View Full Version : State of Illinois

03-12-2020, 06:21 PM
All major sporting events with large spectator crowds should be cancelled until May 1. This should include school and college events as well as major league sporting events. The Governor has spoken with the owners of all the major sports teams in Illinois and they are in full support of these measures to protect the health of their fans and will cancel all games until May 1.

03-12-2020, 08:05 PM
So is WOO at Farmer City included in this?

Shiny Side Up 18
03-12-2020, 08:10 PM
So is WOO at Farmer City included in this?

According to the phrasing, it has to be.

MARS at Peoria and Lucas Oil at Tri-City and Macon should be affected as well.

03-12-2020, 08:25 PM
Why?That means you would have to cancel events every year for flu season. 20000 Americans have died this flu season. Why no freakin out over that statistic?

03-12-2020, 08:28 PM
Because there is no political gains to be had on those flu's.

03-12-2020, 08:29 PM
Why?That means you would have to cancel events every year for flu season. 20000 Americans have died this flu season. Why no freakin out over that statistic?

Each person has a 0.1% chance of death. This is more like 2% and can possibly fill hospitals beyond capacity.

03-12-2020, 09:00 PM
Why?That means you would have to cancel events every year for flu season. 20000 Americans have died this flu season. Why no freakin out over that statistic?

Everybody has to cater to the liberals and overreact.

03-12-2020, 11:09 PM
Everybody has to cater to the liberals and overreact.

Quit trying to politicize everything. This has nothing to do with politics. It is totally about slowing down a WORLD-WIDE epidemic.

03-13-2020, 06:06 AM
That death rate is only on reported cases, most people I know wouldn’t go to the doctor from the symptoms they would get. Diminishes the death rate tremendously. We have 0 reported cases in my county but they have banned any public gatherings over 25 people. If there are no sporting events until may 1st I may be the first to die from Coronavirus in my area, better get a sturdy rope

03-13-2020, 06:15 AM
Some are morons, they are trying to slow it down, not overreacting at all. It's closer to 4% fatality imagine if they just turned and looked the other way and it did infect as many as the flu. It would kill over a million people Just in the states.

It's 4% of known cases. It isn't 4%. Once everything shakes out, it will be much less. As several epidemic experts have said.

03-13-2020, 06:17 AM
Some are morons, they are trying to slow it down, not overreacting at all. It's closer to 4% fatality imagine if they just turned and looked the other way and it did infect as many as the flu. It would kill over a million people Just in the states.

Exactly, At least they are being pro active and reactive. What I don't think some don't realize is how easily this is transmitted.

03-13-2020, 06:45 AM
It's not as easily transmitted as the hysteria surrounding it is.........people that think for themselves and do their own research are immune to that.

The hysteria that is.

03-13-2020, 06:47 AM
More people will be killed by gunfire in Illinois this week than corona virus......fact.

03-13-2020, 06:50 AM
It's not as easily transmitted as the hysteria surrounding it is.........people that think for themselves and do their own research are immune to that.

The hysteria that is.

It is spread pretty easily. Easier than most viruses.

03-13-2020, 07:13 AM
Each person has a 0.1% chance of death. This is more like 2% and can possibly fill hospitals beyond capacity.


The American health care system, including facilities, will be stretched well above capacity in a worst case scenario. Hence, the proactive efforts to slow the explosion of new cases. It’s a pain in the balls, it it’s also a good move. We ain’t China. I don’t see us slamming in new hospitals in 10 days are using the army to forcibly move people to GOV quarantine areas.

03-13-2020, 07:56 AM
It is spread pretty easily. Easier than most viruses.
The hysteria does spread much easier than the virus......especially amongst the folks with weakened " involved in their own well being " syndrome.

When you get told what to do and how to think all the time you eventually are trained just to nod your head and listen I guess?

This is serious no doubt but it's pretty far down the list of my daily worries.

03-13-2020, 08:00 AM
I'm not a liberal, but after reading these posts I realize that after this virus is over there will we fewer Trump supporters.

03-13-2020, 08:02 AM
The hysteria does spread much easier than the virus......especially amongst the folks with weakened " involved in their own well being " syndrome.

When you get told what to do and how to think all the time you eventually are trained just to nod your head and listen I guess?

This is serious no doubt but it's pretty far down the list of my daily worries.

I'm no trained monkey. I'm not concerned about myself at all. But my mother, the only parent I have left, would not do well with the virus.

03-13-2020, 08:09 AM
wow , the post on the almighty 4m gone bring him down.....i guess everyone is entitled to there dreams though.....

03-13-2020, 08:24 AM
I'm not a liberal, but after reading these posts I realize that after this virus is over there will we fewer Trump supporters.trump has wanted tighter border security from day 1, this virus came from china

03-13-2020, 10:01 AM
The real problem is not the death rate. The problem is the R-0 factor of this virus. The normal flu virus has an R-1.2 rating. That means it spreads at a rate of 1.2 people via contact. They have rated covid-19 at an R-12 to 15 rating as they are researching more on it. That causes a quickly overwhelming problem for the health care system. Even more so, it creates a global market problem which becomes a local demand problem which can cripple an economy very fast. I.E. Italy and it's lack of concern when they confirmed their first case. They have also discovered that covid-19 can live on stainless steel and plastic surfaces for up to 72 hours. It can live on cardboard for up to 36 hours. This is far longer that the flu. What they don't know is how much of the virus is needed to cause an infection at the present. Is there over reacting, yes. Is there precautions, yes.

03-13-2020, 10:09 AM
I'm not a liberal, but after reading these posts I realize that after this virus is over there will we fewer Trump supporters.

Because China and Iran claim Trump physically went to both countries himself and spread biological warfare?

03-13-2020, 11:29 AM
I'm no trained monkey. I'm not concerned about myself at all. But my mother, the only parent I have left, would not do well with the virus.

I know you aren't but many who mainline everything they are told instead of making up their own minds are in panic mode just because the media du jour tells them to be.

My mother is my only parent left and wouldn't do well with it either......but she isn't panicked about any of it and is just a little more cautious and uses the common sense God gave her.

03-13-2020, 11:32 AM
trump has wanted tighter border security from day 1, this virus came from china

Strange how all those liberals who fought , kicked and screamed about increased border control then are no where to be found now.


03-13-2020, 11:40 AM
Strange how all those liberals who fought , kicked and screamed about increased border control then are no where to be found now.


The border wall wouldn't have stopped this. It flew in from Asia and Europe and we were behind on testing and haven't even come close to catching up. The US has tested 11,000 people in total whereas South Korea tests 10,000 people a day.

03-13-2020, 11:54 AM
Because China and Iran claim Trump physically went to both countries himself and spread biological warfare?

No. Because this is maybe the worst leadership by any president in the history of our country. We were offered coronavirus tests two months ago by the World Health Organization and we declined. Since then it's been one wrong move after another. Reports are coming out now that suggest trump wanted to slow testing down to help the economy.

03-13-2020, 11:56 AM
The border wall wouldn't have stopped this. It flew in from Asia and Europe and we were behind on testing and haven't even come close to catching up. The US has tested 11,000 people in total whereas South Korea tests 10,000 people a day.mcarter, you do understand that your entire post, in some circles of ideology, would be deemed horribly racist, xenophobic, without any degree of empathy and just plain mean spirited? You seem like a good guy that probably wouldn't want to be put in those disgusting categories!

Why, there are people posting among us who put empathy above truth and the well being of our society and country.

03-13-2020, 12:05 PM
As rational people have stated.....this is not political.

If you get the flu, you can goto your clinic and get medicine for it, and you are back at it in a short period of time.
There is NO MEDICINE for Covid-19. Nothing. All you can do is quarantine yourself and ride it out for 14 days. Any vaccine will not be to market for at least a year. A virus can morph and change like flu does. This is a serious matter people, not an over-reaction.

03-13-2020, 12:48 PM
mcarter, you do understand that your entire post, in some circles of ideology, would be deemed horribly racist, xenophobic, without any degree of empathy and just plain mean spirited? You seem like a good guy that probably wouldn't want to be put in those disgusting categories!

Why, there are people posting among us who put empathy above truth and the well being of our society and country.

That's not true.

03-13-2020, 01:04 PM
The border wall wouldn't have stopped this. It flew in from Asia and Europe and we were behind on testing and haven't even come close to catching up. The US has tested 11,000 people in total whereas South Korea tests 10,000 people a day.

I said nothing whatsoever about a wall.......but I digress.

03-13-2020, 01:13 PM
I said nothing whatsoever about a wall.......but I digress.

No, but others of your political persuasion have. The federal government had an opportunity to test more people than we have, but they dropped the ball. The only increased border security that would have helped would have been to test every person coming off of every plane and every boat, but the tests are only good for those that are showing symptoms. You can be infected for a week before showing symptoms.

03-13-2020, 01:22 PM
No, but others of your political persuasion have. The federal government had an opportunity to test more people than we have, but they dropped the ball. The only increased border security that would have helped would have been to test every person coming off of every plane and every boat, but the tests are only good for those that are showing symptoms. You can be infected for a week before showing symptoms.

So you're answering a question that wasn't even asked or Implied? Well that's a special presumptuous kind of stupid in and of itself.

And btw, I have zero political persuasion......you don't follow along real well do you?

03-13-2020, 01:25 PM
So you're answering a question that wasn't even asked or Implied? Well that's a special presumptuous kind of stupid in and of itself.

And btw, I have zero political persuasion......you don't follow along real well do you?

You claim that, but yet you only push the propaganda of one side.

03-13-2020, 01:30 PM
You should read more and " cut and paste " less.....im not here to push anything, except stupidity off a cliff.

You provide a lot of that wyl.e.

03-13-2020, 01:37 PM
You should read more and " cut and paste " less.....im not here to push anything, except stupidity off a cliff.

You provide a lot of that wyl.e.

Ah, silly me. I forgot that you're an expert in everything and don't need other experts to inform you on what is going on.

03-13-2020, 02:03 PM
That's not true.

I don't know. The reaction from some who get a lotta' media attention, or are the media, regarding any mention of the virus having originated in China (which it absolutely did) and brought here to the U.S. is racist and xenophobic and anyone who says such a thing is a heartless SOB. There is plenty of video proof of those allegations being made dating all the way back to when a travel ban was imposed on China.

I was in no way saying you're a racist, xenophobe or heartless. I was merely making the point that you would be labeled as such for having the audacity to point out the obvious truth that the coronavirus is a foreign virus that was brought here by some unsuspecting carriers, and some of those carriers were foreign.

03-13-2020, 02:07 PM
I don't know. The reaction from some who get a lotta' media attention, or are the media, regarding any mention of the virus having originated in China (which it absolutely did) and brought here to the U.S. is racist and xenophobic and anyone who says such a thing is a heartless SOB. There is plenty of video proof of those allegations being made dating all the way back to when a travel ban was imposed on China.

I was in no way saying you're a racist, xenophobe or heartless. I was merely making the point that you would be labeled as such for having the audacity to point out the obvious truth that the coronavirus is a foreign virus that was brought here by some unsuspecting carriers, and some of those carriers were foreign.

What's being labeled as racist is calling it the Wuhan Virus instead of Covid-19 or coronavirus. There are unfortunate cases of scared Americans beating people up just because they're Asian.

03-13-2020, 02:14 PM
Ah, silly me. I forgot that you're an expert in everything and don't need other experts to inform you on what is going on.

I'm an expert on knowing what I say and believe in.....other than that I try and learn something new everyday.
No way in hell IM letting a jughead like you tell me what my political views are or should be....you can't even keep your own straight.

Just because I choose not to let don lemon tell me what expert I should listen to doesn't at all mean I don't do my research and form my own opinion from that diligence.

You should try it

03-13-2020, 02:15 PM
Quit trying to politicize everything. This has nothing to do with politics. It is totally about slowing down a WORLD-WIDE epidemic.

Sorry but you are only 100% wrong.

03-13-2020, 02:18 PM
What's being labeled as racist is calling it the Wuhan Virus instead of Covid-19 or coronavirus. There are unfortunate cases of scared Americans beating people up just because they're Asian.

Figuratively Sounds a lot like what the dems are doing just because people are republican, independents or libertarian.

They have no real beef or knowledge why they do it , they do it solely because the people they are beating on don't subscribe to their views and it's what they are taught to do when that happens.

03-13-2020, 02:20 PM
Epidemic and pandemic are different......and it's not world wide.

03-13-2020, 02:25 PM
The border wall wouldn't have stopped this. It flew in from Asia and Europe and we were behind on testing and haven't even come close to catching up. The US has tested 11,000 people in total whereas South Korea tests 10,000 people a day.

The wall can and will stop many infected people from bringing it in as well as all of the other diseases, drugs, and criminals that are part of the attempted invasion. Supported (even financially) by the globalists of the world.

Common sense demands the wall shut down all of the crossings possible.

03-13-2020, 02:25 PM
The cynicism is driving me crazy. Folks keep blaming the media then they defend their argument by quoting stats that they heard on the news.
I watch all the "fake news" channels and from the start they have said you probably won't get it and if you do you probably won't die. I've heard don't panic, but be cautious. I've heard that on MSNBC.

03-13-2020, 02:27 PM
The president's message on Wednesday night definitely had some racist undertones. If you don't think it did then you are probably the reason he said the stuff.

03-13-2020, 02:34 PM
The president's message on Wednesday night definitely had some racist undertones. If you don't think it did then you are probably the reason he said the stuff.

Sorry for your feelings.

03-13-2020, 02:48 PM
No. Because this is maybe the worst leadership by any president in the history of our country. We were offered coronavirus tests two months ago by the World Health Organization and we declined. Since then it's been one wrong move after another. Reports are coming out now that suggest trump wanted to slow testing down to help the economy.

The WFO is nothing more than a front for the United Nations globalists to grab more rights from people, power for themselves, and the advancement of the New World Order.

In other words the WHO is not what it seems.

But if the only president that can be legit is a Democrat/Communist then I at least see where you are coming from.

Your wrong move after another is the poor judgement of being duped by fake news channels.

03-13-2020, 02:51 PM
Didn't something like 13,000 people die from H1N1 in 2009?

03-13-2020, 03:07 PM
60 million people infected, 300,000 hospitalized. And nobody even remembers it.

Up to 13,000 adults under the age of 65, and only 1,000 to 2,000 elderly died.” So the swine flu got the young, 84 million cases, 1,800 children dead, 300,000 total infected, 13,000 adults.

03-13-2020, 03:14 PM
And then the Obama administration has to go out and issue an apology on behalf of Joe Biden.

03-13-2020, 03:19 PM
It's just a liberal conspiracy that Trump declared a national emergency for the virus.

03-13-2020, 03:26 PM
It's just a liberal conspiracy that Trump declared a national emergency for the virus.

They'll keep spinning it. It's incredible.

03-13-2020, 04:12 PM
Didn't something like 13,000 people die from H1N1 in 2009?

I don't really think the dem /liberal owned media felt the need to promote the hysteria in 2009 like they do now.......they seemed pretty happy about the world then, even though much of the same stuff is going on.

Wonder what in the world could be different in 2020 , hmmmm?

And they wonder why?

03-13-2020, 04:25 PM
I don't really think the dem /liberal owned media felt the need to promote the hysteria in 2009 like they do now.......they seemed pretty happy about the world then, even though much of the same stuff is going on.

Wonder what in the world could be different in 2020 , hmmmm?

And they wonder why?

Well yea who was dictator errrrrrrr I mean president...???

03-13-2020, 04:37 PM
I don't really think the dem /liberal owned media felt the need to promote the hysteria in 2009 like they do now.......they seemed pretty happy about the world then, even though much of the same stuff is going on.

Wonder what in the world could be different in 2020 , hmmmm?

And they wonder why?

Iremember it being covered extensively.
I believe the death rate was also about the same as the common flu. Coronavirus may be over ten times higher. We don't know yet.

03-13-2020, 04:52 PM
What's being covered now is extensive and almost to the point of excessive and malicious depending on the network.

Back then, meh.......not so much.

And let's face it, if any democrat or liberal can say they aren't taking some kind of sick joy in watching the market tank or trump struggle to keep Americas nerves at ease they are lying.

Prove me wrong, please.....id love to be wrong about this.

03-13-2020, 04:56 PM
Iremember it being covered extensively.
I believe the death rate was also about the same as the common flu. Coronavirus may be over ten times higher. We don't know yet.

So why promote the paranoia and hysteria on something that we don't know?

I think you know that answer.

03-13-2020, 04:58 PM
Well yea who was dictator errrrrrrr I mean president...???

This will shock some people maybe , but I voted for Mr. Obama in 2008......he was the best choice IMO that year.

03-13-2020, 05:30 PM
Is their any racing news

03-13-2020, 06:04 PM
Is their any racing news$4,000 to win iracing late model race April 7-9 lol all I got

03-13-2020, 06:07 PM
Is their any racing news

5am Sprint cars from Perth Australia on dirt vision.

03-13-2020, 07:18 PM
What's being labeled as racist is calling it the Wuhan Virus instead of Covid-19 or coronavirus. There are unfortunate cases of scared Americans beating people up just because they're Asian.

The NY Times called it the Wuhan Virus, does that make it a racist organization?

And when the goalposts for what is racist keep getting moved, how are we to know what real racism is?

If a virus originates in a specific place, and is named after that place, how are we to call that racist?

No one complains about the "Spanish" flu of 1918...

Trippy McSidewalk
03-14-2020, 07:16 AM
If this rips thru the aged and vulnerable population as predicted, it could be a good thing in the long run. While distasteful, the facts remain that a lot of money is wasted on keeping old people alive just so you can go see them once or twice a year. It would take a load off Social Security, underfunded pensions. and the medical system in general. It would also move money down the line with inheritance and insurance payouts, to help recover from this. Beat me up all you want for this, but it is all true. If you don't think every insurance company doesn't have studies showing how they would benefit from different groups getting hit with this, you have your head buried in the sand.

03-14-2020, 07:41 AM
If this rips thru the aged and vulnerable population as predicted, it could be a good thing in the long run. While distasteful, the facts remain that a lot of money is wasted on keeping old people alive just so you can go see them once or twice a year. It would take a load off Social Security, underfunded pensions. and the medical system in general. It would also move money down the line with inheritance and insurance payouts, to help recover from this. Beat me up all you want for this, but it is all true. If you don't think every insurance company doesn't have studies showing how they would benefit from different groups getting hit with this, you have your head buried in the sand.

Oh ---- yeah this could be a good thing. You have to be kidding right. Sure how about it guys if you lost your loved ones from this would it be a good thing?

03-14-2020, 08:09 AM
What's being labeled as racist is calling it the Wuhan Virus instead of Covid-19 or coronavirus. There are unfortunate cases of scared Americans beating people up just because they're Asian.

China is a communist terrorist nation. They should be labeled as such. We should not be trading with them, and our medicine should especially not be made there!

Trippy McSidewalk
03-14-2020, 08:15 AM
Oh ---- yeah this could be a good thing. You have to be kidding right. Sure how about it guys if you lost your loved ones from this would it be a good thing?Of coarse it wouldn't be good for individuals and families effected by the deaths, but it would clear dead weight from the aging population that is taking a huge portion of the healthcare and underfunded pension dollars.

03-14-2020, 09:02 AM
If this rips thru the aged and vulnerable population as predicted, it could be a good thing in the long run. While distasteful, the facts remain that a lot of money is wasted on keeping old people alive just so you can go see them once or twice a year. It would take a load off Social Security, underfunded pensions. and the medical system in general. It would also move money down the line with inheritance and insurance payouts, to help recover from this. Beat me up all you want for this, but it is all true. If you don't think every insurance company doesn't have studies showing how they would benefit from different groups getting hit with this, you have your head buried in the sand.

2 things failed with this guy.

1- condom failed
2- abortion failed

03-14-2020, 09:16 AM
If this rips thru the aged and vulnerable population as predicted, it could be a good thing in the long run. While distasteful, the facts remain that a lot of money is wasted on keeping old people alive just so you can go see them once or twice a year. It would take a load off Social Security, underfunded pensions. and the medical system in general. It would also move money down the line with inheritance and insurance payouts, to help recover from this. Beat me up all you want for this, but it is all true. If you don't think every insurance company doesn't have studies showing how they would benefit from different groups getting hit with this, you have your head buried in the sand.When you die you don’t know that you are dead, it’s only difficult for others. It is the same when you are stupid.

03-14-2020, 09:19 AM
To be fair Trippy could just be drunk posting.. or maybe just special needs.

Trippy McSidewalk
03-14-2020, 10:09 AM
Again, while distasteful, it is a simple math equation. The older population takes a disproportionate amount of money and manpower to keep healthy and alive. If those numbers are reduced, it would take the strain off SS, healthcare and pensions. Think of me what you will, but the fact remains that less people taking large sums of time and money out of any system will be good for that system in the long run.

03-14-2020, 10:15 AM
Of coarse it wouldn't be good for individuals and families effected by the deaths, but it would clear dead weight from the aging population that is taking a huge portion of the healthcare and underfunded pension dollars.

This country is rich enough to take care of them. It just doesn't have it priorities in the right place so, no this is not a good thing. I pray none of your family members get this virus and get really sick from it.

03-14-2020, 11:17 AM
Again, while distasteful, it is a simple math equation. The older population takes a disproportionate amount of money and manpower to keep healthy and alive. If those numbers are reduced, it would take the strain off SS, healthcare and pensions. Think of me what you will, but the fact remains that less people taking large sums of time and money out of any system will be good for that system in the long run.Distasteful? Nah. You don't give yourself nearly enough credit. Pure undiluted sh!t for brains is much more precise.

Similar ethos has been used to rationalize mass death of certain segments of population throughout history. The Spanish inquisition, the near annihilation of Native Americans, the German Holocaust are a few of the more popular. Which are your favorites, trippy?

When the mass deaths of a whole portion of society can be rationalized and justified on an economic basis there is good reason to question that persons grip on reality.

The scary part is these creature's exist, and for the most part function, disguised as normal human beings among us. The calming aspect is they are very few in numbers.

03-14-2020, 12:43 PM
To be fair Trippy could just be drunk posting.. or maybe just special needs.

Theres a few others that do that on here. I could name a few ....... wait he has multipal user names and would take to long. 🤫🤭🤭🤭

03-14-2020, 02:55 PM
Oh ---- yeah this could be a good thing. You have to be kidding right. Sure how about it guys if you lost your loved ones from this would it be a good thing?

Gotta second you on this one!!

03-14-2020, 02:58 PM
Again, while distasteful, it is a simple math equation. The older population takes a disproportionate amount of money and manpower to keep healthy and alive. If those numbers are reduced, it would take the strain off SS, healthcare and pensions. Think of me what you will, but the fact remains that less people taking large sums of time and money out of any system will be good for that system in the long run.

A human being is a human being, no matter what the age. That will apply to everyone.

Let's focus on illegals milking our system instead...

03-14-2020, 03:35 PM
A human being is a human being, no matter what the age. That will apply to everyone.

Let's focus on illegals milking our system instead...

Hey Clay, my old buddy! How do ya' think ol' adolf mcsidewalk would feel about it if he was the one who was allowed to die for economic reason's? Do ya' suppose he'd be happy and willing?

03-14-2020, 03:56 PM
I think McTrippy is in need of a complete tune up of the heart and soul. :)

03-14-2020, 04:19 PM
A human being is a human being, no matter what the age. That will apply to everyone.

Let's focus on illegals milking our system instead...

And you know that more than ever now that your mom has been sick. Tell your mom to be safe. We can disagree on politics all day long but, this is a time to come together as one and look out for everyone.

03-14-2020, 04:20 PM
Distasteful? Nah. You don't give yourself nearly enough credit. Pure undiluted sh!t for brains is much more precise.

Similar ethos has been used to rationalize mass death of certain segments of population throughout history. The Spanish inquisition, the near annihilation of Native Americans, the German Holocaust are a few of the more popular. Which are your favorites, trippy?

When the mass deaths of a whole portion of society can be rationalized and justified on an economic basis there is good reason to question that persons grip on reality.

The scary part is these creature's exist, and for the most part function, disguised as normal human beings among us. The calming aspect is they are very few in numbers.

your native american reference made me think of something some one told me long ago , native american,s were raciest long before the white man ever came to this country , they thought there tribe , which would be there race at the time , was superior to other tribes and tried to eradicate all the others they could , kind of like the white man done to them , again , until the past is excepted as the past , nothing will change......

03-14-2020, 05:08 PM
McTrippy doesn’t deserve the air he inhales to stay alive.

One Man Gang
03-14-2020, 05:14 PM
your native american reference made me think of something some one told me long ago , native american,s were raciest long before the white man ever came to this country , they thought there tribe , which would be there race at the time , was superior to other tribes and tried to eradicate all the others they could , kind of like the white man done to them , again , until the past is excepted as the past , nothing will change......
My great grandmother was full blooded Cherokee so I know first hand when your blood is Indian blood then all pale faces, dark men and other redskins must be dealt with if your arrows and bullets come our direction and your words from a forked tongue don’t speak to our ears. But thank God we civilized now (I think) 😂

03-14-2020, 05:22 PM
your native american reference made me think of something some one told me long ago , native american,s were raciest long before the white man ever came to this country , they thought there tribe , which would be there race at the time , was superior to other tribes and tried to eradicate all the others they could , kind of like the white man done to them , again , until the past is excepted as the past , nothing will change......This post is 100% truth, start to finish, ff. I commend you, sir. I only make the analogy of Native Americans to what trippy the POS is suggesting because of the economic facet. The European's/American's did what they did to advance themselves economically. Other than that side of it I stand with you, period.

03-14-2020, 05:26 PM
Again, while distasteful, it is a simple math equation. The older population takes a disproportionate amount of money and manpower to keep healthy and alive. If those numbers are reduced, it would take the strain off SS, healthcare and pensions. Think of me what you will, but the fact remains that less people taking large sums of time and money out of any system will be good for that system in the long run.

Spot on!...….When you apply for insurance, you are put into a category using your age, health, credit history and other factors. I guess that offends some people who don't know and accept the truth!

03-14-2020, 05:30 PM
I didn't know Illinois was a state outside of Chicago. (Insert sarcasm)

03-14-2020, 05:44 PM
I didn't know Illinois was a state outside of Chicago. (Insert sarcasm)

Ill go out on a limb and bet...….more people are killed in Chicago by gunfire than the whole state by this virus! :)

03-14-2020, 06:06 PM

Ill go out on a limb and bet...….more people are killed in Chicago by gunfire than the whole state by this virus!

No ---- Sherlock, because they are being proactive instead of being reactive. I would rather see the media and the leaders of their perspective states take the warning from the CDC seriously and do what their doing instead of waiting until it's gets really bad and then try and catch up.

03-14-2020, 06:29 PM
So with that analogy.......are we gonna ban driving that kills 50,000 people every year!

or...….wheres the outrage to stop the flu.....10,000 have already died!

03-14-2020, 06:42 PM

So with that analogy.......are we gonna ban driving that kills 50,000 people every year!

or...….wheres the outrage to stop the flu.....10,000 have already died!

I understand what your saying but, from listening to many health officials it's how easily this has the potential of getting out of hand real fast and our health system is not set up for what could be. That's the big problem. And as one health official said when all said and done and the health officials have to hear how they overacted he said great that means we did our jobs and so did the people by doing what they were asked to do.

03-14-2020, 06:58 PM
Lets be honest here...….Did the media act like this over the swine flu epidemic under Obama? That actually killed 1000 Americans before he reacted!

03-14-2020, 07:35 PM
Not sure why you or Trump want to keep bringing up what Obama did or didn't do. Lets focus on what we have in front of us now. You don't want to take it serious then don't and if I'm wrong so be it. For me I keep listening to the experts and their saying it has the potential of getting far worse then the swine flu or other viruses but, if we act now we can put the brakes on it but, you don't believe it then so be it.

03-14-2020, 07:43 PM
Maybe because of Obummer's gross incompetence and the results, thereof?
Or maybe the factual information that stands out. :)

03-14-2020, 07:46 PM
And you know that more than ever now that your mom has been sick. Tell your mom to be safe. We can disagree on politics all day long but, this is a time to come together as one and look out for everyone.

I must say thank you for your concern.

03-14-2020, 07:51 PM
I would encourage everyone to gather their news on this virus concern from as many various and judicious sources as possible. The politics that have infiltrated "reporting" has been awful for many years but this pandemic has taken it to epic proportions. Straight up objective science or common sense can be tough to come by when some person or source is trying to point a fickle finger of blame to further an agenda.

Now I raise an eyebrow of disbelief on most any "truth" which comes from China. If they are to be believed, they are seeing some evidence of recoveries and fewer new cases. A kind of getting over the hump, maybe? Again, what do you believe from China? But, in the same geo region South Korea is seeing more recoveries than new cases and there are some encouraging things from Thailand, where it seems that increasing temps are keeping things in check. That might be a sign of encouragement as we enter warmer seasons.

Someone way back in the thread threw shade at the president for the handling of this. I hear and read a whole lot of this and don't hear and read alternative solutions, just criticisms. Yeah yeah yeah, blame Trump. At first the travel ban with the Wuhan area was what - racist, xenophobic, over the top? Now it seems it was pragmatic and some in public even removed previous tweets and walked back comments. Imagine how much better off Iran and Italy might have been with an initial travel ban. Yeah I get it, when the The Don speaks on issues like this he doesn't come off as a doctor on a TedTalk video but people do expect the president to be a spokesperson and be out front. I have heard clips of reporters trying to bait John Kasich into saying bad things about the president. He didn't go there. Actually my biggest surprise, Gavin Newsom said some very favorable things about how Trump/Pence were handling this and helping California. Wow, kind words from a very liberal governor. Bet his party will make him pay. This ain't over yet. The admin will do some very good things and will maybe miss it on some others.

Folks act like when a new admin comes in they hire a whole new CDC and develop all new plans and protocols. The CDC and other public health entities always try to plan for emergencies and those plans have been in place, tweaked, and modified for decades but new things come along. I would hope something like this refocuses the CDC on things like this and less on things like gun control or how many steps I need each day. Could we have done better on the test kit issue, you bet? Things like this can expose flaws in any disaster plan/response. This new virus has a long incubation period and until they are/were able to figure it out, they need time.

So, all these travel bans, closures, and shut-downs are happening and many are wondering if this is overreaction or not. I think this buys us a bit of time. This should slow transmission rates down. This should allow us a little more time to gather resources like test kits and get a bit more prepared. By slowing the spread we get to learn lessons from the other nations, like what works and what didn't. It buys us time to get us to warmer weather where the virus may taper off on its own. It buys us time because we don't have the room in our hospitals to let this go wide open unchecked. In the end we may not get it as bad here because of all this inconvenience, we'll see. In the end we may have a less severe flu season because people are taking better precautions in general, we'll see. In the end we may even have fewer traffic deaths because more are working from home. we'll see.

As I write this there are today reported some 128,000 cases (68,000 recoveries) and 4700 deaths globally. The rise in the US is still rather slow and that's good. The big cases of fatalities in Washington and New York affected an elderly facility and an older community (high risk factors). Were still very lucky in that we are not speaking of mass graves (like Iran) or people dropping in the streets. We get to talk about how Tom Hanks is doing with his episode and how little toilet paper is on the shelf. Well, get well Sheriff Woody and wife.

The big hits to market ain't fun and that's for sure. If I can posit a theory here I think when this is all over there will be a rebound and it will not take as long as traditional corrections. The reason for this is that corrections in the past were due to bubbles bursting. In the 90s it was the dot com bubble. 2008 gave us the housing bubble. The market was overinflated and primed for correction. Internal forces existed and the warnings were there. This virus effect is external in nature. In most cases when things return to normal most things in the market will move up again (oil is a different case with different causes). It may take time but probably not as many years as previous corrections because consuming will return.

We probably have a couple crappy months ahead yet before it gets better.

03-14-2020, 08:18 PM
I must say thank you for your concern.

You're welcome, please take this serious and take care of your mom I'm doing the same. If it doesn't pan out to be that bad you can give me heck later and tell me how wrong I was. lol

03-14-2020, 10:20 PM
I find it amazing, how the leftist Trump hating media's experts are right, and Trump's experts are wrong! Based on previous actions, Ill side with Trumps!

Mod Runner
03-14-2020, 11:29 PM
Morgs153 post contains a lot of logic and wisdom. Good post.

03-14-2020, 11:33 PM
Not sure why you or Trump want to keep bringing up what Obama did or didn't do. Lets focus on what we have in front of us now. You don't want to take it serious then don't and if I'm wrong so be it. For me I keep listening to the experts and their saying it has the potential of getting far worse then the swine flu or other viruses but, if we act now we can put the brakes on it but, you don't believe it then so be it.

What he is saying is that if the media acted now like it acted then we wouldn't be out of toilet paper and light bread....media wasn't looking for reasons for America to fail back then.

03-14-2020, 11:36 PM
Morgs153 post contains a lot of logic and wisdom. Good post.

Dang sure does and dang sure is.........the first paragraph and the last line sum it all up about as good as it gets.