View Full Version : Preach, Franklin!!!

12-13-2019, 04:39 PM
Go ahead, some of you libs,dems and/or moderates/independents, call him a liar,too!

The President and this nation need our prayers. He continues to face an onslaught of lies, slander, and innuendos with this impeachment sham. The Bible tells us that the devil is “a liar and the father of lies” (John 8:44). It’s just shameful what our Democratic Congress is putting this country through. They’ve been trying to destroy the President since the day he took office. I’ve never seen such hatred as they have for President Donald J. Trump—all while he has been able to accomplish more for the people of this nation in such a short time than perhaps any president in modern history. Let the President know in the comments below that you are praying for him—I know it will be an encouragement.

12-13-2019, 04:51 PM
He needs the prayers of this nation. The evil left will resort to anything to try to remove him.

12-15-2019, 04:58 PM
Our law , and our way of life will be lost if these fools are not stopped . Because when they , the Democrats can get away with what they are trying to do , we will do as we are told . Because you can't fight the Democrats illegal party line rules without both sides agreeing , with at least some of the other side . That's not a fair system that's a crooked system . And when the law works hand in hand , we are all doomed .