View Full Version : Insider Trading By United States Senators

03-21-2020, 02:35 PM
When this China virus crisis begins to shake out I believe there should be a complete and comprehensive investigation by the Department of Justice looking into some shady stock transactions made by several US Senators. Stock transactions prior to to the market crash involving 2 Republicans and 1 Democrat do NOT pass the smell test.

If it is determined that there was insider information used to make millions those who are found to be guilty need to be vigorously prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and locked up for a LONG time!

Unfortunately, there is a better than even chance that these greedy ----suckers will somehow weasel out of any consequences, whether legal or political! Not too cynical, am I? LOL!

03-21-2020, 02:57 PM
I agree 100%,CIRF.

03-21-2020, 03:24 PM
When this China virus crisis begins to shake out I believe there should be a complete and comprehensive investigation by the Department of Justice looking into some shady stock transactions made by several US Senators. Stock transactions prior to to the market crash involving 2 Republicans and 1 Democrat do NOT pass the smell test.

If it is determined that there was insider information used to make millions those who are found to be guilty need to be vigorously prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and locked up for a LONG time!

Unfortunately, there is a better than even chance that these greedy ----suckers will somehow weasel out of any consequences, whether legal or political! Not too cynical, am I? LOL!

I agree 100% I hope this is investigated and if they did anything wrong they are brought to justice.

03-21-2020, 04:44 PM
Here's a good article giving some added information on these parasitic ----suckers!! These bastards need to get it shoved directly up their asses!!!

https://www.forbes.com/sites/jackkelly/2020/03/20/senators-accused-of-insider-trading-dumping-stocks-after-coronavirus-briefings/?fbclid=IwAR1wlQ60lxZSVQKJmE6Ai3Ce0rYgjZ2mI1rEZC65 fh0vs8yft40qkPohHhg#422f2f664a45

03-21-2020, 04:59 PM
Sadly there has already through the years been so much of this crooked trading by government officials that will never be mentioned by the media, or a government agency that will do anything about them.

The Soros buddy system being untouchable so far.

03-21-2020, 09:31 PM
these senators aren't the only thieves around...…..insiders such as Buffet, Bezos and Gates makes these guys look like small fish in the pond.

03-22-2020, 10:31 AM
Anyone that thinks this doesn't go on regularly is pretty naive.......

03-22-2020, 01:24 PM
Anyone that thinks this doesn't go on regularly is pretty naive.......

BBQ, are you suggesting we just pass it off as business as usual? I have no illusions that the illegal and immoral activities of these greedy ----suckers is rare, I doubt very little that insider trading is quite common. Are you suggesting that this be soft peddled due to the the frequency of it happening? In my mind if ANYONE needs to have their asses metaphorically (or literally, for that matter!) kicked legally it's elected officials!

03-22-2020, 01:51 PM
I listened to a good podcast segment on this issue. The one that p!ssed me off the most was Burr. He has a history as being one of three who voted against cleaning up insider trading in congress plus his voting history in regards to the FISA abuses showed he was a bit of swamp creature, or he just had his own guilty conscience to hide so he'd go with the flow.

Anyway, the guest on the podcast (I believe John Fund) said it was safe to say that Burr would not be running for a re-election next time around. Well wow! Whoopee! The damage is done so he gets to retire without consequences. I get it, his party is mad and deeply embarrassed but this guy is a POS. Somehow just not being able to continue being a member of "Club 100", that exclusive group called the US Senate, is going to be punishment enough. Let's hope not.

Diane Feinstein was another one in this group. She's older than smelly dirt and she was also likely not returning to the Senate. She made one of the biggest trade moves of this bunch and she'll go retire very rich. I'm not playing team favorites on this one cause there is bipartisan stench when this happens.

You know with all this 24/7 virus coverage and national anxiety happening I just have to wonder if the Barr/Durham report will ever now see the light of day. I don't really expect anything to come from it if it even does but I was looking forward to it. I was not one of the people who actually thought indictments would come from it but at least, at least some professional and political shame for some of the rogue actors involved. Now, I just don't know.

03-22-2020, 07:47 PM
BBQ, are you suggesting we just pass it off as business as usual? I have no illusions that the illegal and immoral activities of these greedy ----suckers is rare, I doubt very little that insider trading is quite common. Are you suggesting that this be soft peddled due to the the frequency of it happening? In my mind if ANYONE needs to have their asses metaphorically (or literally, for that matter!) kicked legally it's elected officials!

No I'm saying make examples out of them if true.......or shut up about it already.

Not you literally of course :)

03-23-2020, 11:28 AM
I understand what you're saying, BBQ, and I'm with you 100%. Either lock 'em up or forget it. This Burr character is a complete POS for sure. The other two have covertly maintained plausible deniability. I believe all who have been implicated are surely guilty, plausible deniability or not.