View Full Version : Trump sent 17.8 tons of supplies to China

03-29-2020, 06:13 PM
The big whiner sent 17.8 tons Of US Supplies To China Then Blames Obama For PPE Shortage.



rump now indicating if we can keep the conronavirus under 100,000 deaths the government did a good job. WTF

Obvious the big whiner doesn't have a clue on what he is doing. A couple of days ago everything would be back to normal after Easter now April 30. If Obama or Clinton did anything like this you gullible fools would be going ape $hit right now!!

03-29-2020, 07:05 PM
The big whiner sent 17.8 tons Of US Supplies To China Then Blames Obama For PPE Shortage.



I swear you don’t even READ tha articles you post before you do so! As long as your HATRED can see anything negative toward our great President you will post it ! You are probably the most anti American scumbag I have come across !

03-29-2020, 07:15 PM

Then I read this one from the USA Today (not a Trump apologist paper). An excerpt:

The stockpile’s budget reached a high of $596 million in 2010, then dropped year after year until reaching a low of $477 million in 2013. Much of the funding was restored the following year, but the budget stayed flat at about $575 million through 2018 – the same year it was transferred from the CDC to the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response.

The 2020 budget appropriation was $705 million.

It doesn't name names but we can put dates to administrations. So what? Really what's the point of this blame game? The Bush admin identified a need, wrote reports about it, but never really heeded their own reports. The Obama admin was pretty much status quo. It looks like this admin added to the budget but it obviously isn't enough for what were facing right now.

It is things like this which expose needs. Wars expose needs in troops, equipment and training. Pandemics expose needs in many other associated areas. This virus is novel (new), rapidly contagious, and they are still learning about it. It would be ridiculous to think that preparations for it could have started years ago other than basic PPE supplies which looks like they all had a hand in allowing depletion without resupply. This one is a game changer and a wake up call.

So maybe back in January, when China was telling the world they had this so under control, the Secretary of State Mike Pompeo decides in an act of diplomacy to send some aid supplies. The friendly gesture of 17.8 tons is basically the capacity of a shipping container the size of a semi trailer. Yup, that made all the difference in our capacity to handle this virus here in this country of 330 million people. Doesn't this country always offer aid for tsunamis, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, and other disasters? It is part of what the State Dept. does.

What next? I'm waiting for someone to suggest that Trump hoarded N95 masks for his groundskeepers at Mara Lago for when they use lawn mowers and leaf blowers. That would be a good one for MSNBC.

03-29-2020, 09:04 PM
It says what was sent was DONATED by private entities and only that the federal government was PREPARED to send another 100 million in aid ! So people who donated stuff for China shouldn’t have had what they donated go to China ? Seriously Stupid you are SERIOUSLY STUPID !

03-30-2020, 05:23 AM
If the USA's private sector would have been told the truth about conronavirus would they be donating to China? The item they sent are the items we "desperately" need now. How many life's could of been saved in New York if they just had some of these supplies? The lying whiner in the White house is seriously stupid just like his gullible followers.

Dirtman are we short on any of these items? Oh that's right everyone of them.

03-30-2020, 06:23 AM
If the USA's private sector would have been told the truth about conronavirus would they be donating to China? The item they sent are the items we "desperately" need now. How many life's could of been saved in New York if they just had some of these supplies? The lying whiner in the White house is seriously stupid just like his gullible followers.

Dirtman are we short on any of these items? Oh that's right everyone of them.

Lets play the fake news game : Mr SS is every person who may need a ventilator going to be able to have one ? Please answer ASAP !n

03-30-2020, 04:18 PM
ss we are so sorry that a Democrat is not in the white house.


If there is one thing I'm sick of, is some whining miserable liberal that parrots the lies and fake news of CNN MSNBC and the rest of the networks.

Some people fall for this nonsense by choice, void of any intelligent thought!!!

This nation is in danger because of these fools who are being led by the nose.

03-30-2020, 07:01 PM
ss we are so sorry that a Democrat is not in the white house.


If there is one thing I'm sick of, is some whining miserable liberal that parrots the lies and fake news of CNN MSNBC and the rest of the networks.

Some people fall for this nonsense by choice, void of any intelligent thought!!!

This nation is in danger because of these fools who are being led by the nose.

The lying whiner in the White house lies everyday. So I guess that would make him a "fake" president. If The lying whiner would of listen to his own experts we wouldn't be in this mess we are in right now. The lying whiner needs to take responsibility and quit blaming everyone else.

03-30-2020, 07:33 PM
The lying whiner in the White house lies everyday. So I guess that would make him a "fake" president. If The lying whiner would of listen to his own experts we wouldn't be in this mess we are in right now. The lying whiner needs to take responsibility and quit blaming everyone else.

And THAT would make you stop hating him ?

03-30-2020, 07:36 PM
The lying whiner in the White house lies everyday. So I guess that would make him a "fake" president. If The lying whiner would of listen to his own experts we wouldn't be in this mess we are in right now. The lying whiner needs to take responsibility and quit blaming everyone else.

That’s where your confusion lies ............ Hillary is the FAKE president and you STILL can’t face the FACT that DONALD J TRUMP IS YOUR REAL PRESIDENT !

03-30-2020, 08:55 PM
The lying whiner in the White house lies everyday. So I guess that would make him a "fake" president. If The lying whiner would of listen to his own experts we wouldn't be in this mess we are in right now. The lying whiner needs to take responsibility and quit blaming everyone else.

Speaking of lying and whining.....and since the inference here is that trump sent all the ventilators we need to China ,you should probably know that the average ventilator weighs about 11 pounds and you trying to make it look like trump sent almost 17 tons of them to China makes you look like you should just shut the flock up bro.

03-31-2020, 05:40 AM
If your information is correct an a ventilator weighs 11 pounds that would mean 1 ton of ventilators would be 181 ventilators. That means that 181 citizen that didn't have the opportunity to a ventilator and died could of been saved.
If a N95 mask weighs a gram a ton of them would be over 800k. Medical staff are using the same mask all day long!!

Trump if we only have 100,000 deaths from the covid - 19 that would be a "great" win. WTF

03-31-2020, 06:36 AM
It's not my information, it's from the world health organization.

If only we had 100,000 more fraudulent voters Hillary would have had a great win.

03-31-2020, 07:27 AM
If the USA's private sector would have been told the truth about conronavirus would they be donating to China? The item they sent are the items we "desperately" need now. How many life's could of been saved in New York if they just had some of these supplies? The lying whiner in the White house is seriously stupid just like his gullible followers.

Dirtman are we short on any of these items? Oh that's right everyone of them.

Did you ever notice how many if's and but's are in your posts???

No , seriously......go back and read a few......or almost all of them.

03-31-2020, 07:46 AM
ss we are so sorry that a Democrat is not in the white house.


If there is one thing I'm sick of, is some whining miserable liberal that parrots the lies and fake news of CNN MSNBC and the rest of the networks.

Some people fall for this nonsense by choice, void of any intelligent thought!!!

This nation is in danger because of these fools who are being led by the nose.

And you fall for the lies that fake Fox news tells you so, now what! You fell for their nonsense at first and then they changed their tunes when they realized they weren't going to be able to politicize and just blame the Democrats for this so, keep listening to the fake fox news and hopefully it won't cost you your life. so please don't let fake fox news lead you by your nose.

03-31-2020, 07:52 AM
ss12 you have to love it when all they have is to fall back to Hillary is not your President bs. They are so obsessed with her it's kind of sad. Guys let it go you will be better for it. it's time to move on.

03-31-2020, 07:57 AM
Speaking of lying and whining.....and since the inference here is that trump sent all the ventilators we need to China ,you should probably know that the average ventilator weighs about 11 pounds and you trying to make it look like trump sent almost 17 tons of them to China makes you look like you should just shut the flock up bro.

Don't take what he said out of context you seem to like to do that. All he said was supplies. He didn't make it sound like anything close to what your saying.

03-31-2020, 07:58 AM
The lying whiner in the White house lies everyday. So I guess that would make him a "fake" president. If The lying whiner would of listen to his own experts we wouldn't be in this mess we are in right now. The lying whiner needs to take responsibility and quit blaming everyone else.

and maybe you could bring your hero , obummeroid , in and he could help keep the death toll under 13,000 this time with the knowledge he gained from letting since less lives parish like he did in 09 ?

03-31-2020, 08:05 AM
ss12 you have to love it when all they have is to fall back to Hillary is not your President bs. They are so obsessed with her it's kind of sad. Guys let it go you will be better for it. it's time to move on.

The Hillary lost water is what floods your every thought about Mr Trump.......take your own advice about letting it go and just support your president.

That the country you live in elected.

03-31-2020, 08:10 AM
Don't take what he said out of context you seem to like to do that. All he said was supplies. He didn't make it sound like anything close to what your saying.

He is trying to show the president in a bad light, he is fear mongering and blaming the president for shipping almost 18 tons of supplies to China....whether it's 11 pound ventilators....1 ounce masks or 8 oz. bottles of sanitizer.....you're missing the point and picking pepper out of fly sh!t like normal.

He made it sound exactly like that.....prove me wrong please.

03-31-2020, 08:28 AM
The Hillary lost water is what floods your every thought about Mr Trump.......take your own advice about letting it go and just support your president.

That the country you live in elected.

No sir it floods your every thought I'm not the one that keeps bringing it up you do. Hillary lost just except it.

03-31-2020, 08:31 AM
and maybe you could bring your hero , obummeroid , in and he could help keep the death toll under 13,000 this time with the knowledge he gained from letting since less lives parish like he did in 09 ?

Well it looks like the CDC and the Trump administration learned from that. Why do we have to keep bringing up the past. They made mistakes no doubt about it but, so has this Administration. With a crisis so, big your going to make mistakes no matter who is in charge. Obama made mistakes now Trump is. that's just the facts.

03-31-2020, 09:38 AM
No sir it floods your every thought I'm not the one that keeps bringing it up you do. Hillary lost just except it.

We all would...." Except" you guys are the ones that can't " accept" the crushing defeat handed to you from your own laziness and complacency.

You want to blame everyone else for that.

You don't have to bring up she lost btw....the " I'm with stupid" shirt you wear every day screams it.

03-31-2020, 09:41 AM
Well it looks like the CDC and the Trump administration learned from that. Why do we have to keep bringing up the past. They made mistakes no doubt about it but, so has this Administration. With a crisis so, big your going to make mistakes no matter who is in charge. Obama made mistakes now Trump is. that's just the facts.

You kind of forgot about the facts on how limited and under covered it was by the media back then......prior to almost 13k deaths.

Wonder what's different?

03-31-2020, 12:50 PM
You kind of forgot about the facts on how limited and under covered it was by the media back then......prior to almost 13k deaths.

Wonder what's different?

There you go again bringing up the past. you sure are infatuated with Obama. I said he made mistake so, has this President and guess what he's likely to make more.

03-31-2020, 12:54 PM
We all would...." Except" you guys are the ones that can't " accept" the crushing defeat handed to you from your own laziness and complacency.

You want to blame everyone else for that.

You don't have to bring up she lost btw....the " I'm with stupid" shirt you wear every day screams it.

Yes I seen what you did here. Again your goal in life must be pointing the mistake people make. You can blame whoever you want on the past election. Your right I don't bring up about her losing you do so, anyone could tell how infatuated you are with her losing. You need to get over it. Everyone has moved on but, not you I see

03-31-2020, 12:59 PM
No one in the dem party has moved on from that.......nobody.

You're fooling yourself if you think so.

03-31-2020, 12:59 PM
If the USA's private sector would have been told the truth about conronavirus would they be donating to China? The item they sent are the items we "desperately" need now. How many life's could of been saved in New York if they just had some of these supplies? The lying whiner in the White house is seriously stupid just like his gullible followers.

Dirtman are we short on any of these items? Oh that's right everyone of them.

The only one stupid on here is the one waiting for the exact date that this would be over .
Hey take my word for it . It will be over sooner or later .

03-31-2020, 01:01 PM
He is trying to show the president in a bad light, he is fear mongering and blaming the president for shipping almost 18 tons of supplies to China....whether it's 11 pound ventilators....1 ounce masks or 8 oz. bottles of sanitizer.....you're missing the point and picking pepper out of fly sh!t like normal.

He made it sound exactly like that.....prove me wrong please.

And btw....here is the post where I wasn't trying to make it look like it was just ventilators.

03-31-2020, 01:35 PM
And you fall for the lies that fake Fox news tells you so, now what! You fell for their nonsense at first and then they changed their tunes when they realized they weren't going to be able to politicize and just blame the Democrats for this so, keep listening to the fake fox news and hopefully it won't cost you your life. so please don't let fake fox news lead you by your nose.

I'll listen to the honest times of FOX news and also take note when they are not honest. The trouble with you is that you do just the opposite.

Do you ever criticize the other news networks? You know, the ones that are doing 95% of the lying. Nope, you just stick with the ones that do all of the real lying. What a lost soul.

03-31-2020, 01:41 PM
Birds of a feather........

03-31-2020, 02:43 PM
I'll listen to the honest times of FOX news and also take note when they are not honest. The trouble with you is that you do just the opposite.

Do you ever criticize the other news networks? You know, the ones that are doing 95% of the lying. Nope, you just stick with the ones that do all of the real lying. What a lost soul.

wait for it ..............................wait for it !

03-31-2020, 03:11 PM
I'll listen to the honest times of FOX news and also take note when they are not honest. The trouble with you is that you do just the opposite.

Do you ever criticize the other news networks? You know, the ones that are doing 95% of the lying. Nope, you just stick with the ones that do all of the real lying. What a lost soul.

Fake news is what your listening to. When they couldn't spin the the virus they did about face. What a lost soul you must be and just think you were hanging on every word. I just hope you were doing the opposite if what they were telling you.

Like I said just keep your mom safe.

03-31-2020, 03:13 PM
No one in the dem party has moved on from that.......nobody.

You're fooling yourself if you think so.

You and few on here keep bringing it up so, it looks just a few of you haven't moved sad sad sad.

03-31-2020, 03:46 PM
You and few on here keep bringing it up so, it looks just a few of you haven't moved sad sad sad.

I moved on the day it was announced that she lost because I was hoping she would , even though I really couldn't believe she did.........what I haven't moved on from are the actions of the losing party to disrupt anything and everything related to your president.

Those elected democrat officials are the folks that haven't and won't move on.....sore losers.

Like much of their constituency .

03-31-2020, 05:08 PM
Well it looks like the CDC and the Trump administration learned from that. Why do we have to keep bringing up the past. They made mistakes no doubt about it but, so has this Administration. With a crisis so, big your going to make mistakes no matter who is in charge. Obama made mistakes now Trump is. that's just the facts.

sorry kid , but i just cant help it , after the jr senator from Chicago with no real world experience , was crammed down our throat for eight years , i dont remember any one , including me and the media , treating him the way our current president is being treated , even in his time of a huge crises , which his was no where near as publicized as much as this , he was given a pass for his blunder , and that is facts as well.....

03-31-2020, 06:20 PM
sorry kid , but i just cant help it , after the jr senator from Chicago with no real world experience , was crammed down our throat for eight years , i dont remember any one , including me and the media , treating him the way our current president is being treated , even in his time of a huge crises , which his was no where near as publicized as much as this , he was given a pass for his blunder , and that is facts as well.....

He was given a pass for EVERY blunder

03-31-2020, 06:21 PM
Fake news is what your listening to. When they couldn't spin the the virus they did about face. What a lost soul you must be and just think you were hanging on every word. I just hope you were doing the opposite if what they were telling you.

Like I said just keep your mom safe.

If what they were telling was what ?

03-31-2020, 07:26 PM
Fake news is what your listening to. When they couldn't spin the the virus they did about face. What a lost soul you must be and just think you were hanging on every word. I just hope you were doing the opposite if what they were telling you.

Like I said just keep your mom safe.

I wish I could. They won't let me see her and she fell and got a hairline fracture on the other hip. I'm really getting upset that these places seem to keep letting this happen. There is a law against side rails on beds.

03-31-2020, 08:18 PM
I wish I could. They won't let me see her and she fell and got a hairline fracture on the other hip. I'm really getting upset that these places seem to keep letting this happen. There is a law against side rails on beds.

CW can you go and see your mom? I gentleman I work with mother(she's 75 years old) was just recently admitted to the hospital. He has not been able to see or talk to her. The nurse only call him if there has been a change in her health. Best wishes to your Mother and I hope everything gets better for her!! Hang in there!!! My father has been through heck the last few years. You would be amaze that he is still alive if I told you what he as been through.

03-31-2020, 08:27 PM
Good luck with your folks everyone.....take care of yourselves and each other.

03-31-2020, 08:46 PM
Good luck with your folks everyone.....take care of yourselves and each other.

BBQ, is it time to stop the politics for awhile and we all start supporting each other through these hard times ahead of us. F the republican, F the democrats it time for us 4mers to ban together. It's your call? I have more stuff to go with but I'm willing to hold off for a while. You can set the date.

03-31-2020, 08:49 PM
CW can you go and see your mom? I gentleman I work with mother(she's 75 years old) was just recently admitted to the hospital. He has not been able to see or talk to her. The nurse only call him if there has been a change in her health. Best wishes to your Mother and I hope everything gets better for her!! Hang in there!!! My father has been through heck the last few years. You would be amaze that he is still alive if I told you what he as been through.

No ss, I'm now allowed to see her. If her liver fails I might not see her again. I don't know how to accept that.

Hopefully he is not in a nursing home. From what I've experienced, they are not safe for ones with dementia and standing issues.

03-31-2020, 09:22 PM
The big whiner sent 17.8 tons Of US Supplies To China Then Blames Obama For PPE Shortage.



rump now indicating if we can keep the conronavirus under 100,000 deaths the government did a good job. WTF

Obvious the big whiner doesn't have a clue on what he is doing. A couple of days ago everything would be back to normal after Easter now April 30. If Obama or Clinton did anything like this you gullible fools would be going ape $hit right now!!

And the big whiner posts on here near daily, his anti-Trump messages!

You know, that HATE will kill you one day!

03-31-2020, 09:37 PM
If you're asking will I not say something when a disgruntled democrat clearly says something stupid and spiteful about a president of the country they live in just because and only because they are still mad because Hillary lost ????? Nope, not gonna happen.

On the coming together and supporting each other part, I'm for that every day in every way anyway....my disgust for some of the posting on here because we aren't together as a country anymore should speak to that pretty loudly.

I'm good with calming the harshness down a little though and there's really no need to set a date , we will both know when it's time to resume.

03-31-2020, 09:42 PM
And the big whiner posts on here near daily, his anti-Trump messages!

You know, that HATE will kill you one day!

Hate is like you drinking the poison and then waiting on the poison to kill the person you hate.......some folks discover that too late.

04-01-2020, 05:38 AM
No ss, I'm now allowed to see her. If her liver fails I might not see her again. I don't know how to accept that.

Hopefully he is not in a nursing home. From what I've experienced, they are not safe for ones with dementia and standing issues.

Sorry to hear that CW. Thoughts and prayers for you and your mother. My dad is going to be 80 in May and still is living at home but does have standing issues. On New years eve he fell and broke his hip. My dad is a musician and was at a gig when he fell. A group of men picked him up and put him on stage and he played for an hour. When he finished they call an ambulance to come and get him. He wouldn't of had it any other way.

04-01-2020, 07:00 AM
And the big whiner posts on here near daily, his anti-Trump messages!

You know, that HATE will kill you one day!

You should heed that warning yourself. Your hatred for Democrats just might kill you one day!!

04-01-2020, 07:07 AM
No ss, I'm now allowed to see her. If her liver fails I might not see her again. I don't know how to accept that.

Hopefully he is not in a nursing home. From what I've experienced, they are not safe for ones with dementia and standing issues.

Sending prayers to your mom and hoping that she gets the care she needs.

04-01-2020, 08:15 AM
im with you SS on post 42 , this is NO ones fault , well some blame could be placed on the Chinese which i think will be revisited when this is over , CW , i know how you feel , my 79 year old mom finally recovered from her head on collision last fall well enough to go visit my brother for a while 3 weeks ago when this was just starting , he works for UAB hospital in the lab , so im very concerned for her health , but she is hard headed , guess thats where mine came from , and thinks she is better off sheltering in place and want come home because she thinks she might give it to me , my brother assures me they are taking every precaution possible at the hospital and he feels very safe , any way , my prayers to all of you and good luck to every one......

04-01-2020, 11:48 AM
im with you SS on post 42 , this is NO ones fault , well some blame could be placed on the Chinese which i think will be revisited when this is over , CW , i know how you feel , my 79 year old mom finally recovered from her head on collision last fall well enough to go visit my brother for a while 3 weeks ago when this was just starting , he works for UAB hospital in the lab , so im very concerned for her health , but she is hard headed , guess thats where mine came from , and thinks she is better off sheltering in place and want come home because she thinks she might give it to me , my brother assures me they are taking every precaution possible at the hospital and he feels very safe , any way , my prayers to all of you and good luck to every one......

Glad to hear your mom is doing better please keep her safe!!

04-01-2020, 11:50 AM
Scary that predictions of 100m to 240m dead and to think some on this board could be one of the ones whose life is taken by this pandemic no one saw coming just a few months ago. Economy was great, unemployment rate was lowest it's ever been, and the stock market was soaring. How things can change in the blink of an eye. Hope everyone stays safe and healthy as do their loved ones.

04-01-2020, 11:57 AM
im with you SS on post 42 , this is NO ones fault , well some blame could be placed on the Chinese which i think will be revisited when this is over , CW , i know how you feel , my 79 year old mom finally recovered from her head on collision last fall well enough to go visit my brother for a while 3 weeks ago when this was just starting , he works for UAB hospital in the lab , so im very concerned for her health , but she is hard headed , guess thats where mine came from , and thinks she is better off sheltering in place and want come home because she thinks she might give it to me , my brother assures me they are taking every precaution possible at the hospital and he feels very safe , any way , my prayers to all of you and good luck to every one......

Glad to hear your mom is doing better please keep her safe!!

04-01-2020, 12:12 PM
glad to hear your mom is doing better please keep her safe!!

kid dumb as s a rock do you still believe dr fauci or is under trumps control now ?

04-01-2020, 02:06 PM
The big whiner sent 17.8 tons Of US Supplies To China Then Blames Obama For PPE Shortage.



rump now indicating if we can keep the conronavirus under 100,000 deaths the government did a good job. WTF

Obvious the big whiner doesn't have a clue on what he is doing. A couple of days ago everything would be back to normal after Easter now April 30. If Obama or Clinton did anything like this you gullible fools would be going ape $hit right now!!

The U.S. sent nearly 17.8 tons of donated medical supplies to China to combat the spread of the novel coronavirus in early 2020.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the State Department had “facilitated the transportation of nearly 17.8 tons of donated medical supplies to the Chinese people, including masks, gowns, gauze, respirators, and other vital materials.”

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With many of those items now reportedly in short supply at many medical facilities across the United States, some people have wondered if the donation had negatively impacted the American stockpile. Today the State Department said those items came from private aid groups and businesses.

“In early February the American people demonstrated their characteristic generosity by donating 17.8 tons of medical supplies to help the Chinese people contain the impact and stem the spread of COVID-19 from Wuhan to other parts of China and the world,” a senior State Department official said in a statement Monday. “These donations were provided by Samaritan’s Purse, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Intermountain Healthcare, and Boeing. The State Department facilitated the delivery of these medical supplies to Project HOPE in China on flights that ultimately brought home over 800 American citizens back from Wuhan at the outbreak of the pandemic.”

Why did you leave out the word "DONATED"????

Guess MASA (Make America Sick Again) supporter of left wing propaganda. I just shot your thread down in flames. Maybe a dunce cap fitting is in order???? :)

04-01-2020, 02:10 PM
Guess what, Google pulls the wool over your gullible eye all the time. They always post the left wing sites first on all searches so that people will hopefully only see what the left wants them to see. And as a result you fools or duped to the gills 24/7 and none the wiser for it.

04-01-2020, 05:41 PM
kid dumb as s a rock do you still believe dr fauci or is under trumps control now ?

Can you site where I even said that? I have commented plenty on this so, shouldn't be that hard to find. I will be waiting there Genius!!

04-01-2020, 05:49 PM
can you site where i even said that? I have commented plenty on this so, shouldn't be that hard to find. I will be waiting there genius!!

where you said what ? That you trust fauci or that he is under trumps control >

04-01-2020, 07:01 PM
where you said what ? That you trust fauci or that he is under trumps control >

YES can you find where I said he's under Trumps control?

04-01-2020, 07:18 PM
YES can you find where I said he's under Trumps control?

I am ASKING you if he is , not telling you that you said he is ! Please brush up on your comprehension skills before you ask another ridiculously stupid question ,

04-01-2020, 07:48 PM
I am ASKING you if he is , not telling you that you said he is ! Please brush up on your comprehension skills before you ask another ridiculously stupid question ,

And I'm telling you I'm pretty sure I never said that but, if you can find where I did I will have to say your right.

04-01-2020, 07:59 PM
And I'm telling you I'm pretty sure I never said that but, if you can find where I did I will have to say your right.

Please enroll in the Evelyn Woodhead speed reading and comprehension course ASAP and then see if you can increase your comprehension skills enough to figure out the difference between a statement and a question ! You really are that STUPID ?

04-01-2020, 09:32 PM
The big whiner sent 17.8 tons Of US Supplies To China Then Blames Obama For PPE Shortage. https://www.politicususa.com/2020/03/29/trump-sends-17-8-tons-of-us-supplies-to-china-then-blames-obama-for-ppe-shortage.html https://www.state.gov/the-united-states-announces-assistance-to-combat-the-novel-coronavirus rump now indicating if we can keep the conronavirus under 100,000 deaths the government did a good job. WTF Obvious the big whiner doesn't have a clue on what he is doing. A couple of days ago everything would be back to normal after Easter now April 30. If Obama or Clinton did anything like this you gullible fools would be going ape $hit right now!! UH DUH ! ! Surely a perceived know it all like you does know all about the logistics and PUC rules ? Do ya know that the usual legal weight limit for an 18 wheeler is 80,000 pounds which is 40 ton? 17.8 ton rounded out to 18 ton is still not a full trailer of product. A fully loaded 53 foot truck and trailer combination unit is 40 ton loaded to its full legal capacity. Everything possibly was loaded into just 1 container vault. All of that for a country of billions ? It is compared to 1 flea on an Elephant ! ! Who are you trying to snowball ? ? The SHAME ! !

04-01-2020, 09:39 PM
UH DUH ! ! Surely a perceived know it all like you does know all about the logistics and PUC rules ? Do ya know that the usual legal weight limit for an 18 wheeler is 80,000 pounds which is 40 ton? 17.8 ton rounded out to 18 ton is still not a full trailer of product. A fully loaded 53 foot truck and trailer combination unit is 40 ton loaded to its full legal capacity. Everything possibly was loaded into just 1 container vault. All of that for a country of billions ? It is compared to 1 flea on an Elephant ! ! Who are you trying to snowball ? ? The SHAME ! !

Snowflake trying to snowball anyone he can ! Only problem he has is there is only one or two other snowflakes here who believe his garbage !

04-01-2020, 09:46 PM
You should heed that warning yourself. Your hatred for Democrats just might kill you one day!!

Nope, hate all yours and your partys, hatred of anything related to a holy God...….huge difference!

04-01-2020, 10:27 PM
Nope, hate all yours and your partys, hatred of anything related to a holy God...….huge difference!

Like I said your hatred for the democrats just might kill you.

04-02-2020, 05:42 AM
UH DUH ! ! Surely a perceived know it all like you does know all about the logistics and PUC rules ? Do ya know that the usual legal weight limit for an 18 wheeler is 80,000 pounds which is 40 ton? 17.8 ton rounded out to 18 ton is still not a full trailer of product. A fully loaded 53 foot truck and trailer combination unit is 40 ton loaded to its full legal capacity. Everything possibly was loaded into just 1 container vault. All of that for a country of billions ? It is compared to 1 flea on an Elephant ! ! Who are you trying to snowball ? ? The SHAME ! !

Go and read post #12.

04-02-2020, 06:35 AM
And I'm telling you I'm pretty sure I never said that but, if you can find where I did I will have to say your right.

Go check the closed threads....you might find it there.

04-02-2020, 07:16 AM
Go check the closed threads....you might find it there.

Go look and get back to me if you find it. I'll be waiting...........................................

04-02-2020, 07:52 AM
And I'm telling you I'm pretty sure I never said that but, if you can find where I did I will have to say your right.

Or you can just be honest and admit that you did.......mistakenly.

Leave the if's and but's out of it though, it takes away from the impactful honest answer.

" if you can find it , I will have to say you're right".........that's classic.

04-02-2020, 12:07 PM
Or you can just be honest and admit that you did.......mistakenly.

Leave the if's and but's out of it though, it takes away from the impactful honest answer.

" if you can find it , I will have to say you're right".........that's classic.

Still waiting to see what you found. Your so confident I said it you should have no problem finding it. Now either find it or shut the ---- up already.

04-02-2020, 12:38 PM
nah, pass on the invite to stfu .......you said it, you meant it, you should own it.

You're still waiting on Hillary to get elected too.....aren't ya?

04-02-2020, 03:45 PM
nah, pass on the invite to stfu .......you said it, you meant it, you should own it.

You're still waiting on Hillary to get elected too.....aren't ya?

Did you find it yet or have you even looked for it? Inquiring minds want to know lol

04-02-2020, 04:16 PM
Nope, didn't bother ......People with honest inquiring minds should be able to remember what they said or wrote.

Unless of course what's written is tainted by the butthurt virus......Then all bets are off.....amnesia and no accountability for what you say are some of the worst symptoms.

Feel better soon

04-02-2020, 05:03 PM
Nope, didn't bother ......People with honest inquiring minds should be able to remember what they said or wrote.

Unless of course what's written is tainted by the butthurt virus......Then all bets are off.....amnesia and no accountability for what you say are some of the worst symptoms.

Feel better soon

Yep I knew it................................................ ...................... what a blowhard you are!! lol

04-02-2020, 05:15 PM
You should be able to remember what you say.........find it yourself, its there.

I'll be happy to stand corrected.........and won't deny I'm wrong if I am.....you probably won't recognize that though.