View Full Version : AP fact checks on The Lying Conman Last week

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11-30-2019, 04:28 PM

11-30-2019, 05:50 PM
AP The reason why I dropped the local newspaper. Fake News.

11-30-2019, 09:12 PM
The Associated Press was founded in 1846 and remains a renowned global news organization with 52 Pulitzer Prizes under its belt. It is and has always been the epitome of clear and unbiased news journalism and reporting. It is actually where most journalists seek out their own news stories to report on.

John Daniszewski for the AP wrote a piece about fake news on social media titled “Getting the facts right.” He cited a memo sent out to AP staff by Social Media Editor Eric Carvin where Eric wrote:

“The language we use: Whenever possible, we want to emphasize specifics rather than generalizations or labels. Let’s say what we know to be true and what is false, based on our reporting.”

This is the very definition of unbiased news.

The AP doesn’t only paint rainbows for one side on any story while drawing storm clouds for the other. The language used in each report is neutral, and the focus is only on reporting the news.

The AP also made it onto our list of most trusted news websites.

11-30-2019, 09:14 PM
If you read a lot of news, you’ll see the AP credited all over the place. They often report stories first, and other outlets pick up those stories and run them for their own readers. AP is a non-profit, has no corporate sponsorship, and is not government-funded. The crowd-sourced bias rating at AllSides is “center,” so it generally doesn’t favor a left- or right-leaning view of the world.

While you’ll most often see AP cited in other news outlets, you can get news directly from the source.

11-30-2019, 09:37 PM
The above narrative means nothing to me. The AP is biased.

12-01-2019, 06:48 AM
What wrong mud AP doesn't touch on your right wing propaganda talking points for the week?

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump’s defense of his actions with Ukraine collides with the known facts and the testimony of witnesses on multiple fronts as the impeachment inquiry moves into a new phase this coming week.

In recent days, Trump has cried foul in ways angry and profane as Democrats set the stage for House Judiciary Committee hearings likely to produce articles of impeachment.

A review of rhetoric on this and other matters over the past week:


TRUMP: “We had a great two weeks watching these crooked politicians not giving us due process, not giving us lawyers, not giving us the right to speak and destroying their witnesses. It fell apart. Those were their witnesses. We weren’t allowed any rights.” — Florida rally Tuesday.

RONNA MCDANIEL, Republican National Committee chairwoman: “Sham impeachment hearings with due process denied to our president.” — to Fox News.

THE FACTS: Trump was not deprived of constitutional rights during the House Intelligence Committee hearings because the committee was conducting an investigation, not a trial.

Although the same will be true of the next round of hearings, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee has invited Trump and his lawyers to appear if he wishes and to make a request to question witnesses.

Trump is also incorrect that the Intelligence Committee hearings only brought forward witnesses hand-picked by the Democrats. Several were invited at the request of Republicans on the committee.

More broadly, each stage of the impeachment inquiry has been guided by majority vote or by long-established institutional practices of Congress as interpreted by the Democratic majority elected by the voters.

It’s also unfolding as outlined in the Constitution, which gives the House the sole power to impeach and the Senate the sole power to remove a president from office.
Mud please Tell us what is not true about the above.

12-01-2019, 10:53 AM
Chatter heard around the thanksgiving table all weekend^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Coming from a jive Turkey no less.

Ap unbiased , lol.

12-01-2019, 11:55 AM
As usual you can't prove the information is not accurate. All you can do is attack the source because it doesn't fit your bias right wing propaganda.

12-01-2019, 12:18 PM
As usual you can't prove the information is not accurate. All you can do is attack the source because it doesn't fit your bias right wing propaganda.

As usual you trying to make yourself feel better about the side you have chose . Don't
stop the fact your the looser . Your ate up with so much hate , that anything to make the
President , in your mind look bad . Your all for rather than complain about the real losers ,
that they have done nothing to help our country but use every last minute to reverse the
last election of the people . So I see a fool , that because instead of moving forward to help
with the problems this country has , you would rather help harm it . Your truly a looser .
And with every item that you think you can display on here , to make the President look
bad , I can find two that make him look better .

12-01-2019, 02:39 PM
I don't have to do nothing to make the conman look bad. He does everyday by himself. All I have to do is bring it up so its not over looked by you manipulated gullible fools. If I didn't bring it up you wouldn't know nothing about it because of your bias new sources.

The article I posted had 8 different lies that the president told last week. Here is your chance to give 16 good things he did last week. You said you could do so lets see.

12-01-2019, 03:26 PM
Media bash Trump 24/7 who cares. Really, who cares. It is just noise. But if it makes ss12 happy to keeping riding on the spin and hate train, by all means keep riding. LOL

12-01-2019, 03:29 PM
I don't have to do nothing to make the conman look bad. He does everyday by himself. All I have to do is bring it up so its not over looked by you manipulated gullible fools. If I didn't bring it up you wouldn't know nothing about it because of your bias new sources.

The article I posted had 8 different lies that the president told last week. Here is your chance to give 16 good things he did last week. You said you could do so lets see.

LOL, bias news stories????? that is about all that is out there. If you go to any news site, Trump hate machine in full mode. You are yapping to the wrong team there ss12. As usual, it is the other side that listens to nothing but Trump hate media. One thing about the Libs, they are always guilty of doing what they accuse the conservatives of. Always, this is another example. As I said ss12 you want to ride that hate train, then by all means go for it.

12-01-2019, 09:15 PM
ss , does not an investigation possibly lead to a trial???? and the several repub witnesses that were hand picked by the dems were picked only because they fit the dems narrative , why not except all there witnesses ????if trump done something wrong just as with biden , lets get it all out into the open , not just what the dems select , but we both know that will never happen because the dems refuse to even remotely mention biden,s name in the same sentence as ukraine.......

12-02-2019, 07:33 AM
As usual you can't prove the information is not accurate. All you can do is attack the source because it doesn't fit your bias right wing propaganda.

Lost soul^^^^^^^^^

12-02-2019, 07:42 AM
Impeaching a President because he held up aid to a corrupt Country. It doesn't get any funnier than this. Dems that are for impeachment are nothing but a dumb, deranged, ignorant souls.. There is no debate on this. This is why I say that in reality only about 35% of the Country wants him impeached and those are the moron base. I am sure there is a higher percentage that hate him, but to bow down to the Dem phony impeachment scam is absolutely for morons only.

12-02-2019, 07:43 AM
ss , does not an investigation possibly lead to a trial???? and the several repub witnesses that were hand picked by the dems were picked only because they fit the dems narrative , why not except all there witnesses ????if trump done something wrong just as with biden , lets get it all out into the open , not just what the dems select , but we both know that will never happen because the dems refuse to even remotely mention biden,s name in the same sentence as ukraine.......

I agree lets hear it all including the actual phone call minus classified information. The Trump administration turning over all documents, Have Rick Perry, John Bolton, Mick Mulvaney, Pompeo, Hunter Biden, testify. Please let's see it all so, we can really see what really happened and not this spin from both sides.

12-02-2019, 07:59 AM
Impeaching a President because he held up aid to a corrupt Country. It doesn't get any funnier than this. Dems that are for impeachment are nothing but a dumb, deranged, ignorant souls.. There is no debate on this. This is why I say that in reality only about 35% of the Country wants him impeached and those are the moron base. I am sure there is a higher percentage that hate him, but to bow down to the Dem phony impeachment scam is absolutely for morons only.

Well if you say it like that but, that's not what he did. He held up money to get a foreign leader to start an investigation into a political candidate for President. If your ok with that just remember when the day comes and the Democratic President does something like this because, you know they will. You will be sticking up for a Democrat and saying I see nothing wrong with what he did. That's going to kill you man to have to stick up for a Democrat isn't it lol

12-02-2019, 11:14 AM
So you know exactly what he did and why? Well hell, why dont you just call somebody up there in the house and tell them so they can quit wasting money and time trying to figure it out?

Can't believe you haven't come forward with this information sooner.

12-02-2019, 04:31 PM
So you know exactly what he did and why? Well hell, why dont you just call somebody up there in the house and tell them so they can quit wasting money and time trying to figure it out?

Can't believe you haven't come forward with this information sooner.

It's just my opinion from the mouths of the witnesses that's all we have to go on. Your opinion might differ from mine and guess what that's ok. I'm all for everyone testifying and all documents being turned over and let the American people judge for themselves. How about you?

12-02-2019, 06:16 PM
ss , does not an investigation possibly lead to a trial???? and the several repub witnesses that were hand picked by the dems were picked only because they fit the dems narrative , why not except all there witnesses ????if trump done something wrong just as with biden , lets get it all out into the open , not just what the dems select , but we both know that will never happen because the dems refuse to even remotely mention biden,s name in the same sentence as ukraine.......

1st thing The republican were allowed to call their witnesses in the public hearings - Volker and Morrison. That who the republicans choose to call. This whole case is about the phone call and what lead up to the bribe. The Biden's are not a witness to this phone call. If the Biden's did something illegal then that would be another trial. You want to a the whistleblower testify? He is protected by the federal law. The whistleblower's Testimony is now irrelevant. The Conman released the phone call transcript admitting what the whistleblower concerns were. I agree lets get in out in the open and lets see how fast Trump goes down. As Kids said in post 16 let everybody that has information testify. The Democrats are willing to let Trump testify in the next phase of the impeachment. What did the conman do? He decline his due process. Now he still wants to get on TV and say it a hoax.

12-02-2019, 06:17 PM
I agree lets hear it all including the actual phone call minus classified information. The Trump administration turning over all documents, Have Rick Perry, John Bolton, Mick Mulvaney, Pompeo, Hunter Biden, testify. Please let's see it all so, we can really see what really happened and not this spin from both sides.

Good post Kid !

12-02-2019, 06:52 PM
so the repubs were allowed to call who ever they wanted ? right? , and that is what we want to know about biden as well , did biden commit a bride ? you know , DRAIN THE SWAMP , or have you forgot ? and by the way what did the whistle blower really blow ? i will tell you , He showed that the president was trying to rid Ukraine of corruption involved with the US , to me that is all the whistle blower has done , so why dont you join me and kidrock and lets see IT ALL ?????

12-02-2019, 07:27 PM
THE FACTS: Trump was not deprived of constitutional rights during the House Intelligence Committee hearings because the committee was conducting an investigation, not a trial.

This is not a "fact". Here are examples of fact.


E = mc2

2H2 + O2 ----> 2H2O

These are the type of things we call facts. The are facts because they are proven to be true, they are repeatable, and there is NO interpretation involve. What you posted above is not a fact. It's an opinion. It's entirely open to interpretation and therefore subjective. From this flows all the remainder of the text and it is therefore all subjective as well. But let's continue anyway.

Trump is also incorrect that the Intelligence Committee hearings only brought forward witnesses hand-picked by the Democrats. Several were invited at the request of Republicans on the committee.

First "private" closed door hearing were held in which "witnesses" testified. Only some of those witnesses were presented in the public hearings. That could be considered "hand picked". Again, this is a matter of interpretation and subjective.

More broadly, each stage of the impeachment inquiry has been guided by majority vote or by long-established institutional practices of Congress as interpreted by the Democratic majority

"long established institutional practices" ? We've only 3 such instances in our entire history and in one of those cases it ended before the actual impeachment because Nixon resigned. Furthermore

as interpreted by the Democratic majority elected by the voters.

According to this

According to this Adam Schiff was re-elected by 210,883 voters in the last election. Donald Trump was elected President of the United States by over 63 million voters! The same is true for all members of the House because the only people who vote to elect them are the people in their own little teeny tiny congressional district. All of these democratic house members who are trying to unseat our President were only elected by a couple hundred thousand voters at most. Yet they are trying to remove a President that over 63 Million Americans voted to have as their President. And this is a FACT. So you have one fact in your argument, but I had to provide you the numbers. ;) Also notice that word "interpreted'.

It’s also unfolding as outlined in the Constitution, which gives the House the sole power to impeach and the Senate the sole power to remove a president from office.

The Constitution doesn't specify exactly how these hearing should be conducted. It's true that it gives the House the power to impeach, but it also says "high crimes and misdemeanors" and NOT political vendettas. Anyway, just as the House has the ability to abuse their power and conduct lopsided hearings, the senate will be able to decide how they conduct the actual impeachment trial. And I think, it will be quite different and some of those democrats will not like the way this whole thing unfolds.

12-02-2019, 07:43 PM
so the repubs were allowed to call who ever they wanted ? right? , and that is what we want to know about biden as well , did biden commit a bride ? you know , DRAIN THE SWAMP , or have you forgot ? and by the way what did the whistle blower really blow ? i will tell you , He showed that the president was trying to rid Ukraine of corruption involved with the US , to me that is all the whistle blower has done , so why dont you join me and kidrock and lets see IT ALL ?????

I agree lets see it all.

you see it that way and I see it another way, that's why it's more of a reason to see it all.

I want everyone to testify Biden's and all. If you want to fight corruption lets start right here in this country first before we give 2 ----- about another country. If we can't stop corruption here how in the heck are we going to stop it somewhere else.

12-02-2019, 07:58 PM
When you go to trial you can only bring up information that pertains to the case. The impeachment is about the allege bribe. Any information What the Biden's have been accused of or anything else can not be brought up. I was involved with case on a drug deal. We couldn't bring up in court that offender was involved in another pending drug case or he had prior convictions of drugs.

What this does shows is how low republicans will go to win an election. Remember Clinton's Benghazi thing Kevin McCarthy admitted the whole investigation was just a deploy to bring down Clintons poll numbers.

Kevin McCarthy
"And let me give you one example. Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee. What are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping. Why? Because she's un-trustable. But no one would have known any of that had happened had we not fought and made that happen."

I'm all in letting the people that are involved and have knowledge of the allege bribe to testify. Adam Schiff, The Biden's have nothing to do with the allege bribe.

12-02-2019, 08:18 PM
Stayed at a holiday inn express last night.......^^^^^^^^^^^

Biden is intertwined in the case being brought.....your analogy with the example of the drug case you participated in isnt even remotely the same.....of course they can't use another case to bring judgement and prejudice in the case they are trying.

I'm surprised you didn't know that, or was it that you thought someone else wouldn't?

You look dumb trying to act smart sometimes.

12-02-2019, 08:21 PM
Attorney General Barr is going to dispute Inspector general finding about FBI's Russia investigation. Image that.

12-02-2019, 08:29 PM
Attorney General Barr is going to dispute Inspector general finding about FBI's Russia investigation. Image that.

The IG is a SWAMP DWELLER so why wouldn’t he ?

12-02-2019, 08:36 PM
Stayed at a holiday inn express last night.......^^^^^^^^^^^

Biden is intertwined in the case being brought.....your analogy with the example of the drug case you participated in isnt even remotely the same.....of course they can't use another case to bring judgement and prejudice in the case they are trying.

I'm surprised you didn't know that, or was it that you thought someone else wouldn't?

You look dumb trying to act smart sometimes.

Please tell me what Biden knows about the Allege Bribe? This is all the case is about. Remember the Conman just wanted an investigation mention. He didn't care with it was factual or not. Just because the conman brought up Biden during the phone call does mean he's intertwined in the investigation. I'm sure Biden didn't know any of this was going on behind the scenes. Again you can only bring up information that pertains to the case.

12-02-2019, 08:43 PM
Please tell me what Biden knows about the Allege Bribe? This is all the case is about. Remember the Conman just wanted an investigation mention. He didn't care with it was factual or not. Just because conman brought up Biden during the phone call does mean he Intertwined in the investigation. I'm sure Biden didn't know any of this was going on behind the scenes. Again you can only bring up information that pertains to the case.

Nice fraudian slip again......and you're right, it sure does.

Thanks for validating.....even though you didn't realize it.

And Biden.......pssssssssst.......he was the scene.

12-02-2019, 08:45 PM
Please tell me what Biden knows about the Allege Bribe? This is all the case is about. Remember the Conman just wanted an investigation mention. He didn't care with it was factual or not. Just because conman brought up Biden during the phone call does mean he's intertwined in the investigation. I'm sure Biden didn't know any of this was going on behind the scenes. Again you can only bring up information that pertains to the case.

Thanks for the lesson in case law......but I'm good.......really.

12-02-2019, 08:48 PM
Please tell me what Biden knows about the Allege Bribe? This is all the case is about. Remember the Conman just wanted an investigation mention. He didn't care with it was factual or not. Just because conman brought up Biden during the phone call does mean he's intertwined in the investigation. I'm sure Biden didn't know any of this was going on behind the scenes. Again you can only bring up information that pertains to the case.

And you even edited, lol.....shouldn't it be right after the second time?

12-02-2019, 08:59 PM
Nice fraudian slip again......and you're right, it sure does.

Thanks for validating.....even though you didn't realize it.

And Biden.......pssssssssst.......he was the scene.

Please tell us what The Biden's knew about the allege bribe?

12-02-2019, 09:21 PM
Wonder why Trump doesn't have Mick, Rick, John, Mike testify on his behalf?

12-03-2019, 05:35 AM
That's real simple the conman knows they have the capability of proving him guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. If he was innocent they would have already testified. We will see what justice Roberts does when the Impeachment reaches the senate. They may have no choice but to testify then. After this is all over we will see if we have a republic or not.


12-03-2019, 06:08 AM
That's real simple the conman knows they have the capability of proving him guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. If he was innocent they would have already testified. We will see what justice Roberts does when the Impeachment reaches the senate. They may have no choice but to testify then. After this is all over we will see if we have a republic or not.


And everything leading up to this is proof of a republic ? Surely you jest !

12-03-2019, 06:26 AM
Please tell me what Biden knows about the Allege Bribe? This is all the case is about. Remember the Conman just wanted an investigation mention. He didn't care with it was factual or not. Just because the conman brought up Biden during the phone call does mean he's intertwined in the investigation. I'm sure Biden didn't know any of this was going on behind the scenes. Again you can only bring up information that pertains to the case.

Biden = corruption in Ukraine ..........that is all this case is about ............corruption in Ukraine ! You really are a fart smeller or I mean a smart feller !

12-03-2019, 07:48 AM
Well if you say it like that but, that's not what he did. He held up money to get a foreign leader to start an investigation into a political candidate for President. If your ok with that just remember when the day comes and the Democratic President does something like this because, you know they will. You will be sticking up for a Democrat and saying I see nothing wrong with what he did. That's going to kill you man to have to stick up for a Democrat isn't it lol

Your point? My post was accurate and dead on, and you know it. BTW if a Dem President did it, I would have no problem with it. See the deal here is this. What needs to be done, needs to be done. I am far from blind about anything concerning politics. You apparently don't get it. There seems to be only one side of the aisle acting like lunatics. Even you buddy ss12 has been caught up in it. Anybody paying attention knows this whole thing about Ukraine is a sham. Hating Trump is everyone's right, but attempting to over throw a duly elected President is a disgrace.

12-03-2019, 07:54 AM
That's real simple the conman knows they have the capability of proving him guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. If he was innocent they would have already testified. We will see what justice Roberts does when the Impeachment reaches the senate. They may have no choice but to testify then. After this is all over we will see if we have a republic or not.


You have lost your mind based on your posting. You now are quoting the Washington Post. LOLOLOL
You are getting behind all this nonsense from the left. It makes you as ignorant as they are. You might want get a clue. Here is something new for you to get excited about. The corrupt Dem party is now going to bring in a set of Lawyers who openly hate Trump to give them fuel for their gasbags and show them how to draw up articles of impeachment. It doesn't get any funnier than this hoax. I cannot believe how hatred of Trump makes so many people like you fall for this nonsense. Really a shame. Wise up

12-03-2019, 07:57 AM
Biden = corruption in Ukraine ..........that is all this case is about ............corruption in Ukraine ! You really are a fart smeller or I mean a smart feller !

SS12 has reduced himself to the left's talking points. It apparently makes him feel better. So don't expect him to make any sense concerning Trump. He is on the deranged Trump hate train.

12-03-2019, 08:16 AM
when you say "alleged " SS , then that makes every thing your trying to convince us of pure speculation.....just like all the hear say the dems are relying on......

12-03-2019, 11:32 AM
SS12 has reduced himself to the left's talking points. It apparently makes him feel better. So don't expect him to make any sense concerning Trump. He is on the deranged Trump hate train.

And you for the right's talking points and I know that makes you feel better

12-03-2019, 03:39 PM
I hate to see what this Country has become. Dem party has absolutely no basis for any of this nonsense and you know it. None of this makes me feel good, it makes me sorry for this Country and its future. Washington is corrupt and you know that too. Trump has taken it on. You know that too. MR KID.
I repeat, who is the left going to rail against when Trump leaves office? Who are they going to hate then?

12-03-2019, 03:40 PM
And you for the right's talking points and I know that makes you feel better

No, sensible talking points. Not lunatic made up garbage. LOL

12-03-2019, 09:11 PM
I hate to see what this Country has become. Dem party has absolutely no basis for any of this nonsense and you know it. None of this makes me feel good, it makes me sorry for this Country and its future. Washington is corrupt and you know that too. Trump has taken it on. You know that too. MR KID.
I repeat, who is the left going to rail against when Trump leaves office? Who are they going to hate then?

I hate to see what both parties have become and our politics in general.

I disagree with you, I believe they do have enough evidence to open an inquiry to see what happened. We will have to agree to disagree on it or we could keep going back and forth.

Yes I agree Washington is corrupt and this President hasn't changed that. He might be just as corrupt but, without getting documents, testimony from key people we may never know. The Dems will find someone to hate and you know that just like the Repubs both sides find people to hate so, lets be fair.

12-03-2019, 09:13 PM
No, sensible talking points. Not lunatic made up garbage. LOL


12-04-2019, 07:20 AM
so the repubs were allowed to call who ever they wanted ? right? , and that is what we want to know about biden as well , did biden commit a bride ? you know , DRAIN THE SWAMP , or have you forgot ? and by the way what did the whistle blower really blow ? i will tell you , He showed that the president was trying to rid Ukraine of corruption involved with the US , to me that is all the whistle blower has done , so why dont you join me and kidrock and lets see IT ALL ?????

fastford I think we need to add Devin Nunes to list of people we need to hear from.

12-04-2019, 07:39 AM
I hate to see what both parties have become and our politics in general.

I disagree with you, I believe they do have enough evidence to open an inquiry to see what happened. We will have to agree to disagree on it or we could keep going back and forth.

Yes I agree Washington is corrupt and this President hasn't changed that. He might be just as corrupt but, without getting documents, testimony from key people we may never know. The Dems will find someone to hate and you know that just like the Repubs both sides find people to hate so, lets be fair.

Nope, nonsense. You just hate Trump. He sure doesn't need to dig up dirt to beat Mr. Magoo. But the Bidens along with Ukraine should be investigated and as the Bidens should be investigated concerning
China. I do not see conservatives attack people in restaurants and block people from speaking at their schools who they don't agree with. It is totally one sided. No crime, and if Obama had done it, it would not have been an issue. Get Real Kid. Open your eyes

12-04-2019, 07:44 AM
fastford I think we need to add Devin Nunes to list of people we need to hear from.

that is fine , he should go right after Adam "shifty " Schift.....right????

12-04-2019, 11:17 AM
that is fine , he should go right after Adam "shifty " Schift.....right????

Hold on, hold on, hold on......lets don't get all crazy here.....lol

12-04-2019, 11:19 AM
fastford I think we need to add Devin Nunes to list of people we need to hear from.

"WE" don't need to hear from anyone.....our opinions mean nothing in any of this.

Cases aren't settled on outside opinions....never have been, never will be.

The only reason you want to hear from Devin is so you can pile on the rhetoric.

12-04-2019, 11:21 AM
that is fine , he should go right after Adam "shifty " Schift.....right????

Absolutely........................................ .................................................. ......

12-04-2019, 11:24 AM
"WE" don't need to hear from anyone.....our opinions mean nothing in any of this.

Cases aren't settled on outside opinions....never have been, never will be.

The only reason you want to hear from Devin is so you can pile on the rhetoric.

Not at all, lets hear from everyone that way we can really determine what happened here, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Trump, Pompeo, Bolton, Mulvaney, Perry, ect. ect. One would think you would want to know the truth and not the spin.

12-04-2019, 11:29 AM
Nope, nonsense. You just hate Trump. He sure doesn't need to dig up dirt to beat Mr. Magoo. But the Bidens along with Ukraine should be investigated and as the Bidens should be investigated concerning
China. I do not see conservatives attack people in restaurants and block people from speaking at their schools who they don't agree with. It is totally one sided. No crime, and if Obama had done it, it would not have been an issue. Get Real Kid. Open your eyes

Yes I agree the Biden's should be investigated absolutely!!!!!!!

And no for the 1,001 time I do not hate Trump. Yes I don't like the guy but, hate NO.

Keep telling yourself it's one sided if it makes you feel better.

My eyes are wide open and I'm seeing just fine.

12-04-2019, 11:36 AM
Well, it looks like the Lunatic left has brought in the three stooges to offer their bias opinions. But they are smart, they have to be, the liberal idiot law professors. Wonder if the fourth who is not an completely bias idiot Mr Turley will get interviewed. BTW Biden and Obama with held aid to Ukraine until they fired a prosecutor they didn't like. Biden bragged on camera about it. It just shows how stupid this whole thing is. The morons should lose all power next election and something tells me they will.

12-04-2019, 11:53 AM
Well, it looks like the Lunatic left has brought in the three stooges to offer their bias opinions. But they are smart, they have to be, the liberal idiot law professors. Wonder if the fourth who is not an completely bias idiot Mr Turley will get interviewed. BTW Biden and Obama with held aid to Ukraine until they fired a prosecutor they didn't like. Biden bragged on camera about it. It just shows how stupid this whole thing is. The morons should lose all power next election and something tells me they will.

Oh boy lol............................................... ..........................................

12-04-2019, 11:56 AM
Anyone hear yesterday about another Republican pleading guilty to criminal charges and a couple of people want you to believe it's only the Dems who does this kind of criminal activity well Chris Collins and Duncan Hunter what you to know the Republicans do it as well...............

12-04-2019, 01:34 PM
Anyone hear yesterday about another Republican pleading guilty to criminal charges and a couple of people want you to believe it's only the Dems who does this kind of criminal activity well Chris Collins and Duncan Hunter what you to know the Republicans do it as well...............

thats why TRUMP says drain the swamp ;;;;;;;;;all the swamp !

12-04-2019, 05:41 PM
Not at all, lets hear from everyone that way we can really determine what happened here, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Trump, Pompeo, Bolton, Mulvaney, Perry, ect. ect. One would think you would want to know the truth and not the spin.

It's not up to any of us to do any determining of anything.......just because you want to know doesn't mean you get to.

I pretty sure I know the truth already.....when it's over I'll let you know of I was right.

I think you know too.

12-04-2019, 05:47 PM
Oh boy lol............................................... ..........................................

yep.....oh boy.

Any takers on a bet that when it really gets going that the dems will collectively scream D'OH........and then collectively whisper, please make it stop?

And the Obama Biden thing about the Ukraine.......troooof.

12-04-2019, 05:56 PM
Anyone hear yesterday about another Republican pleading guilty to criminal charges and a couple of people want you to believe it's only the Dems who does this kind of criminal activity well Chris Collins and Duncan Hunter what you to know the Republicans do it as well...............
Divert....divert....divert...deny....deny.....deny ....dance....dance....dance.

And in other breaking news, pelosi and the whistleblower have a photo together with each other in a private home........taken long before this impeachment recital.
Almost as important as your latest diversionary post, on a scale of importance from 1 to 10 I give it a 1 and 1/2.

I did hear about 3 out of the 4 squad members being investigated though......Mr. Ed and Mrs. Omar fixin to get donkey kicked by some Nasty karma.

12-04-2019, 07:17 PM
Divert....divert....divert...deny....deny.....deny ....dance....dance....dance.

And in other breaking news, pelosi and the whistleblower have a photo together with each other in a private home........taken long before this impeachment recital.
Almost as important as your latest diversionary post, on a scale of importance from 1 to 10 I give it a 1 and 1/2.

I did hear about 3 out of the 4 squad members being investigated though......Mr. Ed and Mrs. Omar fixin to get donkey kicked by some Nasty karma.

I'm curious what would I be diverting and why?

Not looking for any rating I can tell you that.

Good have all of them be investigated I don't care.

so, did you see latest Republican to go down in flames? lol

12-04-2019, 07:20 PM
yep.....oh boy.

Any takers on a bet that when it really gets going that the dems will collectively scream D'OH........and then collectively whisper, please make it stop?

And the Obama Biden thing about the Ukraine.......troooof.

Yep sure could happen and if it does well then we move on and hopefully get ---- done for the people.

12-04-2019, 07:24 PM
It's not up to any of us to do any determining of anything.......just because you want to know doesn't mean you get to.

I pretty sure I know the truth already.....when it's over I'll let you know of I was right.

I think you know too.

So you want to wait till it's over an then tell us. why so, you can be right. That's pretty lame BBQ lol

12-04-2019, 07:26 PM
I'm hoping you and slippery slope continue being as vocal about things when it does happen , I have a feeling y'all won't..........prove me wrong.

12-04-2019, 07:38 PM
I'm hoping you and slippery slope continue being as vocal about things when it does happen , I have a feeling y'all won't..........prove me wrong.

I guess that depends on what your talking about but, I see it's a big secrete lmao!!

12-04-2019, 07:38 PM
So you want to wait till it's over an then tell us. why so, you can be right. That's pretty lame BBQ lol

It's already over man....all that's going to come out of it now are a sh!t load of unintended consequences and collateral damage the democrats that are still actually unbiased patriots.( and yes, they are still out there too )

The truth is, trump made a power play .....like every single president that has ever walked the face of America.

He just did it at a time when the desperation party can't come to terms with their own failures of losing ......Scorned women do stupid stuff and they get so caught up getting revenge that they forget about all the stuff they did prior to getting scorned.

It's going to be bad....like watching a slow lava flow take over a once proud Hawaii city...takes a while to get there but when it does it burns the House to the ground.

12-04-2019, 07:40 PM
I guess that depends on what your talking about but, I see it's a big secrete lmao!!

Post 63....but I think you knew that already.

12-04-2019, 07:41 PM
Divert....divert....divert...deny....deny.....deny ....dance....dance....dance.

And in other breaking news, pelosi and the whistleblower have a photo together with each other in a private home........taken long before this impeachment recital.
Almost as important as your latest diversionary post, on a scale of importance from 1 to 10 I give it a 1 and 1/2.

I did hear about 3 out of the 4 squad members being investigated though......Mr. Ed and Mrs. Omar fixin to get donkey kicked by some Nasty karma.

And who would believe he's a supposed "moderate"?

Seems to me he's always pro-Democrat!

12-04-2019, 07:41 PM
So you want to wait till it's over an then tell us. why so, you can be right. That's pretty lame BBQ lol

So America can be right.......get it right!

12-04-2019, 07:42 PM
It's already over man....all that's going to come out of it now are a sh!t load of unintended consequences and collateral damage the democrats that are still actually unbiased patriots.( and yes, they are still out there too )

The truth is, trump made a power play .....like every single president that has ever walked the face of America.

He just did it at a time when the desperation party can't come to terms with their own failures of losing ......Scorned women do stupid stuff and they get so caught up getting revenge that they forget about all the stuff they did prior to getting scorned.

It's going to be bad....like watching a slow lava flow take over a once proud Hawaii city...takes a while to get there but when it does it burns the House to the ground.

Burn baby burn lol Burning down the house what band does that song?

12-04-2019, 07:42 PM
And who would believe he's a supposed "moderate"?

Seems to me he's always pro-Democrat!

The pro -republican side of his mouth is in the shop right now.

12-04-2019, 07:44 PM
Burn baby burn lol Burning down the house what band does that song?

Talking heads......pretty ironic, huh?

12-04-2019, 07:44 PM
So America can be right.......get it right!

Oh go ahead and admit it it's for you so, you can say I told you so lol

12-04-2019, 07:44 PM
Burn baby burn was a disco inferno.....

12-04-2019, 07:45 PM
Talking heads......pretty ironic, huh?

Yeah that's it Talking Heads, yes it is ironic lol

12-04-2019, 07:45 PM
Oh go ahead and admit it it's for you so, you can say I told you so lol

Randy Travis......

12-04-2019, 07:48 PM
Oh go ahead and admit it it's for you so, you can say I told you so lol

Well I am part of the America that will be saying that very loudly.....so, sure now that you mention it......

12-04-2019, 07:52 PM
Well I am part of the America that will be saying that very loudly.....so, sure now that you mention it......

You can say it as loud as you want but, I won't hear a word of it lmao!!

12-04-2019, 07:52 PM
Randy Travis......

Yeah that's it lol

12-04-2019, 07:59 PM
Well, it looks like the Lunatic left has brought in the three stooges to offer their bias opinions. But they are smart, they have to be, the liberal idiot law professors. Wonder if the fourth who is not an completely bias idiot Mr Turley will get interviewed. BTW Biden and Obama with held aid to Ukraine until they fired a prosecutor they didn't like. Biden bragged on camera about it. It just shows how stupid this whole thing is. The morons should lose all power next election and something tells me they will.

I can't believe you would believe something Matt Gaetz said.


12-04-2019, 09:03 PM
You can say it as loud as you want but, I won't hear a word of it lmao!!

You won't have to hear it.....you'll be living it.....congrats on winning that prize.

12-04-2019, 09:07 PM
I can't believe you would believe something Matt Gaetz said.


Do us all a favor......list the folks in all of this that you believe without a doubt what they said so far.

This ought to be good.

12-04-2019, 09:11 PM
Yeah that's it lol

You had to google it didn't you?

12-04-2019, 09:44 PM
The pro -republican side of his mouth is in the shop right now.

Its froze up from lack of use!

Its gonna take the hot wrench and a couple cans of PB Blaster to free it up! :)

12-05-2019, 05:23 AM
You won't have to hear it.....you'll be living it.....congrats on winning that prize.

Yes my life will go on no matter the outcome but, I made my prediction what will happen but, you on the other hand want to wait till after the facts so, you can say I was right lol

it's ok if your not right your life will go on.

12-05-2019, 05:26 AM
You had to google it didn't you?

No, Haven't you ever tried to think of something and once someone said it you then yeah that's it. Well that' what happened here.

12-05-2019, 05:41 AM
Do us all a favor......list the folks in all of this that you believe without a doubt what they said so far.

This ought to be good.

Maria Yovanovitch, Fiona Hill, Bill Taylor, Laura Cooper, Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman. Go ahead and cut them down. I gave you plenty I'm sure you can find something wrong with one of them. You(republicans) can't deny the facts so all you can do is criticize the witnesses or the process. That's all you can do when you are dealing with a guilty conman. So what if the conman doesn't get removed from office. It will just show the truth about the republican party. Party over country know matter what screw the law and constitution.

12-05-2019, 06:23 AM
Maria Yovanovitch, Fiona Hill, Bill Taylor, Laura Cooper, Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman. Go ahead and cut them down. I gave you plenty I'm sure you can find something wrong with one of them. You(republicans) can't deny the facts so all you can do is criticize the witnesses or the process. That's all you can do when you are dealing with a guilty conman. So what if the conman doesn't get removed from office. It will just show the truth about the republican party. Party over country know matter what screw the law and constitution.

Yep party over a country that is stronger and safer economically,spiritually,militarily etc etc etc all because of THIS GREAT PRESIDENT ! You just cannot get over the fact that He is “GETTING HER DONE “ just like he said he would and your losers keep doing just that LOSING !!!!

12-05-2019, 06:30 AM
Yes my life will go on no matter the outcome but, I made my prediction what will happen but, you on the other hand want to wait till after the facts so, you can say I was right lol

it's ok if your not right your life will go on.

So he can say YOU were right ? You type faster than your little tiny brain can think ! Just like the writers at CNN ! They are so quick to criticize THIS GREAT PRESIDENT most of their stories are polluted with errors in grammar and factual information! Nothing a little proofreading couldn’t cure , but like you they are way to eager to criticize THIS GREAT PRESIDENT !

12-05-2019, 06:48 AM
Maria Yovanovitch, Fiona Hill, Bill Taylor, Laura Cooper, Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman. Go ahead and cut them down. I gave you plenty I'm sure you can find something wrong with one of them. You(republicans) can't deny the facts so all you can do is criticize the witnesses or the process. That's all you can do when you are dealing with a guilty conman. So what if the conman doesn't get removed from office. It will just show the truth about the republican party. Party over country know matter what screw the law and constitution.
I voted for Obama the first time around, how can I be a republican? You don't follow along too well do you?

The problem for you is going to be when and if it does get to the senate....the folks you hang your theory on are going to have to tell the truth......hope you're as noisy about it then.

Since you're un unbiased, get to the bottom of it patriot and all.

12-05-2019, 07:34 AM
I voted for Obama the first time around, how can I be a republican? You don't follow along too well do you?

The problem for you is going to be when and if it does get to the senate....the folks you hang your theory on are going to have to tell the truth......hope you're as noisy about it then.

Since you're un unbiased, get to the bottom of it patriot and all.

Are you saying those who have testified lied and will have to tell the truth or are you saying those who haven't testified yet will have to tell the truth?

12-05-2019, 07:36 AM
And the walls, go tumblin tumblin.......I don't care much for tucker carlsons show but man does he get to the point.
The dems are now turning on each other??? Oops

12-05-2019, 07:36 AM
Those pesky unintended consequences.

12-05-2019, 07:54 AM
And the walls, go tumblin tumblin.......I don't care much for tucker carlsons show but man does he get to the point.
The dems are now turning on each other??? Oops

Oh poor little babies lol

12-05-2019, 07:55 AM
Those pesky unintended consequences.

to bad they will just have to deal with it.

12-05-2019, 08:12 AM
Are you saying those who have testified lied and will have to tell the truth or are you saying those who haven't testified yet will have to tell the truth?

Both....but the ones that haven't testified yet will be the most telling.

12-05-2019, 08:14 AM
I see Bill Barr's prosecutor says no proof Trump was setup. Another Republican talking point debunked. Oh those pesky details lol.

12-05-2019, 08:14 AM
Both....but the ones that haven't testified yet will be the most telling.

So, your saying those who have testified lied?

12-05-2019, 08:16 AM
to bad they will just have to deal with it.
So will the folks that cooked all this up.........pelosi on tv now, can't tell if she's scared, nervous or just numb.....that body language doesn't look so confident and those facial expressions are classic " deer in the headlights".

She knows what's getting ready to happen....I predict she resigns under some kind of fake health scare.

12-05-2019, 08:18 AM
So, your saying those who have testified lied?

A few of them, Yup......and even some that haven't testified yet but will be made too.

12-05-2019, 08:31 AM
A few of them, Yup......and even some that haven't testified yet but will be made too.

Which ones lied?

12-05-2019, 08:32 AM
So will the folks that cooked all this up.........pelosi on tv now, can't tell if she's scared, nervous or just numb.....that body language doesn't look so confident and those facial expressions are classic " deer in the headlights".

She knows what's getting ready to happen....I predict she resigns under some kind of fake health scare.

You sure you don't want to wait until she actually does resign on a fake health scare so, you can be right lol.

12-05-2019, 08:48 AM
not necessarily lied , just twisted the constitution to fit there narrative , the only honest professor there stated the facts and he , mr. turley admitted to begin with he was not a trump supporter and i appreciate his honesty,,,,,

12-05-2019, 12:36 PM
not necessarily lied , just twisted the constitution to fit there narrative , the only honest professor there stated the facts and he , mr. turley admitted to begin with he was not a trump supporter and i appreciate his honesty,,,,,

So, they never lied just twisted their opinions on the Constitution. Doesn't everyone just interpret the meaning of the Constitution because, no one can actually talk to the framers to know what they meant by x y and z

So really It's all subject to interpretation isn't it?

12-05-2019, 12:56 PM
my point exactly kid , how did these so called scholars know what the framers were thinking and making a judgement call on what they think they were thinking ?????? to me , none of there opinions mean squat , LET THE PEOPLE DECIDE in 2020 , and the dems know this , all there trying to do is sway votes instead of doing the jobs they were sent to do , i hope the voters in these democratic obstructionist districts are taking notice........

12-05-2019, 02:21 PM
The dems have stuck their foot real deep into their own do do. Anybody supporting this nonsense is completely ignorant. There is no two ways about it. Dems see no way to get power and are POed they lost the last election. So the pitiful little heathens are selling snake oil and apparently there are some poor souls that don't know any better. Kid your are a Trump hater. SS12 you are a Trump hater and that is fine, but to continue to insult the rest of us on here who can easily spot Dem nonsense is frankly insulting to me. This is no longer about Trump. This is about the rules of impeachment and the Dems have now reduced it to the gutter. We don't like the Peoples choice, we impeach. Every President going forward will be easily impeached. Every President in my life time could have easily been impeached under this low bar. Anybody that thinks this is time to impeach a President, any President, cares nothing about the future of this Country. You reap what you sow/

12-05-2019, 02:23 PM
Which ones lied?

Any of them that said this this has nothing to do with losing in 2016....its a pretty broad brushstroke.

You're under it too.

12-05-2019, 02:23 PM
my point exactly kid , how did these so called scholars know what the framers were thinking and making a judgement call on what they think they were thinking ?????? to me , none of there opinions mean squat , LET THE PEOPLE DECIDE in 2020 , and the dems know this , all there trying to do is sway votes instead of doing the jobs they were sent to do , i hope the voters in these democratic obstructionist districts are taking notice........

These so called scholars represent the trash that teaches Communism and Marxism to our children, especially in College. You get a first hand view.

12-05-2019, 02:26 PM
So, they never lied just twisted their opinions on the Constitution. Doesn't everyone just interpret the meaning of the Constitution because, no one can actually talk to the framers to know what they meant by x y and z

So really It's all subject to interpretation isn't it?

No what it is??? Liberal garbage. Liberal DEM puppets trying to over throw the government.

12-05-2019, 02:27 PM
You sure you don't want to wait until she actually does resign on a fake health scare so, you can be right lol.

Nah, to quote my man happy Gilmore......"ill just go ahead and win it right now".

Pelosi resigns before the dems lose the house.....I'llness related will be the excuse.

Foot in mouth disease would be my guess.

12-05-2019, 02:38 PM
She is really abusing power. She has no right at this point to dictate articles of impeachment being drawn up. It has not even been debated. Then you have Biden screaming at a Dem in town hall he wants challenge him to push ups. These people are insane. Pelosi will meet her demise over this, she has no way out. Just listen to cry their croc tears over having to do this. Just listen to Pelosi claim Religion and Prayer as she goes about abusing her power. She is COOKED!!!! Biden is too of course.
So I guess we get Mayor Petey. LOLOLOLOLOL as our enemies says GOOO PETEY

12-05-2019, 03:12 PM
The mayor is the brightest bulb up there on that stage of puppets.....He actually appears fully sane.

Not sure if he's ready to be president yet, but he speaks pretty well and without the phony conviction in his words like the rest do.

Pelosi resigns , watch and see......she is so spiteful, stupid ,trumphurt and win at all cost that she can't see she just stepped out on a ledge and the one way door just slammed right behind her.

You could tell this morning that she knows she just fell on the sword for the party.......no turning back now.

12-05-2019, 04:59 PM
Mayor Pete is acting like a moderate, and his record dictates otherwise. He just presents himself better, but he is far too radical to get beyond the Chicago area with politics. If he does get real traction, just watch and see what happens to him.

12-05-2019, 05:12 PM
Which ones lied?

Only the ones with a D....behind their name!

12-05-2019, 05:46 PM
Any of them that said this this has nothing to do with losing in 2016....its a pretty broad brushstroke.

You're under it too.

Oh please you guys keep holding onto that bs. Give me a break. I'm not under it I can tell you that. I sure didn't want Hillary to win or I would have voted for her so, please don't put me in that group. I have zero respect for Hillary that I can tell you.

12-05-2019, 05:48 PM
Only the ones with a D....behind their name!

lmao.............................................. ........................................... Trump ( R ) Drop the mic lol

12-05-2019, 05:56 PM
Nah, to quote my man happy Gilmore......"ill just go ahead and win it right now".

Pelosi resigns before the dems lose the house.....I'llness related will be the excuse.

Foot in mouth disease would be my guess.

Alright you did it................................................ ................................................

Foot in mouth now that was good lol

12-05-2019, 05:59 PM
She is really abusing power. She has no right at this point to dictate articles of impeachment being drawn up. It has not even been debated. Then you have Biden screaming at a Dem in town hall he wants challenge him to push ups. These people are insane. Pelosi will meet her demise over this, she has no way out. Just listen to cry their croc tears over having to do this. Just listen to Pelosi claim Religion and Prayer as she goes about abusing her power. She is COOKED!!!! Biden is too of course.
So I guess we get Mayor Petey. LOLOLOLOLOL as our enemies says GOOO PETEY

TS FAN you are worrying me. You ok man?

12-05-2019, 07:40 PM
LOL Kid, I am fine, I am kind of worried about you guys that are believing and supporting this garbage. Dems are conducting themselves just as you would expect the hilarious Inspector from the Blake Edwards Pink Panther series would. They are abusing power beyond belief and making up the rules as they go. Problems is they not even sure what their own rules are. BTW should Mr. Magoo some how win the Presidency, he will be impeached immediately. He abused his power as VP on his own taped recording and subverting his power. I am actually enjoying this charade.

12-05-2019, 08:29 PM
lmao.............................................. ........................................... Trump ( R ) Drop the mic lol


Put your glasses on, Ray Charles!

12-05-2019, 08:43 PM

Put your glasses on, Ray Charles!

Just as I thought....................................

12-06-2019, 05:31 AM
LOL Kid, I am fine, I am kind of worried about you guys that are believing and supporting this garbage. Dems are conducting themselves just as you would expect the hilarious Inspector from the Blake Edwards Pink Panther series would. They are abusing power beyond belief and making up the rules as they go. Problems is they not even sure what their own rules are. BTW should Mr. Magoo some how win the Presidency, he will be impeached immediately. He abused his power as VP on his own taped recording and subverting his power. I am actually enjoying this charade.
Glad to hear your ok I can stop worrying now lol.

I will be fine but, thanks for your concern though.

The party in the majority of the house gets to make up the rules so, I can't see where they are abusing their powers and what I find Ironic is you think this is abusing power but, not what Trump has done in my opinion.

12-06-2019, 08:06 AM
There are few in politics that don't abuse the power of their position in some way......hoping you know that already.

The fact that anyone even remotely thinks Biden is a threat to win is nuttier than this years fruitcake.....Trump needs no dirt on him to crush him like the shoulder rubbing (not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)roach he is.

If anything , the only tit for tat (qpq) I see is trump picking up the flaming pile of disingenuous dog crap the dems throw at him everyday and decided to toss it back over the fence at them......in the same style the dems do it every day, by digging irrelevant sh!t up on their detractors.

12-06-2019, 09:44 AM
Glad to hear your ok I can stop worrying now lol.

I will be fine but, thanks for your concern though.

The party in the majority of the house gets to make up the rules so, I can't see where they are abusing their powers and what I find Ironic is you think this is abusing power but, not what Trump has done in my opinion.

Sorry, you are wrong again. Dems are abusing their power. They will pay for it. I am aware they can make up their own rules, but that doesn't mean they can abuse the constitution just for starters.

12-06-2019, 04:19 PM
Sorry, you are wrong again. Dems are abusing their power. They will pay for it. I am aware they can make up their own rules, but that doesn't mean they can abuse the constitution just for starters.

TS Fan you are unbelievable, you say the Dems are abusing their power but, the President did not.

Just how did the Dems abuse the Constitution? I'm not saying they are not but, I'm curious as to what you think they are abusing.

Lay it out there for all of us to see where your coming from.

12-06-2019, 04:29 PM
ts fan you are unbelievable, you say the dems are abusing their power but, the president did not.

Just how did the dems abuse the constitution? I'm not saying they are not but, i'm curious as to what you think they are abusing.

Lay it out there for all of us to see where your coming from.

more unintentional lies from kid (not a rocket scientist )rock ! But you are saying they are not abusing the constitution by your statement !

12-06-2019, 05:23 PM
The Dems are now just pitiful. Pelosi is claiming the end of the civilization, and Mr Magoo is screaming recession. this while they violate the Constitution in every way imaginable. They are also abusing their power when they lie and con the Voters into false narratives. They have been reduced to just pathetic, defensive fools. I still cannot believe they are going to get the impeachment vote. But if they do fine.
Economy is rolling, along with everything Trump is doing for this Country and all they got is pathetic little nonsense. Dems to the back of the bus, please. You are not any longer relevant. LOLOLOLOL

12-06-2019, 05:29 PM
TS Fan you are unbelievable, you say the Dems are abusing their power but, the President did not.

Just how did the Dems abuse the Constitution? I'm not saying they are not but, I'm curious as to what you think they are abusing.

Lay it out there for all of us to see where your coming from.

Turley the democrat Law professor laid it out. Dersowitz the Dem liberal law professor laid it out.
I see no need to argue with you. Neither of these guys like Trump, but they by their own admission will not stand for the CONSTITUTION to be violated by the party both support.

12-06-2019, 06:44 PM
Turley the democrat Law professor laid it out. Dersowitz the Dem liberal law professor laid it out.
I see no need to argue with you. Neither of these guys like Trump, but they by their own admission will not stand for the CONSTITUTION to be violated by the party both support.

All I ask was to point out how the Dems are abusing their power. You said it so, must believe they abused their power in some way. I'm not seeing it but, lay it out there and you might change my mind.

12-06-2019, 07:32 PM
All I ask was to point out how the Dems are abusing their power. You said it so, must believe they abused their power in some way. I'm not seeing it but, lay it out there and you might change my mind.

If you only possessed a mind to be changed !

12-07-2019, 08:00 AM

12-07-2019, 09:48 AM
All I ask was to point out how the Dems are abusing their power. You said it so, must believe they abused their power in some way. I'm not seeing it but, lay it out there and you might change my mind.

running a shame inquiry that they know they have zero chance of winning in order to try and obtain votes in 2020 , that may not fit Websters definition of abuse , but it sure fits mine.......

12-07-2019, 03:04 PM
Some more fact from AP.


12-07-2019, 03:08 PM
Some more fact from AP.


Oxymoron = AP AND FACTS !

12-07-2019, 07:31 PM
running a shame inquiry that they know they have zero chance of winning in order to try and obtain votes in 2020 , that may not fit Websters definition of abuse , but it sure fits mine.......

They have invited the whitehouse to participate which they have refused to do so and they wonder why!

Yep ones interpretation may differ from others.

12-07-2019, 10:03 PM
They have invited the whitehouse to participate which they have refused to do so and they wonder why!

Yep ones interpretation may differ from others.

The White House will be there when it matters......that's what the dems don't want.

12-08-2019, 06:20 AM
The White House will be there when it matters......that's what the dems don't want.

ha,ha, ha, ha, ha

12-08-2019, 08:59 AM
ha,ha, ha, ha, ha

BBQ -999. Kid(not a rocket scientist) rock - 0. Got him again !

12-08-2019, 09:00 AM
the white house will be there when it matters......that's what the dems don't want.

drop the mic !

12-08-2019, 09:10 AM
ha,ha, ha, ha, ha

More nervous laughter..........

12-08-2019, 01:35 PM
More nervous laughter..........

Nothing for me to be nervous about. I have no stake in it. My life isn't going to change no matter how all this plays out. I gave my opinion how it all plays out and some want to wait till it plays out and then say yep that's how I thought it would play out lol.

12-08-2019, 09:25 PM
Pretty sure everyone on earth knows how it's going to play out........I'm not really that smart.

12-09-2019, 05:35 AM
Pretty sure everyone on earth knows how it's going to play out........I'm not really that smart.

Ok so, how does all this play out?

My opinion is 1. impeachment by the house 2. acquitted in the senate 3. Trump reelected by a wide margin.

12-09-2019, 06:12 AM
Ok so, how does all this play out?

My opinion is 1. impeachment by the house 2. acquitted in the senate 3. Trump reelected by a wide margin.

Preparing himself for another 4 years of TRUMP HATE !

12-09-2019, 10:53 AM
Ok so, how does all this play out?

My opinion is 1. impeachment by the house 2. acquitted in the senate 3. Trump reelected by a wide margin.


The part you left out is all the pain , embarrassment and unhingement that will come to dems ( and rightfully so) when the rabbit has the gun......good luck with all of that.

12-09-2019, 01:14 PM

The part you left out is all the pain , embarrassment and unhingement that will come to dems ( and rightfully so) when the rabbit has the gun......good luck with all of that.

That embarrassment and unhingment has already begun ooooozing from there very being tho............

12-09-2019, 03:01 PM

The part you left out is all the pain , embarrassment and unhingement that will come to dems ( and rightfully so) when the rabbit has the gun......good luck with all of that.

The part you have wrong is that you think the Democrats will be embarrassed by this trust me they won't and feel pain I don't think so, they will do it again in a blink of an eye.

12-09-2019, 04:50 PM
The part you have wrong is that you think the Democrats will be embarrassed by this trust me they won't and feel pain I don't think so, they will do it again in a blink of an eye.

They won't be embarrassed by what they've done, until it all gets brought to light......

I guess I should have clarified.....the dem politicians won't be embarrassed because they have no conscience....their supporters however will be mortified.

And let's face it, the dems in charge live in the biggest glass house on the planet....and throw river pebbles.

When and if this thing goes to the senate and the republicans get their turn they will be throwing cinder blocks.

12-09-2019, 05:07 PM
They won't be embarrassed by what they've done, until it all gets brought to light......

I guess I should have clarified.....the dem politicians won't be embarrassed because they have no conscience....their supporters however will be mortified.

And let's face it, the dems in charge live in the biggest glass house on the planet....and throw river pebbles.

When and if this thing goes to the senate and the republicans get their turn they will be throwing cinder blocks.

You don't understand they won't even when its brought to life. Their ruthless just like the Republicans when it comes to politics

Their supporters will keep supporting them just like the Trump supporters supporting Trump.

Heck throw the wall I don't care. They will deserve it. If you dish it you have to be willing to take it and if you can't TO BAD lol

12-09-2019, 05:10 PM
That embarrassment and unhingment has already begun ooooozing from there very being tho............

I don't think so, they have no shame win at all cost that's politics man.

Crash 4
12-09-2019, 05:13 PM
The fact that anyone even remotely thinks Biden is a threat to win is nuttier than this years fruitcake.....

This tells you all you need to know about the orange man in the White House pretending to be President.

Crash 4
12-09-2019, 05:18 PM
Ok so, how does all this play out?

My opinion is 1. impeachment by the house 2. acquitted in the senate 3. Trump's taxes are released, and he is forced to resign in shame.

Hope you don't mind, but I fixed your post for you.

12-09-2019, 05:48 PM
This tells you all you need to know about the orange man in the White House pretending to be President.

Even more about the people pretending to be your presidents viable opponents.....

12-09-2019, 05:52 PM
Hope you don't mind, but I didn't get my way in 2016 and now I just come across as a sore loser like most of the rest of butthurt nation.

I found your decoder ring and see exactly what your saying now.....cool.

Crash 4
12-09-2019, 06:04 PM
I found your decoder ring and see exactly what your saying now.....cool.

Glad you figured it out. Only thing is though, I'm can't be a Democrat, because I voted for Reagan the first time.

12-09-2019, 08:52 PM
Glad you figured it out. Only thing is though, I'm can't be a Democrat, because I voted for Reagan the first time.

And 2020 will work out for you, just like 2016!

12-09-2019, 09:44 PM
Glad you figured it out. Only thing is though, I'm can't be a Democrat, because I voted for Reagan the first time.

Never said democrat ........said butthurt nation......you can be a member without being a democrat.......especially if you're part of the swamp getting drained.

12-10-2019, 05:09 AM
This tells you all you need to know about the orange man in the White House pretending to be President.

Man if is just pretending just think what he will do when his people take the house back and he doesn’t have to “ pretend” anymore !!!!!!

12-10-2019, 05:32 AM
Never said democrat ........said butthurt nation......you can be a member without being a democrat.......especially if you're part of the swamp getting drained.

The swamp getting drained while a new one has moved in.

12-10-2019, 06:20 AM
The swamp getting drained while a new one has moved in.

Your butt must really hurt !!!!!

12-10-2019, 06:25 AM
Yup........but he's an independent, not a democrat .......remember, lol.

12-10-2019, 06:37 AM
The swamp getting drained while a new one has moved in.

Did your wife allow herself to be “grabbed by the vag” by someone and now regrets it ? Cuz I see no other reason for such HATRED !!!!!

12-10-2019, 06:42 AM
Yup........but he's an independent, not a democrat .......remember, lol.

I am an independent just like you!

12-10-2019, 06:57 AM
I am an independent just like you!

Don't flatter yourself.......you're nothing like me.

Or should I say....I'm nothing like you?

12-10-2019, 07:13 AM
Don't flatter yourself.......you're nothing like me.

Or should I say....I'm nothing like you?

trust me it's no flatter to say I'm like you as a person but, like you as an independent voter if that's what you are?

12-10-2019, 07:45 AM
So you think you know me as a person? From an Internet forum??

That explains a lot about how you form opinions.....thanks.

12-10-2019, 08:02 AM
You people parroting that the IG report exonerated everybody of wrong doing are hilarious. Keep watching the morons on PMSNBC and CNN. You people are taking the 10 watt light bulb approach. Trump hatred has reduced you guys to babbling idiots. But hey, keep believing everything is fine and the Dems are going to take over again. HAR HAR

Stay tuned for the Durham report where charges can be filed. Then learn what an IG report actually is. Any fool that believes the everything was on the up and up with the Russian investigation, and Chris Steele dossier, definitely has Trump disease hatred. I guess I should not even bother arguing with idiots. BTW you haters pick up your talking points from CNN yet today. UNBELIEVABLE

12-10-2019, 08:11 AM
You people parroting that the IG report exonerated everybody of wrong doing are hilarious. Keep watching the morons on PMSNBC and CNN. You people are taking the 10 watt light bulb approach. Trump hatred has reduced you guys to babbling idiots. But hey, keep believing everything is fine and the Dems are going to take over again. HAR HAR

Stay tuned for the Durham report where charges can be filed. Then learn what an IG report actually is. Any fool that believes the everything was on the up and up with the Russian investigation, and Chris Steele dossier, definitely has Trump disease hatred. I guess I should not even bother arguing with idiots. BTW you haters pick up your talking points from CNN yet today. UNBELIEVABLE

And you believed every word that Fox news and the President and right wing nuts were spewing. There was no spying, no deep state. Now who's the idiot here look in the mirror and you will find your answer.

The Ig report said there were problem in the FBI but, nothing that rises to the level of a conspiracy against Trump like you wing nuts and the fox news pundits were spewing.

12-10-2019, 08:14 AM
I am an independent just like you!

You are no independent these days. I don't care that you hate Trump, but to defend the Democrats behavior makes you no independent. You state the IG reports clears wrong doing? Really? You think Trump should be impeached? Really? Why, because you don't like him? You are a democrat whether you like it or not. That may change for you in the future, but your posts make you a full Dem supporter. I consider myself a conservative independent too. However since the Democrats turn my stomach with their deception, and self entitlement, I would have a hard time convincing anyone that I am not a Rep. So I don't try to convince anyone this day and age. I have plenty against the Reps and their inaction at times. So the fact is you are not an independent now and neither am I.

12-10-2019, 08:22 AM
And you believed every word that Fox news and the President and right wing nuts were spewing. There was no spying, no deep state. Now who's the idiot here look in the mirror and you will find your answer.

The Ig report said there were problem in the FBI but, nothing that rises to the level of a conspiracy against Trump like you wing nuts and the fox news pundits were spewing.

Yep, that is a true democrat talking point. Who are you kidding? NO SPYING IS HILARIOUS. Obama was doing it, and there is not even a debate that his administration wasn't. Stay tuned. BTW Fox news has all view points, and reports news. They sure slant right, but plenty of dems get on there and have their say unlike that other two scum bag cable news channels. I am sick and tire of listening to you Trump haters trash the only news outlet that allows all view points. You do not know what you are talking about when you trash that network for being one sided. try watching Bret Bahre who is a news man at 6PM. You might actually get some news.

12-10-2019, 08:29 AM
Yep, that is a true democrat talking point. Who are you kidding? NO SPYING IS HILARIOUS. Obama was doing it, and there is not even a debate that his administration wasn't. Stay tuned. BTW Fox news has all view points, and reports news. They sure slant right, but plenty of dems get on there and have their say unlike that other two scum bag cable news channels. I am sick and tire of listening to you Trump haters trash the only news outlet that allows all view points. You do not know what you are talking about when you trash that network for being one sided. try watching Bret Bahre who is a news man at 6PM. You might actually get some news.

Keep telling yourself that, even the FBI director says it didn't happen. Look in the mirror yet?

Fox new is the spin machine for people like you.

12-10-2019, 09:24 AM
hey kid , has gay azz sheperd smith made it on to your beloved CNN yet , we spun his butt right out of good ole fair and balanced fox so i felt for sure he was headed your way , now i may be wrong and your not a CNN nut huger , but i have a pretty good feeling you are by the rhetoric you some times spew on here.......oh , BTW , i forgot to include ole SS in with you , sorry about that SS....

12-10-2019, 11:20 AM
And you believed every word that Fox news and the President and right wing nuts were spewing. There was no spying, no deep state. Now who's the idiot here look in the mirror and you will find your answer.

The Ig report said there were problem in the FBI but, nothing that rises to the level of a conspiracy against Trump like you wing nuts and the fox news pundits were spewing.

Well it's a dam good thing that CNN got it all correct.....at least there is a credible place to absorb unbiased news these days.

And nice nanny nanny boo boo retort you replied back to TS fan with......when did you turn 7 this year?

12-10-2019, 11:41 AM
Keep telling yourself that, even the FBI director says it didn't happen. Look in the mirror yet?

Fox new is the spin machine for people like you.

LOL, when all else fails do your CNN talking points. Have you got your memo on the word of the day to justified the hilarious impeachment. I can easily look in the mirror BTW. LOLOLOL
Only regret i have is responding to you Trump haters. That is on me.

12-10-2019, 11:43 AM
Well it's a dam good thing that CNN got it all correct.....at least there is a credible place to absorb unbiased news these days.

And nice nanny nanny boo boo retort you replied back to TS fan with......when did you turn 7 this year?

That is what is sad. Their blind hatred of Trumps has turned them into children.

12-10-2019, 11:55 AM
That is what is sad. Their blind hatred of Trumps has turned them into children.

Spoiled entitled Child gets told he can't have the new toy( or win the election)....,what comes next??? Throws himself on the floor in Walmart and flings a fit until the parents that ruined him anyway picks him up and gives him what he wants.

In this metaphor, schiff and pelosi are the parents.

Glad I could help.

12-10-2019, 12:41 PM
LOL, when all else fails do your CNN talking points. Have you got your memo on the word of the day to justified the hilarious impeachment. I can easily look in the mirror BTW. LOLOLOL
Only regret i have is responding to you Trump haters. That is on me.

I'm telling you what the Director himself said. I don't know if he was on cnn, fox abc,cbs, nbc
I'm sure fox will have the same interview if you want to watch it just tune in I'm sure they will show it.

Don't want to ask what you seen in the mirror lol

12-10-2019, 12:43 PM
Well it's a dam good thing that CNN got it all correct.....at least there is a credible place to absorb unbiased news these days.

And nice nanny nanny boo boo retort you replied back to TS fan with......when did you turn 7 this year?

They did..........................................?

12-10-2019, 05:02 PM
Just remember Ag William Barr and John Durham have disputed the IG's report. Guess what? criminal investigations are underway and these 2 men have the power to prosecute. Everything else you hear is noise.........Just plain and simple facts.

12-10-2019, 05:29 PM
hey kid , has gay azz sheperd smith made it on to your beloved CNN yet , we spun his butt right out of good ole fair and balanced fox so i felt for sure he was headed your way , now i may be wrong and your not a CNN nut huger , but i have a pretty good feeling you are by the rhetoric you some times spew on here.......oh , BTW , i forgot to include ole SS in with you , sorry about that SS....

Hey Shepard is still on your team he just quit being on TV lol. I have no idea what Shepard Smith is up to these days nor do I care. I have no idea what CNN is up to as well nor do I care. CNN, FOX ect.ect. all are bias and will tell their base what they want to hear. You nut hugging with Fox these days or someone else. I have a good feeling by what you spew on here it's Fox lol.

12-10-2019, 05:35 PM
Just remember Ag William Barr and John Durham have disputed the IG's report. Guess what? criminal investigations are underway and these 2 men have the power to prosecute. Everything else you hear is noise.........Just plain and simple facts.

Mud I heard that even Giuliani is also working with them.

12-10-2019, 05:47 PM
SS12 LOLOLOL a 10 watt light bulb.

12-10-2019, 05:53 PM
Just remember Ag William Barr and John Durham have disputed the IG's report. Guess what? criminal investigations are underway and these 2 men have the power to prosecute. Everything else you hear is noise.........Just plain and simple facts.

The Trump haters and the Left are in for a huge shock. Indictments are coming and are going to be more than left/right talking point. Plus The IG reporter is headed to the Senate tomorrow, REP Senates do the good job that the house reps, it could be interesting. Swamp is going to be exposed like never before.

12-10-2019, 06:03 PM
Hey Shepard is still on your team he just quit being on TV lol. I have no idea what Shepard Smith is up to these days nor do I care. I have no idea what CNN is up to as well nor do I care. CNN, FOX ect.ect. all are bias and will tell their base what they want to hear. You nut hugging with Fox these days or someone else. I have a good feeling by what you spew on here it's Fox lol.

Using the above logic one can only surmise that you do indeed follow Mrs. Lemon pretty closely......you know , the whole I can tell by what you spew on here daily thingy logic you just used.

12-10-2019, 06:04 PM
The Trump haters and the Left are in for a huge shock. Indictments are coming and are going to be more than left/right talking point. Plus The IG reporter is headed to the Senate tomorrow, REP Senates do the good job that the house reps, it could be interesting. Swamp is going to be exposed like never before.

Which Swamp the old swamp or the new swamp we have?

12-10-2019, 06:07 PM
Using the above logic one can only surmise that you do indeed follow Mrs. Lemon pretty closely......you know , the whole I can tell by what you spew on here daily thingy logic you just used.

And you would be wrong again.

12-10-2019, 06:11 PM
And you would be wrong again.

Of course I am.....but tell me this, why would the logic you use for one analogy not be the same logic used for one very similar.( he spews from fox, you spew from CNN )

Oh , that's right.....it can't be you.....it can never be you.

12-10-2019, 09:57 PM
hey , kidcrock is all right , at least he can laugh , unlike most other off them cnn/msnbc nutt huggers on here , its all cool kid , hell we all have to huge a cod ever now and then i guess.....lol....

12-10-2019, 10:06 PM
The kid is alright.......he's just misunderstood , lmao.

12-11-2019, 05:28 AM
Of course I am.....but tell me this, why would the logic you use for one analogy not be the same logic used for one very similar.( he spews from fox, you spew from CNN )

Oh , that's right.....it can't be you.....it can never be you.

What I can tell you is I don't care for Don Lemon so, if could watch him I wouldn't but, I realize your not going to believe it so, I'm going as to move on.

12-11-2019, 05:33 AM
What I can tell you is I don't care for Don Lemon so, if could watch him I wouldn't but, I realize your not going to believe it so, I'm going as to move on.

I think you should at least have one cup of cocoa and find your safe space before you try to put together a coherent sentence first thing in the morning ! Or maybe have your wife rub your backside with some BOUDREAUX BUTT CREAM fist !

12-11-2019, 06:37 AM
Somehow the visual I have is that ss12 does that for him ....and vice versa.

We make butt rub, but I think the salt in it would burn a lot considering the current raw condition of the subject matter.

12-11-2019, 08:20 AM
hey , kidcrock is all right , at least he can laugh , unlike most other off them cnn/msnbc nutt huggers on here , its all cool kid , hell we all have to huge a cod ever now and then i guess.....lol....

The kid is alright.......he's just misunderstood , lmao.

fastford it's all good here and yes I do like to laugh and have a good time and not take it to serious because, politics can bring the worst out in people.

BBQ, your right you just don't understand me lol

12-11-2019, 08:39 AM
Wait......I'm finally right about something???

12-11-2019, 11:08 AM
Which Swamp the old swamp or the new swamp we have?

You really have gone over the Trump hater edge. That is about as dumb reply as anyone who claims the know something about Washington can make. I am not even going to dignify your inane remark.

12-23-2019, 08:00 AM
More facts on the IMPOTUS.


12-23-2019, 10:45 AM
You left out the most important fact that drives you the most batty......He is and will be your president for another 5 years.


12-23-2019, 11:26 AM
More facts on the IMPOTUS.


You can't "fact check" opinions. Anyone who purports to do so, is showing their own bias. This entire so called "impeachment" that isn't even officially an impeachment yet, because the speaker has gotten cold feet, is based on opinions, and not facts. There are no fact witnesses, only those who have opinions about what they think maybe the president might have meant.

12-23-2019, 02:38 PM
Crooked opinions with a political cause, I will add.

12-23-2019, 04:48 PM
Sounds like a bunch of poster on here that their butts are hurting. If you want bias opinion go watch Hannity and Tucker.

12-23-2019, 05:21 PM
Sounds like a bunch of poster on here that their butts are hurting. If you want bias opinion go watch Hannity and Tucker.

Only ones butthurting are the Don Lemon, A Cooper, B Shepherd nuthuggers! Just don't drop the soap around them 3......but you've most likely already experienced that!....js

12-23-2019, 06:08 PM
Bias to the truth though. Not lies and corrupt agendas.

12-24-2019, 07:39 AM
If you want bias opinion go watch Hannity and Tucker.

Are Tucker and Hannity biased? Sure! But they don't hide behind pretense. You know their show is opinion, They don't try to present opinion as fact. That's the problem with the so called "news" today presented by the mainstream media. It's all opinion presented as if it were fact.

It's also what this whole so called "impeachment" is about. There is no fact evidence, only opinion. How do you define 'abuse of power"? It's entirely subjective and simply a matter of opinion. Opinions are settled by elections, not prosecution or impeachment. That's what democracy means! Anyone who truly believes in democracy would want this settle in the 2020 election by the ultimate jury, the American people, not by a sham political process disguised as an "tmpeachment".

12-24-2019, 08:20 AM
your right stefan , just like it was an opinion that trump was gone with hold funds to Ukraine for personal gain , which he did not , unlike biden who actually , factually directly told the Ukraine pres he was , and sumb!tch , his actually worked and his son got the job , all trump was trying to do was expose the corruption for all of US , DRAIN THE SWAMP.......and i also blame obumer for letting his " CONMAN " get by with it.....

12-24-2019, 08:54 AM
Are Tucker and Hannity biased? Sure! But they don't hide behind pretense. You know their show is opinion, They don't try to present opinion as fact. That's the problem with the so called "news" today presented by the mainstream media. It's all opinion presented as if it were fact.

It's also what this whole so called "impeachment" is about. There is no fact evidence, only opinion. How do you define 'abuse of power"? It's entirely subjective and simply a matter of opinion. Opinions are settled by elections, not prosecution or impeachment. That's what democracy means! Anyone who truly believes in democracy would want this settle in the 2020 election by the ultimate jury, the American people, not by a sham political process disguised as an "tmpeachment".

Hannity is the has the Number one show on cable TV. He is just there to manipulate the conservatives followers. Which he does everyday and the follower take it as fact not known that they are being mislead. Now that is sad and this is why other countries do not allow Fox in their countries. Not all media are misleading and there are some that are reporting facts.

The impeachment is in the constitution for a reason. To say there is no factual evidence is bull. There is plenty of factual evidence including the best evidence when the IMPOTUS released the phone call. I'm sure they have more evidence that they are aware of but the IMPOTUS is not cooperating allowing them to verify the evidence. In your theory you would be right let the citizens vote on it. There is only one problem we have a republic. Since you don't seem to have the knowledge of the type of government we have. I will provide you with a couple of videos explaining the differences.


12-24-2019, 09:40 AM
SS, please give a example of an nonfactual thing hannity has said , be sure to state the actual fact he mislead us on , also look up the word FACT before you answer....

12-24-2019, 10:19 AM
Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson are opinion shows. They make no bones about it. They both openly disclose the fact they consider themselves conservatives. Their audience knows this and watch because they are like minded people. The "news" reporters on some other networks maintain a pretense they are "unbiased" and pretend they are just reporting the "facts" but their so called "facts" are often not facts at all, but opinions. The "reverand" Al Sharpton on CNN, stating that christians who support Trump are putting Trump above God, is NOT a fact! It's an opinion and while the reverand Al may certainly be entitled to that opinion, there are many who strongly disagree with that opinion. Those people could tell rev Al their opinion of him, but if they did he'd simply scream "racism".

The impeachment is in the constitution for a reason.

Indeed, it is, for "high crimes and misdemeanors" like "bribery" or "treason". To attempt to use it for purely political reasons, is an abuse of the process.

To say there is no factual evidence is bull.

The evidence presented in the house was all entirely subjective and broadly open to interpretation, a smile on a dog! Like the "smile on a dog" you interpret it based on the opinions of your own mind's eye.

There is plenty of factual evidence including the best evidence when the IMPOTUS released the phone call.

then why the need to call more witnesses who will only give their personal opinion of what the presidents words in that transcript perhaps maybe might have meant?

There is only one problem we have a republic.

No! We have a democratic republic. We all vote for president and those votes are translated into electoral college votes which elects our president. We may not vote directly but our votes still count. And unlike congressmen, everybody in the country votes for president. Adam Schiff, Nancy pelosi, and Jerry Nadler only have to answer to the voters in a small gerrymandered congressional district. The president is accountable to all voters. For them to try to remove a dully elected president flies completely in the face of democracy in every way possible.

12-24-2019, 12:13 PM
Just read the dems are considering additional articles of impeachment.

12-24-2019, 01:11 PM
Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson are opinion shows. They make no bones about it. They both openly disclose the fact they consider themselves conservatives. Their audience knows this and watch because they are like minded people. The "news" reporters on some other networks maintain a pretense they are "unbiased" and pretend they are just reporting the "facts" but their so called "facts" are often not facts at all, but opinions. The "reverand" Al Sharpton on CNN, stating that christians who support Trump are putting Trump above God, is NOT a fact! It's an opinion and while the reverand Al may certainly be entitled to that opinion, there are many who strongly disagree with that opinion. Those people could tell rev Al their opinion of him, but if they did he'd simply scream "racism".

Indeed, it is, for "high crimes and misdemeanors" like "bribery" or "treason". To attempt to use it for purely political reasons, is an abuse of the process.

The evidence presented in the house was all entirely subjective and broadly open to interpretation, a smile on a dog! Like the "smile on a dog" you interpret it based on the opinions of your own mind's eye.

then why the need to call more witnesses who will only give their personal opinion of what the presidents words in that transcript perhaps maybe might have meant?

No! We have a democratic republic. We all vote for president and those votes are translated into electoral college votes which elects our president. We may not vote directly but our votes still count. And unlike congressmen, everybody in the country votes for president. Adam Schiff, Nancy pelosi, and Jerry Nadler only have to answer to the voters in a small gerrymandered congressional district. The president is accountable to all voters. For them to try to remove a dully elected president flies completely in the face of democracy in every way possible.

Yes it does come down to interpretations of the Constitution and some law professors believe that Abuse of power is a clear violation and comes under the High Crimes and misdemeanor. Now some may not agree that it rises to those standards but, others do so where does that really leave us. They sure thought in Bill Clinton's case lying to congress rose to that level and rightly so and in my opinion this rises to that level as well. That's why I'm for hearing from all witness at this trial and that could change my opinion or solidify it. Time will tell how the Republicans are going to play their hand but, now it's their turn to have a fair trial and I know that the guys here on 4m want a fair trial with witnesses because, they sure where crying loudly on how the house ran their hearings. How about it guys you'll for all the witnesses to testify so, it will be a fair trial don't you?

12-24-2019, 04:30 PM
…… and this is why other countries do not allow Fox in their countries.

True story. Problem is you left out the why. The “other countries” are of a communistic nature, with socialism as their governing stance. Thus why, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC and the likes, are allowed in their counties.

12-24-2019, 04:44 PM
How about it guys you'll for all the witnesses to testify so, it will be a fair trial don't you?

Senate Democrats had their %$#@ show already. They have what they WANTED and thought they needed to push the impeachment inquiry forward. Now the House Democrats more. Weird!! Guess they shouldn’t have been so hasty.

12-24-2019, 06:26 PM
More facts on the IMPOTUS.


The Associated Depressed has much bias and fake news. You gullibled it up as usual.

Gullible: unsuspecting, foolish, unsophisticated, wide-eyed, believing, biting, credulous, green, innocent, mark, silly, simple, sucker, susceptible, trustful

See mirror for more details.....

12-24-2019, 09:07 PM

Senate Democrats had their %$#@ show already. They have what they WANTED and thought they needed to push the impeachment inquiry forward. Now the House Democrats more. Weird!! Guess they shouldn’t have been so hasty.

Wait you want a fair trial right? you want the process to be fair right? or now all of a sudden that means nothing. Yes the Dems acted in haste but, you guys want a fair process which would mean a trial with witnesses right or has that changed lol. I'm not sure what Moscow Mitch is worried about. Must he be worried what they would say. I mean doesn't he want to hear from Hunter and Joe Biden, Adam Schiff, Pompeo, Mulvaney, Bolton

12-24-2019, 09:57 PM
1. Honestly, what I want is totally irrelevant to the impeachment process. This is where I don’t have a voice or vote.

2. Why including me with the encompassing of “you guys”?

3. Personally IMHO, I say roll with what the Senate Democrats have put forward, push it to the House with no further delay and no further testimonies ---- and let it all blow up in the Democrats faces. That’s not said Pro or Con Democrat or Republican. That’s said as a Libertarian taking my personal moderate approach to politics. Nothing more, nothing less.

4. I’ve never stated that I want the House impeachment process to be fair. Personally, I’d like it to be Republican one sided just like the Senate was one sided Democrat. That is how the three Branches of our Government work, isn’t it? (that is all tongue in cheek because the entire impeachment ruse was and is a joke)

5. It is my personal opinion that, Hunter and Joe Biden, Adam Schiff, and a few others will be investigated later on down the road no matter the outcome of the impeachment.

You asked.

12-24-2019, 10:05 PM
Yes it does come down to interpretations of the Constitution and some law professors believe that Abuse of power is a clear violation and comes under the High Crimes and misdemeanor.

But that's an opinion and not a fact and those law professors opinions are no more valid than any others. There are law Professors like Professor Turley who totally disagree and feel that congress is the one abusing their power, the impeachment process, and the constitution.

so where does that really leave us

It leaves us less than one year away from an election, and that's where opinions are meant to be settled. The voters who don't like the President will have a chance to make their voices heard in Nov 2020, just like those who do will and just as they did in 2016. Settling differences of opinion are what elections are for, not abusing and weaponizing the impeachment process.

They sure thought in Bill Clinton's case lying to congress rose to that level and rightly so

Clinton didn't lie to congress and that was not a charge against him. He lied when he testified under oath before a grand jury in a sexual harassment case filed against him. That's a real crime. Lying under oath in a legal case is consider Perjury and is actually a crime. He was also charged with Obstruction of Justice. Notice that's "obstruction of justice", not "obstruction of congress" which is really just a made up "crime". Obstruction of Justice is a real crime, unlike "obstruction of congress". What did he do that constituted obstruction of justice? He asked Monica Lewinsky to lie in her sworn affidavit to the court and to say that they no sexual relations, he asked her to create cover stories, and to lie about the gifts he gave her. He also asked his secretary Betty Currie to lie in her testimony and coached her on how to testify. All of those things are real Crimes and do indeed qualify as obstruction of justice.

In contrast, the made up "obstruction of congress" charge that Trump is being charged with is simply because he tried to fight them in court, as he is entitled to do, and they didn't want to go through the proper legal process. That is NOT obstruction of justice. If you get a speeding ticket and you decide to not pay it and instead challenge it in court before a judge, is that obstruction of justice? Of course not. It's considered "due process" and you're legally entitled to it. You may still lose and have to pay the ticket, but you have a right to fight it in court, just as the president has a right to challenge the congressional subponeas in court.

The contrast between Clinton and Trump, is that Clinton committed real crimes. Whether or not those crimes rose to "high crimes" and qualified as an "impeachable" is a matter of opinion, and is certainly debatable and ultimately the senate decided it was not. However, there is no denying he committed real crimes. And in fact, he did later have his legal license suspended and was fined for those crimes.

That's why I'm for hearing from all witness at this trial and that could change my opinion or solidify it.

You said yourself, that the transcript of the presidents own words, in that phone call said it all. What purpose would other people who simply heard those words serve as witnesses? All they could do is give us their opinion of those words. Why can't we form our own opinion? They are NOT fact witnesses, because the facts are the transcript itself

it's their turn to have a fair trial

A trial is not 'fair" if there's no grounds to put a person on trial in the first place. A difference of opinion or political belief is not an appropriate reason to put a person on trial. A district attorney doesn't walk into a court room and say "Judge, I've got no solid evidence this guy committed any crime, but I don't like him and he looks like a criminal to me. Therefore, I want you to put him on trial and subpeona and investigate everything he's done in his entire life in the hopes that we might find some excuse to punish him." If a district attorney did that, any self respecting judge would immediately dismiss the case and would find the DA in contempt for wasting the courts time and violating due process. That is in essence exactly what's happening here. It's an impeachment in search of a justification. Furthermore, the house democrats are asking the judge and jury, the senators, to do their job of investing and finding a cause for the impeachment, something they either couldn't do, because their was insufficient evidence or were too lazy to do. In a real court of law, no judge would accept a DA asking the judge to do his job for him. He would immediately dismiss the case! Neither would he accept a case based only on opinion and no fact evidence.

12-25-2019, 05:19 AM
Said very astutely Stefan2k4.

12-25-2019, 05:37 AM
This is a prime example of Fake News that is, misleading, fabrication, misconstrued, so far out of full context, outright lies, and most importantly - full of opinions - that are being represented as truthful News. Note the comments section, ouch!!!!

Fact-checking Trump's false claims of FBI spying - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_7jX6Id16U

12-25-2019, 10:26 AM
But that's an opinion and not a fact and those law professors opinions are no more valid than any others. There are law Professors like Professor Turley who totally disagree and feel that congress is the one abusing their power, the impeachment process, and the constitution.

It leaves us less than one year away from an election, and that's where opinions are meant to be settled. The voters who don't like the President will have a chance to make their voices heard in Nov 2020, just like those who do will and just as they did in 2016. Settling differences of opinion are what elections are for, not abusing and weaponizing the impeachment process.

Clinton didn't lie to congress and that was not a charge against him. He lied when he testified under oath before a grand jury in a sexual harassment case filed against him. That's a real crime. Lying under oath in a legal case is consider Perjury and is actually a crime. He was also charged with Obstruction of Justice. Notice that's "obstruction of justice", not "obstruction of congress" which is really just a made up "crime". Obstruction of Justice is a real crime, unlike "obstruction of congress". What did he do that constituted obstruction of justice? He asked Monica Lewinsky to lie in her sworn affidavit to the court and to say that they no sexual relations, he asked her to create cover stories, and to lie about the gifts he gave her. He also asked his secretary Betty Currie to lie in her testimony and coached her on how to testify. All of those things are real Crimes and do indeed qualify as obstruction of justice.

In contrast, the made up "obstruction of congress" charge that Trump is being charged with is simply because he tried to fight them in court, as he is entitled to do, and they didn't want to go through the proper legal process. That is NOT obstruction of justice. If you get a speeding ticket and you decide to not pay it and instead challenge it in court before a judge, is that obstruction of justice? Of course not. It's considered "due process" and you're legally entitled to it. You may still lose and have to pay the ticket, but you have a right to fight it in court, just as the president has a right to challenge the congressional subponeas in court.

The contrast between Clinton and Trump, is that Clinton committed real crimes. Whether or not those crimes rose to "high crimes" and qualified as an "impeachable" is a matter of opinion, and is certainly debatable and ultimately the senate decided it was not. However, there is no denying he committed real crimes. And in fact, he did later have his legal license suspended and was fined for those crimes.

You said yourself, that the transcript of the presidents own words, in that phone call said it all. What purpose would other people who simply heard those words serve as witnesses? All they could do is give us their opinion of those words. Why can't we form our own opinion? They are NOT fact witnesses, because the facts are the transcript itself

A trial is not 'fair" if there's no grounds to put a person on trial in the first place. A difference of opinion or political belief is not an appropriate reason to put a person on trial. A district attorney doesn't walk into a court room and say "Judge, I've got no solid evidence this guy committed any crime, but I don't like him and he looks like a criminal to me. Therefore, I want you to put him on trial and subpeona and investigate everything he's done in his entire life in the hopes that we might find some excuse to punish him." If a district attorney did that, any self respecting judge would immediately dismiss the case and would find the DA in contempt for wasting the courts time and violating due process. That is in essence exactly what's happening here. It's an impeachment in search of a justification. Furthermore, the house democrats are asking the judge and jury, the senators, to do their job of investing and finding a cause for the impeachment, something they either couldn't do, because their was insufficient evidence or were too lazy to do. In a real court of law, no judge would accept a DA asking the judge to do his job for him. He would immediately dismiss the case! Neither would he accept a case based only on opinion and no fact evidence.

Very good post!! and I do agree that the Dems screwed up by rushing their case. They should have waited for the courts to play out. I believe that if they could get the testimony from all involved we may have a different outcome.

So even the professors have an disagreement on the Constitution. Who's right.

I'm all for settling it at the ballot box but, Pelosi decided to go this route which I believe will cost them the house in 2020 But, also agreed it needed to be done even if it does cost them.

I didn't realize Clinton lied to a grand jury I was wrong about that. I thought it was to congress. I do agree he should have been impeached just as I do Trump. I realize you don't agree so, I guess we will have to agree to disagree.

My whole point about a fair trial is how some have complained about the process during the houses hearings and now will not speak up and demand a fair trial in the senate. it seems a little bit of hypocrisy if you ask me. Sometimes people have a trial even though they never committed the crime and sometimes convicted only to be released years later so, now that there is likely to have a trail you would expect it to be fair right?

12-25-2019, 10:26 AM
There's only thing you need to know is Trump was impeached in the house. Never has a president been removed from the senate. So why would anybody expect anything different this time. You all can argue that is was political, the process was wrong and what ever else. But the fact is he was impeached. This will be what he will be remembered as. Presidents are not impeached all the time and this probably won't happen for a long time. The IMPOTUS didn't leave house any other choice but to take actions against this conman. He had to be stop sooner or later. Did it hurt the democrats political future? Maybe in some cases but they did what is right for our republic. They followed the rule of law and this is what are country is all about. The rule of law over everything including you political future.

It has been said in the senate that if the could have a blind vote most of the republicans would vote the IMPOTUS out of office. This just shows that most republicans know what IMPOTUS did was wrong!

I would like to give thanks to the democrats that have the courage to follow the rule of law for our republic.

And for all of you republican posters on here please send me your information and I will send you a tube of preparation H because by all of your post on here lately I can tell your butts are hurting.

12-25-2019, 11:18 AM
There's only thing you need to know is Trump was impeached in the house.

Being impeached in the House means nothing to me personally as the process is incomplete at this time.

It has been said in the senate that if the could have a blind vote most of the republicans would vote the IMPOTUS out of office.

Cite source please.

12-25-2019, 05:21 PM
Never has a president been removed from the senate.

There's a reason for that. The founder fathers knew this could be abused for political reasons. That's the reason they required a 3/5 majority to convict. And history has proven them right. In the 2 previous cases (Johnson and Clinton), there were indeed political motives involved. In the one instance where it would likely have not been partisan and the President likely would have been convicted (Nixon), he resigned before they had a chance to impeach him. This impeachment is alot like the impeachment of Andrew Johnson. At least in Clinton's case there were real crimes involved, the partisan question was whether those crimes rose to the level of "high crimes" and as such was worth of attempting to undo democracy. In Johnson's case it wasn't a one party versus another type situation but it was very political. It was a power struggle between the congress and the Executive branch with the congress wanting powers that weren't afforded to them in the constitution. It involved a law called "the tenure of office act" which was an attempt by congress to restrict the presidents ability to remove officers of his cabinet without their approval. The law was later declared unconstitutional by the Supreme court. Anyway, the Congress basically passed this law and impeached Johnson when he violated it, because they simply disagreed with his policies, much like the democratic house disagrees with Trumps policies.

This will be what he will be remembered as.
I seriously doubt that! Nixon was not impeached. He resigned before it happened and ironically, he's the one president who likely would have been removed and is the one president most people think of when you talk about impeachment. Then there is Clinton, who was impeached and not removed. Clinton isn't typically remembered for being impeached. So, clearly the circumstances surrounding the impeachment do indeed matter greatly. As for Johnson, he served only a short term, taking over the office after Lincolns assasination and only serving out that term. He may be remembered for being impeached, but it's also remembered that the impeachment was unjust and political. Anyway, what Trump will be remembered for will more likely depend on his accomplishments in office. Right now, with the economy in such great shape and all the federal judges he's appointed, it looks like whatever happens, he's going to have a lasting impact.

Presidents are not impeached all the time and this probably won't happen for a long time.
That's because as I said the founding fathers set the bar high to make it unlikely except in extreme circumstances like treason, and also because there have in the past been consequences for frivolous impeachments. In the most recent impeachment of Clinton, the republicans faced a political backlash in congress. And in the Andrew Johnson case the tenure of service act was overturned by the supreme court. The democrats must fail here and they must face serious consequences in the 2020 election as well. If they do not, it will set a precedent and Impeachment will from now on be used a political weapon by all parties, present and future. It will make our political system even dirtier and uglier than it already is. This isn't just about Trump. It isn't just about democrat versus republican. It's about the future of our system as a whole. What the democrats are doing here is compromising that future just for their own potential short term political gain.

they did what is right for our republic.

No. They did what was wrong for our republic, very very wrong. Turing the impeachment clause in the constitution into a political weapon is NOT good for the republic. In the long run, it's bad for everybody!

They followed the rule of law and this is what are country is all about. The rule of law over everything including you political future.

"Rule of law" without liberty and democracy is tyranny! "Rule of law" is not what our country is "all about". Because "rule of law" without democracy to shape that rule of law and individual liberty is the tool that totalitarian regimes and dictators use to oppress people. Democracy and Liberty both must, to some extent, Trump (pun intended) "rule of law". That's the reason we have a constitution. Thats the reason we have a Supreme court. It's the reason we have elections, and why we have 3 branches of government with checks and balances. All of that is to guarantee that 'rule of law" can't be used to take away freedom and democracy. It's highly ironic that the Democrats are now the people talking about "rule of law" and trying to use it to overturn democracy ( removing a duly elected president) and that they are claiming to be the one's who are "defending our democracy". Quite the opposite is true. They are demanding a duly elected president be removed in the name of "rule of law". And it's even more ironic that they cite no "law" the president has allegedly broken.

12-25-2019, 05:51 PM
SS tosses out stuff to see if it will stick........Stefan crushes them all .....like a bug

12-25-2019, 05:56 PM
There's only thing you need to know is Trump was impeached in the house. Never has a president been removed from the senate. So why would anybody expect anything different this time. You all can argue that is was political, the process was wrong and what ever else. But the fact is he was impeached. This will be what he will be remembered as. Presidents are not impeached all the time and this probably won't happen for a long time. The IMPOTUS didn't leave house any other choice but to take actions against this conman. He had to be stop sooner or later. Did it hurt the democrats political future? Maybe in some cases but they did what is right for our republic. They followed the rule of law and this is what are country is all about. The rule of law over everything including you political future.

It has been said in the senate that if the could have a blind vote most of the republicans would vote the IMPOTUS out of office. This just shows that most republicans know what IMPOTUS did was wrong!

I would like to give thanks to the democrats that have the courage to follow the rule of law for our republic.

And for all of you republican posters on here please send me your information and I will send you a tube of preparation H because by all of your post on here lately I can tell your butts are hurting.
And only one thing you need to know.....Your president is still your president and that trend will continue.

Bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ......still mad bro?

12-25-2019, 06:29 PM
There's only thing you need to know is Trump was impeached in the house. Never has a president been removed from the senate. So why would anybody expect anything different this time. You all can argue that is was political, the process was wrong and what ever else. But the fact is he was impeached. This will be what he will be remembered as. Presidents are not impeached all the time and this probably won't happen for a long time. The IMPOTUS didn't leave house any other choice but to take actions against this conman. He had to be stop sooner or later. Did it hurt the democrats political future? Maybe in some cases but they did what is right for our republic. They followed the rule of law and this is what are country is all about. The rule of law over everything including you political future.

It has been said in the senate that if the could have a blind vote most of the republicans would vote the IMPOTUS out of office. This just shows that most republicans know what IMPOTUS did was wrong!

I would like to give thanks to the democrats that have the courage to follow the rule of law for our republic.

And for all of you republican posters on here please send me your information and I will send you a tube of preparation H because by all of your post on here lately I can tell your butts are hurting.

Impeached by a lock step Democrat party because they just don't want him to be president. It puts a hold on their Commie and globalist agenda. That all you need to know. Trump did nothing to actually be impeached. That angry party can make it all up and stand by it all they wish but it's only done for a political reason. Democrats quit listening to the will of the people a long time ago. Now they only tell the people what they need and the media is their tool for this.

You like that though, don't you?

12-25-2019, 06:55 PM
I noticed that you posted, starting a new thread, yet you missed this ----

It has been said in the senate that if the could have a blind vote most of the republicans would vote the IMPOTUS out of office.

So I’ll politely ask again, cite the source please.

12-25-2019, 06:58 PM
SS tosses out stuff to see if it will stick........Stefan crushes them all .....like a bug

I call it, like he's shooting fish in a barrel.

12-26-2019, 04:13 AM
Judicial Watch Sues Rep. Schiff & the House Intel Committee for Phone Subpoenas Targeting Trump


12-26-2019, 05:09 AM
Luker you have a computer so just google it and there's your answer lol.

12-26-2019, 05:11 AM
Impeached by a lock step Democrat party because they just don't want him to be president. It puts a hold on their Commie and globalist agenda. That all you need to know. Trump did nothing to actually be impeached. That angry party can make it all up and stand by it all they wish but it's only done for a political reason. Democrats quit listening to the will of the people a long time ago. Now they only tell the people what they need and the media is their tool for this.

You like that though, don't you?

That's just your opinion others disagree.

12-26-2019, 05:45 AM
Lurker This is not something new. This was reported back in Nov. Go and google these three easy words. Republican, secret ballot, and impeachment. Pick your own source and there might be a source to counter this. This might explain why McConnell wants to rush this through the senate. The more evidence there is the more likely some true republicans might vote on removing the IMPOTUS out of office. Some are making allegations that up to 35 republicans would vote for removing the IMPOTUS out of office.

12-26-2019, 06:55 AM
That's just your opinion others disagree.

Great description of the lock step dems........many others disagree with them.

12-26-2019, 06:57 AM
Lurker This is not something new. This was reported back in Nov. Go and google these three easy words. Republican, secret ballot, and impeachment. Pick your on source and there might be a source to counter this. This might explain why McConnell wants to rush this through the senate. The more evidence there is the more likely some true republicans might vote on removing the IMPOTUS out of office. Some are making allegations that up to 35 republicans would vote for removing the IMPOTUS out of office.

Even more fun google the three easy terms .......she lost......schiff guilty......landslide.

See what pops up.

12-26-2019, 07:00 AM
Great description of the lock step dems........many others disagree with them.

Isn't it really lock step with both parties. Yes and many others disagree with the Republicans so there's that lol.

12-26-2019, 05:32 PM
Isn't it really lock step with both parties. Yes and many others disagree with the Republicans so there's that lol.

It is, but you were talking about the Democratic Party in your post.

12-26-2019, 07:46 PM
It is, but you were talking about the Democratic Party in your post.

He will NEVER get it !

12-26-2019, 09:08 PM
He will NEVER get it !

He gets it when he wants too.....and that's ok every now and then.

Crash 4
12-27-2019, 07:29 AM
SS tosses out stuff to see if it will stick........Stefan crushes them all .....like a bug

Stefan types a lot of words, too bad almost everything he types is incorrect. I only had to read up til his third sentence to figure out that he knows nothing. Thank God, it kept me from reading the rest of his propaganda.

12-27-2019, 12:00 PM
SS12 is keeping his totally ignorant wishful nonsense ALIVE. Dems want power and would murder someone to get it if they could get away with it. In the meantime What is your excuse 12? You want the commies/marxist on the left in control? Apparently

12-27-2019, 03:33 PM
He will NEVER get it !

No he sure won't. It's a lost cause and lost soul....

12-27-2019, 03:35 PM
Stefan types a lot of words, too bad almost everything he types is incorrect. I only had to read up til his third sentence to figure out that he knows nothing. Thank God, it kept me from reading the rest of his propaganda.

Actually he is correct. Your perception though is messed up very bad.

12-27-2019, 03:37 PM
Lurker This is not something new. This was reported back in Nov. Go and google these three easy words. Republican, secret ballot, and impeachment. Pick your own source and there might be a source to counter this. This might explain why McConnell wants to rush this through the senate. The more evidence there is the more likely some true republicans might vote on removing the IMPOTUS out of office. Some are making allegations that up to 35 republicans would vote for removing the IMPOTUS out of office.

You have some real issues. Living in a world of distortion.

12-27-2019, 04:18 PM
No he sure won't. It's a lost cause and lost soul....

NO I don't see it that way lol.

12-27-2019, 04:19 PM
Yeah ss12 you got some real issues lmao!!!

12-27-2019, 04:33 PM
Word of the day emailed from Move on. is Masterful!!!! that would be Masterful Nancy.
Checkup your phony news channels on CNN PMSNBC and you can hear the word used 24/7
ALERT!!!!! Morons. LOLOLOL

12-27-2019, 04:35 PM
Stefan types a lot of words, too bad almost everything he types is incorrect. I only had to read up til his third sentence to figure out that he knows nothing. Thank God, it kept me from reading the rest of his propaganda.

I think it's your limited education that prevented you from reading and understanding it.......no?

12-27-2019, 04:38 PM
NO I don't see it that way lol.

I agree with you on this......you aren't a lost soul, just a misunderstood guy that misunderstands.:)

12-27-2019, 04:40 PM
Word of the day emailed from Move on. is Masterful!!!! that would be Masterful Nancy.
Checkup your phony news channels on CNN PMSNBC and you can hear the word used 24/7
ALERT!!!!! Morons. LOLOLOL

Can you really be called masterful when you lose or set yourself up for failure?

Crash 4
12-27-2019, 04:56 PM
I think it's your limited education that prevented you from reading and understanding it.......no?

NO..... I actual wish he was correct, but he's not. Maybe you and your buddies should chat about smoking some meat, mary jane, crack or something you might know something about.

12-27-2019, 05:41 PM
Isn't it really lock step with both parties. Yes and many others disagree with the Republicans so there's that lol.

And one congressman left your party and aligned with Republicans…...so theres that!