the rest being specials only is the ideal situation in today's world.

Yeah. If you can be a big track and only run high profit specials while the little tracks scrape by and keep the sport alive, it's a big win for you.

10-03-2019, 02:14 PM
Knoxville does it and Eldora could too. The main reason for Roger and Tony cutting the schedule way back and slowly becoming special events only is money. The place has become very very expensive to operate. Its a loss on any race besides the big 4 and possibly the 4 crown also. Roger is there to make Tony money. That being said they make enough money from the Kings Royal and World 100 to cover the losses of the smaller races. I know quite a few of the Eldora regulars and have friends that race there and I do feel for them. Its funny how the people who don't go there or go once or twice a season to the major events have so much to say though.

10-03-2019, 04:27 PM
Snowman that is the smartest post I have rad on this forum!

10-03-2019, 04:35 PM
You are asking them to take their FOR PROFIT business with my guess 10-15mil of assets and make it a non profit to suit a couple people on 4m ???? Your telling a steak house to give away free regular filets because they make enough off selling Kobe ... It’s pure nonsense that’s not how America works and god help us if that’s ever how America works. Make Tony an offer he can’t refuse and run a weekly cadet show if you think that’s the way to go ...

10-03-2019, 05:01 PM
What a stupid thread. And of course the biggest Eldora hater on this site was the first to agree with the OP lol. This is ridiculous.

10-03-2019, 05:01 PM
Snowman that is the smartest post I have rad on this forum!So they should just be ok with loosing money on events?

10-03-2019, 05:13 PM
This is like saying Diane Lane’s elbows are too pointy.

10-03-2019, 05:45 PM
That's crazy talk Eldora does not lose money when it opens for normal events. For the Baltes classic There was easily 4500 people there at 20 bucks a head that's 90 grand collected. The purse at the most was $30000. Are you telling me Eldora costs $60000 to open up for a show if it does it's time to close the doors

10-03-2019, 07:01 PM
Is the Baltes Classic a normal weekly show?

10-03-2019, 07:04 PM
Are you the accountant for Eldora ??? There’s no way they make any money off that event

10-03-2019, 07:47 PM
Eldora doesn't really have what you would call a weekly schedule, never have had one. They have always raced about 2-3 weeks out of the month, with the classes varying. There are more late model shows there now than what there was when Earl was in control, if you count the prelim nights. Which are point paying events for the speedway. You can listen to or read some older interviews and you hear or see the drivers talking about never getting any track time there.

I think the guy that writes these things is just wanting to make his page noticed. Well it's working.

10-03-2019, 08:26 PM
Keep telling yourself that, especially when the place closes down or your getting 25 cars for the world 100. That day is closer than u think!

10-03-2019, 08:45 PM
Zyoung you are totally wrong about them never running weekly. As a matter of fact there was a summer in the late 80's they ran both on Saturday nights and Sunday afternoons in the same week. Now for the post at hand. Eldora is a specials only track but they also have loyal racers and fans that go every time they open the gate.

10-07-2019, 10:53 AM
I believe car counts and fan counts dropped before the dates on the schedule were dropped. Let's not pretend 30-50 Late Models, Modifieds and Stocks were showing up every time the gates were open and if they only added back a more consistent weekly program they would all come back.

2ndly reaction to the proposed schedule.
Adding the Stocks & Mods to the Let's Race Two is a bad idea for the attending fan because the event already lasts long enough with around 50 wing cars and 30 non wing all qualifying, heat racing, racing, C, B Mains, Semi feature and Features.

I like adding the Sprint Invaders to Ohio Speedweek only if they agree to a pill draw format.

Dirt Derby Night One is basically 2017. Winners payout is optimistic. Could they do it, yes; would they lose money on that night, yes. I'd like to see them add Late Models back both nights to show case them to the NASCAR crowd as advertisement for the World 100 again. If we are going to make converts of the NASCAR crowd it'll be with the Late Models.

Night Befour the Crowns; with Silver Crown Qualifying and large WoO car counts one other support class max. Pick Stocks or NRA; {I prefer NRA, but I don't overly care.}

Ole Fashion 4-Crown... old fashioned 4 crown is with USAC stocks, so run the NASCAR Xfinity Series on 4 Crown Night if you want the classic. I'd maybe compromise and say a $6,000 to win late model race as that is what replaced the USAC Stocks. BUT my real vote is leave the 4 Crown night alone. Local wing drivers get there 2nd chance to run Eldora with the All*Stars without a guaranteed 5th degree butt kicking.

I'm for the UMP Nationals coming back but I think they have to revert back to the 2 Day format if they do it. They tried to make a big event for the modified guys and they didn't show up. Plan and simple they added races and money and car/driver counts went down. Then a 2 or 3 string of bad luck with weather doomed the event into extinction.
If I could rewrite the event Friday UMP Pro Late Models, UMP Stock Cars UMP Something else. Saturday Mods and Late Models full program. Qualifying early in the day; take a 2ish hour break to rework the track. Maybe run Eldora Stocks Saturday as an special invite event, hot lap on the rework track to clean it off. Run feature only between heats and B Mains of LM and Mods..

10-07-2019, 10:57 AM
Keep telling yourself that, especially when the place closes down or your getting 25 cars for the world 100. That day is closer than u think!

Running a weekly program isn't going to effect the World 100 car count but very little or even none. Look when Lucas Oil or WoO comes to a track with weekly Late Model events; a large number of the local racers stay home.

10-08-2019, 08:43 PM
[QUOTE=HoosierDirtFan;2289012]Like the ideas but not sure if Tony, Roger, or Eldora could give a rats blank about either fans or drivers. JMO Link to article - below. https://www.dirtunlimited.com/post/an-altered-2021-eldora-speedway-schedule-can-fix-relationship-with-local-drivers-fans[/QUOTE Agree 100%. Look at the once famous Lernerville Speedway. When Don Martin was running the joint it was a World Class joint and now it is lucky this season to get 16 late model per race and only about 7 of them actually finish the race because the track is so sh1thole rough during the regular Friday night races. The only redeeming factor is their popular fish sandwiches.

10-09-2019, 11:05 AM
The funny thing is, All the experts about Eldora visit the track 1 or 2 weekends a year. Some of us have been going there, racing there, or working on cars that race there for over 30 years.
Eldora is a top notch facility and Earl and now Tony get favor from the local community, the further the track gets from the locals, the less favor will be given. Just a little something to remember, I feel totally comfortable leaving there after a few, the local law enforcement turns a blind eye to it. for now.

10-09-2019, 12:22 PM
Yeah. If you can be a big track and only run high profit specials while the little tracks scrape by and keep the sport alive, it's a big win for you.

It makes a lot of sense. Definitely the smartest way to do it.