View Full Version : Reminds me of a Johnny Cash song.....

11-29-2019, 02:42 PM
…..the Dems are going down down down, in a ring of fire! Hate to say we told ya so, but...….!!!!

A larger share of American voters now oppose the impeachment effort against President Trump, revealed a new poll released Thursday.
An Emerson College national survey found 45% of voters oppose impeachment, compared to 43% that support it.
That’s a reversal of public opinion from the same poll in October before House Democrats held public hearings to showcase their impeachment case against Mr. Trump. In October, 48% supported impeachment and 44% opposed it.

“The biggest swing is among Independents, who oppose impeachment now 49% to 34%, which is a reversal from October where they supported impeachment 48% to 39%,” said the pollsters.
Mr. Tump’s approval rating also increased to 48%, a bounce from 43% approval last month.

11-30-2019, 10:28 AM
Polls mean little as you know. I would say in reality that probably on about 35% at most, actually want him impeached. those are the ignorant. It is all the way you ask the questions in the polls. That is why they are not factual. Anybody with any common sense knows that impeaching Trump would be a disaster for the County. Especially when it is nothing but talking points for the left. Hating Trump is one thing, impeaching him over nothing is something else.

11-30-2019, 10:30 AM
Polls show Biden up by 10 points over Trump. That is all you need to know about Polls