View Full Version : Trumpism on the down fall!!

12-20-2019, 05:28 PM
Looks like there are a lot of organizations are starting to see what Trumpism is really about. Sound like they have had enough of what has been going on. Now I know there are going to be some far right wing nut evangelist get on here and say how great the Trump cult is and everybody is wrong.



12-20-2019, 05:33 PM
trumpism....lololol...wow , he really is in your head ss , thats OK though , us in the MAGA cult understand , some times , as in your case , the ole " if you cant beat them , join them" theory just dont apply.....lol....and BTW , "right wing evangelist " kind of has a nice ring to it , thanks ss......

12-20-2019, 05:58 PM
Now do you see what impeachment is doing? Organizations have seen all of the facts are credible and they have had enough of all of the conman's lies. By Trump not participating in the process is showing guilt. You can get on here and say the process was rigged but that isn't working no more. By McConnell saying what he said the other day is also going to hurting the conman. Citizens are seeing the truth for what it is. Remember the Senate is the court of the impeachment. If the conman is so innocent let him have his date in court. If he's guilty ram the process through as fast as you can and hope for the best. 70% of the citizens are wanting to see the evidences that the conman is refusing to provide. If he's not willing to provide the evidences they are assuming guilt.

12-20-2019, 06:20 PM
Fake news, fake polls, Yawn!!!

Don't you know the church has been corrupted to an extent also, just like everything else.

KAG!!!! Lay your money down, Trump in 2020!!! Deal with reality!

12-20-2019, 08:50 PM
Now do you see what impeachment is doing? Organizations have seen all of the facts are credible and they have had enough of all of the conman's lies. By Trump not participating in the process is showing guilt. You can get on here and say the process was rigged but that isn't working no more. By McConnell saying what he said the other day is also going to hurting the conman. Citizens are seeing the truth for what it is. Remember the Senate is the court of the impeachment. If the conman is so innocent let him have his date in court. If he's guilty ram the process through as fast as you can and hope for the best. 70% of the citizens are wanting to see the evidences that the conman is refusing to provide. If he's not willing to provide the evidences they are assuming guilt.

You mean the organizations that donated over 10 million dollars to THE GREATEST PRESIDENT EVER in the last 48 hours since their crook reed con job ?

12-20-2019, 10:47 PM
Looks like there are a lot of organizations are starting to see what Trumpism is really about. Sound like they have had enough of what has been going on. Now I know there are going to be some far right wing nut evangelist get on here and say how great the Trump cult is and everybody is wrong.



" everybody", lol.........try again homer.

12-20-2019, 10:50 PM
Now do you see what impeachment is doing? Organizations have seen all of the facts are credible and they have had enough of all of the conman's lies. By Trump not participating in the process is showing guilt. You can get on here and say the process was rigged but that isn't working no more. By McConnell saying what he said the other day is also going to hurting the conman. Citizens are seeing the truth for what it is. Remember the Senate is the court of the impeachment. If the conman is so innocent let him have his date in court. If he's guilty ram the process through as fast as you can and hope for the best. 70% of the citizens are wanting to see the evidences that the conman is refusing to provide. If he's not willing to provide the evidences they are assuming guilt.
You don't suppose they are doing it because he's just an a sshole to them do you?

And don't forget about what they say when you assume......let me know if I can help.

12-20-2019, 11:17 PM
until pelosi grows some balls and takes it to senate it's not a full fledge impeachment,as clinton was impeached by the house but the senate failed to do so it's more of a political stunt than anything.

12-20-2019, 11:18 PM
Christianity Today called for Trump’s removal. Here’s why that doesn’t matter.

Trump-supportive evangelicals aren’t likely to change their minds.


"And some of Trump’s biggest supporters within the world of evangelical Christianity, including Franklin Graham (son of Billy Graham), voiced their disdain for the editorial, with Graham saying that the publication represented the “elitist liberal wing of evangelicalism.” Polling shows that the support for Trump from white Americans who identify as evangelicals remains high, regardless of his actions."

12-21-2019, 06:34 AM
now do you see what impeachment is doing? Organizations have seen all of the facts are credible and they have had enough of all of the conman's lies. By trump not participating in the process is showing guilt. You can get on here and say the process was rigged but that isn't working no more. By mcconnell saying what he said the other day is also going to hurting the conman. Citizens are seeing the truth for what it is. Remember the senate is the court of the impeachment. If the conman is so innocent let him have his date in court. If he's guilty ram the process through as fast as you can and hope for the best. 70% of the citizens are wanting to see the evidences that the conman is refusing to provide. If he's not willing to provide the evidences they are assuming guilt.
s t f u ! S t f u!

12-21-2019, 08:17 AM
hey SS , did you see where your news source , CNN , had to sux it up and show where THERE poll said 75% of american citizens are very happy with the economy....happy with economy = votes for trump.....land slide coming in 2020 , give it up man , join the cult , unless your in that 25% , if so , we understand.......

12-21-2019, 09:02 AM
fastford is CNN fake news or what? When its positive for the conman then is factual. When its negative then its fake news. The conman economy is no better then what the last years of Obama's. The conman is just riding on the shirt tale of Obama's economy.

The dam is starting to break with all of the organizations starting to oppose IMPOTUS(impeached president of the United States).

12-21-2019, 09:13 AM
You don't suppose they are doing it because he's just an a sshole to them do you?

And don't forget about what they say when you assume......let me know if I can help.

Good for the IMPOTUS if he doesn't like them. I'm sure the way he is treating them they will vote for him. Obviously he has enough votes to get reelected. And far as the assumption the IMPOTUS put himself in that predicament by not releasing the evidences. Again if your innocent release the evidence and show your innocents. When you refuse the release the evidences you are showing signs of guilt. Its just shows you are hiding something because you are guilty.

12-21-2019, 10:45 AM
Good for the IMPOTUS if he doesn't like them. I'm sure the way he is treating them they will vote for him. Obviously he has enough votes to get reelected. And far as the assumption the IMPOTUS put himself in that predicament by not releasing the evidences. Again if your innocent release the evidence and show your innocents. When you refuse the release the evidences you are showing signs of guilt. Its just shows you are hiding something because you are guilty.

you continue to mis understand the way the country was designed,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY , WE DONT HAVE TO PROVE INNOCENCE THEY HAVE TO PROVE GUILT !

12-21-2019, 11:06 AM
Looks like there are a lot of organizations are starting to see what Trumpism is really about. Sound like they have had enough of what has been going on. Now I know there are going to be some far right wing nut evangelist get on here and say how great the Trump cult is and everybody is wrong.



You should stop being sucked up by left wing nonsense. Christians support Trump's policies at a rate of around 87%. That Guardian Article was an opt ed written by a liberal hack who has run the once Christian magazine into the ground and he is leaving in January. His opt ed has been denounced 100% in the Christian Community as nothing but a left wing fool, starting with the Son of the Founder Billy Graham. You can't be this naive 12. If you get a kick out of posting nonsense on this forum, just go right ahead. Trump is going to be President and no slander from the leftist like you is going to matter. Just for the record 12, I challenge you to explain why Christians support Trump's policies. If you could explain it, then you would show you know more than the ignorant left. Try it out.

12-21-2019, 11:12 AM
Good for the IMPOTUS if he doesn't like them. I'm sure the way he is treating them they will vote for him. Obviously he has enough votes to get reelected. And far as the assumption the IMPOTUS put himself in that predicament by not releasing the evidences. Again if your innocent release the evidence and show your innocents. When you refuse the release the evidences you are showing signs of guilt. Its just shows you are hiding something because you are guilty.

Your making a fool of yourself. I really don't know why. We get it, you hate Trump, but posting utter nonsense that even the Dem politicians know is nonsense is really foolish. I know why they are doing it. They will do anything to get power and they can't beat him. So it is a desperate move. But what on earth is your excuse? Even CNN and MSNBC hosts have orders to trash him 24/7 if they want to keep their jobs. This has already been proven and it is no secret. Once again, what is your excuse for wasting your time with this nonsense. Please tell us.

12-21-2019, 11:29 AM
you continue to mis understand the way the country was designed,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY , WE DONT HAVE TO PROVE INNOCENCE THEY HAVE TO PROVE GUILT !

For someone to know exactly what the framers meant like he says he does , I'm really surprised that concept still escapes him.......nahhhh, not really.

Whiney kids throwing temper tantrums because they didn't get their way rarely rely on reality , they rely on getting their way even if it's to their detriment .

In this case....SS detriment is he looks stupid and has zero credibility on the subject of democracy, the constitution or releiving chronic butt hurt.

12-21-2019, 11:31 AM
Your making a fool of yourself. I really don't know why. We get it, you hate Trump, but posting utter nonsense that even the Dem politicians know is nonsense is really foolish. I know why they are doing it. They will do anything to get power and they can't beat him. So it is a desperate move. But what on earth is your excuse? Even CNN and MSNBC hosts have orders to trash him 24/7 if they want to keep their jobs. This has already been proven and it is no secret. Once again, what is your excuse for wasting your time with this nonsense. Please tell us.
Two words.........BuTT HerT

12-21-2019, 01:39 PM
you continue to mis understand the way the country was designed,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY , WE DONT HAVE TO PROVE INNOCENCE THEY HAVE TO PROVE GUILT !

If I'm not mistaken I think they did have a trial and they voted on impeaching the president. I know in your neck of the woods you don't receive updated news very often. Now is not POTUS anymore it's IMPOTUS. Sounds A lot better than you HNIC.

12-21-2019, 01:44 PM
Your making a fool of yourself. I really don't know why. We get it, you hate Trump, but posting utter nonsense that even the Dem politicians know is nonsense is really foolish. I know why they are doing it. They will do anything to get power and they can't beat him. So it is a desperate move. But what on earth is your excuse? Even CNN and MSNBC hosts have orders to trash him 24/7 if they want to keep their jobs. This has already been proven and it is no secret. Once again, what is your excuse for wasting your time with this nonsense. Please tell us.

I just having fun watching all you gullible fool's butts hurt. The only person you are fooling is yourselves.

12-21-2019, 01:50 PM
Two words.........BuTT HerT

Please tell me why my butt hurts? If anybody's butt is hurting it's you gullible fools that voted for Trump. You all have a reason for your butt's hurting. Trump being impeached!! Quit whining like a bunch of 13 years old little Girls.

12-21-2019, 01:52 PM
If I'm not mistaken I think they did have a trial and they voted on impeaching the president. I know in your neck of the woods you don't receive updated news very often. Now is not POTUS anymore it's IMPOTUS. Sounds A lot better than you HNIC.


12-21-2019, 02:23 PM
I just having fun watching all you gullible fool's butts hurt. The only person you are fooling is yourselves.

That is really lame. This is the best you can say????? HAR HAR

12-21-2019, 03:26 PM
If I'm not mistaken I think they did have a trial and they voted on impeaching the president.

You're mistaken, it was not a trial. It was called an house impeachment inquiry.

12-21-2019, 04:56 PM
That is really lame. This is the best you can say????? HAR HAR

Lets face it we all get on here for entertainment. Wouldn't be pretty boring if all that was on here was a bunch of far right wingers or left wingers? Kind of hard to debate when everybody is on the same page. I just try to give a little balance. We all know a well balanced race car is fast!!

12-21-2019, 05:54 PM
Lets face it we all get on here for entertainment. Wouldn't be pretty boring if all that was on here was a bunch of far right wingers or left wingers? Kind of hard to debate when everybody is on the same page. I just try to give a little balance. We all know a well balanced race car is fast!!

Can you say BACK PEDAL ?

12-21-2019, 09:43 PM
Can you say BACK PEDAL ?

Far from the truth! People who know me know that when I'm in doubt I will throttle out!! That has save me several times in racing. But it takes some you don't have. Balls!!

12-21-2019, 10:47 PM
Far from the truth! People who know me know that when I'm in doubt I will throttle out!! That has save me several times in racing. But it takes some you don't have. Balls!!

Dodge ,deny , divert ....................etc etc etc !

12-22-2019, 12:11 AM
Please tell me why my butt hurts? If anybody's butt is hurting it's you gullible fools that voted for Trump. You all have a reason for your butt's hurting. Trump being impeached!! Quit whining like a bunch of 13 years old little Girls.

Guess I should have just voted for hillaryahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahaha.

Sorry man, I tried.

12-22-2019, 12:15 AM
Dodge ,deny , divert ....................etc etc etc !

If you order now you can receive your ss12 and kidrock chia pets before Christmas........but wait , there's more.

12-22-2019, 12:17 AM
Far from the truth! People who know me know that when I'm in doubt I will throttle out!! That has save me several times in racing. But it takes some you don't have. Balls!!

When in doubt throttle out is great advice btw............you should take it on tump right about now, lol.

Merry Christmas y'all....we all have our opinions and we all think we know what's best for. the country.......guess that's way better than thinking we know what's worse for the country.....thanks for the entertainment along the way while we all figure it out.

Hope everyone gets to be happy with their peoples and has safe travels if doing so......

12-22-2019, 08:50 AM
If I'm not mistaken I think they did have a trial and they voted on impeaching the president. I know in your neck of the woods you don't receive updated news very often. Now is not POTUS anymore it's IMPOTUS. Sounds A lot better than you HNIC. No, the trial will held in the senate. Wrong again or maybe still.

12-22-2019, 12:13 PM
if botox nancy ever sends it to the senate for a REAL trial , she knows its over and done , there is no real evidence of high crimes and misdemeanors and they all know this , even the few detractors on here know this , but i do enjoy the argument though , so you guys , or gals , dont roll over and kick your feet up just yet , we are having to much fun conferring with yall......

12-22-2019, 04:24 PM
Looks like there are a lot of organizations are starting to see what Trumpism is really about. Sound like they have had enough of what has been going on. Now I know there are going to be some far right wing nut evangelist get on here and say how great the Trump cult is and everybody is wrong.



And heres the proper response from Franklin Graham whose dad, Billy Graham, the worlds greatest evangelist who founded Christianity Today, had to say! If you want the truth, its not hard to find, unless you're an ignorant liberal!

My Response to Christianity Today:
Christianity Today released an editorial stating that President Trump should be removed from office—and they invoked my father’s name (I suppose to try to bring legitimacy to their statements), so I feel it is important for me to respond. Yes, my father Billy Graham founded Christianity Today; but no, he would not agree with their opinion piece. In fact, he would be very disappointed. I have not previously shared who my father voted for in the past election, but because of this article, I feel it is necessary to share it now. My father knew Donald Trump, he believed in Donald Trump, and he voted for Donald Trump. He believed that Donald J. Trump was the man for this hour in history for our nation.
For Christianity Today to side with the Democrat Party in a totally partisan attack on the President of the United States is unfathomable. Christianity Today failed to acknowledge that not one single Republican voted with the Democrats to impeach the President. I know a number of Republicans in Congress, and many of them are strong Christians. If the President were guilty of what the Democrats claimed, these Republicans would have joined with the Democrats to impeach him. But the Democrats were not even unanimous—two voted against impeachment and one voted present. This impeachment was politically motivated, 100% partisan. Why would Christianity Today choose to take the side of the Democrat left whose only goal is to discredit and smear the name of a sitting president? They want readers to believe the Democrat leadership rather than believe the President of the United States.
Look at all the President has accomplished in a very short time. The economy of our nation is the strongest it has been in 50 years, ISIS & the caliphate have been defeated, and the President has renegotiated trade deals to benefit all Americans. The list of accomplishments is long, but for me as a Christian, the fact that he is the most pro-life president in modern history is extremely important—and Christianity Today wants us to ignore that, to say it doesn’t count? The President has been a staunch defender of religious freedom at home and around the world—and Christianity Today wants us to ignore that? Also the President has appointed conservative judges in record number—and Christianity today wants us to ignore that? Christianity Today feels he should be removed from office because of false accusations that the President emphatically denies.
Christianity Today said it’s time to call a spade a spade. The spade is this—Christianity Today has been used by the left for their political agenda. It’s obvious that Christianity Today has moved to the left and is representing the elitist liberal wing of evangelicalism.
Is President Trump guilty of sin? Of course he is, as were all past presidents and as each one of us are, including myself. Therefore, let’s pray for the President as he continues to lead the affairs of our nation.

12-23-2019, 06:03 PM
Franklin Graham Pt 2

It appears Christianity Today better be careful about throwing stones.....theirs has a boomerang attached to it!

Liberal-leaning Christianity Today said that President Donald J. Trump should be removed from office because he is “profoundly immoral.” Really? Profoundly? What does that even mean? Is profoundly immoral worse than mildly immoral, or slightly immoral, or worse than just being plain old immoral? It’s like when someone tells a lie—does it matter if it was an all-out lie or just a little white lie? No, both are lies. The Bible says all have sinned. That’s clear. The Bible doesn’t call us big sinners or little sinners, we’re just all sinners. The most important question is whether we have been forgiven.
Speaking as someone who is profoundly immoral, I’m just thankful that I have been PROFOUNDLY FORGIVEN.

12-23-2019, 06:06 PM
Christianity Today could very well be called profoundly immoral...

12-24-2019, 06:41 PM
If you order now you can receive your ss12 and kidrock chia pets before Christmas........but wait , there's more.

Do they grow a brain if you water them, or just crab grass???? :)

12-25-2019, 06:39 PM
Looks like there are a lot of organizations are starting to see what Trumpism is really about. Sound like they have had enough of what has been going on. Now I know there are going to be some far right wing nut evangelist get on here and say how great the Trump cult is and everybody is wrong.




Nearly 200 Christian Leaders Sign Open Letter Opposing Christianity Today’s Editorial

01-14-2020, 10:25 PM
yA CANT ARGUE THOSE facts !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!