View Full Version : Border Wars

03-27-2020, 03:29 PM
Not in in the United States but Europe too. Turkey trying to dump illegals and unwanted's on Greece.

(Tea Party 247) – The frontier of Europe is descending into scenes reminiscent of the First World War as Greek border forces are bathed in tear gas hurled at them by Turkish police and, allegedly, Turkish-armed migrants, Breitbart reports.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey’s Islamist president, is believed to have put at least a temporary end to the border clash (which he began in the first place by opening up his border with Greece) by closing the frontier amid the coronavirus crisis last Wednesday.

It appears, however, that thousands of migrants are still camped out at the border and that Turkish personnel continues to support their efforts to bypass Greece’s protective border fences.

One of their primary methods has been to bombard their Greek counterparts with tear gas, which has been captured on video and circulated on social media by the Greek press.

Footage shot from the Greek side of the border and shared by Greek media outlet Proto Thema appears to show Greek personnel and army amublances bathed in noxious fumes in scenes reminiscent of the infamous gas attacks on the trenches of the First World War following one such bombardment.

The Greeks have themselves used tear gas to try and repel illegal aliens hurling rocks and petrol bombs at them, or attempting to tear down or otherwise dismantle border fencing — but recent videos show a number of migrants at the fences now appear to have been supplied with gas masks so they can sustain their attacks on the border regardless.

Turkish officials have previously claimed that at least 100,000 migrants have been released into Greece, but the Greek government disputes this, saying they have successfully held back tens of thousands and estimating the number who have made it through the land border in the hundreds.

Meanwhile, the European Union has previously refused to provide funding for secure border fencing (sound familiar?) which they had denounced as “pointless.”

The radical left-wing agenda to make the borders of sovereign nations all the more difficult to enforce is present at the EU just as much as it is among American Democrats, if not more so.

This is the global elite agenda. To destroy nations with centuries of cultural history and flood Europe with welfare-dependent migrants.

“We are against building walls,” declared then-European Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs, and Citizenship, Dimitris Avramopoulos, as recently as 2018, according to Breitbart.

'We Are Against Building Walls' – EU Refused to Fund Greek Border Fence
The EU refused to fund "pointless" border fencing between Greece and Turkey prior to the current border crisis and the 2015-16 border crisis.

Turkey didn’t want them in their country anymore, so they sent them to Greece.

03-27-2020, 03:32 PM
Not only I meant. Can't go back into my thread to make error changes. 4M seems to be doing that a lot lately as well as not being able to quote others at times.