View Full Version : Racing in Illinois effectively banned for next eight weeks.

Shiny Side Up 18
03-16-2020, 05:04 PM
Per Gov. Pritzker's FB page:

"Last night, the Centers For Disease Control (CDC) announced its strictest national recommendations to date, advising against gatherings of 50 people or more for the next eight weeks.

As a result, I am mandating that any gathering of 50 or more be canceled in the state of Illinois.

Illinoisans who can stay home should continue to do so. It is imperative that our residents take responsibility for themselves, their families and their communities."

03-16-2020, 05:49 PM
Nascar done until may 3rd

03-16-2020, 06:31 PM
Illinois has to be the worst state in the country

03-16-2020, 06:35 PM
Many states doing the same

Highside Hustler25
03-16-2020, 07:31 PM
Illinois has to be the worst state in the country

We are definitely on the podium.

03-16-2020, 07:59 PM
Illinois is #1 in corruption, that's for sure.

03-16-2020, 07:59 PM
Illinois has to be the worst state in the country

Well at least the Governor is looking out for the people of the state and putting them first and not worrying about his re-election bid. the people of the state will deal with no racing but, they will have a harder time dealing with a lost loved one.

03-16-2020, 08:10 PM
Well at least the Governor is looking out for the people of the state and putting them first and not worrying about his re-election bid. the people of the state will deal with no racing but, they will have a harder time dealing with a lost loved one.


03-16-2020, 08:10 PM
Illinois is #1 in corruption, that's for sure.

Believe it or not they are not #1 not even in the top 5

03-16-2020, 08:12 PM

what did he do wrong?

03-16-2020, 08:26 PM
Well first, he got elected. hahahahahaa

03-16-2020, 09:40 PM
Believe it or not they are not #1 not even in the top 5

My Father worked for the state! Corrupt from top to bottom, sucks to live here.

03-16-2020, 09:42 PM
Believe it or not they are not #1 not even in the top 5

Well let's see the list then.

03-16-2020, 09:46 PM
My Father worked for the state! Corrupt from top to bottom, sucks to live here.

But, still not the most corrupt. Tells you a lot about other states now doesn't it

03-16-2020, 10:03 PM
But, still not the most corrupt. Tells you a lot about other states now doesn't it

No! Most corrupt for sure, Chicago? Gonna cost you a bag of cash to get anything done there.

03-17-2020, 06:31 AM
Don’t gather anywhere but the polls

03-17-2020, 08:25 AM
I'm 5 minutes from Wisconsin state line. At least I can still go there and eat and get a drink.

03-17-2020, 10:27 AM
Believe it or not they are not #1 not even in the top 5

Kid, you might wanna' look at this article and alter your ratings just a little bit.


According to this February 19, 2020 article in Forbes Magazine online Illinois is actually a solid 3rd in the country among states and districts behind only Washington D.C. and Louisiana. Ahhh the pride we share!

The reason Illinois is 3rd is because chitcago pads the score as the most corrupt city in the country (maybe the most corrupt in the world). The rest of the State of Illinois has a relative low level of corruption. chitcago elects all of the statewide positions. That's how we got a crooked tub of lard for a governor. The urban inbred fools and their deceased ancestors vote in pretty much whoever they deem the crookedest SOB they can find and this time it was a Jabba the Hut impersonator.

We live over 2 hours from the stinking, steaming cesspool known in these parts as chitcago. When the wind is just right we can smell the chitcago cesspool all the way down here!

Anybody know where the 44th President of the U.S. cut his teeth and learned the ropes politically?

03-17-2020, 11:24 AM
Well at least the Governor is looking out for the people of the state and putting them first and not worrying about his re-election bid. the people of the state will deal with no racing but, they will have a harder time dealing with a lost loved one.

Do you really think he has a chance of losing anyway??? Look at what and who he is...look at the corrupt state he leads......look at his constituency .......the good governor could outlaw Mobil homes and marlboros and you fools would still vote him in.

" looking out for the people and not worrying about his reelection bid"......that's a good one kid.

03-17-2020, 11:26 AM
Believe it or not they are not #1 not even in the top 5

Denial......it's what's for dinner.

03-17-2020, 11:29 AM
My Father worked for the state! Corrupt from top to bottom, sucks to live here.

Yep.....can't say I've ever met anyone that has worked outside Illinois dem party for the state that has ever said anything different.

Ask a dem Illinois lifer though.......nope , it's great, nothing to fix ,nothing to see here....move along.

03-17-2020, 02:29 PM
Do you really think he has a chance of losing anyway??? Look at what and who he is...look at the corrupt state he leads......look at his constituency .......the good governor could outlaw Mobil homes and marlboros and you fools would still vote him in.

" looking out for the people and not worrying about his reelection bid"......that's a good one kid.BBQ, if I didn't know positively you weren't referring to me and those like me I might would take offense to the "fool's" part! But you hit the nail squarely on the head, nonetheless. The degree of inbreeding and number of genetic deficient fools in chitcago is mind boggling.

I was born, raised, educated, make my living, will retire someday and, will die and be buried in Illinois. I am a proud Orange & Blue Illini but chitcago is one of the sorriest sh!tholes in the country. The adverse effect chitcago has on the rest of the state (except maybe Rockford) is beyond description! The manner in which the will of chitcago is imposed upon the rest of the state is nauseating. The only places I've been, and I've spent some time in all of the top 10 largest cities in America, that can compare with the sh!ttyness of chitcago is Philadelpia, PA, New York City, and Houston, Texas.

To be elected to a state wide office in Illinois it requires no more than the votes of 3 out of a total of 102 counties, and I'm sure you can guess where those 3 counties are! THAT is how we got a scum ball Jabba the Hut impersonator as governor.

03-17-2020, 03:31 PM
You totally get it CIRF........the fool shoe doesn't fit everyone in Illinois.....but for some it fits like a glove.