View Full Version : Well done Mr. and Mrs. Pence!

11-23-2019, 08:51 PM
This weekend the Pences snuck off—not to the beach, but to the sands of Iraq! Vice President Mike Pence and Second Lady Karen Pence paid a surprise visit to our U.S. military troops, encouraging them and helping serve a special Thanksgiving meal.
Referencing Romans 13:7 in the Bible, Vice President Pence said, “You know, the Old book says, if you owe debts, pay debts; if honor, then honor; if respect, then respect. And I’m really here today, on behalf of your Commander-in-Chief and a grateful nation, to pay a debt of honor and respect and gratitude to each and every one of you for your service and your sacrifice in the name of freedom.”
The Second Lady sent a message to the family members of those serving away from home, “…please tell them thank you, that we appreciate them, and that we stand with them, as well as standing with you. So tell them that we're grateful for them…”
While the Democrats are doing everything they can to tear down this administration, President Donald J. Trump and the Vice President are at work for our country. I am grateful to the Pences for blessing our troops this way. They will never forget it. This Thanksgiving as you reflect on all that you are grateful to God for, remember to thank Him for the men and women who have answered the call to serve in our military. Pray for them and their families as they serve.

11-23-2019, 09:03 PM
Unless he screws up some kind of way, He will be hard to beat when it's his turn.......

11-25-2019, 02:40 AM
Unless he screws up some kind of way, He will be hard to beat when it's his turn....... Even if'n he don't screw up, the Dems will dream up something to try to hang him on.

11-25-2019, 05:25 AM
Even if'n he don't screw up, the Dems will dream up something to try to hang him on.

I’d be willing to bet it has something to do with his strong faith in GOD !

11-25-2019, 06:19 PM
I’d be willing to bet it has something to do with his strong faith in GOD !

From the anti-God party?...…….surely thou jest!