View Full Version : Mayor Doomberg

02-18-2020, 11:33 AM

This man is just a horrible person.

02-18-2020, 12:49 PM
Yes he is. This guy would be a bigger disaster than Bernie who of course is a walking disaster. After about 3 most of this guy in oval office, and even the liberal loons will regret choosing him over Trump.
Trump is called a racist and he is not. I hesitate to call people that, but Bloomdoom is close to it as it gets. His past actions and statements qualify him.

02-18-2020, 04:41 PM
its ok , let this idiot keep dumping that money back into the economy,,,,i like that commercial he did saying he came from no where and made his money with out hurting any one and created all these wonderful jobs....yea right.....

02-18-2020, 07:19 PM
I have one thing to look forward too. He is one record with some of the most degrading comments on women and minorities. The Self righteous Dems will even outdo their only phony caring so much about so called little people when they support this guy. They will be the laughing stock of any clear thinking individual. Of course to me they all ready are. LOL

02-19-2020, 10:32 AM
I find it funny that back not too many years ago Donald Trump was regarded as being a Democrat and he becomes president as a Republican. Around that same time in recent history Michael Bloomberg was becoming mayor of New York, as a Republican, and now today runs for the Democrat party nomination for president. Ponder that.

Now Bernie goes after Bloomberg for being an oligarch billionaire for trying to buy an election. Well, essentially he is. A billion is just pocket change to this guy and it is - his money. Bernie, and some others, want to buy an election by promising all kinds of free stuff for their potential voters bought and paid for - with our money. When Andrew Yang was still in it, he wanted to give everyone a thousand bucks. Thanks guys, thanks for trying to buy an election our money.

I can see where this really sticks in the craw of the woke lefties. All these things they like to believe about how theirs is the party of virtue and sticking up for the little guy when they are so very deep in with the big money just like all the rest. The hedge fund traders, the tech sector, the Googles and Facebooks are playing along and at some point they will slap down this extreme progressive left and tell them - wake up.

The Dem party is soiling themselves over the chance that Bernie gets the nod cause they know it will lead to a blowout loss. So just like four years ago when Republicans had to jump on the Trump train, the Dems are going have to make their deal with their devil if they think they stand a chance. Billions of Mike's dollars can assuage a lot of liberal guilt over the things they will have to divest themselves of. That's going to be some fun spin right there.

02-20-2020, 07:39 AM
The whole Dem party is a disaster. Blowberg is not a Dem and Trump wasn't a rep. Big difference though. Trump did not try to buy the election and his policies have please conservatives and Centrist for the most part. That is what is important IMO.

02-20-2020, 10:29 AM
The whole Dem party is a disaster. Blowberg is not a Dem and Trump wasn't a rep. Big difference though. Trump did not try to buy the election and his policies have please conservatives and Centrist for the most part. That is what is important IMO.

Hey , I was just wondering where all the deep state boys are . Chirping . (All ) I
would be embarrassed to if I was a Democrat looking at that stage and thinking , this is
who we are putting up against the Donald . LMAO .

02-20-2020, 11:04 AM
Hey , I was just wondering where all the deep state boys are . Chirping . (All ) I
would be embarrassed to if I was a Democrat looking at that stage and thinking , this is
who we are putting up against the Donald . LMAO .

why does Peter Buttplug always look like he has that 5'oc0ck shadow around his mouth ?

02-20-2020, 12:30 PM
why does Peter Buttplug always look like he has that 5'oc0ck shadow around his mouth ? dirtMAN007

I think they call that a Brazilian, maybe?

02-20-2020, 01:13 PM
why does Peter Buttplug always look like he has that 5'oc0ck shadow around his mouth ?

He's a brown eyed one eyed shadowed people eater . HAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHA. Like I said
I would be sick to my stomach , if this is what they have to chose from , and want to
criticize or Great President . good grief .

03-09-2020, 03:50 AM
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ERBtGthXUAEB3MA?format=jpg&name=900x900 This man is just a horrible person. Not only is he a Snake in the Grass, with his small, thin body, and beady eyes, he looks like a SNAKE as well ! ! I'm glad that he slithered by the wayside.