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11-04-2019, 07:46 PM
The other half and I are doing the voting in the morning. In years past we would sit together and talk about this candidate and that one and we would decide before hand who we would be voting for. Some we knew personally we would vote for no matter what party they were affiliated with. After seeing many, many, and then many more posts that have been put down the last few years we have to put our old ways behind us. Just because of the nature of the political information that we've gleaned off here it has left us with no other recourse than to just pull a straight party ticket. Even if a neighbor or relative are running for any office with a certain political party, they will never ever get our vote. Again, Thank all you all !

11-04-2019, 07:52 PM
The other half and I are doing the voting in the morning. In years past we would sit together and talk about this candidate and that one and we would decide before hand who we would be voting for. Some we knew personally we would vote for no matter what party they were affiliated with. After seeing many, many, and then many more posts that have been put down the last few years we have to put our old ways behind us. Just because of the nature of the political information that we've gleaned off here it has left us with no other recourse than to just pull a straight party ticket. Even if a neighbor or relative are running for any office with a certain political party, they will never ever get our vote. Again, Thank all you all !

I hope it begins with the letter R...….otherwise its just pure evil and anti-God!

11-05-2019, 07:28 AM
The other half and I are doing the voting in the morning. In years past we would sit together and talk about this candidate and that one and we would decide before hand who we would be voting for. Some we knew personally we would vote for no matter what party they were affiliated with. After seeing many, many, and then many more posts that have been put down the last few years we have to put our old ways behind us. Just because of the nature of the political information that we've gleaned off here it has left us with no other recourse than to just pull a straight party ticket. Even if a neighbor or relative are running for any office with a certain political party, they will never ever get our vote. Again, Thank all you all !

Good luck with your pick.....I hate the idea and think it's why we are where we are today in politics.....people voting for party over person.

But, it's your absolute right to vote how you want and at least you're being honest about it.

11-05-2019, 07:30 AM
I've said this before , and it will never happen......but to cut down on the mud slinging and bull shot between the candidates and parties during the run up to the elections and beyond.......winner of the election is prez, the second place person is vice prez......make them work together instead of pulling people apart.

11-05-2019, 11:39 AM
The problem is BBQ that the Dems have to destroy the middle class or they will never get elected. Their policies bind up small business and are all about raising taxes on the middle class. I know they say they don't but when you tax so called big business it trickles down to the working man. The thing that has made this President so successful is mostly about staying out of the way and letting business thrive. Dems are all about regulating everything. They have lost the freedom fight and have to be anti everything that works. The divide in this country comes from the media being one sided and the Education system keeping young people as ignorant as possible and dependent. People aren't depended on Gov, the Left would never get elected. Ergo destroy the middle class and make more people dependent. On paper your idea looks good BTW, but putting human nature into the equation
rules that idea out. Dems are the party of the rich and as an example just look at the money they make on the Global warming fraud. Just look at the Cities they run. Tell me why on earth anyone would want a democrat to run their city or state. The California situation is all anyone should look at. People continue to elect these imbeciles to run things and this is the result of the media and keeping people ignorant

11-05-2019, 12:09 PM
The problem is BBQ that the Dems have to destroy the middle class or they will never get elected. Their policies bind up small business and are all about raising taxes on the middle class. I know they say they don't but when you tax so called big business it trickles down to the working man. The thing that has made this President so successful is mostly about staying out of the way and letting business thrive. Dems are all about regulating everything. They have lost the freedom fight and have to be anti everything that works. The divide in this country comes from the media being one sided and the Education system keeping young people as ignorant as possible and dependent. People aren't depended on Gov, the Left would never get elected. Ergo destroy the middle class and make more people dependent. On paper your idea looks good BTW, but putting human nature into the equation
rules that idea out. Dems are the party of the rich and as an example just look at the money they make on the Global warming fraud. Just look at the Cities they run. Tell me why on earth anyone would want a democrat to run their city or state. The California situation is all anyone should look at. People continue to elect these imbeciles to run things and this is the result of the media and keeping people ignorant

Spot on sir...…...there's just no good candidate with the letter D behind their name, unfortunately!

11-05-2019, 12:09 PM
Good luck with your pick.....I hate the idea and think it's why we are where we are today in politics.....people voting for party over person.

But, it's your absolute right to vote how you want and at least you're being honest about it.

I've said this before , and it will never happen......but to cut down on the mud slinging and bull shot between the candidates and parties during the run up to the elections and beyond.......winner of the election is prez, the second place person is vice prez......make them work together instead of pulling people apart.

Great posts here Barbecueboy and I agree sounds like a great Idea but, the extreme nuts on both sides would lose their minds. He doesn't get the part of working together. It's not like the two parties haven't worked together because, it used to be the way things were done.

11-05-2019, 01:49 PM
Great posts here Barbecueboy and I agree sounds like a great Idea but, the extreme nuts on both sides would lose their minds. He doesn't get the part of working together. It's not like the two parties haven't worked together because, it used to be the way things were done.

When you say "He" I'm hoping you meant to say they........because since the early 80s none of them have wanted to work together the way up used to be.

You know , when politicians did it for the country more than they did it for themselves?

11-05-2019, 02:37 PM
Great posts here Barbecueboy and I agree sounds like a great Idea but, the extreme nuts on both sides would lose their minds. He doesn't get the part of working together. It's not like the two parties haven't worked together because, it used to be the way things were done.

Again trashing Trump. Why don't you wake up. I don't care whether you like Trump but your hate slants your view of reality. Trump has tried to work with Dems. They won't give him anything close to victory on anything. I am sick and tired of this both sides are doing it nonsense. It is not that I love Reps either, but this garbage going on right now is one sided. Just listen to these lunatics on the left. If we don't impeach him, he will be re elected. You like this kind carp? The left pulls this off, they will have a blue print to impeach every President from the conservative side that gets elected going forward. I don't love Trump, but I love his policies for the benefit of this nation. Be careful what you wish for. Just stop pretending you are playing this down the middle. You are not. Here is another thing. You OK with how they tried to destroy the last Justice and his family with lies. Even there star witness Ford said she made up to stop him from reversing the abortion rights?

11-05-2019, 03:28 PM
When you say "He" I'm hoping you meant to say they........because since the early 80s none of them have wanted to work together the way up used to be.

You know , when politicians did it for the country more than they did it for themselves?

Yes sir I did mean they. Yes they did there was none of the bs of being worried about getting reelected they worked towards the betterment of the American people.

11-05-2019, 03:35 PM
Again trashing Trump. Why don't you wake up. I don't care whether you like Trump but your hate slants your view of reality. Trump has tried to work with Dems. They won't give him anything close to victory on anything. I am sick and tired of this both sides are doing it nonsense. It is not that I love Reps either, but this garbage going on right now is one sided. Just listen to these lunatics on the left. If we don't impeach him, he will be re elected. You like this kind carp? The left pulls this off, they will have a blue print to impeach every President from the conservative side that gets elected going forward. I don't love Trump, but I love his policies for the benefit of this nation. Be careful what you wish for. Just stop pretending you are playing this down the middle. You are not. Here is another thing. You OK with how they tried to destroy the last Justice and his family with lies. Even there star witness Ford said she made up to stop him from reversing the abortion rights?

Funny how just a couple of years and you forget the Repubs not working with Obama. I thought we have already been through this but, again your partisan has blinded you.

Listen to be honest I would rather Trump be beat at the election. It would deflate his ego so, bad he would probably lose his mind but, If a Democrat had done what Trump allegedly has done you would be screaming bloody murder and would wanting the Repubs to impeach him. Just remember one day a Democrat will be in the whitehouse again and it will their chance to ask a foreign country to find dirt on a republican candidate and I hope you stand up and say there is nothing wrong with what they are doing.

I have said Trump will win reelection and by a wide margin so, not so sure what your worried about.

You have lunatics and both sides so, to think your party is any better is about laughable.

11-05-2019, 03:56 PM
I am not quite sure what you are getting at. Meaning Partisan. Was I trying to hide that? I am a white conservative. BTW this is absolutely the only place where I talk politics. That is because while I am a business man, I am at heart a lover of the Dirt racing crowd where I grew up and feel most comfortable. So I rant on about the injustice of this current situation. The Dems said from day one they were going impeach him. This in itself should concern people about the future. You keep referring to Obama and no one was impeaching him and frankly his administration did a lot dishonest things including him. But I never would hold still for impeachment. BTW the Justice Dept investigation is going to expose a lot of under handed goings on with his administration. But we are in 2019 and this is nothing but a Dem circus because they cannot defeat him. Sure, I understand you don't like him and want to see him put down. That is what my last post was driving at. That is fine. State your wishes openly, and you did. However believing the man should be impeached because many people hate him, is a dangerous path to start down. This is non sense and you know it. It is stupid and a waste of time. Did you send people to congress to solve some important issues or to waste everyone's time and money in hopes they can muscle their way back to power? There is no crime here and you know it and if you are hoping for more revelations, I would hope you are smarter than this. This whole thing was contrived by a phony whistle blower in partnership with Shiff to drum up the next idea on how to get rid of him. this stuff is just stupid

11-05-2019, 04:20 PM
Yes sir I did mean they. Yes they did there was none of the bs of being worried about getting reelected they worked towards the betterment of the American people.

But you said " he" .....guessing that was a fraudian slip referring to the current president?

I think you have the same respect level for Mr. Trump that I have for the 32 Whackos , so I understand ( but don't always agree) with what you are trying to say.

11-05-2019, 04:25 PM
I am not quite sure what you are getting at. Meaning Partisan. Was I trying to hide that? I am a white conservative. BTW this is absolutely the only place where I talk politics. That is because while I am a business man, I am at heart a lover of the Dirt racing crowd where I grew up and feel most comfortable. So I rant on about the injustice of this current situation. The Dems said from day one they were going impeach him. This in itself should concern people about the future. You keep referring to Obama and no one was impeaching him and frankly his administration did a lot dishonest things including him. But I never would hold still for impeachment. BTW the Justice Dept investigation is going to expose a lot of under handed goings on with his administration. But we are in 2019 and this is nothing but a Dem circus because they cannot defeat him. Sure, I understand you don't like him and want to see him put down. That is what my last post was driving at. That is fine. State your wishes openly, and you did. However believing the man should be impeached because many people hate him, is a dangerous path to start down. This is non sense and you know it. It is stupid and a waste of time. Did you send people to congress to solve some important issues or to waste everyone's time and money in hopes they can muscle their way back to power? There is no crime here and you know it and if you are hoping for more revelations, I would hope you are smarter than this. This whole thing was contrived by a phony whistle blower in partnership with Shiff to drum up the next idea on how to get rid of him. this stuff is just stupid
The justice dept. going to serve up a bunch of crow and feet concerning the previous administrations less than honorable escapades.......wonder if the homers can stomach it?
We've all heard about it, thought it and heard the insinuations......the justice department investigations are going to hurt a lot of people's feelings.

I predict people will go missing and then be found to have committed suicide.

11-05-2019, 04:32 PM
But you said " he" .....guessing that was a fraudian slip referring to the current president?

I think you have the same respect level for Mr. Trump that I have for the 32 Whackos , so I understand ( but don't always agree) with what you are trying to say.

I couldn't have said any better and that's ok we don't have to agree. That doesn't mean we can't have respect for one another. Some of my friends and family don't agree with me either go figure lol

11-05-2019, 04:38 PM
You have friends????

Lol, just kidding.....I totally get what you are saying.....we are a lot alike in that respect.

11-05-2019, 04:55 PM
You have friends????

Lol, just kidding.....I totally get what you are saying.....we are a lot alike in that respect.

Well maybe I should check but, I did have 2 friends and I'm sure that is considered friends lol

11-05-2019, 05:46 PM
I am not quite sure what you are getting at. Meaning Partisan. Was I trying to hide that? I am a white conservative. BTW this is absolutely the only place where I talk politics. That is because while I am a business man, I am at heart a lover of the Dirt racing crowd where I grew up and feel most comfortable. So I rant on about the injustice of this current situation. The Dems said from day one they were going impeach him. This in itself should concern people about the future. You keep referring to Obama and no one was impeaching him and frankly his administration did a lot dishonest things including him. But I never would hold still for impeachment. BTW the Justice Dept investigation is going to expose a lot of under handed goings on with his administration. But we are in 2019 and this is nothing but a Dem circus because they cannot defeat him. Sure, I understand you don't like him and want to see him put down. That is what my last post was driving at. That is fine. State your wishes openly, and you did. However believing the man should be impeached because many people hate him, is a dangerous path to start down. This is non sense and you know it. It is stupid and a waste of time. Did you send people to congress to solve some important issues or to waste everyone's time and money in hopes they can muscle their way back to power? There is no crime here and you know it and if you are hoping for more revelations, I would hope you are smarter than this. This whole thing was contrived by a phony whistle blower in partnership with Shiff to drum up the next idea on how to get rid of him. this stuff is just stupid

If Trump committed a crime or violated the Constitution then he should be impeached and you should want that as well no matter what party the President is from and if he didn't then the Dems need to move on. We live by then rule of law here in this country.

I noticed you said I want him put down I'm not sure what you mean by that but, That doesn't sound good and No I don't want him put down. Beat in an election that I can deal with.

Listen if Biden, Obama, Clinton or anyone else committed a crime they need to be brought to justice. Like I said we live by the rule of law in this country and no one is above it so, don't think it's going to hurt me because trust it won't.

I'm sorry but, a quid pro quo with a foreign government for dirt on your political advantage is not a stupid thing so, if this pans out to be the truth then what do you want them to do? and are you ok id Democrat candidate does it in the future and finds dirt that leads to the top Republican candidate having to drop out and a Dem winning the Presidency I bet not.

Don't worry Trump will win reelection by a wide margin so, relax a little.

11-05-2019, 06:08 PM
Funny how just a couple of years and you forget the Repubs not working with Obama. I thought we have already been through this but, again your partisan has blinded you.

Listen to be honest I would rather Trump be beat at the election. It would deflate his ego so, bad he would probably lose his mind but, If a Democrat had done what Trump allegedly has done you would be screaming bloody murder and would wanting the Repubs to impeach him. Just remember one day a Democrat will be in the whitehouse again and it will their chance to ask a foreign country to find dirt on a republican candidate and I hope you stand up and say there is nothing wrong with what they are doing.

I have said Trump will win reelection and by a wide margin so, not so sure what your worried about.

You have lunatics and both sides so, to think your party is any better is about laughable.

So, you expected Republicans to work with Obama over bad policies? That makes zero sense!

Trump has proven over and over, that Obamas policies were bad, that's why he overturned them! And the results have been phenomenal!

11-05-2019, 06:56 PM
Yep unemployment 10% when he took office and down to 4.7% when he left and now we are 4.1%

11-05-2019, 09:17 PM
Yep unemployment 10% when he took office and down to 4.7% when he left and now we are 4.1%

Obama was the only president to NEVER reach 3% GDP!......Imagine that!

11-06-2019, 05:05 AM
Obama was the only president to NEVER reach 3% GDP!......Imagine that!

WAIT FOR IT ............. had to be someone else’s fault !

11-06-2019, 05:15 AM
Obama was the only president to NEVER reach 3% GDP!......Imagine that!

No he didn't. He came pretty close with a 2.9 in 2015 but, pretty close doesn't count lol.

11-06-2019, 08:35 AM
Third quarter GDP at 1.9%...oops.

11-06-2019, 08:38 AM
As far as Trump winning re-election, election results from yesterday might have some reconsidering their predictions.

11-06-2019, 10:05 AM
Wishful thinking bud......you have looked at your field of democratic presidential candidates , right?

Unless you March someone up better than that whole collective of mouskateers he will win just like he did in 2016.......not because he is so much better but because who he will be running against again just sucks.
And deep down , you know it.......carry on.

11-06-2019, 11:34 AM
Yes, I've seen the clown show that the dems are pushing, it ain't pretty. As I have said before, wish the libertarians could field a decent candidate so there would be at another choice than what is now available. Not going to happen so if I were to hold my nose and vote, it would be Trump. So, yes you are correct.

11-06-2019, 12:34 PM
Good for you not spinning Strong man. It is about what this amount too IMO. I have a lot of libertarian views myself, but Personally I still like the opening up the economy and Trump getting out of the way. I also like his trade deal approaches. I knew a lot about Trump business resume long before he ran for President. I was not a particular fan and understand why he rubs people the wrong way, but he is a lot smarter than people give him credit for. His business understanding is as good as it gets. You can dislike him, but I hope you hold your nose and vote for him as you indicated.

11-06-2019, 05:05 PM
I didn't even have to hold my nose. I knew I wanted a successful businessman to be the President, not a politician!

While his words may not be the most-Christianlike, his actions sure are. Some people don't know the difference between a saved person and a Christian!

11-06-2019, 05:36 PM
I didn't even have to hold my nose. I knew I wanted a successful businessman to be the President, not a politician!

While his words may not be the most-Christianlike, his actions sure are. Some people don't know the difference between a saved person and a Christian!

so, now your saying Committing Adultry, lying on a daily basis, Separating kids from their parents is all Christianlike OK.

11-06-2019, 05:49 PM
so, now your saying Committing Adultry, lying on a daily basis, Separating kids from their parents is all Christianlike OK.

So, you're saying his sin is greater than your sin! Im pretty sure, Jesus died for ALL sins, not the ones you care to pick and choose!

Since many believe him to be saved NOW, he has NO sin, they're ALL forgiven!

11-06-2019, 06:25 PM
so, now your saying Committing Adultry, lying on a daily basis, Separating kids from their parents is all Christianlike OK.

I'm not picking any particular sin I just named a few and yes Jesus died for all are sins. I never said nothing about anyone sins greater than the other so, don't go there.

If you think those things I pointed out are christian like then I'm lost for words so, even those who murder can repent and be forgiven of that sin Right?

Ok so does he ask for forgiveness everyday because, he lies almost everyday and isn't lying a sin.

11-06-2019, 06:31 PM
I'm not picking any particular sin I just named a few and yes Jesus died for all are sins. I never said nothing about anyone sins greater than the other so, don't go there.

If you think those things I pointed out are christian like then I'm lost for words so, even those who murder can repent and be forgiven of that sin Right?

Ok so does he ask for forgiveness everyday because, he lies almost everyday and isn't lying a sin.

No, he doesn't lie every day.....quit watching CNN!

He's human, just like you and I. We ALL sin many times every day!

King David committed adultery, had an illegitimate child, had the husband murdered, but yet the Bible says he was a man after Gods own heart! So who are we to condemn Trump?

11-06-2019, 06:43 PM
No, he doesn't lie every day.....quit watching CNN!

He's human, just like you and I. We ALL sin many times every day!

King David committed adultery, had an illegitimate child, had the husband murdered, but yet the Bible says he was a man after Gods own heart! So who are we to condemn Trump?

I said almost everyday

You didn't answer the question are you by any chance running for office? I will take it as no it's not Christianlike to do the few things I said.

11-06-2019, 07:15 PM
I said almost everyday

You didn't answer the question are you by any chance running for office? I will take it as no it's not Christianlike to do the few things I said.

Its not Christianlike to exceed the speed limit either!

So, how far do you wanna go comparing sin? Its all the same in Gods eyes!

fwiw.....don't take this the wrong way but, you know my past, and you don't want to get in a Biblical discussion with me!

11-06-2019, 07:57 PM
Its not Christianlike to exceed the speed limit either!

So, how far do you wanna go comparing sin? Its all the same in Gods eyes!

fwiw.....don't take this the wrong way but, you know my past, and you don't want to get in a Biblical discussion with me!

Again I'm not comparing sin, You said trump action were christianlike and I asked you do you think those few things I pointed out were christianlike and still no answer.

Yes I know it's all the same. It's like when one guy is late for work by 15 minutes and another guy is late by 5 minutes and neither is better because, when your late your late.

Yes since your an expert on this subject I would think it would be an easy answer. My answer would be NO so,no need to keep going back and forth.

11-06-2019, 08:20 PM
Again I'm not comparing sin, You said trump action were christianlike and I asked you do you think those few things I pointed out were christianlike and still no answer.

Yes I know it's all the same. It's like when one guy is late for work by 15 minutes and another guy is late by 5 minutes and neither is better because, when your late your late.

Yes since your an expert on this subject I would think it would be an easy answer. My answer would be NO so,no need to keep going back and forth.

So, why are you arguing when you know my answer?

Never said I was an expert, but you're a liberal and will stretch something to make you feel good!

11-06-2019, 08:29 PM
So, why are you arguing when you know my answer?

Never said I was an expert, but you're a liberal and will stretch something to make you feel good!

I didn't stretch anything to make me feel good. I thought you said once your dad was a Priest and if not I do apologize and if so, I just figured you would then be an expert.

But, we do agree then Trump's actions sometimes are not Christianlike

11-06-2019, 08:36 PM
I said almost everyday

You didn't answer the question are you by any chance running for office? I will take it as no it's not Christianlike to do the few things I said.

Actually in post 30 you inferred he lies on a daily basis......another fraudian slip maybe?

11-06-2019, 09:08 PM
Actually in post 30 you inferred he lies on a daily basis......another fraudian slip maybe?

More like...….fraudulent!

I sincerely apologize to everyone on here, if I come across as some holier-than-thou Bible thumper. I put on my pants just like the rest of you, but I do have the knowledge to defend my faith.

Just like I know Bloomer is the G.O.A.T., I also know who created him!

fyi....my dad was an evangelist, but not in the way most people think!

11-06-2019, 09:10 PM
Actually in post 30 you inferred he lies on a daily basis......another fraudian slip maybe?

Killing him softly with his own words !! Like I said before he is nothing but an anti American communist scumbag ! Here comes the apology for mis stating the truth !

11-06-2019, 09:46 PM
Actually in post 30 you inferred he lies on a daily basis......another fraudian slip maybe?

You would be correct but, in post 32 I said almost on a daily basis so,what's the problem? He lies so, much I don't know whether to say on a daily basis or almost on a daily basis. At least I'm not afraid to admit it Like others who can't. They can't admit when their wrong. Nothing wrong with it but, some it might hurt their pride.

11-06-2019, 09:58 PM
You would be correct but, in post 32 I said almost on a daily basis so,what's the problem? He lies so, much I don't know whether to say on a daily basis or almost on a daily basis. At least I'm not afraid to admit it Like others who can't. They can't admit when their wrong. Nothing wrong with it but, some it might hurt their pride.

Strawberry revival ?

11-06-2019, 09:59 PM
You would be correct but, in post 32 I said almost on a daily basis so,what's the problem? He lies so, much I don't know whether to say on a daily basis or almost on a daily basis. At least I'm not afraid to admit it Like others who can't. They can't admit when their wrong. Nothing wrong with it but, some it might hurt their pride.

You sound like that guy changing his closed door testimony midstream ! LIAR LIAR LIAR !

11-07-2019, 05:32 AM
Trump has been in office for 1019 days and as of 10-14-19 Trump has told 13,435 lies. So on the average Trump tells 13.184 lies a day.

11-07-2019, 05:42 AM
To barrow a line from barbecueboy and they wonder why!

11-07-2019, 05:50 AM
Kid just wait Barr has an investigation going on right now and it will be released right before the holidays. It will feed the Trumpturds for the holidays. I will send it do you today.

11-07-2019, 06:08 AM
Kid just wait Barr has an investigation going on right now and it will be released right before the holidays. It will feed the Trumpturds for the holidays. I will send it do you today.

It still won't change what the President has done.

It should tell you something when Barr refused to go out and hold a news conference saying the President did nothing wrong. Barr knows there's no defending this.

11-07-2019, 06:29 AM
It still won't change what the President has done.

It should tell you something when Barr refused to go out and hold a news conference saying the President did nothing wrong. Barr knows there's no defending this.

Please tell us all you wise communist anti American scumbag what “THIS” is ?

11-07-2019, 06:31 AM
Trump has been in office for 1019 days and as of 10-14-19 Trump has told 13,435 lies. So on the average Trump tells 13.184 lies a day.

If cnn said it it must be true !!!!!

11-07-2019, 06:57 AM
The numbers didn’t come from CNN. Watch out Kid dirtman is using his 2nd grade tactics against you. I know his name calling really hurts you. LOL Dirtman doesn’t deal with facts very well.

11-07-2019, 07:22 AM
You would be correct but, in post 32 I said almost on a daily basis so,what's the problem? He lies so, much I don't know whether to say on a daily basis or almost on a daily basis. At least I'm not afraid to admit it Like others who can't. They can't admit when their wrong. Nothing wrong with it but, some it might hurt their pride.

The problem is that when someone said something about it you felt the need to correct them and say " " I said almost every day"........ When in fact you said it both ways.

If you're going to stand by your convictions you need to be consistent with them and just be honest with your true feelings.

11-07-2019, 07:42 AM
so, now your saying Committing Adultry, lying on a daily basis, Separating kids from their parents is all Christianlike OK.

Separating kids from their parents is a Dem talking point. In fact Obama set up the cages. Now to explain why Christians support Trump. First he puts conservative judges in courts, there is enough issue with abortion, we don't need to make it worse. Second he protects Israel which the Christians accept what the Bible says about those that protect Israel, I will protect them. Third, he protects the freedom of religion which is important because Dems want to tax take tax breaks from any Church that won't marry gays, or allows them to become members while still participating in a sin God hates and says not to actively do. These are main reasons for the support of Trump. His policies.

God does not make people sin, He hates the sin, but loves the Sinner. Another thing Christians don't like is Democratics booing God at every turn. There is no spinning something that happens in front of cameras over and over. So there is your main answer for the Support of Trump.

11-07-2019, 07:58 AM
The problem is that when someone said something about it you felt the need to correct them and say " " I said almost every day"........ When in fact you said it both ways.

If you're going to stand by your convictions you need to be consistent with them and just be honest with your true feelings.

He quoted me in post # 32 and in that post I said almost. I don't know what's so hard to comprehend here. I mean really on a daily basis or almost on a daily basis the bottom line this President lies quite often. You called me out on it fair enough I can respect that.

11-07-2019, 08:02 AM
ss12 yes I'm so hurt by his name calling of me I'm in counseling as we speak LMAO!!!

11-07-2019, 08:06 AM
Separating kids from their parents is a Dem talking point. In fact Obama set up the cages. Now to explain why Christians support Trump. First he puts conservative judges in courts, there is enough issue with abortion, we don't need to make it worse. Second he protects Israel which the Christians accept what the Bible says about those that protect Israel, I will protect them. Third, he protects the freedom of religion which is important because Dems want to tax take tax breaks from any Church that won't marry gays, or allows them to become members while still participating in a sin God hates and says not to actively do. These are main reasons for the support of Trump. His policies.

God does not make people sin, He hates the sin, but loves the Sinner. Another thing Christians don't like is Democratics booing God at every turn. There is no spinning something that happens in front of cameras over and over. So there is your main answer for the Support of Trump.

I don't care who separated the kids from their parents it's just plain wrong Obama, Trump it's just wrong. How would you like it if your kids were separated form you. I bet not so good.

I don't care if Christian support Trump that's their right but, to those things I pointed out are Christian like I beg to differ and know other will as well.

Gotta go for now talk to you guys later have a good day!!

11-07-2019, 08:26 AM
He quoted me in post # 32 and in that post I said almost. I don't know what's so hard to comprehend here. I mean really on a daily basis or almost on a daily basis the bottom line this President lies quite often. You called me out on it fair enough I can respect that.

Again , had you not gotten all democraticish and felt the need to clarify another cloudy post by saying" I didn't say every day" when in fact you did I would have never even brought it up.....you called yourself out, I was just paying attention .

It's sort of a microcosm of the entire dem party conundrum they find themselves in these days......

11-07-2019, 08:28 AM
Trump has been in office for 1019 days and as of 10-14-19 Trump has told 13,435 lies. So on the average Trump tells 13.184 lies a day.

This is the Democratic Party in 2019 folks^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

And they wonder why?

11-07-2019, 05:36 PM
This is the Democratic Party in 2019 folks^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

And they wonder why?

No that's the President who lies on a daily or almost daily basis lol

11-07-2019, 05:56 PM
I was talking about the questionable score keeping instead of the what they were elected for of job doin.

That's what the dem party has become unfortunately......and it really didn't have to be that way.

They could have just won it instead of being lazy and complacent.

11-07-2019, 06:57 PM
This is the Democratic Party in 2019 folks^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

And they wonder why?

They're betting the farm on that and bogus investigations!( Its gonna be hilarious when The IG report shows all the corruptness of Odummer and his troops)

You cant stop a hemorrhage, with a band-aid!

11-07-2019, 07:24 PM
This is the Democratic Party in 2019 folks^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

And they wonder why?

Yes the party that not afraid of Invasion, discrimination, slavery, Soviet Union, LGBTQ, bigotry, immigrates, nationalism, and White supremacy. Yes the democrat party that can't be manipulated and brain washed to "fear" all of the above. Yes the party that deals in facts and not conspiracy theories. As you all noticed nobody even tried to debunk what I posted!! Nothing ever stays the same. We had our time in history but the guard is changing rather we like it or not. The next generation is about to take control the only thing we can hope for is they treat us with respect.

One more thing I didn't vote for Hillary Clinton so I'm not mad about the 2016 election. I knew the person I voted for was not going to win. I'm tired of the 2 party system so I always for vote for a 3rd party. I read a couple post where they said they would vote for a libertarian party if they had a good candidate. Guess what if you don't vote for the libertarian candidate you will never get a good one.

11-07-2019, 07:34 PM
Yes the party that not afraid of Invasion, discrimination, slavery, Soviet Union, LGBTQ, bigotry, immigrates, nationalism, and White supremacy. Yes the democrat party that can't be manipulated and brain washed to "fear" all of the above. Yes the party that deals in facts and not conspiracy theories. As you all noticed nobody even tried to debunk what I posted!! Nothing ever stays the same. We had our time in history but the guard is changing rather we like it or not. The next generation is about to take control the only thing we can hope for is they treat us with respect.

One more thing I didn't vote for Hillary Clinton so I'm not mad about the 2016 election. I knew the person I voted for was not going to win. I'm tired of the 2 party system so I always for vote for a 3rd party. I read a couple post where they said they would vote for a libertarian party if they had a good candidate. Guess what if you don't vote for the libertarian candidate you will never get a good one.

We like watching choke on your own SH!t and dying slowly with your own contradictions!

11-07-2019, 07:48 PM
Yes the party that not afraid of Invasion, discrimination, slavery, Soviet Union, LGBTQ, bigotry, immigrates, nationalism, and White supremacy. Yes the democrat party that can't be manipulated and brain washed to "fear" all of the above. Yes the party that deals in facts and not conspiracy theories. As you all noticed nobody even tried to debunk what I posted!! Nothing ever stays the same. We had our time in history but the guard is changing rather we like it or not. The next generation is about to take control the only thing we can hope for is they treat us with respect.

One more thing I didn't vote for Hillary Clinton so I'm not mad about the 2016 election. I knew the person I voted for was not going to win. I'm tired of the 2 party system so I always for vote for a 3rd party. I read a couple post where they said they would vote for a libertarian party if they had a good candidate. Guess what if you don't vote for the libertarian candidate you will never get a good one.

I was going to tell him I know your not hurt or mad or angry or whatever else they want to label it about the 2016 election. They think your're a Democrat and I have to admit I laughed pretty hard that one. I thought if they really knew what was going on they would well you know lol.

11-07-2019, 07:51 PM
We like watching choke on your own SH!t and dying slowly with your own contradictions!

Again you have nothing educational to bring to this forum. It just shows how easy it is to manipulated you and how gullible you really are. Have you ever noticed that I never reply to your post? You are not worth my time.

11-07-2019, 07:56 PM
I was going to tell him I know your not hurt or mad or angry or whatever else they want to label it about the 2016 election. They think your're a Democrat and I have to admit I laughed pretty hard that one. I thought if they really knew what was going on they would well you know lol.

Kid I just laugh because they think they are getting to me about the 2016 election. It really would blow their mind if they would ever see what party I'm registered with. LOL

11-07-2019, 08:32 PM
Again you have nothing educational to bring to this forum. It just shows how easy it is to manipulated you and how gullible you really are. Have you ever noticed that I never reply to your post? You are not worth my time.

As you reply to my post .........yet again !!!!!

11-07-2019, 08:37 PM
Again you have nothing educational to bring to this forum. It just shows how easy it is to manipulated you and how gullible you really are. Have you ever noticed that I never reply to your post? You are not worth my time.

See post 51 ....... is it never or “almost” never ? I believe I got you oh great educated one ! It is ok you are worthy of my time cuz I care about all people as does OUR GREAT PRESIDENT !

11-07-2019, 08:59 PM
You can be registered as anything you want to be.....your words make you a fekking hypocrite.

To be honest, every single effort from the dems since 2016 have been to derail the winner of the election they screwed up and lost and your message has been step for step with them........so go ahead ,claim you're a registered whatever you want.

Truth is, it sounds like you don't know what you want to be......other than right.

Somebody on here will let you know when you actually are.

11-07-2019, 09:03 PM
ss12 that guy never has anything to add to the conversation. He's just like the President all he knows how to do is hurl insults at people. Heck I'm in therapy because of him lmao!!!!!

11-07-2019, 09:11 PM
You can be registered as anything you want to be.....your words make you a fekking hypocrite.

To be honest, every single effort from the dems since 2016 have been to derail the winner of the election they screwed up and lost and your message has been step for step with them........so go ahead ,claim you're a registered whatever you want.

Truth is, it sounds like you don't know what you want to be......other than right.

Somebody on here will let you know when you actually are.

Barbecueboy ss12 doesn't like either party to be honest. We have had many conversations about both parties and are disgusted by both. We are both ready for a third party in this country that doesn't care what you are as long as you bring good ideas to help the business and the people so, we call have live the dream. He doesn't care what you call him or what you think of him trust me. We do have some good laughs about some of the conversation on here that I can tell you.

11-07-2019, 09:18 PM
If his insults don't send you into therapy, the next 5 or 6 years of political mind trauma might.

The dems are in the same position as the NFL New York jets ..... they're in the same league but they know every time they play the patriots they are going to get pummeled.

And there ain't a dam thing they can do about it....they just don't have the talent to compete.

11-07-2019, 09:21 PM
Barbecueboy ss12 doesn't like either party to be honest. We have had many conversations about both parties and are disgusted by both. We are both ready for a third party in this country that doesn't care what you are as long as you bring good ideas to help the business and the people so, we call have live the dream. He doesn't care what you call him or what you think of him trust me. We do have some good laughs about some of the conversation on here that I can tell you.

Trump already has the best ideas, and he's done it with no help from your party!

Bernie already has a 3rd party, im sure you 2 will fit right in!

FYI......Hilary lost, get over it!

11-07-2019, 09:36 PM
Barbecueboy ss12 doesn't like either party to be honest. We have had many conversations about both parties and are disgusted by both. We are both ready for a third party in this country that doesn't care what you are as long as you bring good ideas to help the business and the people so, we call have live the dream. He doesn't care what you call him or what you think of him trust me. We do have some good laughs about some of the conversation on here that I can tell you.

I don't really think any kind of way about him......but based on your description it does sound like he might fit a profile of a living in moms basement or in a van down by the river kinda guy.

Glad you guys can laugh with each other ......because respectfully speaking you've certainly both provided a few.

11-07-2019, 09:42 PM
Glad you guys can laugh with each other ......because respectfully speaking you've certainly both provided a few.

…...if they only knew! :)

11-07-2019, 09:52 PM
I don't really think any kind of way about him......but based on your description it does sound like he might fit a profile of a living in moms basement or in a van down by the river kinda guy.

Glad you guys can laugh with each other ......because respectfully speaking you've certainly both provided a few.

Live in his mom's basement not hardly but, he will get a good laugh out of that one
We don't laugh at each other but, we do laugh at some of the comments.

Glad we could make you laugh. I would much rather see people laughing than being mad.

11-07-2019, 10:10 PM
Live in his mom's basement not hardly but, he will get a good laugh out of that one
We don't laugh at each other but, we do laugh at some of the comments.

Glad we could make you laugh. I would much rather see people laughing than being mad.

I never said you laugh AT each other........there you go again.

And btw, I laugh at myself every day.

11-08-2019, 05:12 AM
I never said you laugh AT each other........there you go again.

And btw, I laugh at myself every day.

At or with ............what does it matter ? See what I mean about choking on your own SH!t ?

11-08-2019, 07:12 AM
Not sure if they choke on it, but they do gargle in it a lot after it gets regurgitated.

11-08-2019, 07:32 AM
Not sure if they choke on it, but they do gargle in it a lot after it gets regurgitated.

LMAO.............................................. .................................................. .... and I thought you were better than this. I stand corrected lol

11-08-2019, 07:42 AM
Fair enough.......shouldn't have tossed a blanket over you both with that statement.

At least you peak out from underneath it and come up for air every now and again.

Your buddy SS??? He gargles with his own (not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)sterine after ever gallon of koolaid....sorry.

11-08-2019, 08:58 AM
Fair enough.......shouldn't have tossed a blanket over you both with that statement.

At least you peak out from underneath it and come up for air every now and again.

Your buddy SS??? He gargles with his own (not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)sterine after ever gallon of koolaid....sorry.

Ss12 is a good guy and a good family man who has done very well for himself and his family. My opinion he gets under your guys skin so, then the insults start.

11-08-2019, 01:03 PM
Ss12 is a good guy and a good family man who has done very well for himself and his family. My opinion he gets under your guys skin so, then the insults start.

Probly because he claims he's not a Dem, but every post he makes, says otherwise!

If he's a Republican, he should change parties, he's not one of us!

11-08-2019, 01:48 PM
Probly because he claims he's not a Dem, but every post he makes, says otherwise!

If he's a Republican, he should change parties, he's not one of us!

Probably because I have always said that I'm a Independent voter. Never said I wouldn't vote for a republican because I have.

11-08-2019, 01:51 PM
Probably because I have always said that I'm a Independent voter. Never said I wouldn't vote for a republican because I have.

So, please show us anything you have posted, supporting Republican causes!

Post like a duck, support other ducks...….you a DUCK!

11-08-2019, 08:46 PM
The books title isn't near as important as its content and story........SS can title/label himself any way he wants, the story he writes reads much differently than the title though.

11-08-2019, 11:22 PM
The books title isn't near as important as its content and story........SS can title/label himself any way he wants, the story he writes reads much differently than the title though.

You'll find Schifty Schiff 12's biography in the Fiction section!

11-09-2019, 05:39 AM
Post 85 won’t happen !

11-09-2019, 06:36 AM
Hey you guys are looking over here when you need to be looking over there. ss12 has your guys head spinning lol

11-09-2019, 07:10 AM
You spelled shaking wrong.......

11-09-2019, 07:50 AM
You spelled shaking wrong.......

Well if I had meant shaking you would be right but, you would be wrong in this case because, I clearly said spinning but, you can spin it however you must.

11-09-2019, 08:11 AM
Well if I had meant shaking you would be right but, you would be wrong in this case because, I clearly said spinning but, you can spin it however you must.

It was a joke( that everyone but you got).....kinda like the dems these days.

And just for the correction........it's shaking my head on this end.......spinning would be what dems have been doing with their magic 8 ball trying to pin something to trump since 2016.

11-09-2019, 09:08 AM
It was a joke( that everyone but you got).....kinda like the dems these days.

And just for the correction........it's shaking my head on this end.......spinning would be what dems have been doing with their magic 8 ball trying to pin something to trump since 2016.

No I got the joke but, thought I would correct you just in case someone else didn't get the joke lol,

Yes I agree the Dems are a joke these days and the Dems along with the Repubs have been spinning like they always do.

11-09-2019, 10:14 AM
No I got the joke but, thought I would correct you just in case someone else didn't get the joke lol,

Yes I agree the Dems are a joke these days and the Dems along with the Repubs have been spinning like they always do.

Thought you would correct me, lol............imagine that.

All good kid, I've been corrected before, but they were actually correct lol.

11-09-2019, 10:52 AM
The books title isn't near as important as its content and story........SS can title/label himself any way he wants, the story he writes reads much differently than the title though.

Where would Schifty Schiff 12's book be classified in the Dewey Decimal system. I see no classification for fiction/denial/butthurt/sci-fi! :)

11-09-2019, 04:13 PM
Thought you would correct me, lol............imagine that.

All good kid, I've been corrected before, but they were actually correct lol.

It's ok I thought I would just correct you again lol

11-09-2019, 09:09 PM
It's ok I thought I would just correct you again lol
I deserved that.

But just for the record , I've been corrected by worse.

11-10-2019, 05:10 AM
I deserved that.

But just for the record , I've been corrected by worse.

Lmao.............................................. ..............................

Highside Hustler25
11-12-2019, 06:22 AM
You can be registered as anything you want to be.....your words make you a fekking hypocrite.

To be honest, every single effort from the dems since 2016 have been to derail the winner of the election they screwed up and lost and your message has been step for step with them........so go ahead ,claim you're a registered whatever you want.

Truth is, it sounds like you don't know what you want to be......other than right.

Somebody on here will let you know when you actually are.

Probably the most factual post in this entire thread.

11-12-2019, 06:44 AM
Where would Schifty Schiff 12's book be classified in the Dewey Decimal system. I see no classification for fiction/denial/butthurt/sci-fi! :) Ha Ha Ha !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11-12-2019, 09:56 AM
I have no problem with people despising Trump. I have a problem with people saying he should be impeached and is hurting the Country. That is garbage. I will tell you what is hurting the Country. The media who are completely corrupt. Trump is fighting corruption in this Country almost single handed. A few Reps help him, but not many. Too many politicians worry about protecting their seats instead of serving the people. We finally get a President who has the guts to do things that all Presidents in the last 30 years just talked about. Trump is far from perfect but he absolutely knows what is good for our Country. The alternative is communist believing clowns that think they are socialist. Tell me one Democrat running who wouldn't destroy our economy and bow down to China, Iran and North Korea. People need to wake up and stop listening to the corrupt media. BTW Trump is no racist. Anybody that thinks he is, is just plain ignorant.

11-12-2019, 05:52 PM
But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;

Pay attention.....liberals!

11-12-2019, 06:21 PM
1st Cor chapter one says exactly what HE thinks of Liberalism. You are correct.

11-12-2019, 06:45 PM
Smilarly, what God says about having having 2 masters!

For the life of me, I cant figure out how murdering 3,000 innocent babies is serving a holy God that created them!

11-13-2019, 06:51 AM
Adam and Eve, not Amanda and Eve or Adam and Steve ?

11-13-2019, 01:28 PM
or Nancy and Liz or Schiff and his boyfriend whistle blower