View Full Version : Blagojevich...

02-18-2020, 12:32 PM

02-18-2020, 12:46 PM
Trump just commuted the Democrat crook Blagojevich.

02-18-2020, 12:51 PM
Who's next... Roger Stone? Flynn?

02-18-2020, 02:00 PM
Who's next... Roger Stone? Flynn?

Obviously, they got rail-roaded!

02-18-2020, 02:10 PM
The Trump Train to the rescue.... toot toot!!

02-18-2020, 07:29 PM
Commuting his sentence was a mistake......guy was/is a class a scumbag....should have been made to serve every second.

02-18-2020, 08:12 PM
Blago is the epitome of Democrat Slime...

02-18-2020, 08:14 PM
And Illinois is the Nickelodeon of slimy politics.......imagine that.

02-18-2020, 08:38 PM
And Illinois is the Nickelodeon of slimy politics.......imagine that.

He is on a plane to Chitcaca right now. I bet kidrock is at O'Hare waiting to pick him up...

02-18-2020, 09:25 PM
With his SS?

02-18-2020, 09:31 PM
TRUMP is soooo good at misdirection !!!!!

02-18-2020, 10:33 PM
And Illinois is the Nickelodeon of slimy politics.......imagine that. Most of the bum dastard snow lakes today don't have loving enough grandparents that had explained to them that Chicago was the very beginning of the crooked organized crime in America. To them the names of Al Capone and dirty Mafia do not ring a bell. Thank God that we had a Donald J. Trump like law enforcement officer true man by the name of Elliott Ness that at least cleaned up the neer do wells of that era ! !

02-19-2020, 11:05 AM
I wonder if the first visit of freedom Blago made was to a hair salon to buy some black hair dye. That was his trademark.

As some have rightly pointed out, this was Illinois politics at its best. Gosh, how many high ranking Illinois politicians have found themselves in federal lockup after serving? It's a bunch and from both parties but mostly, well, you know.

So, in this day and age we are getting marinated in all this prison reform and justice reform talk. We are constantly hearing how non-violent offenders don't belong in jail/prison. Now Blago serves 8 years of a 14 year sentence and gets commuted. He did better than half and his hair went gray. That's pretty tough for Blago. In a state sentence that would have been about right because most states do parole where the feds typically do not. No great shakes on this one, he's just more of the same from that Chicago cesspool and his bed is ready for the next one to come along from there.

Now someone brought up Roger Stone. What about Roger? He's a snappy dresser and tall tale teller who supports Trump. He has a Richard Nixon tattoo on his back and he is in his late 60s and some say failing health. So he told a few fibs to investigators who were working an investigation entirely predicated on a falsehood itself (Steele Dossier, Mueller probe) and he is looking a recommendation of 7-9 years!?! His witness tampering charge is inflated BS where the prosecutors are trying to claim he was making threats (which ramps up the charges) to a victim who pretty much blew off the threats as unbelievable. Yeah that's just Roger being Roger and nobody takes that serious from him. Nobody except partisan driven prosecutors who want to teach Trump supporters a lesson. Just look at how they took down Mr. Stone with their overkill pre-dawn SWAT raid. You'd think they found an Al Qaeda leader but it was just a bit of creative gas-lighting to make him seem like such a huge bad guy. 7-9 years! You bet he deserves a pardon.

I contrast Roger Stone with Andrew McCabe. Andrew McCabe did lie to Congress, under oath, several times. There's no prosecution that will even be directed at him. None. Stone was/is a blowhard whose blowhardiness got the best of him and he looks at 7-9 years, why? Because Washington DC will protect their institutional bureaucracies. There are several FBI types and others who went over the line in this Trump/Russia collusion coup attempt. There are many who hope something substantial comes from the Durham probe. I'm not holding my breath.

02-23-2020, 01:34 PM
Obama sent a mediator type person up to Governor's mansion the night he won the Presidency to discuss what Blago wanted in turn for appointing an Obama supporter to take his vacated Senate seat. So maybe Barrack should have also had a jail sentence.