View Full Version : Gen. Mattis thanks Trump for calling him an overrated general

10-18-2019, 03:07 PM
Gen. Mattis threw in some nice jabs. :D


10-18-2019, 03:19 PM
Shame nobody can get past the picking sides part.......most of you cluckers act like this is a dodgeball game or something.

10-18-2019, 03:35 PM
Yep, like you're totally above throwing dung.

10-18-2019, 03:54 PM
Shame nobody can get past the picking sides part.......most of you cluckers act like this is a dodgeball game or something.

The sh!t anyone will get on here, and say because they have nothing , noooothi---------ng ,
Hey , Trump said Mary had a little lamb . Oh wait No they would say Mary had a a$$ as
big as a ham . NOOOOOOTHI-----------NG .

10-18-2019, 04:02 PM
"So I would just tell you, I'm honored to be considered that by Donald Trump because he also called Meryl Streep an overrated actress. So I guess I'm the Meryl Streep of generals and frankly that sounds pretty good to me. And, you do have to admit, between me and Meryl, at least we've had some victories."

10-18-2019, 04:05 PM
Yep, like you're totally above throwing dung.

I normally stuff mine in a bag , light it on fire , sit it on your porch and then ring your doorbell.

You're the one left cleaning your shoes all the time.....sorry.

10-18-2019, 04:09 PM
I like Mattis a lot.......Streep, not so much.

And please tell me that the general didn't actually say" me and Meryl " and that you typed that and it wasn't an actual quote.

10-18-2019, 04:11 PM
Click the link I posted in the OP if you don't believe the quote.

10-18-2019, 04:14 PM
He also said in his speech that he "earned his spurs on the battlefield and Donald Trump earned his spurs in a letter from a doctor."

10-18-2019, 04:19 PM
He also said in his speech that he "earned his spurs on the battlefield and Donald Trump earned his spurs in a letter from a doctor."

And he would be mostly correct.......trumps recent Spurs were earned in the voting booth.

Sorry that truth pains you so.

10-18-2019, 04:21 PM
Click the link I posted in the OP if you don't believe the quote.

I just figured the general would have polished it up a little and used proper English.

10-18-2019, 08:32 PM
So I guess I'm the Meryl Streep of generals and frankly that sounds pretty good to me.

The same Meryl Streep who applauded and celebrated a man who's been convicted of raping under age girls?



10-18-2019, 08:50 PM
They kinda wish we would forget about stuff like that......

10-18-2019, 09:37 PM
Don't believe a word of it!

I have Mattis's book that im reading right now!

He says basically, Obama was the biggest idiot when it came to the Middle East!I already knew that from his stance on Israel!

10-19-2019, 07:45 AM
What Mattis is saying Obama middle east foreign polices was bad but Trump's foreign polices is the worst he has ever seen and has put the USA in a very bad place in the world. Mattis also indicated that Trump is nothing but a Russian informant and does nothing unless Putin approves it. What Trump did in Syria has Israel wondering are they next?
Yet President Trump’s abrupt order to withdraw American troops there and abandon Kurdish forces, who have been stalwart American allies against the Islamic State, set off clanging alarm bells among officials in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.

And for a simple reason: If such a betrayal could befall the Kurds, Israelis from across the political spectrum are suddenly asking, what prevents the same from befalling another staunch American ally?

“A knife in our back,” screamed the headline over a column by Shimon Shiffer in Yediot Ahronot, Israel’s biggest mainstream paper. “The conclusion we draw needs to be unequivocal: Trump has become unreliable for Israel. He can no longer be trusted,” the column read.

Trump can no longer be trusted, A knife in our back.

I can't believe the far right wing Christian that still believe in this conman. All this shows is that Christian right wing is nothing but a religious cult.

10-19-2019, 11:15 AM
The same Meryl Streep who applauded and celebrated a man who's been convicted of raping under age girls?



That doesn’t change the fact that she’s an award winning actress.

10-19-2019, 11:16 AM
What do you not believe? There is video of him saying it.

10-19-2019, 11:21 AM
What do you not believe? There is video of him saying it.

do you have ANY street smarts ?

10-19-2019, 11:48 AM
{Quote}That doesn’t change the fact that she’s an award winning actress. [/Quote]

Perhaps not, but advocating and defending a man who admits to raping under age girls? And still seems to feels no remorse what so ever and seems to be repeating that behavior? It just seems a bit hypocritical, screaming for the head of our president, because he wanted to investigate corruption of a former administration and then at the same time defending a child sexual predator who's raping under age girls all around the world and bragging about it in his own book. Read some of the stuff from that second link. Do you have any young daughters? If you do, after reading some of those quotes from him would you want that guy running around free anywhere near where ever they may be?

Also who decided she was an "award winning actress"? Who decides who wins those awards? A small group of elitest or 62 million regular Americans? The same group of elitist who decided the child rapist should be an "award winning director". These "awards" are just a way for the rich elite to pat themselves on the back and hold the,selves up as superior to all us common folk, who's votes they believe should be nullified because "we didn't know any better than to vote for a guy who promised to put America first and not the Kurds. In their minds sacrificing a few young American lives, so they can feel good is justified because those young American lives are just the sons and daughters of the common folk whom they are willing to sacrafice for such "noble" causes.

10-19-2019, 12:14 PM

This video best exemplifies the attitude of all these elites who want to send our young sons and daughters to die in God forsaken tiny sh!thole countries far away, just so they can feel good about themselves. Is this Gen Mattis?

10-19-2019, 12:59 PM
Oh sh!t ! Drop the mic ! He said sh!t hole countries ,,,,,,,,,,,that will trigger some melting of a few snowflakes !!!!!!!!

10-19-2019, 01:44 PM
Polanski and Weinstein deserve to be in prison, alongside Bill Cosby and Trump. The joke about Meryl Streep is about her acting abilities. Not sure why that is hard to understand.

10-19-2019, 01:48 PM
Our abandonment of the Kurds sends a message to our other allies that we can’t be trusted to have their backs. Instead, we are willing to step aside and allow a genocide to happen.

10-19-2019, 02:08 PM
A=merica and americans first what don;t you understand ?

10-19-2019, 02:36 PM
Promises made -------------------------another promise kept !!!! The only guy with the balls and thick skin to do it !!!!!!!

10-19-2019, 02:44 PM
America has benefited from being a global superpower, but if you're fine with throwing that away and letting Russia and China take up the gauntlet, so be it.

10-19-2019, 03:02 PM
Allies are great but potting the sons and daughters of Americans in harms way and asking them to possibly make the ultimate sacrifice should require a really good reason to do so. Syria is a civil war. It's a dispute between a people and their leader. It was really never any of our business to begin with. We should never have gotten involved. Sure Assad is not a nice guy. We don't like him and he never like us. But is that sufficient reason for us to get involved in their civil war? I don't think so! What happens if Assad is overthrown? Who takes his place? Will they be any better than he is? Will all of them wind up hating us in the end? These are questions nobody answered before we got involved, but they should have!

The Kurds may be good people, or maybe they aren't. Maybe they were only our allies because they needed us? Who knows? Maybe they were like the Mujahideen "freedom fighters" in Afghanistan back in the 70s and 80s whom we praised and aided because they were fighting against our then enemy, the Soviets, but later after driving the Soviets out, morphed into the Taliban and later Al Qaeda. And then on Sept 11 2001 mastermind an attack that killed thousands of Americans. We've seen this movie before and it almost always ends badly for us. We create our own monsters who come back to haunt us years down the line. And it always starts with us getting involved in fights that are not our fight.

Freedom and democracy is not something you can gift to a people. It's something these must earn on their own so they can appreciate it and value it. Because they must be willing to maintain it and defend it. Freedom and democracy is also hard work and requires commitment, sometimes commitment to ideas that are counter intuitive like tolerance, free speech, responsibility, and the ability to accept the results of elections even when you don't agree with them. We cannot "export freedom and Democracy around the world." It just doesn't work. We can only offer an example and hope the rest of the world take note.

10-19-2019, 03:03 PM
america has benefited from being a global superpower, but if you're fine with throwing that away and letting russia and china take up the gauntlet, so be it.

where and how ! We have become everyones patsy …………………………...time to stop the bleeding that is why we elected him !

10-19-2019, 03:12 PM
Being a superpower and being an empire are 2 different things. Of course we benefit from being a super power. But that doesn't mean we have to occupy the entire world. How did that work out for the British empire? How did Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, samolia, and Afghanistan work out for us? Did any of that stop us from being a super power?

10-19-2019, 04:48 PM
Abandoning the Kurds isn't about Syria. Doing so leaves them open to be slaughtered by Turkey.

10-19-2019, 05:45 PM
I disagree. It's everything about Syria. Why did Turkey not attack the Kurds before? Because that meant invading Syria and starting a war with Assad. Assad wouldn't take kindly tio having his country invaded. Assad may not have been kind to the Kurds, but in a way he provided them with stability and protection. And that's most likely what will happen now and how this will be resolved. The Kurds will have to strike a deal with Assad and he will protect them from Turkey, pretty much the way it was before we got involved.

10-20-2019, 11:43 AM
Polanski and Weinstein deserve to be in prison, alongside Bill Cosby and Trump. The joke about Meryl Streep is about her acting abilities. Not sure why that is hard to understand.

Because of the high esteem you place on her ability to take on other characters persona versus the free pass you give her on her own bad character and characters she supports.

Which by the way, is the platform of your peeps.......

10-20-2019, 11:47 AM
Allies are great but potting the sons and daughters of Americans in harms way and asking them to possibly make the ultimate sacrifice should require a really good reason to do so. Syria is a civil war. It's a dispute between a people and their leader. It was really never any of our business to begin with. We should never have gotten involved. Sure Assad is not a nice guy. We don't like him and he never like us. But is that sufficient reason for us to get involved in their civil war? I don't think so! What happens if Assad is overthrown? Who takes his place? Will they be any better than he is? Will all of them wind up hating us in the end? These are questions nobody answered before we got involved, but they should have!

The Kurds may be good people, or maybe they aren't. Maybe they were only our allies because they needed us? Who knows? Maybe they were like the Mujahideen "freedom fighters" in Afghanistan back in the 70s and 80s whom we praised and aided because they were fighting against our then enemy, the Soviets, but later after driving the Soviets out, morphed into the Taliban and later Al Qaeda. And then on Sept 11 2001 mastermind an attack that killed thousands of Americans. We've seen this movie before and it almost always ends badly for us. We create our own monsters who come back to haunt us years down the line. And it always starts with us getting involved in fights that are not our fight.

Freedom and democracy is not something you can gift to a people. It's something these must earn on their own so they can appreciate it and value it. Because they must be willing to maintain it and defend it. Freedom and democracy is also hard work and requires commitment, sometimes commitment to ideas that are counter intuitive like tolerance, free speech, responsibility, and the ability to accept the results of elections even when you don't agree with them. We cannot "export freedom and Democracy around the world." It just doesn't work. We can only offer an example and hope the rest of the world take note.

Dam fine post right here.......

10-20-2019, 11:50 AM
Abandoning the Kurds isn't about Syria. Doing so leaves them open to be slaughtered by Turkey.

You should really do your own thinking man........and be a little more " aware" of the surroundings.

10-20-2019, 11:55 AM
I disagree. It's everything about Syria. Why did Turkey not attack the Kurds before? Because that meant invading Syria and starting a war with Assad. Assad wouldn't take kindly tio having his country invaded. Assad may not have been kind to the Kurds, but in a way he provided them with stability and protection. And that's most likely what will happen now and how this will be resolved. The Kurds will have to strike a deal with Assad and he will protect them from Turkey, pretty much the way it was before we got involved.

I like your foreign policy better than mccarters.........clearly you understand the fluidity and complexities of that region....i don't, I appreciate the cliff notes.

10-20-2019, 05:17 PM
Allies are great but potting the sons and daughters of Americans in harms way and asking them to possibly make the ultimate sacrifice should require a really good reason to do so. Syria is a civil war. It's a dispute between a people and their leader. It was really never any of our business to begin with. We should never have gotten involved. Sure Assad is not a nice guy. We don't like him and he never like us. But is that sufficient reason for us to get involved in their civil war? I don't think so! What happens if Assad is overthrown? Who takes his place? Will they be any better than he is? Will all of them wind up hating us in the end? These are questions nobody answered before we got involved, but they should have!

The Kurds may be good people, or maybe they aren't. Maybe they were only our allies because they needed us? Who knows? Maybe they were like the Mujahideen "freedom fighters" in Afghanistan back in the 70s and 80s whom we praised and aided because they were fighting against our then enemy, the Soviets, but later after driving the Soviets out, morphed into the Taliban and later Al Qaeda. And then on Sept 11 2001 mastermind an attack that killed thousands of Americans. We've seen this movie before and it almost always ends badly for us. We create our own monsters who come back to haunt us years down the line. And it always starts with us getting involved in fights that are not our fight.

Freedom and democracy is not something you can gift to a people. It's something these must earn on their own so they can appreciate it and value it. Because they must be willing to maintain it and defend it. Freedom and democracy is also hard work and requires commitment, sometimes commitment to ideas that are counter intuitive like tolerance, free speech, responsibility, and the ability to accept the results of elections even when you don't agree with them. We cannot "export freedom and Democracy around the world." It just doesn't work. We can only offer an example and hope the rest of the world take note.

Good post...…..But I would prefer to play a little defense, on their soil, not ours!

10-20-2019, 07:03 PM
Because of the high esteem you place on her ability to take on other characters persona versus the free pass you give her on her own bad character and characters she supports.

Which by the way, is the platform of your peeps.......

Are you seriously incapable of separating an artist from their work?

10-21-2019, 01:01 PM
Sure i am......what I'm not able to separate is the artist and her scummy circle of friends and inspiration.

10-21-2019, 01:04 PM
That you seem to give a pass to just because she is an award winning actress.

10-21-2019, 02:22 PM
I haven't said anything about her except for her acting abilities. I think a lot of actors are insane, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying their work.

10-21-2019, 03:54 PM
I haven't said anything about her except for her acting abilities. I think a lot of actors are insane, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying their work.

But do you compare yourself to them like the good general did?

She is a piece of (not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word) that happens to be a good actor.......much like pelosi....schummer....schiff.....etc.

They just don't call themselves actors, even though they are.