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02-15-2020, 06:36 PM

Europe Has Free College. Here’s How It’s Working Out.

Free college sounds great! Who doesn’t like free stuff?

To make the idea sound even more appealing, advocates continuously cite Europe as an example of success. Many European countries offer their citizens tuition-free higher education, so why can’t America?

The truth is that free college in Europe is no success story. Rather, it should serve as a cautionary tale for the United States.

European-style tuition-free higher education has proved one thing beyond the shadow of a doubt: “Free” college is actually wildly expensive.

Americans already pay a steep price for our higher education system. Taxpayers—including those who never went to college and never intend to—spend more than $150 billion a year on federal student loans, grants, and other government programs.

The increasingly hefty price tag attached to college tuition reflects the fact that colleges have no incentive to keep their prices low because students can so easily take out massive loans from Washington.

One of the few factors putting any downward pressure on higher education costs is the growing criticism that universities receive for leaving so many students burdened with massive amounts of student loan debt.

Under a fully financed government system, however, universities would receive no such scrutiny. They’d simply pass the bill to Washington and let lawmakers take the heat from unhappy taxpayers.

That cumulative bill would quickly skyrocket. Many European countries that have experimented with “free college” are finding that approach to be simply unaffordable. Germany, for example, saw a 37% increase in the college subsidy cost to taxpayers once public universities removed tuition.

Similarly, England had a free-college policy between the 1960s and the 1990s. Enrollment soared, straining government revenues. Ultimately, England had to lower resources by 39% per student.

Ultimately, England’s free college policy wound up hurting low-income students the most, as schools were forced to cap the number of students admitted.

In fact, according to researchers at the National Bureau of Economic Research, “the gap in degree attainment between high- and low-income families more than doubled.”

European countries that offer tuition-free higher education also struggle with the issue of completion. Finland, for example, ranks first among all Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development countries in terms of subsidies for higher education, with 96% of all higher education funding coming from public sources. However, Finland ranks 25th among OECD countries for degree attainment.

France famously touts its tuition-free university system. Seldom, however, do advocates boast that almost 50% of French students drop out or fail out after just their first year.

It is clear that transferring the entire cost of higher education from students to taxpayers is fraught with unintended consequences.

Countries such as England and Poland actually saw significant increases in higher education quality and access after reinstating private tuition payments in their countries. It appears that there is some value in requiring students to invest in their own education.

Given the increased tax burdens placed on taxpayers <including those who don’t hold degrees>, the significant overcrowding, and high dropout rates, European-style free college should largely be considered a public policy failure.

The $1.5 trillion in outstanding student loan debt that Americans owe is certainly a crisis. However, the solution to this problem is not to encourage more students to attend who may later drop out and ask Americans who did not go to college to pay for those who do.

This would fuel inefficient higher education spending and weaken the integrity of our colleges and universities.

The solution, in America as in Europe, is to put individuals rather than governments in charge of higher education financing.

Reprinted with Permission from - The Daily Signal by - Mary Clare Anselem

02-15-2020, 06:40 PM
From the comments


The thing to emphasize when talking to younger generations who have been very effectively indoctrinated by our public education system and our mainstream media to adore socialist countries is that “free” isn’t actually free. The baseline income tax system in most of these so-called socialist democracies is 50 to 60 percent. That is a flat tax levied from dollar one. No so-called loopholes or exemptions. Everyone pays this rate. On top of the income tax, most of these countries also levy various special annual taxes levied on things like cars, the TV you watch, the religious affiliation you belong (yes, Germany does this one), etc. Again, no exemptions to this, so everyone pays this. It can add a few thousand to your annual tax bill. Then there is the VAT, which applies to almost every single item you can think of buying these days. The average VAT runs a bit over 20 percent. Which is why, should you go to Europe these days, everything is what we would consider incredibly expensive compared to what we pay for goods in this country. The bottom line is the effective tax rate for the average European is between 70 and 75 percent these days, with the most European countries or the EU overloads in Brussels considering a number of new taxes to try and prop up the crumbling social welfare system they have constructed.

“Free” doesn’t mean much when everyone is essentially working to simply support their tax obligations to the government. That is something you all need to make the young people you come in contract with understand. Their notion is that we’re going to somehow maintain this fantastic economy that we have now, but simply with all the so-called wonders of socialism replacing the capitalistic system that has created our great economy. You have to step them through why socialistic polices, which are the exact opposite of capitalism, will instead lead to the opposite of what they envision. You need to be SPECIFIC. Vague generalities won’t cut it. They need to be stepped through all the negative consequences each socialistic policy they favor will impact on both the economy and themselves. Bringing it down to personal impacts to them is what ultimately gets them to pay attention and reconsider the values they have been indoctrinated with. This means having real discussions, rather than just yelling at them or parroting the sound bites you’ve hard on TV or radio.

You need to explain to them how little to nothing they’ll have left over for themselves under socialism. Just like many Europeans, who find themselves trapped in what is essentially indentured slavery to a governmental system they no longer have any say in controlling or escaping. The leaders they vote for, even their Presidents and Prime Ministers, are all ultimately taking their orders from the EU Parliament in Brussels, rather than the people of their own countries. That under this wonderful socialistic model the left is pitching here, the politicians are no longer accountable to the people and the people are simply the payment system for the government bureaucrats. Brussels, where the EU is headquartered, is in effect as close to unelected bureaucrats, with zero accountability, as you’re going to get. Which makes what the people of Great Britain did by opting for Brexit such a threat to the EU’s power structure.

Anyway, if you’re serious about wanting to save this country for future generations, this is what has to be done. It’s what I’ve been doing for over a decade and the process works for the 10 to 12 percent of the Millennials that are open to listening to a perspective contrary to what their teachers and media have brainwashed them to believe. If you’re not serious and just want to whine and rant about “the good old days” or the endless stream of “if only …”, them just ignore this post and go back to sleep.

02-15-2020, 06:47 PM
Anyone with a half of brain knows anything the Gov runs turns to poop. BTW half of the Country doesn't get it. So I guess half the Country has less than a half of brain. LOL

02-16-2020, 09:06 AM
I will continue to keep saying.....ALL universities should be required to co-sign all student loans. Period.

02-16-2020, 11:32 AM
I never considered that option....that sounds pretty reasonable.

02-16-2020, 12:14 PM
I will continue to keep saying.....ALL universities should be required to co-sign all student loans. Period.

Ain't that the truth. The dumb ignorant Dem party started letting all students get Gov Loans and the Universities said Whoopie and went about raising tuitions without any danger of losing students. The biggest crime ever injected on young people. Then the Colleges hired the marxist teachers to spew their garbage. The left is the enemy of this Country pure and simple. They are liars and frauds.

02-16-2020, 08:43 PM
The left is trying to win by brainwashing children and idiots, creating oppressed minorities, and letting illegals in the country to vote.

And that's just for starters.

02-18-2020, 07:14 AM
Well it worked on the wonder twins.......

02-18-2020, 11:08 AM
The government should not be involved in student loans, period.

02-18-2020, 11:58 AM
The left is trying to win by brainwashing children and idiots, creating oppressed minorities, and letting illegals in the country to vote.

And that's just for starters.

I have been fortunate enough to keep my grandson from going to the brain wash Collage's .
He has been working in my business since graduation . He is about to take it over after working
for it over two years . Don't need that bullsh!t debt , that takes half a life time paying for that
scheme . And worse , being brain washed by the idiot left thinking , to ruin a perfect human being.
And without all the left telling what , or how to be. He loves the President , and how this country
was built . He knows the value of working and paying for it . Collages are producing thousands
and thousands of radical thinking fools . Better to find a career your self , than a dumb azz
collage ripping you off , putting you in a life long debt . and no guarantee for a job with that
degree that you spent years wasting for . I mean that's just what I see . The left's living proof .

02-18-2020, 12:51 PM
The government should not be involved in student loans, period.

Or anything else!!!!