View Full Version : A few thoughts

12-26-2019, 01:27 PM
Racing used to be kinda affordable...........
We survived Bush.....Clinton.....Bush......Obama........We WILL survive Trump........
I hear...Trump Is killing the environment......Ummm...Nature always wins.....
If you're gonna impeach....Do it fairly.......
If Trumps dirty......I don't want him in office anyway..........
If Trumps clean......Investigate everybody.....Both parties....Drain the swamp........
Racing used to be fun.......
Time was we could disagree without hating.......

These are just my thoughts......Don't blame 4m or any political party........

juss sayin.................BB

12-26-2019, 05:52 PM
hadn't saw that user name up in a while , good to hear from you , and with much wisdom .......

12-26-2019, 06:56 PM
hadn't saw that user name up in a while , good to hear from you , and with much wisdom .......

Stayed away because I won't get attacked and hang around............
A man once told me "If at 20 you're not a Democrat...You have no heart.....If you're 50 and not a Republican....You have no brain"............
I miss the days when we had such good times on 4m...........
I lost my wife of 47 years this past January......
Maybe I'll come around a bit more.........Never know........BB

12-27-2019, 11:32 AM
i am so sorry to hear that $bill , i cant imagine how tough that is , especially this time of year , i pray she is in a better place , but do drop in from time to time , it will probably never be the same here but it is still a lo of fun .......

12-27-2019, 05:44 PM
Racing used to be kinda affordable...........
We survived Bush.....Clinton.....Bush......Obama........We WILL survive Trump........
I hear...Trump Is killing the environment......Ummm...Nature always wins.....
If you're gonna impeach....Do it fairly.......
If Trumps dirty......I don't want him in office anyway..........
If Trumps clean......Investigate everybody.....Both parties....Drain the swamp........
Racing used to be fun.......
Time was we could disagree without hating.......

These are just my thoughts......Don't blame 4m or any political party........

juss sayin.................BB

Our country will NOT survive without Trump!

12-27-2019, 08:06 PM
Our country will NOT survive without Trump!

I can't believe what is a group of people running for office right now . To think
that so many would vote for one , at this time in our country will make you wonder
what happen to our country . When you can become a government employee and
become a millionare . And then think the man that has gave up so much to run this
country is the criminal . Then be OK with the last Vice President that is running for
office , In a scandal with Billions in involved , and , an actual crime, and want to
impeach the current president for exposing the swamp . Just astounding . You are
right ZERO25 , I only imagine what will happen , if he were not the President .

12-27-2019, 09:21 PM
I can't believe what is a group of people running for office right now . To think
that so many would vote for one , at this time in our country will make you wonder
what happen to our country . When you can become a government employee and
become a millionare . And then think the man that has gave up so much to run this
country is the criminal . Then be OK with the last Vice President that is running for
office , In a scandal with Billions in involved , and , an actual crime, and want to
impeach the current president for exposing the swamp . Just astounding . You are
right ZERO25 , I only imagine what will happen , if he were not the President .

Trump is to the past presidential regime, like Raid is to a (not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)roach!

He's gottem scattering for cover!

Highside Hustler25
12-28-2019, 06:08 AM
Well said Zero25.

12-28-2019, 06:29 AM
Our country will NOT survive without Trump!

You have to be kidding right. This happens to be the stupidest post ever on 4m.

12-28-2019, 07:07 AM
You have to be kidding right. This happens to be the stupidest post ever on 4m.

Even śtupider and more ambiguous than the bloomer returning soon comment?:)

12-28-2019, 08:04 AM
you have to be kidding right. This happens to be the stupidest post ever on 4m.

keep trying you anti american communist scumbag !

12-28-2019, 09:27 AM
Even śtupider and more ambiguous than the bloomer returning soon comment?:)

Yes I would agree it is even stupider than the bloomer comment.

12-28-2019, 03:06 PM
The country will not survive without Trump.....Barr.....Durham. Trust me, justice will come to Biden, Pelosi, Kerry, and Romney over this Ukraine corruption. Obama....Commey…. and Brennen's cover up of massive illegal spying on American citizens is finally being exposed to the public. The truth is out there, use your head, think for yourself. Power and greed is their motivation and keeping you stupid is their goal.

12-28-2019, 03:46 PM
This country won't survive without trump. PLEASE!!! is this the new talking point. Like the Dems talking point saying Trump has to go or this country won't survive with him in office. Utter nonsense that they get people believing it.

12-28-2019, 04:16 PM
This country won't survive without trump. PLEASE!!! is this the new talking point. Like the Dems talking point saying Trump has to go or this country won't survive with him in office. Utter nonsense that they get people believing it.

Love it when you talk about yourself believing what they tell you ! You are on the wrong side you idiot !

12-28-2019, 04:16 PM
Our country will NOT survive without Trump!

Not as founded and intended that is certain !

12-28-2019, 05:27 PM
You have to be kidding right. This happens to be the stupidest post ever on 4m.

Actually one of the smartest.

You should get the kind of government that YOU are asking for, but leave the rest of us out of it. Then you would realize.

12-28-2019, 05:59 PM
Actually one of the smartest.

You should get the kind of government that YOU are asking for, but leave the rest of us out of it. Then you would realize.

and they have another lol

The government I would ask for. For one a more truthful and honest government that would be a ---- good start.

12-28-2019, 06:25 PM
and they have another lol

The government I would ask for. For one a more truthful and honest government that would be a ---- good start.

We have one, at least in the white house, you are in denial, that's all.

12-28-2019, 06:29 PM
Is the the kind of Congress you prefer???

In their latest effort to ensure illegal votes are cast, Democrat lawmakers in New York and New Jersey are now granting drivers licenses to people with no right to be in this country.

The Driver’s License Access and Privacy Act, also known as the “Green Light Law,” made its official debut in December, permitting any person over 16 years of age to apply for a state driver’s license, regardless of U.S. citizenship.

Under the new law signed by Governor Andrew Cuomo in June, the estimated 940,000 illegal border-crossers, visa overstayers and deportation fugitives residing in the Empire State are eligible for licenses that look no different from those given to U.S. citizens, without providing a U.S. Social Security number, birth certificate or passport.

While illegal immigrants cost American taxpayers about $132 billion every year, issuing illegals licenses makes it easier for the undocumented population to attend medical appointments, grocery shop, commute and take a good-paying job away from American citizen and tell everyone back in their hometowns that living is easy in the United States.

The mockery of federal immigration law also makes it easier to pump unauthorized immigrants into the electorate, which would produce an electoral bonanza for Democrats.

Approximately three-quarters of the estimated 12 to 25 million illegal aliens in the United States are Hispanic and are overwhelmingly more likely to support Democrats than Republicans, according to Pew Research Center National Survey of Latinos. Thirty-one percent of unauthorized immigrant Latinos identify as Democrats and just 4 percent as Republicans.

In addition to leaving our federal elections vulnerable to fraud, a provision of the Green Light Law jeopardizes national security.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed Driver’s License Access and Privacy Act in June under the condition that it be crafted to prohibit U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials from obtaining DMV records or accessing the New York state ID database.

Blocking access to the state’s database makes it impossible for ICE agents verify the validity of New York state-issued IDs or quickly check the immigration status of anyone they come in contact with, including those with records in violent criminal cases involving human trafficking, child sex crimes, gang activity, and child exploitation, the Department of Homeland Security warns.

“This will protect criminals at the expense of the safety and security of law-abiding New York residents. Besides giving drivers licenses to hundreds of thousands of people who broke our laws and have come to our country illegally, the New York law also blocks DHS law enforcement officers who investigate crimes, like child exploitation, human trafficking, terrorism, the targeting of gang members, sex offenders and drug smuggling, from accessing important public records,” DHS said in a press release.

12-28-2019, 06:30 PM
We have one, at least in the white house, you are in denial, that's all.

You should try your hand at comedy some day because, that's some funny ---- right there lol.

12-28-2019, 06:39 PM
I came back around to see if things might be a little like the "Old days"........
How does it work where guys who got along great for years are now calling each other everything but human??...........
All the finger pointing and jabbing is just what the radicals both right and left looking for.......
We can survive.......We can overcome.....But not if we fall for either narrative..........
Debate....Argue (a little).....But for Gods sake RESPECT one another..............
Maybe I came back around for nothing............
Oh well.........................BB

12-28-2019, 06:39 PM
I can't believe what is a group of people running for office right now . To think
that so many would vote for one , at this time in our country will make you wonder
what happen to our country . When you can become a government employee and
become a millionare . And then think the man that has gave up so much to run this
country is the criminal . Then be OK with the last Vice President that is running for
office , In a scandal with Billions in involved , and , an actual crime, and want to
impeach the current president for exposing the swamp . Just astounding . You are
right ZERO25 , I only imagine what will happen , if he were not the President .

Well you said it I didn't. lol. Trump's not going to be happy with you tomorrow once he reads this and I quote " And then think the man that gave up so much to run this country is the criminal". He's going to be tweeting some bad stuff about you tomorrow lol. Just kidding man. I couldn't help myself lol.

12-28-2019, 06:54 PM
I came back around to see if things might be a little like the "Old days"........
How does it work where guys who got along great for years are now calling each other everything but human??...........
All the finger pointing and jabbing is just what the radicals both right and left looking for.......
We can survive.......We can overcome.....But not if we fall for either narrative..........
Debate....Argue (a little).....But for Gods sake RESPECT one another..............
Maybe I came back around for nothing............
Oh well.........................BB

Bill for me it's all in fun. I don't take it to serious to be honest. There are couple of guys that don't get on here much anymore that I can respect. Believe me we disagree on politics but, we don't let that get in the way of being friendly toward one another. For the most part we don't talk politics much and really never that much at all in the past for that matter. I think we have learned we can disagree without the hate but, as you can tell some can't lol. I just try and have fun on here. I had a fellow racers once tell me the internet is for entertainment purposes only. Don't believe everything you hear or see on the internet. Glad to see you poke your head in and let us know your doing ok.

Sorry to hear about the loss of your wife. Thoughts and prayers to you going into 2020.

12-29-2019, 01:34 AM
I came back around to see if things might be a little like the "Old days"........
How does it work where guys who got along great for years are now calling each other everything but human??...........
All the finger pointing and jabbing is just what the radicals both right and left looking for.......
We can survive.......We can overcome.....But not if we fall for either narrative..........
Debate....Argue (a little).....But for Gods sake RESPECT one another..............
Maybe I came back around for nothing............
Oh well.........................BB

If youre looking for intelligent debate this is not the place; constant dem vs pub logjams.
By design it seems.

You are correct. Sucks here anymore.

12-29-2019, 11:43 AM
this is why this section exist , its better here than in the gossip or tech section , which is my favorite , but as for me personalty , if this section or any other bothers me to the point of running up my blood pressure , then i just simply do not click on it.......

12-29-2019, 02:08 PM
Well you said it I didn't. lol. Trump's not going to be happy with you tomorrow once he reads this and I quote " And then think the man that gave up so much to run this country is the criminal". He's going to be tweeting some bad stuff about you tomorrow lol. Just kidding man. I couldn't help myself lol.

Hey I know sometimes you can see the crimes the left are getting away with .
Makes me think somehow you would flip . I know , wishful thinking right . But I can
say without a doubt , I am glad Trump is our President . I don't want the see what
the Democrats come up with next , worries me . But reading between the lines , I
know you see it . But , If the Democrats regain power , we will be sold down the river .

12-29-2019, 03:20 PM
You should try your hand at comedy some day because, that's some funny ---- right there lol.

I see nothing funny about it at all, nor would any educated, objective person.

12-29-2019, 03:40 PM
I see nothing funny about it at all, nor would any educated, objective person.

Man you don't have to get all butt hurt over it. lmao.........

12-29-2019, 03:43 PM
Hey I know sometimes you can see the crimes the left are getting away with .
Makes me think somehow you would flip . I know , wishful thinking right . But I can
say without a doubt , I am glad Trump is our President . I don't want the see what
the Democrats come up with next , worries me . But reading between the lines , I
know you see it . But , If the Democrats regain power , we will be sold down the river .

Both commit crimes heck the republicans just had to congressman plead guilty to crimes in the last few months. I'm just wondering when those on the right are going to admit they are no better. My guess will be never.

12-29-2019, 03:49 PM
Man you don't have to get all butt hurt over it. lmao.........

I'm not, just telling you the straight poop.

12-29-2019, 03:54 PM
Both commit crimes heck the republicans just had to congressman plead guilty to crimes in the last few months. I'm just wondering when those on the right are going to admit they are no better. My guess will be never.

Which party is letting illegals in and giving them voting rights, which party supports death even at birth, which party wants gun confiscation, which party has sold out this nation to globalists, which party cators to all anti christian organizations, I could go on and on. So knock it off about both parties being equally as bad.

12-29-2019, 04:15 PM
I'm not, just telling you the straight poop.

That's right what your telling amounts to stratight ---- lmao!!!!

12-29-2019, 04:17 PM
Which party is letting illegals in and giving them voting rights, which party supports death even at birth, which party wants gun confiscation, which party has sold out this nation to globalists, which party cators to all anti christian organizations, I could go on and on. So knock it off about both parties being equally as bad.

I guess you don't know what both means. Look it up in the dictionary and get back to me.

Thanks for making my point by the way lol

12-29-2019, 05:13 PM
Which party is letting illegals in and giving them voting rights, which party supports death even at birth, which party wants gun confiscation, which party has sold out this nation to globalists, which party cators to all anti christian organizations, I could go on and on. So knock it off about both parties being equally as bad.

You'll NEVER get the liberals to admit that murdering 3,000 babies every day has far reaching horrendous consequences has on our society!

NOTHING, Republicans do will EVER be that damaging!

12-29-2019, 05:47 PM
You'll NEVER get the liberals to admit that murdering 3,000 babies every day has far reaching horrendous consequences has on our society!

NOTHING, Republicans do will EVER be that damaging!

Doesn't stop republicans from killing people. They commit murder as well and even if it is one life that is evil and just as damaging. Doesn't stop the Republicans for supporting the death penalty and murdering innocent people in some cases. Murder is bad no matter how many and how they are murdered. Also don't forget Republicans are part of the statistics as far as babies being aborted but, I will leave that up to those who choose that path and their God to sort that out it's not for me to judge.

Missouri Man
12-29-2019, 06:46 PM
I am always amazed at people that support this line up of Democrat Presidential hopefuls... Are you for abortion even after live birth? They are.. Are you for unlimited immigration? They are... Are you for unlimited taxation? They are... Are you for closing down the complete oil and gas contingent in the USA? they are... Are you for being taxed out of existence for "free" health care? They are...

12-29-2019, 07:06 PM
I am always amazed at people that support this line up of Democrat Presidential hopefuls... Are you for abortion even after live birth? They are.. Are you for unlimited immigration? They are... Are you for unlimited taxation? They are... Are you for closing down the complete oil and gas contingent in the USA? they are... Are you for being taxed out of existence for "free" health care? They are...

And those Democrats won't be elected as President either.

12-29-2019, 08:22 PM
Doesn't stop republicans from killing people. They commit murder as well and even if it is one life that is evil and just as damaging. Doesn't stop the Republicans for supporting the death penalty and murdering innocent people in some cases. Murder is bad no matter how many and how they are murdered. Also don't forget Republicans are part of the statistics as far as babies being aborted but, I will leave that up to those who choose that path and their God to sort that out it's not for me to judge.

Please show us where Republicans come close to killing 3,000 people/babies each and every day!

Your idea of justification is mind boggling!

12-29-2019, 10:12 PM
Please show us where Republicans come close to killing 3,000 people/babies each and every day!

Your idea of justification is mind boggling!

There are no justification for killing anyone period no matter if it's 1 or 3,000 and in no way was I trying to justify it just pointing out in those 3,000 some of them are republican women as well so, don't make it out like only Democrats do it. I would rather see none.

12-30-2019, 08:30 AM
kid , IF 1 person raped and killed your teenage daughter , you would not be for the death penalty ? that is a far cry from killing new born babies like they do in NYC.....

12-30-2019, 09:04 AM
ff , that is going to illicit some dancing, ducking and diversion for sure.

12-30-2019, 10:13 AM
there are no justification for killing anyone period no matter if it's 1 or 3,000 and in no way was i trying to justify it just pointing out in those 3,000 some of them are republican women as well so, don't make it out like only democrats do it. I would rather see none.

you libtards facilitate it ......................... Conservatives don;t there is a difference ! Scumbag !!!

12-30-2019, 10:33 AM

12-30-2019, 02:03 PM
kid , IF 1 person raped and killed your teenage daughter , you would not be for the death penalty ? that is a far cry from killing new born babies like they do in NYC.....

Fastford if your daughter was raped and she told you no way does she want to carry and give birth would you stand behind her or disown her. What if your daughter was going to die if she didn't abort the baby would you be ok with that or would you want your daughter to die as long as she had the baby.

There are no easy answer when it comes down to it.

12-30-2019, 02:25 PM
ff , that is going to illicit some dancing, ducking and diversion for sure.

kid dumb as a rock is really dumber than a rock !!!!!

12-30-2019, 02:28 PM
Both commit crimes heck the republicans just had to congressman plead guilty to crimes in the last few months. I'm just wondering when those on the right are going to admit they are no better. My guess will be never.

That's the problem . As I said the left is getting away with years of it . I also have said .
I don't care about the R/ and / D . But the left has robed the country blind . I am against
the swamp .

12-30-2019, 02:49 PM
That's the problem . As I said the left is getting away with years of it . I also have said .
I don't care about the R/ and / D . But the left has robed the country blind . I am against
the swamp .

I'm curious as to what they have robbed from the country?

12-30-2019, 03:00 PM
i'm curious as to what they have robbed from the country?

man your stupid !

12-30-2019, 03:20 PM
man your stupid !

But, he's so good at it.....

12-30-2019, 03:33 PM
I'm curious as to what they have robbed from the country?

Sure hasn't been any of your delusions......................

Missouri Man
12-30-2019, 04:20 PM
And those Democrats won't be elected as President either.So what you're saying is its a cake walk for President Trump? Because every single candidate running on the Democrat side is pro all that I listed...

12-30-2019, 04:51 PM
I'm curious as to what they have robbed from the country?

Its integrity and its cohesiveness.

12-30-2019, 05:14 PM
i'm curious as to what they have robbed from the country?

uranium and affordable health care just for starters !!!!! You dummy !

12-30-2019, 05:34 PM
Kid looks like you asked them a tough questions about what the democrats robbed from the country. I like the one who said uranium and affordable health care. Sound like to me they are upset and their butts are hurting because the president has been impeached. Time for me to start another post showing more guilt for the IMPOTUS.

12-30-2019, 05:40 PM
kid looks like you asked them a tough questions about what the democrats robbed from the country. I like the one who said uranium and affordable health care. Sound like to me they are upset and their butts are hurting because the president has been impeached. Time for me to start another post showing more guilt for the impotus.

i was but hurt for the last 6 yrs of the former hnic .................................. But for the last 3 yrs nothin but charmin soft and smooth !

12-30-2019, 05:52 PM
I don't care about the R/ and / D

I'm curious as to what they have robbed from the country?

They = both parties

Parts of the Patriot Act - both G.W. Bush and Obama administrations
Parts of the USA Freedom Act - Obama administration
Sensible and affordable health care - Obama administration

That would be my top three for starters.

Kid looks like you asked them a tough questions about what the democrats robbed from the country.

That wasn’t tough or difficult.

12-30-2019, 05:56 PM
So what you're saying is its a cake walk for President Trump? Because every single candidate running on the Democrat side is pro all that I listed...

Yes you heard it here Trump should win by a landslide you agree!!

12-30-2019, 05:57 PM
Kid looks like you asked them a tough questions about what the democrats robbed from the country. I like the one who said uranium and affordable health care. Sound like to me they are upset and their butts are hurting because the president has been impeached. Time for me to start another post showing more guilt for the IMPOTUS.

You sure they may blow their tops lmao!!!

12-30-2019, 06:50 PM
Look at that kid, lurker changed from democrats to both R&D. I guess he didn't see what alldirt said about the left robbing the country blind. Well I will agree with him that both are robbing the country.

12-30-2019, 07:16 PM
Kid looks like you asked them a tough questions about what the democrats robbed from the country. I like the one who said uranium and affordable health care. Sound like to me they are upset and their butts are hurting because the president has been impeached. Time for me to start another post showing more guilt for the IMPOTUS.

I can give you 2 very serious ones...….love of God, and love of babies!

12-30-2019, 07:28 PM
You'll NEVER get the liberals to admit that murdering 3,000 babies every day has far reaching horrendous consequences has on our society!

NOTHING, Republicans do will EVER be that damaging!

The ignorance of some people is beyond belief. You can't get anywhere with them they were told how and what to think and it can't be fixed. There really is no point in talking to these people, we've seen where it got us. Just repeating the same old $^%#!!!!

12-30-2019, 07:29 PM
The ignorance of some people is beyond belief. You can't get anywhere with them they were told how and what to think and it can't be fixed. There really is no point in talking to these people, we've seen where it got us. Just repeating the same old $^%#!!!!

I was thinking the same thing but, there is always hope for them but, you on the other hand not so much lol.....

12-30-2019, 07:38 PM
Look at that kid, lurker changed from democrats to both R&D. I guess he didn't see what alldirt said about the left robbing the country blind. Well I will agree with him that both are robbing the country.

Yeah I was curious as to what it was they meant by robbing the country blind.

12-30-2019, 07:38 PM
I was thinking the same thing but, there is always hope for them but, you on the other hand not so much lol.....

Yet another infantile come backer. I know your a grown being, because you have done this same old stuff for way too long now.

12-30-2019, 07:58 PM
Fastford if your daughter was raped and she told you no way does she want to carry and give birth would you stand behind her or disown her. What if your daughter was going to die if she didn't abort the baby would you be ok with that or would you want your daughter to die as long as she had the baby.

There are no easy answer when it comes down to it.

im not gone get into my personal beliefs as far as abortion , i will say im not full blown conservative here and there may be a place , i dont know , i guess thats between you and the lord , if she were raped and became pregnant , then she would have to decide , what we were doing was clarifying what you were saying , the way i understood it you were against the death penalty period and very pro abortion , i just gave you a scenario where you might feel different , thats all....

12-30-2019, 08:07 PM
im not gone get into my personal beliefs as far as abortion , i will say im not full blown conservative here and there may be a place , i dont know , i guess thats between you and the lord , if she were raped and became pregnant , then she would have to decide , what we were doing was clarifying what you were saying , the way i understood it you were against the death penalty period and very pro abortion , i just gave you a scenario where you might feel different , thats all....

But he dodged ,ducked and diverted !

12-30-2019, 08:16 PM
Look at that kid, lurker changed from democrats to both R&D.

It appears that you took my comment out of context. I was without a doubt including both parties, not just Democrats. So that is clear.

I guess he didn't see what alldirt said about the left robbing the country blind.

And yes, I read --

But the left has robed the country blind.

12-30-2019, 08:25 PM
Yeah I was curious as to what it was they meant by robbing the country blind.

Kid , I was indirectly giving you a opining on the Millionaire's club . But I see your not
fast enough to grab it . If you won't admit to the political robbery of the country , on
all sort's of criminality . Then Like I said before , your lying to yourself . Anyone to
accept that the people that are elected to office in Washington , that become Millionaire's
are not crooked or part of the swamp , is a fool . You and ( ss ) surely don't believe that .
We have a crooked Government , and law agency . Fighting your fellow man is what they want .

12-30-2019, 09:03 PM
Kid, I was indirectly giving you a opining on the Millionaire's club. But I see your not fast enough to grab it. If you won't admit to the political robbery of the country, on all sort's of criminality. Then Like I said before, your lying to yourself . Anyone to accept that the people that are elected to office in Washington, that become Millionaire's are not crooked or part of the swamp, is a fool. You and ( ss ) surely don't believe that. We have a crooked Government, and law agency. Fighting your fellow man is what they want .

I took the context of what you were saying completely ALL wrong. Now that I follow your context, have you ever looked into crooked Republican D^%k Chaney / Halliburton, during the G.W. Bush Iraq war era?

Republican or Democrat, both are just as complicit in the Washington type extortion.

12-30-2019, 09:20 PM
Kid , I was indirectly giving you a opining on the Millionaire's club . But I see your not
fast enough to grab it . If you won't admit to the political robbery of the country , on
all sort's of criminality . Then Like I said before , your lying to yourself . Anyone to
accept that the people that are elected to office in Washington , that become Millionaire's
are not crooked or part of the swamp , is a fool . You and ( ss ) surely don't believe that .
We have a crooked Government , and law agency . Fighting your fellow man is what they want .

What I don't like is when people want to blame just one party when in fact it's both parties that are corrupt.

12-30-2019, 09:22 PM
I took the context of what you were saying completely ALL wrong. Now that I follow your context, have you ever looked into crooked Republican D^%k Chaney / Halliburton, during the G.W. Bush Iraq war era?

Republican or Democrat, both are just as complicit in the Washington type extortion.

Thanks for pointing it out. That's been my argument for a long time and that is that both parties are guilty of all kinds of bad things and are corrupt.

12-30-2019, 09:53 PM
i will not argue that point kid , but put the corruption aside and focus on the agenda , i will never agree with the direction the NEW democratic party is headed , and whats sad is the last of the old school dem moderates are bowing down to the demands of the new liberal dems....like AOC and the likes.....

12-30-2019, 10:17 PM
i will not argue that point kid , but put the corruption aside and focus on the agenda , i will never agree with the direction the NEW democratic party is headed , and whats sad is the last of the old school dem moderates are bowing down to the demands of the new liberal dems....like AOC and the likes.....

I have to agree with you. They are going to far left for my liking. Yeah I'm not quite sure what the moderates are scared of.

12-30-2019, 10:20 PM
--- i will never agree with the direction the NEW democratic party is headed, and whats sad is the last of the old school dem moderates are bowing down to the demands of the new liberal dems....like AOC and the likes.....

And then you have unhinged Liberal nut job whacko’s like this representing the Democratic Party.

Michael Moore: Be Afraid Of White Trump Voters - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmI4DR2J8LE&t=74s

12-30-2019, 10:30 PM
im not gone get into my personal beliefs as far as abortion , i will say im not full blown conservative here and there may be a place , i dont know , i guess thats between you and the lord , if she were raped and became pregnant , then she would have to decide , what we were doing was clarifying what you were saying , the way i understood it you were against the death penalty period and very pro abortion , i just gave you a scenario where you might feel different , thats all....

I can respect that. Abortion is just one of those tough subjects just like the death penalty. If we believe in the 10 commandments and one being thou shall not kill then we would be against both. I have talked to women who say their not for abortion but, they're also for the right to make that choice so, again a tough subject that I will leave it right here.

Yes under your scenario It would be awful hard not to want the death penalty for the person but, were suppose to be able to forgive as well so, there's that.

12-31-2019, 06:48 AM
I can respect that. Abortion is just one of those tough subjects just like the death penalty. If we believe in the 10 commandments and one being thou shall not kill then we would be against both. I have talked to women who say their not for abortion but, they're also for the right to make that choice so, again a tough subject that I will leave it right here.

Yes under your scenario It would be awful hard not to want the death penalty for the person but, were suppose to be able to forgive as well so, there's that.

How much of The Bible have you actually read ? Or do just know what you have heard from other people .................like all your other facts ?

12-31-2019, 10:13 AM
Thanks for pointing it out. That's been my argument for a long time and that is that both parties are guilty of all kinds of bad things and are corrupt.

So if you check my post I have said many many times it is both sides . Is why I support
The President because of the swamp . R&D are robbing the country . How hard is that
to follow . You keep saying what are they robbing . Check out their kids , and what
their families have gained , then come back and say you found nothing shows your
blindness , and your denial to accuse the thieves .

12-31-2019, 10:17 AM
I took the context of what you were saying completely ALL wrong. Now that I follow your context, have you ever looked into crooked Republican D^%k Chaney / Halliburton, during the G.W. Bush Iraq war era?

Republican or Democrat, both are just as complicit in the Washington type extortion.

So I blame both sides . I don't care what side . Just calling a crook a crook . Not denial
of both sides . If you know all of what you just posted , then you will have no reason not
to post both sides . Seams to me your the one not looking . Drain the CROOKED SWAMP .

12-31-2019, 10:57 AM
How much of The Bible have you actually read ? Or do just know what you have heard from other people .................like all your other facts ?

Get ready for the rope a dope on that question.......will never get a straight honest answer on that one from either of them.

Very good question and if they answer honestly will speak volumes.

12-31-2019, 11:04 AM
So if you check my post I have said many many times it is both sides . Is why I support
The President because of the swamp . R&D are robbing the country . How hard is that
to follow . You keep saying what are they robbing . Check out their kids , and what
their families have gained , then come back and say you found nothing shows your
blindness , and your denial to accuse the thieves .
You know darn good and well that Hunter Biden was the perfect man for the job in a country he knew nothing about in an industry that he even knew less about.....can't believe you would tarnish his credentials like that :)

And btw , denial is what you smell the rock and SS cookin.

12-31-2019, 12:00 PM
You know darn good and well that Hunter Biden was the perfect man for the job in a country he knew nothing about in an industry that he even knew less about.....can't believe you would tarnish his credentials like that :)

And btw , denial is what you smell the rock and SS cookin.

If I died an could come back , I would want to be a Senators son . Or pretty much any
of crooked Washington's powerful offspring . Oh how I would love to be givin hundreds of
Millions dollars for not knowing anything . Only fools would deny this , and say where's the
CRIME . Being part of , or siding with these crooks only make you a fool .

12-31-2019, 12:20 PM
You know darn good and well that Hunter Biden was the perfect man for the job in a country he knew nothing about in an industry that he even knew less about.....can't believe you would tarnish his credentials like that :)

And btw , denial is what you smell the rock and SS cookin.

That's just not true. I have said countless times that I thought something was pretty fishy when it comes to Hunter Biden and that he needs to be investigated. So are we on the same page when it comes to this?

12-31-2019, 02:50 PM
That's just not true. I have said countless times that I thought something was pretty fishy when it comes to Hunter Biden and that he needs to be investigated. So are we on the same page when it comes to this?

Well on an earlier post you asked me what robbery was I talking about . Fishy my azz .
The last administration was full of crime . Like I said , use that energy and find the real
crime that none of the Democrats will admit to .

12-31-2019, 04:01 PM
Well on an earlier post you asked me what robbery was I talking about . Fishy my azz .
The last administration was full of crime . Like I said , use that energy and find the real
crime that none of the Democrats will admit to .

I used some of that energy you are talking about and found nothing. Let me get this straight McConnell and Graham who were in office before Obama was in office and are there still today couldn't find nothing to impeached Obama for? We all know what McConnell said shortly after Obama became President. McConnell said he would make sure that Obama would be a one term president. The 114 U.S. congress was completely controlled by republicans. I would hope if Obama had committed any crimes he would have been impeached especially if the republican controlled both branches. I would say you are listen to more right wing propaganda. I don't think McConnell would let him off that easy.

I did find some Obama crimes you might like to read. There are a lot of facts with these crimes.

12-31-2019, 06:10 PM
I used some of that energy you are talking about and found nothing. Let me get this straight McConnell and Graham who were in office before Obama was in office and are there still today couldn't find nothing to impeached Obama for? We all know what McConnell said shortly after Obama became President. McConnell said he would make sure that Obama would be a one term president. The 114 U.S. congress was completely controlled by republicans. I would hope if Obama had committed any crimes he would have been impeached especially if the republican controlled both branches. I would say you are listen to more right wing propaganda. I don't think McConnell would let him off that easy.

I did find some Obama crimes you might like to read. There are a lot of facts with these crimes.

How do you impeach Obummer when he had the DOJ in his pocket, along with the FBI and CIA, and the Supreme Court, and and and.......

Also not enough majority in the Senate and House to do it. You don't, you know that...

It doesn't change the fact that he has committed treason and criminally abused his position in about every way possible.

12-31-2019, 06:30 PM
I used some of that energy you are talking about and found nothing. Let me get this straight McConnell and Graham who were in office before Obama was in office and are there still today couldn't find nothing to impeached Obama for? We all know what McConnell said shortly after Obama became President. McConnell said he would make sure that Obama would be a one term president. The 114 U.S. congress was completely controlled by republicans. I would hope if Obama had committed any crimes he would have been impeached especially if the republican controlled both branches. I would say you are listen to more right wing propaganda. I don't think McConnell would let him off that easy.

I did find some Obama crimes you might like to read. There are a lot of facts with these crimes.

One thing you are forgetting is that they are ALL swamp dwellers and our GREAT PRESIDENT is purging it !

01-01-2020, 12:34 AM
I can respect that. Abortion is just one of those tough subjects just like the death penalty. If we believe in the 10 commandments and one being thou shall not kill then we would be against both. I have talked to women who say their not for abortion but, they're also for the right to make that choice so, again a tough subject that I will leave it right here.

Yes under your scenario It would be awful hard not to want the death penalty for the person but, were suppose to be able to forgive as well so, there's that.

So in your idiotic twisted dumb as a rock world the parishioner in white
settlement Texas should have just let the evilness prevail until he decided he was done killing innocent people instead of neutralizing the situation the way he did ! You are an IDIOT ! 6 seconds is all it took to neutralize ! GOD BLESS THE PARISHIONER who saved countless lives !

01-01-2020, 06:24 AM
I used some of that energy you are talking about and found nothing. Let me get this straight McConnell and Graham who were in office before Obama was in office and are there still today couldn't find nothing to impeached Obama for? We all know what McConnell said shortly after Obama became President. McConnell said he would make sure that Obama would be a one term president. The 114 U.S. congress was completely controlled by republicans. I would hope if Obama had committed any crimes he would have been impeached especially if the republican controlled both branches. I would say you are listen to more right wing propaganda. I don't think McConnell would let him off that easy.

I did find some Obama crimes you might like to read. There are a lot of facts with these crimes.

They had nothing and they know it and if they did then the friggin morons failed the people of this country and they should be ashamed of themselves for not doing what they were elected to do. What a bunch of losers lol.........

01-01-2020, 06:25 AM


Anyone remember this blast from the past

$1.7-billion payment to Iran was all in cash due to effectiveness of sanctions, White House says - https://www.latimes.com/nation/nationnow/la-na-iran-payment-cash-20160907-snap-story.html

US sent plane with $400 million in cash to Iran - https://www.cnn.com/2016/08/03/politics/us-sends-plane-iran-400-million-cash/index.html

01-01-2020, 06:29 AM
Or this.

Democrats can’t win until they recognize how bad Obama’s financial policies were - https://openmarketsinstitute.org/op-eds-and-articles/democrats-cant-win-until-they-recognize-how-bad-obamas-financial-policies-were/

01-01-2020, 07:34 AM
Anyone remember this blast from the past

$1.7-billion payment to Iran was all in cash due to effectiveness of sanctions, White House says - https://www.latimes.com/nation/nationnow/la-na-iran-payment-cash-20160907-snap-story.html

US sent plane with $400 million in cash to Iran - https://www.cnn.com/2016/08/03/politics/us-sends-plane-iran-400-million-cash/index.html

Wasn't this currency Iran's anyway. Wasn't Iran before 1979 the biggest buyer of U.S. military equipment? Didn't the US own for military equipment that hadn't been delivered prior to the hostages taken in 1979? Maybe this well clarify some of this for you.


01-01-2020, 07:57 AM

Democrats can’t win until they recognize how bad Obama’s financial policies were.
Republican's can't win until they recognize how bad IMPOTUS financial policies are!


01-01-2020, 08:17 AM
Lurker Looks like IMPOTUS a really a physical conservative huh? The IMPOTUS is areal good businessman HUH? Maybe that's why he has gone bankrupt so many times. LMAO

01-01-2020, 08:28 AM
I used some of that energy you are talking about and found nothing. Let me get this straight McConnell and Graham who were in office before Obama was in office and are there still today couldn't find nothing to impeached Obama for? We all know what McConnell said shortly after Obama became President. McConnell said he would make sure that Obama would be a one term president. The 114 U.S. congress was completely controlled by republicans. I would hope if Obama had committed any crimes he would have been impeached especially if the republican controlled both branches. I would say you are listen to more right wing propaganda. I don't think McConnell would let him off that easy.

I did find some Obama crimes you might like to read. There are a lot of facts with these crimes.

Man , it's like talking to dumb and dumber . I said that the President was elected
by people that knew Washington is the swamp . Over and over I said that both sides
are crooked . You say you didn't vote Democrat , but you keep on defending them .
I also said how does so many elected go to Washington and become Millionaires .
You go ahead and keep on defending and believe the liars ,thieves and crooks while
this President exposes them . I almost bet you will vote Biden . WOW .

01-01-2020, 09:08 AM
Somebody better tell Hillary........

01-01-2020, 09:13 AM
I can respect that. Abortion is just one of those tough subjects just like the death penalty. If we believe in the 10 commandments and one being thou shall not kill then we would be against both. I have talked to women who say their not for abortion but, they're also for the right to make that choice so, again a tough subject that I will leave it right here.

Yes under your scenario It would be awful hard not to want the death penalty for the person but, were suppose to be able to forgive as well so, there's that.

Have you ever read the part of The Bible about “an for an eye “ ? It is supposed to be in there somewhere !

01-01-2020, 09:18 AM
Poor economy ? Libtard talking point that almost no one believes ! Except a few dumb a s s e s on 4m like ss seriously stupid and kid dumb as a rock !

01-01-2020, 09:19 AM
Man , it's like talking to dumb and dumber . I said that the President was elected
by people that knew Washington is the swamp . Over and over I said that both sides
are crooked . You say you didn't vote Democrat , but you keep on defending them .
I also said how does so many elected go to Washington and become Millionaires .
You go ahead and keep on defending and believe the liars ,thieves and crooks while
this President exposes them . I almost bet you will vote Biden . WOW .

He's votes for the dem superstar candidate Dee Knile......and when she isn't on the ticket like normal he writes her in.

Everyone on earth hears you and understands exactly what your saying alldirt....with the exception of Harry and Lloyd as you mentioned.

01-01-2020, 09:23 AM
How do you impeach Obummer when he had the DOJ in his pocket, along with the FBI and CIA, and the Supreme Court, and and and.......

Also not enough majority in the Senate and House to do it. You don't, you know that...

It doesn't change the fact that he has committed treason and criminally abused his position in about every way possible.
The obamas worked the system in their favor very well.......not the first time a family from Chicago has done that.....what's the big deal?:)

01-01-2020, 09:26 AM
Wasn't this currency Iran's anyway. Wasn't Iran before 1979 the biggest buyer of U.S. military equipment? Didn't the US own for military equipment that hadn't been delivered prior to the hostages taken in 1979? Maybe this well clarify some of this for you.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^
House is flooded under 10 feet of swamp water, this guy blames a bad rain gutter???


01-01-2020, 09:53 AM
The obamas worked the system in their favor very well.......not the first time a family from Chicago has done that.....what's the big deal?:)

So Obama's cabinet couldn't find anything wrong with his presidency. But Trump's cabinet(DOJ, FBI. and CIA) has found several things illegal against his presidency. So the republicans are following the rule of law and the democrats didn't when Obama was in office?

01-01-2020, 10:07 AM
Dude you are like talking to a female stuttering auctioneer.......on her period.

Take a few minutes and think that visual out.

01-01-2020, 10:09 AM
Man , it's like talking to dumb and dumber . I said that the President was elected
by people that knew Washington is the swamp . Over and over I said that both sides
are crooked . You say you didn't vote Democrat , but you keep on defending them .
I also said how does so many elected go to Washington and become Millionaires .
You go ahead and keep on defending and believe the liars ,thieves and crooks while
this President exposes them . I almost bet you will vote Biden . WOW .

I was just referring to your post 84.
Well on an earlier post you asked me what robbery was I talking about . Fishy my azz .
The last administration was full of crime . Like I said , use that energy and find the real
crime that none of the Democrats will admit to .

Your 3rd sentence "The last administration was full of crime" The last administration was the Obama's was it not?

I love it when you republicans always go back to the past and compare Trump to Obama. Obama will beat Trump every time. What you really ought to be doing is concentrating on the democrats that are running for the presidential election. Quit worrying about the past and start dealing with the future.

01-01-2020, 10:14 AM
I was just referring to your post 84.
Well on an earlier post you asked me what robbery was I talking about . Fishy my azz .
The last administration was full of crime . Like I said , use that energy and find the real
crime that none of the Democrats will admit to .

Your 3rd sentence "The last administration was full of crime" The last administration was the Obama's was it not?

I love it when you republicans always go back to the past and compare Trump to Obama. Obama will beat Trump every time. What you really ought to be doing is concentrating on the democrats that are running for the presidential election. Quit worrying about the past and start dealing with the future.
They concentrated on the current list of candidates for the 48 seconds it took to introduce them at the first debate........then like the rest of America chuckled a little bit and moved on to something more pressing.

You've lost your way bud.

01-01-2020, 10:32 AM
Wasn't this currency Iran's anyway.

In my humblest opinion, that is open for personal (layman) interpretation. I understand the back story regarding this fairly well. Its my opinion that if you take the hostages out of the equation, Iran never receives a Dime. Put the hostages into the equation, and the USA paid for hostage release, thus a quid pro quo for the Obama administration. Again, that’s my opinion.

01-01-2020, 10:58 AM
So Obama's cabinet couldn't find anything wrong with his presidency. But Trump's cabinet(DOJ, FBI. and CIA) has found several things illegal against his presidency. So the republicans are following the rule of law and the democrats didn't when Obama was in office?

Its my opinion, Obama and that complete Administration did not follow the rule of the law, as you have it referenced in the above posting.

These touch on “other” items as well -

The Obama Administration's Disrespect For The Rule Of Law Hits A New Low - https://www.forbes.com/sites/georgeleef/2016/05/31/the-obama-administrations-disrespect-for-the-rule-of-law-hits-a-new-low/#54f565204717

Obama's policy strategy: Ignore laws - https://www.politico.com/story/2012/06/obamas-policy-strategy-ignore-laws-077486

01-01-2020, 12:13 PM
uh oh.......your going to peg him on the denial limiter with that.

Get ready for it.

01-01-2020, 12:58 PM
Obama will beat Trump every time.

Can you please re-frame this statement, as I am not sure I follow what you are saying.

01-01-2020, 01:23 PM
Can you please re-frame this statement, as I am not sure I follow what you are saying.

He will dodge , duck and divert and not giv e clear explanation !

01-01-2020, 01:53 PM
They say all theses things about Obama yet never brought to justice for any of it so, did he really break the law and the Republicans failed the American people by not doing their friggin job or he really didn't break the law.

01-01-2020, 02:01 PM
Man , it's like talking to dumb and dumber . I said that the President was elected
by people that knew Washington is the swamp . Over and over I said that both sides
are crooked . You say you didn't vote Democrat , but you keep on defending them .
I also said how does so many elected go to Washington and become Millionaires .
You go ahead and keep on defending and believe the liars ,thieves and crooks while
this President exposes them . I almost bet you will vote Biden . WOW .

For sure an idiot will vote for an idiot. haahahahaa

01-01-2020, 02:02 PM
They say all theses things about Obama yet never brought to justice for any of it so, did he really break the law and the Republicans failed the American people by not doing their friggin job or he really didn't break the law.

How do you think this way? Somehow you get by though.. sad

01-01-2020, 02:05 PM
I was just referring to your post 84.
Well on an earlier post you asked me what robbery was I talking about . Fishy my azz .
The last administration was full of crime . Like I said , use that energy and find the real
crime that none of the Democrats will admit to .

Your 3rd sentence "The last administration was full of crime" The last administration was the Obama's was it not?

I love it when you republicans always go back to the past and compare Trump to Obama. Obama will beat Trump every time. What you really ought to be doing is concentrating on the democrats that are running for the presidential election. Quit worrying about the past and start dealing with the future.

Sometimes I read stuff on here that is way beyond dumb. SMH!!!!

01-01-2020, 02:15 PM
Sometimes I read stuff on here that is way beyond dumb. SMH!!!!

Well quit going back and read what you write and boom problem solved lmao!!!!

01-01-2020, 02:25 PM
Well quit going back and read what you write and boom problem solved lmao!!!!

That's all you got. Every time. If it impresses yourself, then keep pretending.

Problem solved? Trash your keyboard. Then you'll be getting somewhere at last!!! hahaha

01-01-2020, 02:28 PM
Lurker for some reason I could not open the Forbes article it said that it was 2 years old and shows a blank page. The politico article indicated that congress was stonewalling the president. This is exactly what McConnell and the rest of the republicans said they would do to Obama. Do everything in their power to make him a one term president. The republicans left Obama no other choice but to do what he had to do. Remember he also made campaign promises that he was trying to keep. Fortunately for Obama doing what he did got him re-elected a second term. The IMPOTUS doing what he is doing is hurting him on getting re-elected.

01-01-2020, 02:59 PM
yep.......stuttering auctioneer......and nobody buying anything.

01-01-2020, 03:21 PM
How do you think this way? Somehow you get by though.. sad

It's not for everyone lol,

01-01-2020, 03:37 PM
QUOTE: Obama will beat Trump every time...

...at baby hating and anti-God positions!

Hooray, you finally made one correct statement!

01-01-2020, 04:14 PM
They say all theses things about Obama yet never brought to justice for any of it so, did he really break the law and the Republicans failed the American people by not doing their friggin job or he really didn't break the law.

Did the devil himself ever get brought to justice? How about your credibility?

01-01-2020, 04:16 PM
Lurker for some reason I could not open the Forbes article it said that it was 2 years old and shows a blank page. The politico article indicated that congress was stonewalling the president. This is exactly what McConnell and the rest of the republicans said they would do to Obama. Do everything in their power to make him a one term president. The republicans left Obama no other choice but to do what he had to do. Remember he also made campaign promises that he was trying to keep. Fortunately for Obama doing what he did got him re-elected a second term. The IMPOTUS doing what he is doing is hurting him on getting re-elected.

You wish for all of the fake news to be true, therefore it is. Meanwhile reality is denied entrance into your world. hehe

01-01-2020, 04:36 PM
They say all theses things about Obama yet never brought to justice for any of it so, did he really break the law and the Republicans failed the American people by not doing their friggin job or he really didn't break the law.

It is my personal opinion, yes, Obama and his administration broke laws and the Republicans did nothing about it. Zero. The below quote was already posted, and touches on the Why, that I agree with.

How do you impeach Obummer when he had the DOJ in his pocket, along with the FBI and CIA, and the Supreme Court, and and and.......

Also not enough majority in the Senate and House to do it. You don't, you know that...

It doesn't change the fact that he has committed treason and criminally abused his position in about every way possible.

01-01-2020, 05:10 PM
I was just referring to your post 84.
Well on an earlier post you asked me what robbery was I talking about . Fishy my azz .
The last administration was full of crime . Like I said , use that energy and find the real
crime that none of the Democrats will admit to .

Your 3rd sentence "The last administration was full of crime" The last administration was the Obama's was it not?

I love it when you republicans always go back to the past and compare Trump to Obama. Obama will beat Trump every time. What you really ought to be doing is concentrating on the democrats that are running for the presidential election. Quit worrying about the past and start dealing with the future.

Man your just plain slow or dumb . I can't believe you can't get it . Its not the past idt .
what can't you understand . they have been robbing us for the last thirty / forty years . And
you fools see nothing wrong with the President looking for the evidence on the last administration , on finding crime . I won't comment on your ignorance anymore , because voters
like you are what worry me . So Its not the past , it is the future , from keeping Democrats out
of office .

01-01-2020, 06:14 PM
Man your just plain slow or dumb . I can't believe you can't get it . Its not the past idt .
what can't you understand . they have been robbing us for the last thirty / forty years . And
you fools see nothing wrong with the President looking for the evidence on the last administration , on finding crime . I won't comment on your ignorance anymore , because voters
like you are what worry me . So Its not the past , it is the future , from keeping Democrats out
of office .

Oh Alldirt you sound a little frustrated. Do I need to go "down" to your level and start calling you names like a little kid would do? I don't have a problem with the IMPOTUS investigating the previous administration as long he doesn't have a malice intent. When he indicated that he didn't care if they didn't have any evidence but just say you are starting an investigation and I will released the military aid. I have a problem with that. When your whole intent was just to hurt your competition for a political advantage is just wrong. You don't have to worry about me voting. I do a lot of research before I vote!

01-01-2020, 06:21 PM
Oh Alldirt you sound a little frustrated. Do I need to go "down" to your level and start calling you names like a little kid would do? I don't have a problem with the IMPOTUS investigating the previous administration as long he doesn't have a malice intent. When he indicated that he didn't care if they didn't have any evidence but just say you are starting an investigation and I will released the military aid. I have a problem with that. When your whole intent was just to hurt your competition for a political advantage is just wrong. You don't have to worry about me voting. I do a lot of research before I vote!

Trouble is , your research is all smut like VOX, Slate, Mother Jones, The Young Jerks, and the NY Times.

01-01-2020, 06:41 PM
Oh Alldirt you sound a little frustrated. Do I need to go "down" to your level and start calling you names like a little kid would do? I don't have a problem with the IMPOTUS investigating the previous administration as long he doesn't have a malice intent. When he indicated that he didn't care if they didn't have any evidence but just say you are starting an investigation and I will released the military aid. I have a problem with that. When your whole intent was just to hurt your competition for a political advantage is just wrong. You don't have to worry about me voting. I do a lot of research before I vote!

Not frustrated . Annoyed . And I read enough of your post , when you talk about a level .
From your previous post of your life , I know you could not step up to my level at this point
in your life . And a Ouija board won't help you .

01-01-2020, 06:47 PM
Not frustrated . Annoyed . And I read enough of your post , when you talk about a level .
From your previous post of your life , I know you could not step up to my level at this point
in your life . And a Ouija board won't help you .

Not even a Trumpy Bear could help this guy. lol

01-01-2020, 07:46 PM
When he indicated that he didn't care if they didn't have any evidence but just say you are starting an investigation and I will released the military aid. I have a problem with that.

Please cut and paste and post the part of the phone conversation that you are referencing above, from the linked Whitehouse PDF.

Telephone Conversation with President Zelenskyy of Ukraine -

01-01-2020, 08:48 PM
exactly what i was getting ready to post as well lurker , i will be waiting to,.,,

01-01-2020, 08:52 PM
Please cut and paste and post the part of the phone conversation that you are referencing above, from the linked Whitehouse PDF.

Telephone Conversation with President Zelenskyy of Ukraine -

Sorry but that was already established through witnesses testimony in the impeachment inquiry. Had nothing to do with that phone call.

01-01-2020, 09:32 PM

01-01-2020, 10:27 PM
Sorry but that was already established through witnesses testimony in the impeachment inquiry. Had nothing to do with that phone call.

That’s exactly what I thought your response would be. Citing second-hand testimony, from sources not directly involved in the phone call. That point I just made is fact based established. You do understand that the credibility of the majority of the “witnesses” is, IMHO, weak at very best, and fairly one-sided anti-Trump. Also, I hope you realize that Marie Yovanovitch perjured herself before Congress during her (see attached link below) impeachment inquiry testimony. The mainstream news doesn’t cover items like that as it does not fit the narrative or view ship they seek.

I think this comes down to personal interpretation regarding ones predisposed opinion about Trump. Nothing more, nothing less. And I’m fine with that. If you don’t like Trump, that’s fine and its your right. Just be honest (transparent / direct) about it, and any predisposed judgment you might have, when posting.

I’m all for rule of the law and impeachment if needed. But in this case, its my opinion impeachment is not needed, given the facts I’ve read, listened to, and the impeachment inquiry itself I watched most of on television. Not just fake news sound bites from any chosen network ----- but the impeachment inquiry itself, and I watched the greater majority of it.

Yuriy Lutsenko says Yovanovitch perjured herself before Congress -

01-02-2020, 06:18 AM
Sorry but that was already established through witnesses testimony in the impeachment inquiry. Had nothing to do with that phone call.

That is why there doesn’t need to be a trial in the Senate cuz there are no fact based witnesses to shed any light on anything ! All hearsay and gossip but no facts of which I thought you were such a fan of S ERIOUSLY S TUPID ?

01-02-2020, 06:43 AM
Now that we are in the TRIAL phase it would be nice to hear from everyone. Call your senators and tell them you want to hear from the Biden's, Mick, John, Pompeo, Perry and lets see if they corroborate what others have already testified under oath. Then we will see who's lying and who isn't. I would think the President would welcome that. It could exonerate him and he wouldn't have have the people in the country believing he is guilty and needs to be removed from office.

01-02-2020, 06:49 AM
Now that we are in the TRIAL phase it would be nice to hear from everyone. Call your senators and tell them you want to hear from the Biden's, Mick, John, Pompeo, Perry and lets see if they corroborate what others have already testified under oath. Then we will see who's lying and who isn't. I would think the President would welcome that. It could exonerate him and he wouldn't have have the people in the country believing he is guilty and needs to be removed from office.

No need to prove your innocence in this great country , your innocence is a given until PROVEN guilty ! You libtards had your chance but blew it ! He l l even illegals are afforded that right !

01-02-2020, 08:33 AM
dirtman , i think it is the definition of the word FACTS that they are having the most trouble with , when one starts interpreting hear say and second and third hand info as FACT , well , there is your problem , now what lurker posted about yonavovitch is a fact , but with there new interpretation of the word fact , it will be over looked....

01-02-2020, 08:43 AM
dirtman , i think it is the definition of the word FACTS that they are having the most trouble with , when one starts interpreting hear say and second and third hand info as FACT , well , there is your problem , now what lurker posted about yonavovitch is a fact , but with there new interpretation of the word fact , it will be over looked....

Really I'm asking for all to testify. Not so sure what so hard to figure out here. We have people who have already testified and now we should have those with first hand knowledge either corroborate their testimony or show they have been lying. How about it you guys want it or are you afraid what they might say. I know I'm not bring it on. Only if your guilty would you keep people from testifying. If your innocent let them tell your side and exonerate you. Let the FACTS come out and then lets see who has a problem with FACTS.

01-02-2020, 11:32 AM
Please cut and paste and post the part of the phone conversation that you are referencing above, from the linked Whitehouse PDF.

Telephone Conversation with President Zelenskyy of Ukraine -

lurker , don't you love how gullible they are . They are easy prey for the Democrats .

01-02-2020, 02:46 PM
Really I'm asking for all to testify. Not so sure what so hard to figure out here. We have people who have already testified and now we should have those with first hand knowledge either corroborate their testimony or show they have been lying. How about it you guys want it or are you afraid what they might say. I know I'm not bring it on. Only if your guilty would you keep people from testifying. If your innocent let them tell your side and exonerate you. Let the FACTS come out and then lets see who has a problem with FACTS.

Total nonsense, as usual.

01-02-2020, 02:50 PM
Total nonsense, as usual.

Trump Hatred ..................................pure and simple !

01-02-2020, 03:31 PM
Hey guys............Doobie is legal now........
If yall would try it maybe we could solve some things............
Back in the early 70s it sure worked for us..........
Solved everything in the world.......But we forgot in the morning.....
......never mind.....................BB

01-02-2020, 05:15 PM
Total nonsense, as usual.

What are you afraid of? Let them all testify and end once and for all. Half the American people are going to believe he is guilty if nothing else comes from this.. He could be exonerated by having them testify come on Trump if it was a perfect call what are you afraid of.

You can think it's nonsense but I don't. ALL TO TESTIFY TESTIFY TESTIFY YES OR NO

01-02-2020, 05:16 PM
Really I'm asking for all to testify. Not so sure what so hard to figure out here. We have people who have already testified and now we should have those with first hand knowledge either corroborate their testimony or show they have been lying. How about it you guys want it or are you afraid what they might say. I know I'm not bring it on. Only if your guilty would you keep people from testifying. If your innocent let them tell your side and exonerate you. Let the FACTS come out and then lets see who has a problem with FACTS.

i am all in kid , as long as we start with the beginning of the last administration , as in the conversation with obummer and puttin , the Benghazi debacle , the crooked joe biden and son deal , and the fake dossier that clinton , with help from obummer , tried to under mine our sitting pres before he was even elected , which is all just the tip of the ice burg , if this happens , then yes kid , i agree with you 100% , dont hold your breath though....lol.... BTW , if you looked up the definition of FACT , then you know none of the incriminating things they have tried to use against trump are NOT based on facts....

01-02-2020, 05:24 PM
i am all in kid , as long as we start with the beginning of the last administration , as in the conversation with obummer and puttin , the Benghazi debacle , the crooked joe biden and son deal , and the fake dossier that clinton , with help from obummer , tried to under mine our sitting pres before he was even elected , which is all just the tip of the ice burg , if this happens , then yes kid , i agree with you 100% , dont hold your breath though....lol.... BTW , if you looked up the definition of FACT , then you know none of the incriminating things they have tried to use against trump are NOT based on facts....

Sounds good to me but after 10 or 11 Benghazi hearings I think that dog has already walked but, hey if you want another hearing on so be it bring it on.

Then I would think everyone would want the facts to come out then. Let's hear from them all. I don't care who goes down as long as justice is served no matter what party affiliation they are from.

We need to see how corrupt our government is. Need to expose all these coverups including the current administration. Don't forget to include Trump and Putin private conversation as well

Thats 2 anyone else want to join in?

01-02-2020, 06:10 PM
That’s exactly what I thought your response would be. Citing second-hand testimony, from sources not directly involved in the phone call. That point I just made is fact based established. You do understand that the credibility of the majority of the “witnesses” is, IMHO, weak at very best, and fairly one-sided anti-Trump. Also, I hope you realize that Marie Yovanovitch perjured herself before Congress during her (see attached link below) impeachment inquiry testimony. The mainstream news doesn’t cover items like that as it does not fit the narrative or view ship they seek.

I think this comes down to personal interpretation regarding ones predisposed opinion about Trump. Nothing more, nothing less. And I’m fine with that. If you don’t like Trump, that’s fine and its your right. Just be honest (transparent / direct) about it, and any predisposed judgment you might have, when posting.

I’m all for rule of the law and impeachment if needed. But in this case, its my opinion impeachment is not needed, given the facts I’ve read, listened to, and the impeachment inquiry itself I watched most of on television. Not just fake news sound bites from any chosen network ----- but the impeachment inquiry itself, and I watched the greater majority of it.

Yuriy Lutsenko says Yovanovitch perjured herself before Congress -

Lurker are you sure you want to use Yurity Lutsenko as a factual witness? In a articles on 10-1-19 in the Guardian he stated' "Lutsenko has since said that the investigation did not show that the Biden family had broken any laws in Ukraine". If you are going to believe him there is no since having the Biden's to testify in any hearing.

As far as your Lutsenko and Yovanovitch story it was reported in The Hill in 03/19. If you go back and watch the video around the 2:40 mark you will hear that Lutsenko tore up the evidence. No evidence it's his work against hers. Now if he had the paper that she had written the alleged request then that would be facts.

Here is another good article on Lutsenko that you might like to read.


01-02-2020, 06:35 PM
What are you afraid of? Let them all testify and end once and for all. Half the American people are going to believe he is guilty if nothing else comes from this.. He could be exonerated by having them testify come on Trump if it was a perfect call what are you afraid of.

You can think it's nonsense but I don't. ALL TO TESTIFY TESTIFY TESTIFY YES OR NO

My vote is to end the lies and lame biased fake witnesses. Whatever they are supposed to have witnessed has not even been stated. The witch hunt must end.

01-02-2020, 06:40 PM
Who is the “he” you refer to in your statement about Yuri ?

01-02-2020, 06:57 PM

I follow you, and you make a few good points.

Even though I am very anti-impeachment inquiry and trial, I’d say at this point, I’ll concede --------- Bring out everyone from the woodwork, and let them testify. (because it is probably best for both parties and our country at this time) Whatever the outcome is, let the chip fall where they may and lets move on to the next grandiose political theater. Accept the outcome no matter the R/D party. Honestly, IMHO, this whole impeachment debacle is so divisive to our Country, it will take a lot to heal either sides wounds. Its very sad.


Asked and answered, cool?

My vote is to end the lies and lame biased fake witnesses. Whatever they are supposed to have witnessed has not even been stated. The witch hunt must end.

And I would agree, that is why I’ll concede.

01-02-2020, 07:05 PM
This is where it gets even more mind boggling, Republican or Democrat.

Newly revealed email says Trump directed aid freeze - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nnmg1kWHUMg&t=178s

Where the he@# was this during the impeachment inquiry? Just all of a sudden we found this tidbit. Bang it fell in our lap. Talk about poor due diligence on both sides of the aisle. This crap amazes me more and more every day.

01-02-2020, 07:06 PM
You know d a m n well the libtards cannot and will not accept the outcome unless it is what they want ! Same way with Seriously Stupid and Kid dumb as a Rock !

01-02-2020, 07:07 PM
This is where it gets even more mind boggling, Republican or Democrat.

Newly revealed email says Trump directed aid freeze - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nnmg1kWHUMg&t=178s

Where the he@# was this during the impeachment inquiry? Just all of a sudden we found this tidbit. Bang it fell in our lap. Talk about poor due diligence on both sides of the aisle This crap amazes me more and more every day.

Just think if they hadn’t rushed it through what possibilities they could have had .

01-02-2020, 07:14 PM
This is where it gets even more mind boggling, Republican or Democrat.

Newly revealed email says Trump directed aid freeze - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nnmg1kWHUMg&t=178s

Where the he@# was this during the impeachment inquiry? Just all of a sudden we found this tidbit. Bang it fell in our lap. Talk about poor due diligence on both sides of the aisle This crap amazes me more and more every day.

Don't you think that's done every day in govt?

That's just good biz!

01-02-2020, 07:19 PM
Sadly, you are both correct.

01-02-2020, 07:24 PM
Lurker I appreciate the clean debates and keep me in line. You remind me of the best Warden that I worked for. When you went to his office you better have all of you facts correct and be able to answer any questions he was going to throw at you. He kept you on your A game. May You and your family have a great year.

01-02-2020, 07:38 PM
My vote is to end the lies and lame biased fake witnesses. Whatever they are supposed to have witnessed has not even been stated. The witch hunt must end.

So then I take it your out. So, what's that 4 yes and 1 no on asking for everyone to testify.

01-02-2020, 07:39 PM
This is where it gets even more mind boggling, Republican or Democrat.

Newly revealed email says Trump directed aid freeze - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nnmg1kWHUMg&t=178s

Where the he@# was this during the impeachment inquiry? Just all of a sudden we found this tidbit. Bang it fell in our lap. Talk about poor due diligence on both sides of the aisle. This crap amazes me more and more every day.

JustSecurity received these documents but they were redacted. Someone leaked the un-redacted documents to Kate Brannen of Just Security. These are probably some of the documents that Trump wouldn't release.

01-02-2020, 07:52 PM
OH brother , more probablys......the maybes....ought to bes and might be's will be along shortly.

Hopefully, lmao.

01-02-2020, 08:10 PM
Lurker I appreciate the clean debates and keep me in line. You remind me of the best Warden that I worked for. When you went to his office you better have all of you facts correct and be able to answer any questions he was going to throw at you. He kept you on your A game. May You and your family have a great year.

You are more than welcome, and same back to you. Respect and be respected is always a great thing when it comes to political arena debating.

01-02-2020, 08:24 PM
JustSecurity received these documents but they were redacted. Someone leaked the un-redacted documents to Kate Brannen of Just Security. These are probably some of the documents that Trump wouldn't release.

So let’s follow the rule of law and illegally leak information ...............and the libtards who always follow the rule of law praise these illegal acts! Makes perfect sense !

01-03-2020, 03:28 PM
What are you afraid of? Let them all testify and end once and for all. Half the American people are going to believe he is guilty if nothing else comes from this.. He could be exonerated by having them testify come on Trump if it was a perfect call what are you afraid of.

You can think it's nonsense but I don't. ALL TO TESTIFY TESTIFY TESTIFY YES OR NO

As the standoff over rules for an impeachment trial continues, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell repeated Friday that he would consider a proposal to call for witness testimony BUT Chuck You Schumer is against it. Go figure.

01-03-2020, 04:25 PM
As the standoff over rules for an impeachment trial continues, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell repeated Friday that he would consider a proposal to call for witness testimony BUT Chuck You Schumer is against it. Go figure.

That guy is a friggin moron. I can't believe they have him as the leader. Poor excuse for a leader.

01-03-2020, 05:21 PM
That guy is a friggin moron. I can't believe they have him as the leader. Poor excuse for a leader.

But you're cool with pelosi????? It's a serious question.

I know you love her because her trump stance matching yours ....but have you really looked at her voting record and historical past while in office???

01-03-2020, 09:14 PM
Just Security

Interesting site. Started reading a few things last night that interested me, and time went to the side, and hour or so later. Interestingly enough, I gleaned a few points (from different articles) that you have tried to express here, that fall on deaf ears, or blind eyes. Points that are neither Left or Right leaning, but just matter of fact stated that are easily vetted in my opinion.

The one article that struck me most interesting was, “The Snowden Effect, Six Years On” https://www.justsecurity.org/64464/the-snowden-effect-six-years-on/ -------- as I cannot cut and paste the article I am referencing, paragraphs three and the last two speak volumes -------- which in-part (wire tapping, metadata, collection, etc ….) circles directly back around to the impeachment in hand for numerous reasons.

JustSecurity received these documents but they were redacted.

I knew about the redacted emails.

Someone leaked the un-redacted documents -----

Didn’t know about the un-redacted emails.

---- leaked ----

To me, dirtMAN007 makes a valid point in his posting regarding, “follow the rule of law and illegally leak information”, and with that said, for non-arguments sake - why is it that, Edward Snowden, Eric Ciaramella, and now this leaker, are all whistleblower/leakers, yet Snowden is the only one of the three considered a criminal, as well as having his identity revealed? (if all of that makes sense) Both Obama and Trump have openly expressed displeasure about Snowden, with the consensus of him being a hacker or traitor and so forth. This is another topic that I am baffled about regarding the bias.

01-04-2020, 06:17 AM
[QUOTE=Barbecueboy;2301492]But you're cool with pelosi????? It's a serious question.

I know you love her because her trump stance matching yours ....but have you really looked at her voting record and historical past while in office???[/QUO

I have no idea what her voting record is but, I don't dislike her like I do Chuck and I have no idea what his voting record is as well. Lets say this I bet neither of their voting records are conservative lol.

01-04-2020, 05:40 PM
To me, dirtMAN007 makes a valid point in his posting regarding, “follow the rule of law and illegally leak information”, and with that said, for non-arguments sake - why is it that, Edward Snowden, Eric Ciaramella, and now this leaker, are all whistleblower/leakers, yet Snowden is the only one of the three considered a criminal, as well as having his identity revealed? (if all of that makes sense) Both Obama and Trump have openly expressed displeasure about Snowden, with the consensus of him being a hacker or traitor and so forth. This is another topic that I am baffled about regarding the bias.

If the IMPOTUS would have followed the "rule of law" nobody would have to leak the information. President Washington made it clear that a president can't use executive privilege when it comes to an impeachment. Here is a perfect reason why Washington made that decision. The IMPOTUS is using executive privilege to hide evidence that will prove he is committing crimes why in office.

As far as the whistleblowers goes everybody is for whistleblower as long as they don't whistleblow on their parade.

01-04-2020, 07:57 PM
Everyone likes them when they work for what they were intended for and they aren't used as orchestrated game pieces ......a true whistleblower scenario is pretty easy to see, so is one used as a get even tactic.

Erry body ain't blind to that.

01-04-2020, 11:34 PM
If the IMPOTUS would have followed the "rule of law" nobody would have to leak the information.

Ok. Lets say for a minute that you are correct on that point, and your entire impeachment opinion(s) points and or facts. With that given, why did - Pelosi, Schiff, (and Nadler etc ...), think it was necessary to proceed (rush) forward now, rather than taking a slower legalistic approach via our court judicial systems? Thus getting possibly more inquiry evidence for impeachment of Trump. Just looking for your personal opinion, nothing more.

01-04-2020, 11:34 PM
As far as the whistleblowers goes everybody is for whistleblower as long as they don't whistleblow on their parade.

Everyone likes them when they work for what they were intended for and they aren't used as orchestrated game pieces ...

I believe that was my point, yet its the bias and hypocrisy that just pi$$es me off to no end. I guess someone always has to be someone else’s bad guy.

01-05-2020, 08:32 AM
Ok. Lets say for a minute that you are correct on that point, and your entire impeachment opinion(s) points and or facts. With that given, why did - Pelosi, Schiff, (and Nadler etc ...), think it was necessary to proceed (rush) forward now, rather than taking a slower legalistic approach via our court judicial systems? Thus getting possibly more evidence for impeachment of Trump. Just looking for your personal opinion, nothing more.

I really can't tell you why they did what they did. The only thing I can think of is the length of the Mueller investigation. Going through the judicial system could of have taking a long time. Look at the Obstruction of congress charge. That's exactly what it is not supplying documents and not letting your administration testify in front of congress. Then people are going to say the president has that right because of executive privilege. Now we are seeing evidence that is proving how corrupt the IMPOTOS was. Is this what the citizens really want? A president that can committed crimes and hide behind the executive order? It was first recognized by the Supreme Court as a legitimate presidential power in 1974 as part of the Watergate investigation — although ironically, the justices went on to conclude that even though executive privilege existed, it was not unlimited, so Nixon still couldn’t use it to avoid handing over the White House tapes to a court. Executive privilege is not a "GET OUT OF JAIL" free card.




01-05-2020, 10:01 AM
So the Judicial system is good when it takes 2.5 years to do an investigation of the that gives the libtards you think do highly of a chance to say our great president colluded with Russia the whole time but in fact was cleared of any such charge ? But the judicial system would have sucked in this case ? But now the libtards spare finding that if they would have left it play out they might have been a lot closer to their goal ? And you don’t see Sotheby’s stupidity and hypocrisy in what you stand for ? Pitiful you are !

01-05-2020, 01:19 PM
I really can't tell you why they did what they did. The only thing I can think of is the length of the Mueller investigation. Going through the judicial system could of have taking a long time. Look at the Obstruction of congress charge. That's exactly what it is not supplying documents and not letting your administration testify in front of congress. Then people are going to say the president has that right because of executive privilege.

Alright, I roll with that and my thoughts.

I really can't tell you why they did what they did.

So am I off base in my opinion/thinking - “they” rushed in the Senate with the caveat that any more articles of impeachment could be added any time moving forward, in the House.

1. The only thing I can think of is the length of the Mueller investigation. 2. Going through the judicial system could of have taking a long time.

1. Thus, “they” wanted, as Nancy and most Democrats have has openly stated, Trump impeached before the 2020 election.
2. But IMHO, that is the way it should have been done.

Look at the Obstruction of congress charge. That's exactly what it is not supplying documents and not letting your administration testify in front of congress. Then people are going to say the president has that right because of executive privilege.

I follow your point, yet I’m not so convinced, personally. I think its the legalize points and law, constitutionally, where people get confused about what “is” and what “isn’t”, constitution wise.

Then people are going to say the president has that right because of executive privilege.

Public opinion wise, you are correct IMO.

--- 1974 Nixon ---

I’ll follow along with you on this at this time, so I’ll take it all at face value as being correct.

As for dirtMAN007’s comments, I think he and I are somewhat on the same page and I covered my inquisitiveness above.

Again, I personally think the way the entire Trump impeachment process has been handled very poorly from the regards of our paid politicians. Furthering, I’ll again say the House inquiry should have went at a slower, more constitutionally applied, pace. Most of the constitutional scholars writings, that I’ve read, agree. Would you agree with those three points?

01-05-2020, 01:28 PM
If youre looking for intelligent debate this is not the place ----

Hey, I’m trying my hardest to an intelligent debate. So far so good IMO

01-05-2020, 05:37 PM
So am I off base in my opinion/thinking - “they” rushed in the Senate with the caveat that any more articles of impeachment could be added any time moving forward, in the House.

No you are not off base in your opinion. If this is what you call rush then you would have to say that the Clinton's impeachment was rushed. Clinton's impeachment was initiated on 10-8-98 and last until 12-19-98. Trump's impeachment was initiated on 9-24-19 and lasted until 12-13-19. As far as adding more articles of impeachment I'm against it.

1. Thus, “they” wanted, as Nancy and most Democrats have has openly stated, Trump impeached before the 2020 election.
2. But IMHO, that is the way it should have been

There shouldn't be a time limit on Trump's impeachment nor a certain time. When ever you have the evidence that any president has committed an impeachable offense you start then. Doesn't matter if an election year or not.

Again, I personally think the way the entire Trump impeachment process has been handled very poorly from the regards of our paid politicians. Furthering, I’ll again say the Senate inquiry should have went at a slower, more constitutionally applied, pace. Most of the constitutional scholars writings, that I’ve read, agree. Would you agree with those three points?

I'm taking you meant house and not senate inquiry? There pace was no different than the Clinton's was.

Word of advice don't stay in any of the IMPOTUS properties. I'm sure they will be targets!

01-05-2020, 05:46 PM

01-05-2020, 06:03 PM
And you are hoping that innocent Americans are killed by Iranian sponsored terror so you and your libtards can have an “ ah I gotcha moment “ ! You guys are pathetic at best !

01-05-2020, 06:05 PM
At least they will be met with BRUTAL DEADLY FORCE this time and not skids of cash !

01-05-2020, 06:32 PM
bs!!!!!!.... 4 sure !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

01-05-2020, 08:00 PM
I'm taking you meant house and not senate inquiry?

Correct, my mis-statement.

There shouldn't be a time limit on Trump's impeachment nor a certain time. When ever you have the evidence that any president has committed an impeachable offense you start then. Doesn't matter if an election year or not.

Are you thinking the Democrats will (try) re-impeach at any given time, as needed, in the future?

As far as adding more articles of impeachment I'm against it.

Thank you!!!

01-06-2020, 05:29 AM
Are you thinking the Democrats will (try) re-impeach at any given time, as needed, in the future?

I can't predict what they might do nor what the president might do. Isn't their constitutional duty to impeach the president if he commits a crime that is impeachable?

01-06-2020, 10:36 AM
Bitter beer face^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Will continue to be mad until 2024, and beyond.

01-06-2020, 07:29 PM
Isn't their constitutional duty to impeach the president if he commits a crime that is impeachable?

I’d say that depends on Senate and House majorities at the time. As the current Senate and House majorities are proving.

01-06-2020, 08:53 PM
Quote: Seriously Stupid 12..... Isn't their constitutional duty to impeach the president if he commits a crime that is impeachable?

IF...…….your aunt had balls, she'd be your uncle!

01-07-2020, 03:33 PM
I think she does have!!!