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11-26-2019, 04:50 PM
I've been captured by a CULT of DEPORABLES, Should I try to escape?

11-26-2019, 06:32 PM
Nope, just keep sippin that good koolaid!

11-26-2019, 07:10 PM
Apparently according to one of the CNN BEZO hand puppets there are over 63 million people in this Cult. You cannot make this stuff up.

11-26-2019, 07:27 PM
And this liberal wacko! Thanks Herman!

I do not, as a rule, dig deep into the theological positions of people running for office. If you did you could probably find issues with just about everyone.
To be sure, Donald Trump demonstrated a complete lack of understanding of the basic tenets of Christianity when he said he never saw the need to ask God for forgiveness for anything, figure it was better to just “make it right.” We did deal with that, but we didn’t dwell on it a lot because Trump didn’t claim his Christian faith as a leading reason people should vote for him.
Pete Buttigieg is different for two reasons. One is that he often refers to himself as a “person of faith,” and we know that he at least nominally identifies as a Christian. Another is that he makes a habit of criticizing other Christians who, according to him, aren’t living out their faith correctly (which usually means they don’t agree with his policy preferences and social positions).
So if Buttigieg is going to run as the better Christian based on his supposedly greater concern for the poor and the marginalized, then it’s fair to examine whether his grasp of the faith is what it should be. This is not the first time we’ve done so. Back in May we analyzed a long profile of Buttigieg’s faith and found it didn’t contain a single mention of Jesus.
Recently he gave his take on salvation, and what do you know? He once again doesn’t mention Jesus:
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The money quote is this: “My faith teaches me that salvation has to do with how I make myself useful to those who have been excluded, marginalized and cast aside and oppressed in society.”
This is wrong, as Ephesians 2:8-10 makes clear:
Do you think Pete Buttigieg is really a Christian?
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8 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not of yourselves. It is the gift of God, 9 not of works, so that no one should boast. 10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, so that we should walk in them.
Buttigieg is not wrong to want to help people who have been excluded, marginalized, cast aside and oppressed. The phrase “my myself useful” is a little self-reverential, but the basic idea is fine. Even godly. The problem is when he ties it to salvation.
Paul writes to the Ephesians that salvation is by faith and not by works “so that no one should boast.” Contrary to many lightly conceived depictions of Heaven, no one stands there with a clipboard going over your good works and deciding if there are enough for admission. You enter eternal life if you’ve been redeemed by the blood of Jesus!

11-27-2019, 09:42 AM
Mayor Pete may be worshipping a God, but not the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. His homo life style is condemned by the Bible from front to back. Man doesn't get to make his own rules nor spin scripture. I have read testimony of people who had homo tendencies that repented and received the Holy Spirit and this Helped them over come this problem. It still boils down to repentance. As for Trump, he is defending the freedom of worship and is Protecting Israel as the Bible says we should do. Trump's personal life is none of my concern, his policies are. He is like the rest of us when it Comes to the Savior Jesus Christ. Same rules for every human, repent and believe that He is who he says He is.
If not, eternal separation from the Lord.

11-27-2019, 04:49 PM
Mayor Pete may be worshipping a God, but not the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. His homo life style is condemned by the Bible from front to back. Man doesn't get to make his own rules nor spin scripture. I have read testimony of people who had homo tendencies that repented and received the Holy Spirit and this Helped them over come this problem. It still boils down to repentance. As for Trump, he is defending the freedom of worship and is Protecting Israel as the Bible says we should do. Trump's personal life is none of my concern, his policies are. He is like the rest of us when it Comes to the Savior Jesus Christ. Same rules for every human, repent and believe that He is who he says He is.
If not, eternal separation from the Lord.

Its one thing to be in a "backsliding" condition, buts entirely another, when you deny that sin is a sin!

Its so-called Christians like Pete, that gives the whole Christian community a bad reputation. There's no doubt he's a fake one and needs to be called out about it!

Most of us know when a self-proclaimed Christian FAILS to ever mention the name of Jesus, we know he/she is not one. That's just another one of the telltale signs!

11-27-2019, 05:38 PM
Sound like to me we have a bunch of guilty consciousness for being involved with Trump's cult. Don't look at us look at them their the guilty ones. You gentleman are nothing but gullible fools and you prove it everyday. Even Trump JR admits the followers of Trump are in a cult.

Tennessee Republican Senator Bob Corker called Trump’s leadership a “cultish thing,” and the GOP in a “cult-like situation.” Even Donald Trump, Jr., responding to Corker’s criticism, seemed to accept the comparison of his father’s leadership to a cult. “You know what? If it’s a cult, it’s because they like what my father’s doing,” he told Fox & Friends.


11-27-2019, 07:18 PM
Sound like to me we have a bunch of guilty consciousness for being involved with Trump's cult. Don't look at us look at them their the guilty ones. You gentleman are nothing but gullible fools and you prove it everyday. Even Trump JR admits the followers of Trump are in a cult.

Tennessee Republican Senator Bob Corker called Trump’s leadership a “cultish thing,” and the GOP in a “cult-like situation.” Even Donald Trump, Jr., responding to Corker’s criticism, seemed to accept the comparison of his father’s leadership to a cult. “You know what? If it’s a cult, it’s because they like what my father’s doing,” he told Fox & Friends.

^^^^^^^Another telltale signs!

11-27-2019, 07:31 PM

11-28-2019, 10:38 AM
Yeah SS12 I am gullible. My response to you. Whatever