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04-10-2020, 01:42 PM
but what races do we think might actually happen? I got an email from my company last night saying I have to use all of my earned vacation (which is 2.5 weeks) before June 30th or it is lost and not paid. Has anybody else experienced the same?

Do we think the Dream might actually happen? Show-Me? It's kind of crappy getting forced to take your vacation in times where you can't go anywhere or do anything.

Thanks and take care!

04-10-2020, 01:46 PM
I hope I'm wrong but if I had to put money on it, I'd say the earliest will be August so North South 100, Show me 100, USA 100, PDC and all the other big races that follow.

04-10-2020, 02:10 PM
I hope I'm wrong but if I had to put money on it, I'd say the earliest will be August so North South 100, Show me 100, USA 100, PDC and all the other big races that follow.
Oh God I hope you're wrong

04-10-2020, 02:17 PM
^^^^^^50Dixon50 I as well

04-10-2020, 03:00 PM
I'm in agreement with you guys. I orginally thought July 1st we would back at the track but now I'm thinking August 1st is more likely.

04-10-2020, 10:33 PM
May have to do like this guy I know he made a small track on his property and done some laps in his A-mod today LOL

04-11-2020, 12:24 AM
but what races do we think might actually happen? I got an email from my company last night saying I have to use all of my earned vacation (which is 2.5 weeks) before June 30th or it is lost and not paid. Has anybody else experienced the same?

Do we think the Dream might actually happen? Show-Me? It's kind of crappy getting forced to take your vacation in times where you can't go anywhere or do anything.

Thanks and take care!

I'm not a doctor, but I live in Ohio. I listen to the governor. The Dream has zero chance.

04-11-2020, 11:01 AM
but what races do we think might actually happen? I got an email from my company last night saying I have to use all of my earned vacation (which is 2.5 weeks) before June 30th or it is lost and not paid. Has anybody else experienced the same?

Do we think the Dream might actually happen? Show-Me? It's kind of crappy getting forced to take your vacation in times where you can't go anywhere or do anything.

Thanks and take care!

My sister had to use up all her vacation time and then when that was gone she was furloughed. From an employee POV it feels unfair, but if you were the business owner and had to watch your bank account drain day after day with no specific end in sight at some point you have to make some tough decisions if you want the business to survive. Its not fun and not what anyone would want, but tough decisions have to be made. I was turned down for unemployment and not working because my uncle who owns the business has lung/heart issues and cant risk being around anyone, so we are closed. Luckily my wife is a nurse at a womans prison and they can't close... So yes it sucks the things we are ALL having to endure, but we can come back from this, regardless of what lies the MSM spues 24/7.

04-11-2020, 11:17 AM
I live in OHIO too. I hear what the governor is saying. I also know that things change. I also know that keeping people locked in for another six weeks is going to produce a lot of unwanted drama. I am saying this. We should not predict anything beyond the next couple of weeks. We may be racing in May, we may be racing in June or July or August or Sept or next year. The dam of patience is going to burst if this keeps going much longer. That is a prediction I am much more comfortable with.

04-11-2020, 11:21 AM
BTW I am talking more about jobs and the economy opening up again, racing is obviously a small part. The economy must start opening up before much longer or troubles are going to make this virus look like a side show. Stay tuned.

04-11-2020, 11:32 AM
I agree with the frustration and the comments on the economy. But, that infection curve is pretty symmetrical. It takes just as long to scale back down.

04-11-2020, 11:41 AM
True MasterSbilt. Unfortunately my opinion the back side or the curve going down will be a much more gradual decline. And as far as The Dream I have to think the crowd would be off a good bit even if it was held, makes it a poor risk for a promoter to come back too quickly.

04-11-2020, 04:58 PM
Trump will have us back racing by the middle of May!

If youre elderly or have underlying health conditions, either wear a mask or stay home......no reason to stop the rest of us!

04-11-2020, 05:34 PM
True MasterSbilt. Unfortunately my opinion the back side or the curve going down will be a much more gradual decline. And as far as The Dream I have to think the crowd would be off a good bit even if it was held, makes it a poor risk for a promoter to come back too quickly.

Have you seen the available seats for the Dream on the Eldora website? Most of the seats are sold already. There's not much risk when you've already sold that many tickets and camping spots. I highly doubt the crowd will be off. There aren't that many people drinking the Kool Aid. I'd even be OK with them reading people's temperatures at the gate if that's what they have to do.

04-11-2020, 05:48 PM
I dont see the dream happening as of now. Things could change I guess.

04-11-2020, 08:32 PM
My prediction: There will be a Dream event this year, but it will be an I-Racing event.

04-12-2020, 09:44 AM
My prediction: There will be a Dream event this year, but it will be an I-Racing event.

It may be iRacing but hopefully they have a real one at some point too. I am already tired of this iRacing junk. I'd rather not watch anything than to watch that. At first I thought "hey its better than nothing", but I changed my mind.

I am going to plan time off to go to the dream, if it's cancelled, I'll just forego my 13 hour trip from NW Florida. There is also supposed to be a 2-day Southern All Stars show that same weekend in Alabama about 45 minutes from my house, so that's the backup plan. If both cancel (which is likely), I guess I'll just take the waverunner out.

04-12-2020, 10:13 AM
My prediction: There will be a Dream event this year, but it will be an I-Racing event.I hope you’re not suggesting that the dream will be ran as an iracing event.

04-12-2020, 07:18 PM
Who knows at this point. I hope not but it is what it is and Eldora has canceled everything up to May 3rd.

04-12-2020, 08:46 PM
Eldora has postponed everything racing wise up to May 3rd. the only thing that's been cancelled is the test and tunes they had scheduled

04-12-2020, 08:56 PM
canceled/ postponed same difference. nothing happening til after may 3rd. yeah they may reschedule somethings but not likely all.

04-12-2020, 09:23 PM
I'm not a doctor, but I live in Ohio. I listen to the governor. The Dream has zero chance.

My guess is the Dream has a 0 chance of running in June, but probably a 50% chance of running later in the year. I’d also guess we see a shortened SummerNats.

04-12-2020, 09:26 PM
I live in OHIO too. I hear what the governor is saying. I also know that things change. I also know that keeping people locked in for another six weeks is going to produce a lot of unwanted drama. I am saying this. We should not predict anything beyond the next couple of weeks. We may be racing in May, we may be racing in June or July or August or Sept or next year. The dam of patience is going to burst if this keeps going much longer. That is a prediction I am much more comfortable with.

That prediction is probably the best one on here. It’s a Catch 22 without a vaccine. Let everyone off the hook sooner and deal with additional spread, or keep people in longer and bust their checkbooks. A sh!t deal all around.

04-13-2020, 01:23 AM
The Dream will run the Saturday before the World 100 as the Baltes' Dream.

04-13-2020, 08:59 AM
If the country goes into a depression as some are predicting, racing will be the last thing on peoples minds.

04-13-2020, 09:10 AM
If the country goes into a depression as some are predicting, racing will be the last thing on peoples minds.

That's why we all have to go back to normal May 1 whether the government says we can or not. It is not the government's decision to make for us. There is little risk for healthy people without underlying conditions to go racing or to the bar or to the mall as long as the people susceptible to this keep socially distancing from those healthy people that may be carrying the virus unknowingly. The quicker the healthy people get the virus and become immune, the better.

04-13-2020, 10:49 AM
That's why we all have to go back to normal May 1 whether the government says we can or not. It is not the government's decision to make for us. There is no risk for healthy people without underlying conditions to go racing or to the bar or to the mall as long as the people susceptible to this keep socially distancing from those healthy people that may be carrying the virus unknowingly. The quicker the healthy people get the virus and become immune, the better.

The "There is no risk for healthy people without underlying conditions" is not accurate. Healthy individuals are certainly not as likely to get sick but don't spread the false statement that there is no risk. The children's hospital my wife works at has 3 kids in ICU between 14-18 on ventilators right now and they were deemed completely healthy before hand. Maybe you should take on a part-time job of walking in and informing the parents that there kids must have some underlying condition as there is no risk for completely healthy people.

04-13-2020, 10:56 AM
That's why we all have to go back to normal May 1 whether the government says we can or not. It is not the government's decision to make for us. There is no risk for healthy people without underlying conditions to go racing or to the bar or to the mall as long as the people susceptible to this keep socially distancing from those healthy people that may be carrying the virus unknowingly. The quicker the healthy people get the virus and become immune, the better.

The expert has spoken again ... and again ... and again ...

04-13-2020, 11:04 AM
The expert has spoken again ... and again ... and again ...Yes Dr. Fox News seems to have all the answers.....lol

Mud Packer
04-13-2020, 11:28 AM
Gear_Head pukes out more (not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word) than a sewage plant. He's like most talking heads on TV. They just love to hear themselves spew on and on and on................................................ ........................

04-13-2020, 11:34 AM
If the country goes into a depression as some are predicting, racing will be the last thing on peoples minds.Already there.

04-13-2020, 11:47 AM
Yes Dr. Fox News seems to have all the answers.....lol

I do. You're welcome.

04-13-2020, 11:49 AM
The "There is no risk for healthy people without underlying conditions" is not accurate. Healthy individuals are certainly not as likely to get sick but don't spread the false statement that there is no risk. The children's hospital my wife works at has 3 kids in ICU between 14-18 on ventilators right now and they were deemed completely healthy before hand. Maybe you should take on a part-time job of walking in and informing the parents that there kids must have some underlying condition as there is no risk for completely healthy people.

If you want to get technical then how about "little risk". There is no risk for the folks immune to it already. The fact of the matter is a great depression is going to kill more people than the virus. That is indisputable.

04-13-2020, 12:22 PM
We've been duped into thinking this virus is worse than it really is. And they are going to do their best to try and keep things shut down as long as possible.

Can people die? Yes, but very little over what severe cases of flues are causing.

If not for your TV set telling you what , how, when, and why to think. People would probably not even notice any difference.

04-13-2020, 12:33 PM
We've been duped into thinking this virus is worse than it really is. And they are going to do their best to try and keep things shut down as long as possible.

Can people die? Yes, but very little over what severe cases of flues are causing.

If not for your TV set telling you what , how, when, and why to think. People would probably not even notice any difference.

Just imagine how horrified these people would be if the lefty news covered every flu case and flu death like this every flu season! Nobody would ever leave their homes! 60,000+ die every year from the flu in this country and nobody ever cared and we never shut the country down.

04-13-2020, 01:19 PM
If you want to get technical then how about "little risk". There is no risk for the folks immune to it already. The fact of the matter is a great depression is going to kill more people than the virus. That is indisputable.

Yes, you can't get upset at the leftist media reporting false news to promote their agenda if you're going to state false statements to get your point across. Got to be better then them.

How do you know who is immune? How do you know immunity is going to stick? You keep comparing it to the flu, there's a reason why Flu shots are only good for a year. That's because the flu virus rapidly mutates and changes every year. There's a steady pattern that allows scientists to somewhat predict a viable vaccine but there are years were they're off and there's an uptick in cases/deaths. The flu's not seen as serious because it's a predictable curve every year and considered under control except for the blip years were the vaccine is not as effective. It's way too soon to know that about COVID-19. Majority of people may appear to be immune now but if it is like the flu then immunity now could mean jack s**t next year if it is seasonal. Who's to say it can't mutate again to something even deadlier? COVID-19 is actually a mutated strain of the general coronavirus. The media just foolishly reports it in general as the coronavirus which paints the picture this is a new terrible virus when in reality it's a mutated strain of a virus that's been around for awhile. I have seen less of that and more people reporting/referring to it as covid-19 but that's a different argument. It's mutated once. Who's to say it can't mutate again into something further?

04-13-2020, 01:46 PM
Of course it's going to mutate, just like the flu. That's what viruses do, mutate to stay alive. And like flu vaccines the producers every year will try to guess what strain they need to vaccinate against and some years will be worse than others. The point is we cannot shut the economy down every year because this virus and flu are circulating. We've never done that before and we should never do it again.

04-13-2020, 01:48 PM
Comparing this to a typical flu is a mistake. It's worse than a typical flu.

04-13-2020, 02:36 PM
Comparing this to a typical flu is a mistake. It's worse than a typical flu.

We don't know for certain how much worse, but it is worse. It took decades to get a hit or miss vaccine for the flu. We don't have that long to wait for this. We may very well have to deal with a new normal.

04-13-2020, 02:41 PM
Comparing this to a typical flu is a mistake. It's worse than a typical flu.

6-14 times more deadly than normal flu it's looking like.

04-13-2020, 02:52 PM
6-14 times more deadly than normal flu it's looking like.

Absolutely not true. Considering all of the silent carriers with no symptoms it looks like the mortality rate will be less than the flu. The mortality rate in the elderly and those with underlying conditions will be higher, which is why those people will have to be careful. Overall though, it is less deadly than the flu when it comes to the overall number of infected that die.

04-13-2020, 03:02 PM
Absolutely not true. Considering all of the silent carriers with no symptoms it looks like the mortality rate will be less than the flu. The mortality rate in the elderly and those with underlying conditions will be higher, which is why those people will have to be careful. Overall though, it is less deadly than the flu when it comes to the overall number of infected that die.

There is no way the case mortality will be under 0.1%. swine flu did nothing to overload hospitals like this. And it was widely contracted.

04-13-2020, 03:14 PM
There is no way the case mortality will be under 0.1%. swine flu did nothing to overload hospitals like this. And it was widely contracted.

Because H1N1 wasn't as contagious so not as many people contracted it. More people are contracting the China virus at a faster rate. 85% of the people who contract the virus have no or mild symptoms and likely have never been tested, so those numbers aren't in the confirmed case numbers. Bold prediction - once the antibody tests start you'll be shocked by how many people in the US had it already and recovered and had no idea. And for every one of those cases the mortality rate declines.

04-13-2020, 03:15 PM
Was feeling under the weather last week was sent home and was told i could go to doctor and be cleared to return or stay at home for two weeks with pay. Guess which one i chose.

04-13-2020, 03:23 PM
66% of those already tested came back negative for the virus. Another 15% were false positives. So roughly 81% of those suspected of having it, don't. The CDC numbers they release as "Confirmed" are actually "Confirmed + Suspected" and like I stated 66% of suspected cases aren't. Looking more and more overblown the further we go, but it was a last chance grasp by the left to get back in control. They don't care, who they hurt or what kind of damage they do to the economy as long as they regain power for the Chinese.

04-13-2020, 03:26 PM
Absolutely not true. Considering all of the silent carriers with no symptoms it looks like the mortality rate will be less than the flu. The mortality rate in the elderly and those with underlying conditions will be higher, which is why those people will have to be careful. Overall though, it is less deadly than the flu when it comes to the overall number of infected that die.

It will not be less than the flu. You are 100% out of your mind.
It my not end up being ten times more deadly, but it is going to be several times more.

Edited....In fairness the numbers have been updated and it is around 3.5% worldwide now. I hadn't looked into it since last week.

04-13-2020, 03:30 PM
Because H1N1 wasn't as contagious so not as many people contracted it. More people are contracting the China virus at a faster rate. 85% of the people who contract the virus have no or mild symptoms and likely have never been tested, so those numbers aren't in the confirmed case numbers. Bold prediction - once the antibody tests start you'll be shocked by how many people in the US had it already and recovered and had no idea. And for every one of those cases the mortality rate declines.
60 million Americans got the swine flu. Worldwide, and in the US, only about 10% of people have contracted c19 so far.

04-13-2020, 03:32 PM
Absolutely not true. Considering all of the silent carriers with no symptoms it looks like the mortality rate will be less than the flu. The mortality rate in the elderly and those with underlying conditions will be higher, which is why those people will have to be careful. Overall though, it is less deadly than the flu when it comes to the overall number of infected that die.


Germany is one of the first to do a wide spread survey of the general population using antibody tests to determine how much of the population has contracted the disease. They tested 1,000 residents and found 2% had an active infection and 14% had antibodies showing that they were immune. From this study they were able to estimate a death rate of .37%.

The mortality rate for the flu is .1%. It's still a significant jump from the flu and the hospitalization rate has been enough to overload hospitals around the world.

04-13-2020, 04:13 PM

Germany is one of the first to do a wide spread survey of the general population using antibody tests to determine how much of the population has contracted the disease. They tested 1,000 residents and found 2% had an active infection and 14% had antibodies showing that they were immune. From this study they were able to estimate a death rate of .37%.

The mortality rate for the flu is .1%. It's still a significant jump from the flu and the hospitalization rate has been enough to overload hospitals around the world.

You just validated my point! .37% mortality rate is not worth shutting down the economy over. Glad you finally saw the light. Where did you get 6X as deadly? Yikes. My point was the healthy population going out is not going to overload the hospitals, so there's no risk of that unless they start doing something dumb like visiting nursing homes.

04-13-2020, 04:19 PM
You just validated my point! .37% mortality rate is not worth shutting down the economy over. Glad you finally saw the light. Where did you get 6X as deadly? Yikes. My point was the healthy population going out is not going to overload the hospitals, so there's no risk of that unless they start doing something dumb like visiting nursing homes.

.37% is significant, especially with an R0 as high as it's currently estimated at. The mortality rate isn't everything, either. What's also important is the hospitalization rate.

04-13-2020, 04:20 PM
You just validated my point! .37% mortality rate is not worth shutting down the economy over. Glad you finally saw the light. Where did you get 6X as deadly? Yikes. My point was the healthy population going out is not going to overload the hospitals, so there's no risk of that unless they start doing something dumb like visiting nursing homes.

So .37% isn't worth it but .6 is ?
At the beginning of this we didn't have any idea what it was because information coming out of China is not reliable. Arkansas senator Tom Cotton, who I do not like, tried to tell folks in the Trump administration to keep an eye on this thing from the beginning and he was blown off.

04-13-2020, 04:21 PM
So .37% isn't worth it but .6 is ?
At the beginning of this we didn't have any idea what it was because information coming out of China is not reliable.

As I clearly stated before, .6 isn't worth it either.

04-13-2020, 04:22 PM
.37% is significant, especially with an R0 as high as it's currently estimated at. The mortality rate isn't everything, either. What's also important is the hospitalization rate.

Sure, and the elderly and people with underlying conditions are the ones with the high hospitalization rate. So you're agreeing with everything I have said.

04-13-2020, 04:23 PM
As I clearly stated before, .6 isn't worth it either.

What % would it take ?

04-13-2020, 04:23 PM
So to clarify, probably no Dream? lol

Dang you guys are bored.

04-13-2020, 04:25 PM
What % would it take ?

A much larger one.

04-13-2020, 04:26 PM
So to clarify, probably no Dream? lol

I'm ready!

04-13-2020, 04:41 PM
Sure, and the elderly and people with underlying conditions are the ones with the high hospitalization rate. So you're agreeing with everything I have said.

No, I'm not. We're coming to different conclusions.

04-13-2020, 05:54 PM
That's why we all have to go back to normal May 1 whether the government says we can or not. It is not the government's decision to make for us. There is little risk for healthy people without underlying conditions to go racing or to the bar or to the mall as long as the people susceptible to this keep socially distancing from those healthy people that may be carrying the virus unknowingly. The quicker the healthy people get the virus and become immune, the better.

You sound like donnie rump.

04-13-2020, 05:58 PM
Comparing this to a typical flu is a mistake. It's worse than a typical flu.

That is correct. It is much more contagious and deadly than the regular flu.

Josh Bayko
04-13-2020, 06:11 PM
So to clarify, probably no Dream? lol

Dang you guys are bored.

Probably not. I predict the Dream and World end up being on consecutive weekends in September.

04-13-2020, 06:37 PM
Total disclosure....Because Hillary makes me puke I reluctantly voted for Trump hoping he would actually behave like a president, man was I wrong. I just got done watching todays press briefing and I can’t imagine it could get any more bizarre. Did I just watch a Saturday Night Live skit?

04-13-2020, 06:51 PM
Probably not. I predict the Dream and World end up being on consecutive weekends in September.

You race against Lucas/WoO on the weekend before. Then you race against Lucas on the following weekend.

I don’t think Lucas will adjust the Knoxville race. You could adjust Portsmouth to DTWC weekend and The Hillbilly to after the Pittsburgher.

04-13-2020, 06:53 PM
WoO could easily move Fayetteville and Lancaster to the weekend before the World Finals.

Josh Bayko
04-13-2020, 06:58 PM
WoO could easily move Fayetteville and Lancaster to the weekend before the World Finals.

Both tours are going to have to get creative.

04-13-2020, 07:31 PM
The the dream didnt take place in 2001 if everyone remembers....the million. Simplest thing to do IF it doesn't happen this June, is just move the whole total purse to the world weekend. We have been speculating for months what they were going to for the 50th, I think that may be the best option instead of messing up the national tours more than they already will be. It would be cool to see that happen on back to back weekends from a fans stand point, it would kill the car count though IMO, especially with Knoxville the week after the world. I can't see Eldora stepping on the tradition of the hillbilly either.

04-13-2020, 07:37 PM
Monday-Wednesday dream Thursday-Saturday world? I’m in

04-14-2020, 08:31 AM
Probably not. I predict the Dream and World end up being on consecutive weekends in September.

That would be a heck of a month. I guess the Dream would have to be the weekend before the World, because Knoxville is the week after the World.

Josh Bayko
04-14-2020, 08:51 AM
That would be a heck of a month. I guess the Dream would have to be the weekend before the World, because Knoxville is the week after the World.

That’s what I think happens. Depending on how long this quarantine lasts, I tend to think all that’s going to be left on both tours is their bigger races. I think both tours will lose almost all of their “regular” shows.

04-14-2020, 11:15 AM
WoO could easily move Fayetteville and Lancaster to the weekend before the World Finals.

That Fayetteville race has the makings to be awesome......can't wait to see how the new track shakes out for the pros.

04-15-2020, 08:23 AM
Dr. Fauci just stated that sports could come back this summer, only without fans. This is bad news for our sport. I'm losing hope quick.

04-15-2020, 08:33 AM
I'm thinking sports that can have athletes play their respective sports and the fans/viewers see it via pay-per-view of some sorts, I can see that working for stuff like the major sporting events. Dirt racing, maybe the top series could get by doing that... no way on the rest of dirt racing able to operate in this kind of capacity.