View Full Version : March 15.....National Day of Prayer!

03-14-2020, 06:46 PM
Our President has called for tomorrow—Sunday, March 15—to be a National Day of Prayer. I hope every church, regardless of denomination, and every individual, regardless of political affiliation, will pray and seek the Lord as our nation faces this crisis.
President Donald J. Trump reminded the entire country that throughout its history, the United States has looked to God for strength and protection in times like these. The President is right—and we need to call on God now. We need to pray that He would protect us from this virus that is turning the world upside down and gripping the hearts of men and women with fear.
The Bible teaches us to trust in God. In the Old Testament, Egypt was faced with 7 years of plenty and then 7 years of a drastic climate change where crops dried up and nothing grew. It was such a severe crisis that everyone could have died. But God sent Joseph to save not only his family, but all of Egypt. God provided. God also sent Jesus to save us. He is our Shepherd and our deliverer; and regardless of what storms we may face, He will be with us. This doesn’t mean that COVID-19 will disappear immediately; but the Word of God tells us that He loves us and will not leave us.
“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10).
Will you join us in praying tomorrow? I encourage you to contact your family, your friends, church members you know, and ask them to be in prayer as well.