View Full Version : Ouch.......This might sting a bit, Liberals!

01-14-2020, 08:57 PM
Well said Franklin!

It has been announced that the articles of impeachment will most likely be sent to the Senate this week. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is saying President Trump is “impeached for life.” It’s sad that never has there been such a level of hatred as there has been for Donald Trump from the Democrats and the liberal media. Why? It may be because he hasn’t bowed down to them—he hasn’t cowed to the media or to Nancy Pelosi and they can’t stand it. They have lied and continue to lie. President Donald J. Trump has consistently done what he thought was best for the American people and what he told the voters in 2015-2016 he was going to do. This impeachment is about embarrassing the President and trying to win the next election at all cost. They hate him so much that they wanted to soil his reputation and make him one of three presidents in American history to be impeached. But I believe the American voters see through these lies and through this never-ending charade. The Russia hoax was such a huge distraction and now the impeachment. I pray God will strengthen our President and Vice President Mike Pence and watch over their families and protect them from the lies and false accusations of the left.

01-15-2020, 10:57 AM
I do want to point something out. The hate for GW was just as bad. He decided to ignore it but it was the same garbage they spew at Trump. The DEMs are not used to being challenged and they don't know how to deal with it. But they were just as rotten to Bush and will be to every Rep from here on out. When you have the media, Hollywood and Wall Street in your pocket you can say any filth you want about the other side and never be challenged. This is the world we live in and it is not going to get any better.

01-15-2020, 03:15 PM
They weren't quite as bad about Bush, after all, he is a part of the New World Order gang. lol

And they didn't impeach him for no reason either. :)