View Full Version : sneaky democrats

03-25-2020, 08:08 AM
just how low has the democratic party sank , instead of just trying to pass a bill that will help all people , there trying to inject there personal objectives like abortion , student debt relief and any thing else to help there personal agenda , disgraceful .......

03-25-2020, 08:47 AM
just how low has the democratic party sank , instead of just trying to pass a bill that will help all people , there trying to inject there personal objectives like abortion , student debt relief and any thing else to help there personal agenda , disgraceful .......

only if the republicans cave !!!! Let's see what happens . Bad thing about it is we don't get to read it until it is law ! At ,least our great president has expressed his position on it and for now i like it !

03-25-2020, 09:11 AM
The dirty bastards want to push something else to help the arts and something about diversity for the different races instead of helping a poor person like my sister who had to leave her job and has no income until the unemployment kicks in. There was no objections when Obama blew trillions away.

03-25-2020, 09:13 AM
Remember what you all are bitching about in November. Vote the garbage OUT of office.

03-25-2020, 11:15 AM
best advice yet jog , if only some people will wake up......

03-25-2020, 12:21 PM
best advice yet jog , if only some people will wake up......

ff, I agree with everything you've said here and I am a proponent of very little the far left has to offer politically, economically, socially and ideologically. But, I firmly believe if this whole scenario was reversed we'd see the same BS from some Republicans. The only difference would be that the 90% of the media would be sensationalizing the Republican BS as being evil, wicked, mean and nasty. That isn't happening at this time due to the media being unbelievable and corrupt.

03-25-2020, 02:52 PM
Kool aid guy appears.......oh yeah.

03-25-2020, 03:38 PM
sneeky democrats held out and got you people layed off 4 months of full wages

Nope. Thankfully, GOP senators actually read the bill and have just said they will vote no unless certain language is changed. The bill has flaws written in that gives companies an incentive to NOT hire back employees. This is news that is 1 hr. old. Stay tuned...………...

03-25-2020, 04:54 PM
ff, I agree with everything you've said here and I am a proponent of very little the far left has to offer politically, economically, socially and ideologically. But, I firmly believe if this whole scenario was reversed we'd see the same BS from some Republicans. The only difference would be that the 90% of the media would be sensationalizing the Republican BS as being evil, wicked, mean and nasty. That isn't happening at this time due to the media being unbelievable and corrupt.

you very well could be correct cirf , BUT , if the situation were reversed , and they tried to sneak 25 million of tax payers dollars , during a time of a extreme public health crises , into a entity like the Kennedy center , then i would totally be ashamed of my party......

03-25-2020, 06:57 PM
They are ruling by minority by holding a crisis situation hostage if they get this done. The heck with who wins elections if they can get away with this BS!!!

How are they allowed to add unrelated items into these bills anyway???

03-25-2020, 06:59 PM
Remember what you all are bitching about in November. Vote the garbage OUT of office.

They even want to add new voting laws into this bill that will corrupt the voting process...

03-25-2020, 08:11 PM
you very well could be correct cirf , BUT , if the situation were reversed , and they tried to sneak 25 million of tax payers dollars , during a time of a extreme public health crises , into a entity like the Kennedy center , then i would totally be ashamed of my party......

ff, I'm not quibbling with your political beliefs in the least, however, I differ from you in that I don't really consider the Republican Party "my" party. I admit to agreeing with most Republican ideology and I vote predominantly Republican in most elections but I've yet to ever vote a straight Republican ballot. On a side note, under certain circumstances I believe I could see my way clear to vote for Tulsi Gabbard for POTUS. The right circumstance would be a sufficient distaste for her Republican opponent. I agree with her enough to be willing to vote for her under those conditions.

All that said, I am with you 100% on being ashamed of the Republicans if they were to pull some BS like what the Democrats are trying to pull with the Kennedy Center. There is some other sh!t in this bill that they should be ashamed of, as well, but given the shamelessness of today's Democrat Party none of this really surprises me.

I am amazed and dismayed at how deep into the sh!t pond the Democrat Party is willing to go these days. What's even more disturbing is how many people are enthusiastically willing to vote for some of these POS's and give them encouragement!

03-25-2020, 08:38 PM
I am more of a Tea Party person and do not really care for the old GOP buddy system. Republican true conservatives are what we need.

03-26-2020, 09:06 AM
ff, I'm not quibbling with your political beliefs in the least, however, I differ from you in that I don't really consider the Republican Party "my" party. I admit to agreeing with most Republican ideology and I vote predominantly Republican in most elections but I've yet to ever vote a straight Republican ballot. On a side note, under certain circumstances I believe I could see my way clear to vote for Tulsi Gabbard for POTUS. The right circumstance would be a sufficient distaste for her Republican opponent. I agree with her enough to be willing to vote for her under those conditions.

All that said, I am with you 100% on being ashamed of the Republicans if they were to pull some BS like what the Democrats are trying to pull with the Kennedy Center. There is some other sh!t in this bill that they should be ashamed of, as well, but given the shamelessness of today's Democrat Party none of this really surprises me.

I am amazed and dismayed at how deep into the sh!t pond the Democrat Party is willing to go these days. What's even more disturbing is how many people are enthusiastically willing to vote for some of these POS's and give them encouragement!

i said from the beginning that Tulsi was the only moderate center left democrat in the running , and not bad to the eyes as well....