View Full Version : Chiner

04-20-2020, 07:29 PM
after facts are emerging about china,s handling of this pandemic , it is becoming obvious of there intention,s , they knew in November about this virus , and probably way before then , and stopped people from coming to the main land from wohun , BUT , they allowed people to go every where else on earth without ever saying a word for 2 months , to me , thats like knowing a murderer was going to kill some one well in advance and not saying any thing , they would more than likely be charged with some thing.....

04-20-2020, 10:21 PM
after facts are emerging about china,s handling of this pandemic , it is becoming obvious of there intention,s , they knew in November about this virus , and probably way before then , and stopped people from coming to the main land from wohun , BUT , they allowed people to go every where else on earth without ever saying a word for 2 months , to me , thats like knowing a murderer was going to kill some one well in advance and not saying any thing , they would more than likely be charged with some thing.....

ff, if the intelligence agencies from around the world can get solid proof that China allowed this virus to propagate and then attempted to cover it up there should be hell to pay for those bastards.

My fear is that even if the rest of the world gets the goods on China the political and media pressure will prevent much, if any, punishment. There is a lot of money at stake for a lot of people and countries around the world to stay in good graces with China. All anyone has to do is look at how the NBA hierarchy and it's players were forced to kowtow to China.

04-20-2020, 10:36 PM
It has been reported that the Chinks in the laboratory were ordered to create this virus to spread among the people that had the protests going on last fall. They didn't want to make waves with shooting rubber bullitts or beating the protesters up with bully clubs so they had the lab concoct a potion to back them down. It got away from them and here we are !

Missouri Man
04-21-2020, 12:28 PM
They blame all they want but will they do anything?

04-21-2020, 12:51 PM
Missouri just filed a lawsuit against China in Federal court.

04-21-2020, 01:42 PM
They blame all they want but will they do anything?Probably not. China has a sizable chunk of the world, including a fair share of the U.S. economy, in their economic pocket.

Missouri just filed a lawsuit against China in Federal court.I'll lay even odds that Missouri won't collect a thin dime from China. They should, but I'll wager they won't.

04-21-2020, 02:01 PM
China will " show them" nothing..........

04-21-2020, 07:30 PM
The only way to punish China is to bring our businesses back and quit buying their products.

04-22-2020, 07:50 AM
i know money does not replace a life , but maybe some of that debt we owe china should be eliminated , but one thing a lot of people dont know is a lot of the debt we owe them are based on companies in china backed by US dollars , greed and desire for cheap china labor and some here taking advantage of it ( maybe biden ? ) are the main cause of this debt , so my idea will never happen.......