View Full Version : Fox News.....again!

04-18-2020, 09:22 PM
Poor fake news, their viewership continually sinking! One of these days, they might realize to stop being anti-God and America!

Fox News had the top five most-watched cable news programs during the first quarter of 2020.

With the coronavirus pandemic increasingly taking up much of the media's focus, prime-time hosts Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson had the top two shows, averaging more than 4 million viewers a night, according to Nielsen Media Research.
The Five, which starts at 5 p.m. ET; Laura Ingraham's evening program, which airs at 10 p.m.; and news anchor Bret Baier's program, which airs at 6 p.m., rounded out the top five. Each program averaged more than 3 million viewers. These five shows also finished in the top five of the key 25-54 age demographic, which helps determine ad rates.

04-19-2020, 04:50 AM
Good for Fox ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

04-19-2020, 08:44 AM
Good for Fox ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Great for America !!!!!!!!

04-19-2020, 10:37 AM
isnt it funny how the same fake news networks that claim trump is not answering there questions , pulls away from the briefing when the president or one of his professionals on his team answer those exact questions , they do not want there butt hurt viewers to hear the truth , are there followers that stupid ? well , most of there followers did vote for HRC so theres that.......

04-19-2020, 11:44 AM
While we are at, Fox interview with Pelosi shows what a piece of dirt she is. She has no business being in charge of anything. A complete fraud, Phony liar. LOLOLOLOL

04-19-2020, 08:21 PM
I like Tucker. I like the five. I don’t stay up to watch Laura so I can’t comment on her although I typically like what she has to say when I have had a chance to watch her. Hannity is losing it. His breaking news stuff is never a big deal. He is not the debater that Tucker is. Normal Fox News shows like Fox n Friends have lost me with this social distancing news junk. They have taken it too far.

04-19-2020, 08:41 PM
You can sure bet that some liberal was the first person to say "social distancing" and the Dems and media rammed it down our throats.

04-20-2020, 05:37 AM
Fox News on Tuesday asked a Washington state judge to toss a lawsuit that alleges the news outlet’s dissemination of false information about the coronavirus poses a threat to public health.

In a court filing, the media outlet denied that its opinion hosts had downplayed the severity of the pandemic, and said statements by Fox News hosts Sean Hannity and Trish Regan cited in the lawsuit were protected under the First Amendment.

“The claims here are frivolous because the statements at issue are core political speech on matters of public concern,” Fox News wrote in a motion to dismiss filed Tuesday in a King County, Washington, trial court.

“The First Amendment does not permit censoring this type of speech based on the theory that it is ‘false’ or ‘outrageous.’ Nor does the law of the State of Washington,” it said.

So fox is admitting to lying and it's O.K. because their viewers are gullible fools and we know it. Our viewers believe anything we tell. LOL

04-20-2020, 07:39 AM
Interesting you didn’t copy and paste the article in is entirety. Just what fits your “Anti” narrative.

Fox News on Tuesday asked a Washington state judge to toss a lawsuit that alleges the news outlet’s dissemination of false information about the coronavirus poses a threat to public health.

In a court filing, the media outlet denied that its opinion hosts had downplayed the severity of the pandemic, and said statements by Fox News hosts Sean Hannity and Trish Regan cited in the lawsuit were protected under the First Amendment.

“The claims here are frivolous because the statements at issue are core political speech on matters of public concern,” Fox News wrote in a motion to dismiss filed Tuesday in a King County, Washington, trial court.

“The First Amendment does not permit censoring this type of speech based on the theory that it is ‘false’ or ‘outrageous.’ Nor does the law of the State of Washington,” it said.

The lawsuit, filed earlier this month by the nonprofit group Washington League for Increased Transparency and Ethics, marks a dramatic escalation in a fight over the parameters of free speech during a public health crisis.

On the same day the April 2 suit was filed, dozens of journalism professors and working journalists penned an open letter to Fox News heads Rupert and Lachlan Murdoch, accusing the outlet of regularly subjecting its viewers to misinformation about the pandemic.

Cable news networks including CNN and MSNBC skew older, as all three cable networks have audiences with an average age that is over 60 years old. The average age for Fox News viewers is 65, placing them in a population that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention considers to be at risk for serious illness from the coronavirus, which has infected some 610,000 in the U.S. and killed more than 26,000.

Faced with widespread public criticism last month, Fox Business announced that a show hosted by Regan was on “hiatus,” after the host said the coronavirus is “another attempt to impeach” President Trump.

Regan and Hannity are singled out in the lawsuit as having amplified the falsehood that the virus is a “hoax” and “conspiracy,” and that the coronavirus is no more dangerous than the common flu.

Hannity defended his coverage in an interview with Newsweek earlier this month, saying there is “irrefutable evidence that I have taken this seriously way before most in the media did.”

The complaint filed by the Washington group alleges that Fox News's broadcasting of false information about the coronavirus violated Washington state's consumer protection statute, and intentionally inflicted emotional distress.

The group says Fox News “willfully and maliciously” spread false information in February and March to its average audience of 2.5 million viewers. By denying or minimizing the danger, the network “had the effect of delaying and interfering with the implementation of effective mitigation and countermeasures against the virus,” the complaint alleges.

The lawsuit — which names the network, its parent companies, Rupert Murdoch and AT&T and Comcast as defendants — seeks both declaratory relief, and asks the judge to block the network from broadcasting false information about the pandemic in the future.

Elizabeth Hallock withdrew as counsel for the Washington League, according to court filing on Tuesday, the same day Fox filed its motion seeking the case's dismissal.

Catherine Clark, who is now counsel for the ethics group, said the case raises questions about what is appropriate speech when the country is under a national health emergency, as declared by the federal government.

“This case asks what are we doing to each other as a country when we’re under such an order from the government over something so vicious and pernicious as this disease, where nobody has herd immunity,” she told The Hill.

Legal experts said that while Fox News may deserve criticism for its coverage, courts are unlikely to intervene to police its content.

“One might argue that some of Fox News hosts’ statements about the coronavirus have been so patently politically-driven and irresponsible that viewers should take everything they say with a huge grain of salt. But the First Amendment protects this,” said Margaret Russell, a law professor at Santa Clara University.

In its brief, Fox called the complaint a “frontal assault on the freedom of speech” that “flagrantly violates the First Amendment and fails to state a claim.”

It said statements on Fox “are core political speech on a matter of public concern — how dangerous the Coronavirus is, and how society should respond to it.”

“Under the First Amendment and state law, the truth or falsity of this type of speech must be resolved through free and open debate in the marketplace of ideas — not through burdensome litigation seeking to impose legal penalties on political statements that a jury might deem ‘false’ or ‘outrageous.’ ”


04-20-2020, 08:37 AM
its funny to me , that with all the lies and deception,s that CNN and MSNBC have spewed for three years , that any one would think this article worthy of discussion.....geeeezs....

04-20-2020, 11:11 AM
The article is total trash, fool material.

04-20-2020, 11:58 AM
And then got called out on it???? Oops.

04-20-2020, 12:22 PM
And then got called out on it???? Oops.

That's because hes fake . Along with the CROOKED CNN which he so proudly follows .

04-20-2020, 01:14 PM
and then got called out on it???? Oops.

and they wonder why ?

04-20-2020, 03:33 PM
SS 12 is the poster child for fake news. LOLOLOL. He is nothing but another hate filled loser. Vote for Mr. Magoo there fellow. Show us how smart Plugs is, How smart CNN is and PMSNBC. Any idiot that trashes Fox news for being no news is clueless. Trump has done for more this Country than any President since Lincoln. His accomplishments, His family have been a blessing to the middle class, and poor just for starters. Blind hatred is for the ignorant. BTW his family includes the genius of Jared Kurshner also. What an effective President this guy would make some day. Peel back the onion and get to know how much he has done in Support of his Father Inlaw and this nation behind the scenes. Just thought I would throw that in there. His wife has also has been outstanding. Presidents of recent years have mostly been talkers. Trump is also, but more importantly has been a doer. Big time.

04-20-2020, 07:19 PM
good post TS , and there is nothing fake about your post , because it can all be backed up by facts.....

04-20-2020, 08:51 PM
Fox News on Tuesday asked a Washington state judge to toss a lawsuit that alleges the news outlet’s dissemination of false information about the coronavirus poses a threat to public health.

In a court filing, the media outlet denied that its opinion hosts had downplayed the severity of the pandemic, and said statements by Fox News hosts Sean Hannity and Trish Regan cited in the lawsuit were protected under the First Amendment.

“The claims here are frivolous because the statements at issue are core political speech on matters of public concern,” Fox News wrote in a motion to dismiss filed Tuesday in a King County, Washington, trial court.

“The First Amendment does not permit censoring this type of speech based on the theory that it is ‘false’ or ‘outrageous.’ Nor does the law of the State of Washington,” it said.

So fox is admitting to lying and it's O.K. because their viewers are gullible fools and we know

Imagine that.....straight from an anti-God Hilary voter! Amazing!

04-21-2020, 05:52 AM
Legal experts said that while Fox News may deserve criticism for its coverage, courts are unlikely to intervene to police its content.

“One might argue that some of Fox News hosts’ statements about the coronavirus have been so patently politically-driven and irresponsible that viewers should take everything they say with a huge grain of salt. But the First Amendment protects this,” said Margaret Russell, a law professor at Santa Clara University.

The gullible fox viewers "SHOULD TAKE EVERYTHING THEY SAY WITH A HUGH GRAIN OF SALT". The first amendment allow then to spread false information. Fox doesn't even fight the information was not accurate just the right they have to spread misleading information.

Zero you are the most anti-Christian poster on here. You are nothing but a cult member hiding under the bible for protection. The bible will not protected cult members like you!! The bible warns believers about cult members like you!!!

04-21-2020, 06:29 AM
Homophobe ,xenophobe,racist ,biggot.................... none of those names given to us by you libtards has worked on the new breed of PATRIOTIC AMERICANS as you would like ! So I am certain that being called a cult member by someone the likes of yourself will have absolutely ZERO effect  !!!!! LOL AND LOL SOME D A MN MORRIS ! Pretty lame if that is all you got after being legitimately called out on your TRUMP HATE and FULL LIBTARD AGENDA ! But us AMERICAN PATRIOTS have come to expect nothing more !

04-21-2020, 09:14 PM
Zero you are the most anti-Christian poster on here. You are nothing but a cult member hiding under the bible for protection. The bible will not protected cult members like you!! The bible warns believers about cult members like you!!!

Awwww...….did this whittle Qwistian with some whittle Biblical knowledge, hurt your feelwings? Im sorry, not sorry!

Try again.....anti-god liberal!!!

04-22-2020, 05:50 AM
Most cult members have biblical knowledge. Fox news wants a lawsuit dropped because its their right if they want to broadcast fake news.


04-22-2020, 07:12 AM
I liked reading all of your friends comments in the comment section of the video. All of you are still *^%$ hurt and Orange Man Bad. Too funny.

04-22-2020, 08:09 AM

Fake voice software and video facial editing using Wondershare Filmora 9

04-22-2020, 09:37 AM
Butt he has stockpiles of toilet paper

04-23-2020, 06:50 PM
Most cult members have biblical knowledge. Fox news wants a lawsuit dropped because its their right if they want to broadcast fake news.


When you use a little "b" to spell biblical, that shows your lack of respect for His word!

You continually give clues to your lack of Biblical knowledge, and then get insulted when you get called out!

"A closed mouth, gathers no foot!"

Try studying the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and you'll see why some people have incredible discernment about ones spiritual, or lack thereof, condition!


04-26-2020, 04:33 PM
BIBLE = Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

04-26-2020, 07:52 PM
BIBLE = Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

And yet 95% will end up in a very hot place!

"Broad is the gate, narrow is the way"!

04-27-2020, 09:51 AM
As will the baby murdering Demoncrats ! !

04-27-2020, 08:53 PM
As will the baby murdering Demoncrats ! !

If not, God will owe an apology to Sodom and Gommorah!

04-28-2020, 12:17 AM
If not, God will owe an apology to Sodom and Gommorah! Rodam and Gommorah ? ? ? ?

04-28-2020, 05:49 AM
As will the baby murdering Demoncrats ! !

You do realize Republican women have abortion as well don't you?

04-28-2020, 01:21 PM
You do realize Republican women have abortion as well don't you?

So how many abortion supporters are Dems and how many are Reps? Good chance 90% or more are Dems. Down in flames you go again.....