View Full Version : Disinfectant

04-24-2020, 06:21 AM
Trump is now suggesting that you inject yourself with a disinfectant. WTF he needs to stop giving medical advice before more people get killed.

Lysol came out with a statement telling everyone NOT be injecting any disinfectant into your body!

I believe Emergency Management also came out with a statement telling everyone NOT to be doing this.

I just hope some of you that love Trump so, much doesn't do this this.

Mr. President please leave the medical advice to the experts.

04-24-2020, 07:44 AM
Kid I'm taking King killer Don's advise. The wife being a nurse injected me with 10mg of Clorox bleach this morning. The media need to stop televising King Killer Don's covid 19 briefs. King Killer Don has given so much bad advise from these briefings is not even funny anymore. I'm glad to see that hydroxychloroquaine worked out so well. The best president ever ROTFLMAO.

04-24-2020, 07:52 AM
And he's still yours.....lmao.

As much crying and whining and drama filled butthurt since 2016.....he's still you're president, despite all the efforts to illegally change that.

Get used to it and get used to being mad I guess.

04-24-2020, 07:56 AM
Kid I'm taking King killer Don's advise. The wife being a nurse injected me with 10mg of Clorox bleach this morning. The media need to stop televising King Killer Don's covid 19 briefs. King Killer Don has given so much bad advise from these briefings is not even funny anymore. I'm glad to see that hydroxychloroquaine worked out so well. The best president ever ROTFLMAO.

Advice is something you should take, advise is something you do......ignore is something people do when you do the latter.

04-24-2020, 07:56 AM
Trump is now suggesting that you inject yourself with a disinfectant. WTF he needs to stop giving medical advice before more people get killed.

Lysol came out with a statement telling everyone NOT be injecting any disinfectant into your body!

I believe Emergency Management also came out with a statement telling everyone NOT to be doing this.

I just hope some of you that love Trump so, much doesn't do this this.

Mr. President please leave the medical advice to the experts.

please post an un edited video of THE GREATEST PRESIDENT EVER telling people to inject themselves with disinfectant ? until then PLEASE STFU and crawl back under your TRUMP HATE ROCK !

04-24-2020, 08:08 AM
And then he predicts the trump hate fake news media and trump haters fake outrage about it !!!!! Priceless !!!!!lol and lol some da mn morris !!!!!!!!

04-24-2020, 08:21 AM
I knew one of you three would post about this as soon as I saw it on YouTube. Funny thing, there are an abundant amounts of YouTube videos denouncing Fauci the fraud. Interesting you don’t post about that.

FBI Investigation Targeted Dr. Fauci But Comey & Eric Holder Pulled the Plug - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QiramESw8Mk

BOOM! Stanford Doctor Reveals GAME CHANGING Covid-19 Numbers That Will SHAME Dr. Fauci FOREVER - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yffApE9I7so&t=152s

Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD Crushes Dr. Fauci Exposes Birx, Clintons, Bill Gates, And The W.H.O - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjjybyJ59Lw&t=46s

Part 1 of 4 - Time to WAKE UP! | Dr Rashid A Buttar|- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzXs1OHvItA

04-24-2020, 08:27 AM
Fauci: The Bernie Madoff of Science and the HIV Ponzi Scheme that Concealed the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Epidemic

This is the book that got the world's attention when it was introduced on Instagram by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Given the fact that Anthony Fauci has been at the center of one of the biggest medical cover-ups in history, it is shocking that anyone is putting their trust in him during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this explosive little book, the first publisher to devote his newspaper to the coverage of AIDS and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome details the role of Anthony Fauci in the cover-up of the truth about the relationship of the two epidemics. While mistaken members of the media like Laurie Garrett and Rachel Maddow have called Anthony Fauci "a great American," Dr. Fauci will soon take in his place in history as the chief operator of a Ponzi scheme that has plunged the world into a dystopian medical darkness of fraud, deceit, and neglect. This book is a must-read chapter from "The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Epidemic Cover-up Volume Two" with a new afterword that explores the extensive damage Fauci's Ponzi scheme has done to the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome community, people stigmatized with "HIV/AIDS," and everyone suffering from the viruses that Fauci's cover-up has been concealing from the world: the HHV-6/7/8 family of viruses. The list of the potential victims of Fauci's Ponzi scheme includes virtually everyone. Even the health of millions of doctors and nurses has been put at risk. These are the elements of Fauci's scientific Ponzi scheme: 1. Nosological fraud. (That's the branch of medicine dealing with the classification of disease. It is ground zero for public health fraud.) 2. Epidemiological fraud. 3. Virological fraud. 4. Treatment fraud. (Treatments that harm more than they heal or conceal more than they reveal.) 5. Public health policy fraud. 6. Concealment of negative scientific data and paradigm-challenging anomalies. 7. Use of an elite network of "old boys" and pseudo-activist provocateurs to censor critics and whistleblowers.8. Chronic obscurantism. 9. If necessary, vigilantism and witch-hunts against any intellectuals, scientists, or citizens who constitute any form of resistance to the Ponzi scheme. Millions of people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome are at risk for complications of COVID-19 because Fauci and his colleagues have never told the truth about the viral and transmissible nature of the AIDS-like Chronic Fatigue Syndrome pandemic.Fauci and his puppets at NIH have created a real mess. Like Bernie Madoff, Anthony Fauci is rich, famous, and powerful as a result of his scientific Ponzi scheme. And Fauci is a clever manipulator who will continue to try and hide the nature of his scientific Ponzi scheme from the public the way Bernie Madoff hid his financial records. But luckily, this brilliant and uncompromising work of journalism will enlighten members of Congress and the media as they begin extensive investigations of the Fauci Ponzi scheme.


04-24-2020, 08:31 AM
Doesn't fit their agenda !

04-24-2020, 08:35 AM
Will Trump's chances of re-election go down after his followers inject or chug a bottle of Lysol? Killing off voters is not a good idea.

04-24-2020, 08:38 AM
will trump's chances of re-election go down after his followers inject or chug a bottle of lysol? Killing off voters is not a good idea.

only dumd as s libtards with a trump hate agenda think that is what he said ! Trumps true supporters (some 100 million and growing ) know what to do !!!!

04-24-2020, 08:40 AM
please post an un edited video of THE GREATEST PRESIDENT EVER telling people to inject themselves with disinfectant ? until then PLEASE STFU and crawl back under your TRUMP HATE ROCK !

Do your on research by watching yesterdays covid-19 briefing you gullible fool. Pick a media of your choice and then get back and explain what he really meant. King Donald dumb, the dumbest president that we have ever had. He is definitely #1 in this category.

04-24-2020, 08:43 AM
Do your on research by watching yesterdays covid-19 briefing you gullible fool. Pick a media of your choice and then get back and explain what he really meant. King Donald dumb, the dumbest president that we have ever had. He is definitely #1 in this category.

DOES YOUR WIFE HAVE AN ANTIDOTE FOR TRUMP HATE ……………………………….? I Watched it and know EXACTLY what he meant !!!

04-24-2020, 08:46 AM
In full context of what was said -

While noting the research should be treated with caution, Mr Trump suggested further research in that area.

"So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous - whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light," the president said, turning to Dr Deborah Birx, the White House coronavirus response co-ordinator, "and I think you said that hasn't been checked but you're going to test it.

"And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside of the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you're going to test that too. Sounds interesting," the president continued.

"And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning?

"So it'd be interesting to check that."

Pointing to his head, Mr Trump went on: "I'm not a doctor. But I'm, like, a person that has a good you-know-what."

He turned again to Dr Birx and asked if she had ever heard of using "the heat and the light" to treat coronavirus.

"Not as a treatment," Dr Birx said. "I mean, certainly, fever is a good thing. When you have a fever, it helps your body respond. But I've not seen heat or light."

"I think it's a great thing to look at," Mr Trump said.


04-24-2020, 08:48 AM
Nice try Kidrock and ss12, but no prize again.

04-24-2020, 09:21 AM
In full context of what was said -

While noting the research should be treated with caution, Mr Trump suggested further research in that area.

"So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous - whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light," the president said, turning to Dr Deborah Birx, the White House coronavirus response co-ordinator, "and I think you said that hasn't been checked but you're going to test it.

"And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside of the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you're going to test that too. Sounds interesting," the president continued.

"And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning?

"So it'd be interesting to check that."

Pointing to his head, Mr Trump went on: "I'm not a doctor. But I'm, like, a person that has a good you-know-what."

He turned again to Dr Birx and asked if she had ever heard of using "the heat and the light" to treat coronavirus.

"Not as a treatment," Dr Birx said. "I mean, certainly, fever is a good thing. When you have a fever, it helps your body respond. But I've not seen heat or light."

"I think it's a great thing to look at," Mr Trump said.


That's so embarrassing to hear our president say. It's the kind of stuff you would expect from a toddler.

04-24-2020, 09:27 AM
Kid I'm taking King killer Don's advise. The wife being a nurse injected me with 10mg of Clorox bleach this morning. The media need to stop televising King Killer Don's covid 19 briefs. King Killer Don has given so much bad advise from these briefings is not even funny anymore. I'm glad to see that hydroxychloroquaine worked out so well. The best president ever ROTFLMAO.

You feeling better already lmao!!! How friggin stupid was that. I just hope the sheep don't start injecting themselves.

04-24-2020, 09:32 AM
Will Trump's chances of re-election go down after his followers inject or chug a bottle of Lysol? Killing off voters is not a good idea.

I just hope no one really does something so stupid like the couple that took his advice form the President on the hydroxychloroquine and took the wrong stuff and one died and the other got really sick.

04-24-2020, 09:33 AM
Nice try Kidrock and ss12, but no prize again.

There was no prize just plain stupidity from the President. I just sure hope you don't do something so stupid

04-24-2020, 09:35 AM
That's so embarrassing to hear our president say. It's the kind of stuff you would expect from a toddler.

Well he is a manchild so there's that.

04-24-2020, 09:36 AM
only dumd as s libtards with a trump hate agenda think that is what he said ! Trumps true supporters (some 100 million and growing ) know what to do !!!!

Yeah and hopefully that's not to inject lysol into your body!

04-24-2020, 09:37 AM
Trump is now suggesting that you inject yourself with a disinfectant.

Outright lie, also known as FAKE NEWS. Busted again.

Do your on research by watching yesterdays covid-19 briefing you gullible fool. Pick a media of your choice and then get back and explain what he really meant.

The in context statement is posted. Nothing close to what you two said or insinuated.

You two really need to stop watching CNN and MSNBC and the likes, and vet things like this before you post. Otherwise you’ll just keep looking silly, as you did here.

That's so embarrassing to hear our president say.

Its no more embarrassing than the fear mongering shi@ fruad Fauci spews, that kidrock believes.

It's the kind of stuff you would expect from a toddler.

That’s the pot calling the kettle black.

04-24-2020, 09:37 AM
I knew you guys would would have excuses instead of saying what it is and that is plain stupid to say.

04-24-2020, 09:40 AM
Dr. Fauci says to keep social distancing and was your hands and wear face coverings and the President tells you to inject Disinfectant. I'm not sure who you want to believe but, I will stick with Dr. Fauci and not the President when it comes to health concerns. Thank you!

04-24-2020, 09:41 AM
I just hope no one really does something so stupid like the couple that took his advice form the President on the hydroxychloroquine and took the wrong stuff and one died and the other got really sick.

what was there political affiliation ! they took his advice you say but then you say they took the wrong thing ? so did they take his advice ? you show your dumb as s libterd un American trump hating aS S ALL THE TIME ! PLEASE CRAWL BACK UNDER YOUR ROCK KID DUMB AS S A ROCK !!

04-24-2020, 09:44 AM
The in context comment is fine with me. The out of context Fake News Lies are not.

Barbequeboy is right, you Leftwingers are just still bu%$hurt that Hillary lost.

04-24-2020, 09:49 AM
i just hope no one really does something so stupid like the couple that took his advice form the president on the hydroxychloroquine and took the wrong stuff and one died and the other got really sick.

and people who took his advice and took the right THING have made remarkable recoveries !! Even libtards !!!! She said she may vote for trump !!!!!!

04-24-2020, 09:59 AM
The in context comment is fine with me. The out of context Fake News Lies are not.

Barbequeboy is right, you Leftwingers are just still bu%$hurt that Hillary lost.

I don't know how you think the president suggesting shining UV rays inside a person's body or injecting them with disinfectant to be fine.

04-24-2020, 10:00 AM
and people who took his advice and took the right THING have made remarkable recoveries !! Even libtards !!!! She said she may vote for trump !!!!!!

Studies are showing that hydroxychloroquine has little effect on covid-19 and is possibly making patients sicker.

04-24-2020, 10:04 AM
That's so embarrassing to hear our president say. It's the kind of stuff you would expect from a toddler.

Or a butt hurt adult that hates him......

04-24-2020, 10:05 AM
Or a butt hurt adult that hates him......

You actually think it's reasonable for our president to suggest that people get injected with disinfectant?

04-24-2020, 10:06 AM
You feeling better already lmao!!! How friggin stupid was that. I just hope the sheep don't start injecting themselves.

You mean like how the other heard injected themselves with the Russian collusion drug?

You mean like that?

04-24-2020, 10:09 AM
I knew you guys would would have excuses instead of saying what it is and that is plain stupid to say.

It's mainly because he didn't say it like you described it at all.

04-24-2020, 10:09 AM
studies are showing that hydroxychloroquine has little effect on covid-19 and is possibly making patients sicker.

but people who have taken it have recovered ………….substantially !

04-24-2020, 10:10 AM
Dr. Fauci says to keep social distancing and was your hands and wear face coverings and the President tells you to inject Disinfectant. I'm not sure who you want to believe but, I will stick with Dr. Fauci and not the President when it comes to health concerns. Thank you!
Did the president really tell everyone to go out and inject themselves with disinfectant?

Come on now, we all heard exactly what he said.

04-24-2020, 10:11 AM
but people who have taken it have recovered ………….substantially !

They were going to recover anyway without hydroxychloroquine.

04-24-2020, 10:11 AM
Did the president really tell everyone to go out and inject themselves with disinfectant?

Come on now, we all heard exactly what he said.

The fact that he suggested it might actually even be an effective treatment is insane enough.

04-24-2020, 10:13 AM
The in context comment is fine with me. The out of context Fake News Lies are not.

Barbequeboy is right, you Leftwingers are just still bu%$hurt that Hillary lost.

Been right all along about that....only people denying it are.......well ,the left wing nut huggers.
And everyone knows their credibility status.

04-24-2020, 10:13 AM
studies are showing that hydroxychloroquine has little effect on covid-19 and is possibly making patients sicker.

studies are also showing that ventilators aren't helping either ! But where is the outrage from you libtards over gov cuomo screaming his trump hate about the lack of ventilators ? Which by the way given money to buy but he squandered it on some "green" deal ! But no out rage …………. Fake or otherwise !

04-24-2020, 10:15 AM
I don't know how you think the president suggesting shining UV rays inside a person's body or injecting them with disinfectant to be fine.

You are way out of your league when you can't just cut and paste an answer you stole from someone else....

04-24-2020, 10:17 AM
Studies are showing that hydroxychloroquine has little effect on covid-19 and is possibly making patients sicker.

Possibly...maybe....could be

All buzz words used by a lefty debater when they are making up something or parroting something they aren't really sure about or don't really understand.

04-24-2020, 10:23 AM
You actually think it's reasonable for our president to suggest that people get injected with disinfectant?

What exactly do you think is going on when Drs are injecting patients with irradication type drugs .....not disinfectant as a consumer would purchase buy the principle is very similar.

So yes, looking at what he said and not being afflicted by the butthurt virus I can safely say I took what he said in the context of they aren't ruling out any options.

As did most people that don't hate America and its president.

04-24-2020, 10:23 AM
Possibly...maybe....could be

All buzz words used by a lefty debater when they are making up something or parroting something they aren't really sure about or don't really understand.

Are you seriously looking for definitive statements from preliminary studies?

04-24-2020, 10:24 AM
What exactly do you think is going on when Drs are injecting patients with irradication type drugs .....not disinfectant as a consumer would purchase buy the principle is very similar.

So yes, looking at what he said and not being afflicted by the butthurt virus I can safely say I took what he said in the context of they aren't ruling out any options.

As did most people that don't hate America and its president.

What irradication type drugs are you talking about? An antibiotic is a lot different from a disinfectant.

04-24-2020, 10:26 AM
studies are also showing that ventilators aren't helping either ! But where is the outrage from you libtards over gov cuomo screaming his trump hate about the lack of ventilators ? Which by the way given money to buy but he squandered it on some "green" deal ! But no out rage …………. Fake or otherwise !

Doctors have started changing their treatment strategies to delay putting patients on a ventilator. Ventilators aren't completely useless, though.

The big question I have is why are the feds stopping hospitals from receiving PPE?

04-24-2020, 10:27 AM
Are you seriously looking for definitive statements from preliminary studies?

Nope......just a factual statement from you about anything trump related that doesn't use those buzz words.

You use them a bunch....and get called on it a bunch.

04-24-2020, 10:28 AM
Nope......just a factual statement from you about anything trump related that doesn't use those buzz words.

You use them a bunch....and get called on it a bunch.

I'm not sure you know what a buzzword is.

04-24-2020, 10:29 AM
What irradication type drugs are you talking about? An antibiotic is a lot different from a disinfectant.

Ask a cancer patient moron.......guess what else they get shone inside of their bodies.

Really bright lights.

04-24-2020, 10:30 AM
I'm not sure you know what a buzzword is.

You aren't sure about a lot of things.....and it shows.

04-24-2020, 10:30 AM
Ask a cancer patient moron.......guess what else they get shone inside of their bodies.

Really bright lights.

That's the second funniest thing I've read this morning, the first being the transcript of what Trump said. You can't honestly be comparing treating cancer to treating a virus.

04-24-2020, 10:32 AM
Doctors have started changing their treatment strategies to delay putting patients on a ventilator. Ventilators aren't completely useless, though.

The big question I have is why are the feds stopping hospitals from receiving PPE?

It's called supply and demand.....it's not really a new concept.

Kind of the reason your garage is packed full of cases of toilet paper.

04-24-2020, 10:36 AM
That's the second funniest thing I've read this morning, the first being the transcript of what Trump said. You can't honestly be comparing treating cancer to treating a virus.

You asked about iradication type drugs.....you clearly didn't understand what you were even asking.

Neither has a solid cure , nothing should be off the table.......

04-24-2020, 10:43 AM
I just hope no one really does something so stupid like the couple that took his advice form the President on the hydroxychloroquine and took the wrong stuff and one died and the other got really sick.

The Food and Drug Administration warned consumers Friday against taking malaria drugs chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine to treat Covid-19 outside a hospital or formal clinical trial setting after “serious” poisoning and deaths were reported.

The agency said it became aware of reports of “serious heart rhythm problems” in patients with the virus who were treated with the malaria drugs, often in combination with antibiotic azithromycin, commonly known as a Z-Pak. It also warned physicians against prescribing the drugs to treat the coronavirus outside of a hospital.

“Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine can cause abnormal heart rhythms such as QT interval prolongation and a dangerously rapid heart rate called ventricular tachycardia,” the agency wrote in the notice. “We will continue to investigate risks associated with the use of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine for COVID-19 and communicate publicly when we have more information.

04-24-2020, 10:43 AM
i was so moved by our president,s suggestion that i just drank a bottle of lysol and a quart of clorox and chased it with a 6 pack of corona,s , just for good measure , i feel better than ever , Mcfarter , ss and kid , you guys should really try it...but i guess yall will wait till CNN approves it , right? yall do entertain me though , but it is sad what all of you have become , Kid , do really believe the president meant some one should inject themselves with lysol???? come on man , you know what he meant , he plainly said stuff like this was to be handled by med professionals , that he was NO doctor and could not say for sure , and i guarantee you none of his "gulable followers " are that stupid , now some on the far right might try it just to create more slander for the pres and give you lib,s something to crow about , who knows ......

04-24-2020, 10:46 AM
It's called supply and demand.....it's not really a new concept.

Kind of the reason your garage is packed full of cases of toilet paper.

The federal government is intercepting shipments of PPE. Miami-Dade County was supposed to receive 1 million N95 masks but the feds stopped the shipment.


A shipment of one million N95 masks to Miami-Dade County firefighters was confiscated by the federal government last week, say top Miami-Dade officials.

The move came just as county firefighters ramped up a program to begin at-home COVID-19 testing for Miami-Dade residents who are homebound and cannot make it to drive-thru testing sites.

“We were going to meet the plane and actually take them. That's like gold, you know. But we got the word from the company that they had been taken from the federal government,” said Frank Rollason, the Director of Emergency Management for the county. “We thought we were in pretty good shape with having that amount coming in, and they were — we were — usurped.”

The masks have become such a rare commodity that Florida's largest state hospital system, HCA Florida, has been forced to restrict the usage of the masks to certain medical procedures.

Miami-Dade County is the epicenter of COVID-19 cases in the state of Florida. As of Wednesday afternoon, the county had 10,153 positive cases, out of the statewide total of 28,309. The amount of cases in Miami-Dade is more than double that of Broward County — the second-highest county in Florida — which has 4,228 cases, per the Florida Department of Health.

A total of 240 deaths related to COVID-19 have happened in Miami-Dade, out of a statewide total of 893.

Miami-Dade's Fire Rescue Department confirmed that the federal government seized the masks. In the meantime, the department has been piecing together necessary equipment with smaller orders.

"[It's] certainly not as efficiently as we would like this process to be, but nonetheless, successful thus far to meet the needs of our operation for now," Chief Greg Rubin, an assistant fire chief, said in a statement.

The incident follows similar reports from across the country, with states and cities saying the federal government is routinely intercepting shipments of personal protection equipment.

In one highly publicized incident, personal protective equipment destined for Massachusetts was repeatedly seized by the federal government. To work around the seizures, Gov. Charlie Baker worked out a deal with the New England Patriots, which sent a plane to China to pick up materials and brought them back to the state.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency, which is coordinating supply chains for the federal government, did not respond to a request for comment on this story. The Florida Division of Emergency Management did not respond to requests for comment, nor did Governor Ron DeSantis' office.

In past incidents, FEMA has responded by saying that bringing too much personal protective equipment into COVID-19 hotspots can have the “unintended consequence” of disrupting supply chains deliveries to other areas of the country.

Rollason, Miami-Dade's emergency management director, said that every day a team of people at the Fire Department has been vetting potential vendors for emergency equipment needed to address the COVID-19 crisis. As demand for the products has skyrocketed, so have cases of swindlers. “Most of them are bogus,” said Rollason.

But the shipment that was seized by the federal government last week was not one of them. That shipment, said Rollason, was legitimate and vetted.

“I say it was hijacked, because that’s what happened,” said Rollason.

04-24-2020, 11:00 AM
Will Trump's chances of re-election go down after his followers inject or chug a bottle of Lysol? Killing off voters is not a good idea.

King Donald Dumb is just doing what all cult leaders do. Killing off his followers either through have them drinking Kool-Aid(Jim Jones) or having them injecting disinfectants(King Donald Dumb).

04-24-2020, 11:00 AM
They were needed worse elsewhere......you left that part out.

The Feds didn't just confiscate them.

04-24-2020, 11:05 AM
King Donald Dumb is just doing what all cult leaders do. Killing off his followers either through have them drinking Kool-Aid(Jim Jones) or having them injecting disinfectants(King Donald Dumb).

But cult followers do what they are told by their leader......I've not seen a single reported case of anyone injecting themselves with disinfectant .....you?

Kinda blows up your whole cult assertion doesn't it?

Now if you want to talk cults , lets splash it over to those cults you pay to be in called unions..........1 leader and a bunch of followers.

04-24-2020, 11:07 AM
But cult followers do what they are told by their leader......I've not seen a single reported case of anyone injecting themselves with disinfectant .....you?

Kinda blows up your whole cult assertion doesn't it?

Now if you want to talk cults , lets splash it over to those cults you pay to be in called unions..........1 leader and a bunch of followers.

Give it a couple days. We've seen people die from ingesting chloroquine because of Trump.

04-24-2020, 11:08 AM
The federal government is intercepting shipments of PPE. Miami-Dade County was supposed to receive 1 million N95 masks but the feds stopped the shipment.

Wlrn huh? Cool.....explains a lot.

04-24-2020, 11:09 AM
Give it a couple days. We've seen people die from ingesting chloroquine because of Trump.

The folks ingesting it without a Drs consent or advisement are the same folks ingesting the tide pods.....and for all intent and purposes, those are your peeps.

04-24-2020, 11:10 AM

Key Points
Question: How safe and effective are 2 different regimens of chloroquine diphosphate in the treatment of severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)?

Findings: In this phase IIb randomized clinical trial of 81 patients with COVID-19, an unplanned interim analysis recommended by an independent data safety and monitoring board found that a higher dosage of chloroquine diphosphate for 10 days was associated with more toxic effects and lethality, particularly affecting QTc interval prolongation. The limited sample size did not allow the study to show any benefit overall regarding treatment efficacy.

Meaning: The preliminary findings from the CloroCovid-19 trial suggest that higher dosage of chloroquine should not be recommended for the treatment of severe COVID-19, especially among patients also receiving azithromycin and oseltamivir, because of safety concerns regarding QTc interval prolongation and increased lethality.

Importance: There is no specific antiviral therapy recommended for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). In vitro studies indicate that the antiviral effect of chloroquine diphosphate (CQ) requires a high concentration of the drug.

Objective: To evaluate the safety and efficacy of 2 CQ dosages in patients with severe COVID-19.

Design, Setting, and Participants: This parallel, double-masked, randomized, phase IIb clinical trial with 81 adult patients who were hospitalized with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection was conducted from March 23 to April 5, 2020, at a tertiary care facility in Manaus, Brazilian Amazon.

Interventions: Patients were allocated to receive high-dosage CQ (ie, 600 mg CQ twice daily for 10 days) or low-dosage CQ (ie, 450 mg twice daily on day 1 and once daily for 4 days).

Main Outcomes and Measures: Primary outcome was reduction in lethality by at least 50% in the high-dosage group compared with the low-dosage group. Data presented here refer primarily to safety and lethality outcomes during treatment on day 13. Secondary end points included participant clinical status, laboratory examinations, and electrocardiogram results. Outcomes will be presented to day 28. Viral respiratory secretion RNA detection was performed on days 0 and 4.

Results: Out of a predefined sample size of 440 patients, 81 were enrolled (41 [50.6%] to high-dosage group and 40 [49.4%] to low-dosage group). Enrolled patients had a mean (SD) age of 51.1 (13.9) years, and most (60 [75.3%]) were men. Older age (mean [SD] age, 54.7 [13.7] years vs 47.4 [13.3] years) and more heart disease (5 of 28 [17.9%] vs 0) were seen in the high-dose group. Viral RNA was detected in 31 of 40 (77.5%) and 31 of 41 (75.6%) patients in the low-dosage and high-dosage groups, respectively. Lethality until day 13 was 39.0% in the high-dosage group (16 of 41) and 15.0% in the low-dosage group (6 of 40). The high-dosage group presented more instance of QTc interval greater than 500 milliseconds (7 of 37 [18.9%]) compared with the low-dosage group (4 of 36 [11.1%]). Respiratory secretion at day 4 was negative in only 6 of 27 patients (22.2%).

Conclusions and Relevance: The preliminary findings of this study suggest that the higher CQ dosage should not be recommended for critically ill patients with COVID-19 because of its potential safety hazards, especially when taken concurrently with azithromycin and oseltamivir. These findings cannot be extrapolated to patients with nonsevere COVID-19.

Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT04323527

04-24-2020, 11:11 AM
So they aren't real sure......like everyone else.

04-24-2020, 11:14 AM
It was risky enough that they stopped the study early.

04-24-2020, 11:20 AM
i was so moved by our president,s suggestion that i just drank a bottle of lysol and a quart of clorox and chased it with a 6 pack of corona,s , just for good measure , i feel better than ever , Mcfarter , ss and kid , you guys should really try it...but i guess yall will wait till CNN approves it , right? yall do entertain me though , but it is sad what all of you have become , Kid , do really believe the president meant some one should inject themselves with lysol???? come on man , you know what he meant , he plainly said stuff like this was to be handled by med professionals , that he was NO doctor and could not say for sure , and i guarantee you none of his "gulable followers " are that stupid , now some on the far right might try it just to create more slander for the pres and give you lib,s something to crow about , who knows ......

The problem is everybody knows what he meant. King Donald Dumb is losing all of his credibility. Everybody is realizing how dumb he really is. The only citizens that still have faith in him is his gullible followers and I don't know how much longer that will last. FF his gullible followers are obviously that stupid. A man died after the president indicated that Chloroquine was a treatment for covid-19.


04-24-2020, 11:27 AM
the problem is everybody knows what he meant. King donald dumb is losing all of his credibility. Everybody is realizing how dumb he really is. The only citizens that still have faith in him is his gullible followers and i don't know how much longer that will last. Ff his gullible followers are obviously that stupid. A man died after the president indicated that chloroquine was a treatment for covid-19.


you have no proof he is losing anything !!!!! The only ones losing theri sh!t are the people like you who cannot hurt the greatest president ever no matter what lies you tell or how you spin his words !!! November cannot come fast enough you will see who he lost and who he gained ! So until then just stfu !!!

04-24-2020, 11:34 AM
Trump is doing a great job as always. Can anybody really believe that Sleepy Joe Biden has a chance to beat Trump. He is not even sure what day it is or even what State he is in. Lol I guess that's the best the Dems have to offer. Lmao...

04-24-2020, 11:58 AM
The problem is everybody knows what he meant. King Donald Dumb is losing all of his credibility. Everybody is realizing how dumb he really is. The only citizens that still have faith in him is his gullible followers and I don't know how much longer that will last. FF his gullible followers are obviously that stupid. A man died after the president indicated that Chloroquine was a treatment for covid-19.


Quoting Forbes now? If trump is so dumb and unbelievable like you claim then wouldnt the guy that took the chloroquine ( a version of quinine, aka what's used in tonic water) without a doctor close by to monitor his self medication be the dumb one?

I mean if nobody believes trump anyway then why would someone take his advice??

You guys step on yer docks more than a seagull looking for dried shrimp.

04-24-2020, 12:04 PM
Quoting Forbes now? If trump is so dumb and unbelievable like you claim then wouldnt the guy that took the chloroquine ( a version of quinine, aka what's used in tonic water) without a doctor close by to monitor his self medication be the dumb one?

I mean if nobody believes trump anyway then why would someone take his advice??

You guys step on yer docks more than a seagull looking for dried shrimp.

Nobody smart believes Trump. Unfortunately, Trump has a lot of gullible fans.

04-24-2020, 12:08 PM
nobody smart believes trump. Unfortunately, trump has a lot of gullible fans.

wow ! That says a lot about you and your libterd anti american trump hating cohorts !!!!!!

04-24-2020, 12:17 PM
There are multiple articles of the man dying from using chloroquine after taking King Donald Dumb advice that its treats covid-19. The dumb person would be the dumb president for misleading the citizens with false information. The president should be giving out truthful and proven information. By now everybody should realized that the President can't tell the truth. King Donald Dumb is nothing but a fraud.

04-24-2020, 01:02 PM
Nobody smart believes Trump. Unfortunately, Trump has a lot of gullible fans.
Sure, all the smart ones voted for Hillary......lmao.

Everybody believes that, right?

04-24-2020, 01:08 PM
There are multiple articles of the man dying from using chloroquine after taking King Donald Dumb advice that its treats covid-19. The dumb person would be the dumb president for misleading the citizens with false information. The president should be giving out truthful and proven information. By now everybody should realized that the President can't tell the truth. King Donald Dumb is nothing but a fraud.

So using that logic and if by now everybody should realize the president doesn't tell the truth , then the guy that self medicated himself despite knowing that is an idiot.

Wouldn't you agree?

04-24-2020, 02:10 PM
Sure, all the smart ones voted for Hillary......lmao.

Everybody believes that, right?

No, all I said is that nobody smart believes Trump.

04-24-2020, 04:32 PM
So using that logic and if by now everybody should realize the president doesn't tell the truth , then the guy that self medicated himself despite knowing that is an idiot.

Wouldn't you agree?

The problem is his followers believe every things he says as being factual. Again gullible fools for believing him in the 1st place. I taken it you still believe in him the way you keep defending him.

"then the guy that self medicated himself despite knowing that is an idiot." Was that a mistake?

Did you mean Then the guy that self medicated himself knowing that the president is an idiot?

04-24-2020, 05:23 PM
In comparison, there were a whole lotta' people who followed the lead of a totally racist president who suggested questioning authority if you are of a certain ethnicity, such as what happened in Ferguson, MO. If hussein hadn't blathered incendiary anti police rhetoric some people, like Michael Brown, may not have been killed as a result of being embolden to disobey, defy and act threatening towards law enforcement. Hussein never admitted Brown was in the wrong, but he was.

hussein's incendiary rhetoric lead to 5 innocent police officers being massacred by a black nationalist who was an avid follower of hussein. Lord only knows how many other needless killings have been triggered by the racist rhetoric of hussein.

I'm not a big Trump fan but he's a hell of a lot better than Clinton would have been and not nearly as racist as hussein and his partner is. Plus, Trump had the best economy anyone can remember going before the scum bag Chinese government allowed a virus to be carried and explode all over the world.

04-24-2020, 05:26 PM
[QUOTE=kidrock;2317723]Trump is now suggesting that you inject yourself with a disinfectant. WTF he needs to stop giving medical advice before more people get killed.

Lysol came out with a statement telling everyone NOT be injecting any disinfectant into your body!

I believe Emergency Management also came out with a statement telling everyone NOT to be doing this.

I just hope some of you that love Trump so, much doesn't do this this.

Mr. President please leave the medical advice to the experts.

But you don't watch CNN...…...BUSTED!!!

04-24-2020, 05:30 PM
Studies are showing that hydroxychloroquine has little effect on covid-19 and is possibly making patients sicker.

But CNN sure has a huge effect on what lies you spew!

I bet you and the buttbuddies from CNN are "friends" on Facebook!

04-24-2020, 05:33 PM
The problem is his followers believe every things he says as being factual. Again gullible fools for believing him in the 1st place. I taken it you still believe in him the way you keep defending him.

"then the guy that self medicated himself despite knowing that is an idiot." Was that a mistake?

Did you mean Then the guy that self medicated himself knowing that the president is an idiot?

No wasn't a mistake at all,I meant what I said to start with......you say trump is a liar and by now nobody should believe him.

Yet you say this poor guy that self medicated himself listened to trump and believed him anyway......which by using your own logic is stupid.....you can't have it both ways.

Why would you do something that somebody you don't believe or believe in tells you to do???

Answer, you wouldn't.

04-24-2020, 05:34 PM

Fox news isn't buying it either.

04-24-2020, 05:35 PM
But you don't watch CNN...…...BUSTED!!!

Seen it on facebook this morning.

04-24-2020, 05:38 PM
Nice catch zero.....he did say he didn't watch CNN didn't he?

Matter of fact, I believe there were several pages of back peddling where he was trying to convince everyone he didn't even have the ability to watch because he didn't have cable.

Or some other nonsense like that.....all their lies kinda run together after a while....hard to keep up.

04-24-2020, 05:54 PM
No wasn't a mistake at all,I meant what I said to start with......you say trump is a liar and by now nobody should believe him.

Yet you say this poor guy that self medicated himself listened to trump and believed him anyway......which by using your own logic is stupid.....you can't have it both ways.

Why would you do something that somebody you don't believe or believe in tells you to do???

Answer, you wouldn't.

That all you can do is spin! Just like King Donald Dump spinning out of control.

"Why would you do something that somebody you don't believe or believe in tells you to do"

Either you believe in them or you don't. You can't have it both ways.

04-24-2020, 06:01 PM
Nice catch zero.....he did say he didn't watch CNN didn't he?

Matter of fact, I believe there were several pages of back peddling where he was trying to convince everyone he didn't even have the ability to watch because he didn't have cable.

Or some other nonsense like that.....all their lies kinda run together after a while....hard to keep up.

Whoops seen it on facebook this morning lmao!!

04-24-2020, 06:04 PM
If repeating your own words is somehow spinning something, do everybody a favor and get them correct when you write them.......because to be perfectly honest when we do repeat them they do come of as kind of ignorant now that you mention it.

04-24-2020, 06:06 PM
Whoops seen it on facebook this morning lmao!!

So I guess CNN doesn't have a Facebook account?


04-24-2020, 06:31 PM
That all you can do is spin! Just like King Donald Dump spinning out of control.

"Why would you do something that somebody you don't believe or believe in tells you to do"

Either you believe in them or you don't. You can't have it both ways.

The guy and his wife heard Trump say hydroxycholorquine and the wife said I have some in the closet not knowing the difference. Had Trump not have said anything about the drug the guy could possibly be alive today!

That's why you didn't hear Dr.Fauci promote this drug. Was it Trump's fault the guy did it without consulting a doctor first NO but, that's the problem some people believe every word Trump tells them. Mistake number 1 when it comes to medical advice. You want to talk to him about filing bankruptcy then yes get his advice he's an expert in that field.

04-24-2020, 06:33 PM
So I guess CNN doesn't have a Facebook account?


I'm sure they do but, it's not where I seen it. I seen it on a friends timeline. whoops

04-24-2020, 06:48 PM
Nice catch zero.....he did say he didn't watch CNN didn't he?

Matter of fact, I believe there were several pages of back peddling where he was trying to convince everyone he didn't even have the ability to watch because he didn't have cable.

Or some other nonsense like that.....all their lies kinda run together after a while....hard to keep up.

Bout like he didn't vote for Hilary...…...another Pinocchio, perhaps!

04-24-2020, 09:42 PM

ABC World news tonight 9 million viewers a night.

04-25-2020, 04:48 AM
Media Accuse Trump of Telling You to Inject Yourself with Lysol - His Response is Hilarious - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EetlkoMRqbk

Like I said, I’m fine with what he said!!!

04-25-2020, 05:48 AM

Bret Baier does not believe Trump when he said he was being Sarcastic. Neither do many Americans Bret.

04-25-2020, 06:43 AM

Bret Baier does not believe Trump when he said he was being Sarcastic. Neither do many Americans Bret.

But he also goes on to state reality .............. which is something you have trouble with .............. A LOT !!!!!!!!!!!!

04-25-2020, 07:03 AM
Schumer put is best “We seemed to have a quack medicine salesman on television. He’s talking about things like disinfectant in the lungs?”

King Donald Dumb was told by his advisors no more covid-19 briefs unless they were for victories. Yesterday the brief was only half an hour. King Donald Dumb finally shows signs of shame as he flees a press briefing without answering questions after disinfectant fiasco. King Donald Dumb knows he has made a fool out of himself. The funny thing he all of his gullible fools will keep defending him.

04-25-2020, 07:30 AM
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EWZlTc7UwAE1RUU.jpg Quack medicine salesman Trump.

04-25-2020, 08:36 AM
You got it real bad bud...........and he's still your president.........and will be for a bit.

04-25-2020, 08:43 AM
you got it real bad bud...........and he's still your president.........and will be for a bit.

looks like the end is near for this dirtbag ! I think this covid thing along with him getting up every day knowing that we have one of the greatest presidents to ever hold the office will be his president for the forseeable future is just too much for him ! I think kid dumb as s a rock may know him and his family and really should speak to them about intervention !!!!!!! Please take my advice ……...or is it advise ? Anyway please do it !!!

04-25-2020, 08:51 AM
and he's still your president.........and will be for a bit.

And that’s what drives ss12, kidrock, and mcarter815 so bat$hit crazy. Its like the three amigos, or is it the three blind mice, no, it’s the three musketeers -------- nope, the three stooges.

04-25-2020, 09:40 AM
Ever notice the same people who voted for Trump because he "says what he means", have spent the last 3 years explaining that he didn't mean what he said?

04-25-2020, 09:55 AM
Ever notice

I’ve never heard of that phrase and the connection to Trump, so NO, I’ve never noticed.

You’re still struggling with his comment being sarcasm, and being directed at some of the press!

Hillary lost, Trump won, its time to move on. The hate is eating you up.

04-25-2020, 10:09 AM
What happens if ol' Joe picks Michelle Obama as his VP? Don't think she would accept but it sure would be interesting.

04-25-2020, 10:28 AM
What happens if ol' Joe picks Michelle Obama as his VP?

Its, Michael LaVon Robinson, so he would be the second 1st Man transgender in the Whitehouse. Maybe Ol’ Joe will grab Michael by the ^%$#@.

Michael LaVon Robinson - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPTzXdASoMI

04-25-2020, 10:44 AM
Trump is now suggesting that you inject yourself with a disinfectant. WTF he needs to stop giving medical advice before more people get killed. Lysol came out with a statement telling everyone NOT be injecting any disinfectant into your body!I believe Emergency Management also came out with a statement telling everyone NOT to be doing this. I just hope some of you that love Trump so, much doesn't do this this. Mr. President please leave the medical advice to the experts.If everyone knew he was being sarcastic, why did the makers of Lysol feel it necessary to put out a statement telling people not to inject their products? But hey, Dr. Trump will fix everything, inject some Lysol and call him in the morning.

04-25-2020, 10:51 AM
if everyone knew he was being sarcastic, why did the makers of lysol feel it necessary to put out a statement telling people not to inject their products? But hey, dr. Trump will fix everything, inject some lysol and call him in the morning.

you still say you are not a trump hater ? Maybe just plain stupid ?

04-25-2020, 10:59 AM
If everyone knew he was being sarcastic,

Therein lies the rub, not everyone knew he was being sarcastic. I got it that he was being sarcastic when I read the transcript that I posted. Furthering, his statement ended in a “question mark” and not a “period” or an “exclamation mark”. Its just the way simple grammar works. Kidrock, ss12, and mcarter815 undoubtedly don’t understand simple grammar. I guess.

04-25-2020, 11:41 AM
Check out Robert Farley on FactCheck.org.

04-25-2020, 12:02 PM
check out robert farley on factcheck.org.

now there is a credible source ! Why can't you form your own opinions ?

04-25-2020, 12:24 PM
Check out Robert Farley on FactCheck.org

An over abundant of uncreditable stuff on that site. Please provide the link that you would like for me to look at and I’ll vet for myself it for sure.

04-25-2020, 12:42 PM
If everyone knew he was being sarcastic, why did the makers of Lysol feel it necessary to put out a statement telling people not to inject their products? But hey, Dr. Trump will fix everything, inject some Lysol and call him in the morning.

He wasn’t being sarcastic. He was lying about that even Bret Bauer from Fox knows it but the sheep will believe anything he says and that’s why it dangerous when he talks like that. Some just are so far up his —- they will defend till the end.

Highside Hustler25
04-25-2020, 01:23 PM
The folks ingesting it without a Drs consent or advisement are the same folks ingesting the tide pods.....and for all intent and purposes, those are your peeps.

Dang, after a whole lot of reading and hogwash, this is the most sensible comment so far.

Anyone that would ingest Lysol or inject hydroxychlorowhatever is much better off 8 feet under. anyone other than a diabetic, that would shoot anything into their body then die? I personally don't see a loss here. Just thinning out the stupidity.

04-25-2020, 03:00 PM
dang, after a whole lot of reading and hogwash, this is the most sensible comment so far.

Anyone that would ingest lysol or inject hydroxychlorowhatever is much better off 8 feet under. Anyone other than a diabetic, that would shoot anything into their body then die? I personally don't see a loss here. Just thinning out the stupidity.

it's called purging the gene pool ………………………………… and these 3 mouseketeers are proof there are no lifeguards in that p[ool!!!

04-25-2020, 03:08 PM
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c57fa5c1604ede05ef799039b125e2dc18150197d9289d0157 343eda9722ce8a.jpg?w=600&h

Look no further about this incident.

04-25-2020, 03:25 PM
kidrock you devout biased fool. If you were not then why do you not post something like this. A real issue.

Democrats are conspiring to gaslight the American people by engineering the election of a man clearly suffering from dementia, former Vice President Joe Biden.

Joe Biden Obviously Has Dementia and Should Withdraw

https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/political_commentary/commentary_by_ted_rall/joe_biden_obviously_has_dementia_and_should_withdr aw

04-25-2020, 04:23 PM
If you have to be told, NOT too ingest Lysol please refer to the great humanitarian Joe Dirt, when he says...…..That might be your problem!

I don't want to infringe on a libtards rights......so drink away!

We need some of yall thinned out anyway! Afterrall, us hunters of private land in fla, get 1 doe permit per 150 acres! That would be a good start on the liberal gene pool!

04-26-2020, 07:26 AM
kidrock you devout biased fool. If you were not then why do you not post something like this. A real issue.

Democrats are conspiring to gaslight the American people by engineering the election of a man clearly suffering from dementia, former Vice President Joe Biden.

Joe Biden Obviously Has Dementia and Should Withdraw

https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/political_commentary/commentary_by_ted_rall/joe_biden_obviously_has_dementia_and_should_withdr aw

We can talk about this as well and Yes I'm in agreement Joe has to go and the sooner the better. Again the Democrats have picked the worst person to run. Joe will say something just as stupid as what Trump said Thursday. Trump will eat him for lunch and win reelection with ease.

04-26-2020, 10:18 AM
Tickles me when both sides call the other side lemmings. If people cannot do their own thinking and make up their own mind then they deserve what they get. Anyone who says they are voting a straight ticket without looking things over first are lambs to the slaughter.

04-26-2020, 12:02 PM

This was probably what the president was referring to. Of course, not being a chemist or a doctor, he perhaps didn't use 100% correct terminology and the media seized upon it as an attempt to distort his true meaning.

Also there is real scientific evidence that UV light kills this virus and most others. UVC in particular, is quite effective. I've purchased a few UVC lights myself that I intend to use to disinfected packages I receive. Of course most UVC light is also harmful to skin and eyes. So, proper protection must be taken. However there has been some interesting experiments with one specific wavelength, 222 nm. It seems that this wavelength, in the far UVC region is unable to penetrate the outer layer of dead skin we all have. It also seems to be unable to pass through the tear layer on the outside of the eyeball. So, in theory this specific wavelength could perhaps be used. Here's some research on it.



04-26-2020, 07:58 PM
Anyone who says they are voting a straight ticket without looking things over first are lambs to the slaughter.

Why would we vote for anyone with a D behind their name? A Democrat stands for nothing that a Christian like myself stands for! FWIW.....My pastor invites every politician to our church, at election time, to speak for what they believe in. In the last 20 years, not ONE Democrat has showed up......nuff said!!!

In a very rare instance, I might consider an independent!

04-26-2020, 08:05 PM
What happens if ol' Joe picks Michelle Obama as his VP? Don't think she would accept but it sure would be interesting.

Then she will be on a losing ticket !!

04-26-2020, 08:07 PM
This is how it is done by King Donald Dumb.

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8d5e40a1d736b8eb6d7f299ea75de915a364464671922a1913 db8c8eddde3573.gif


GOP Grandparents or profits Profits win!!

04-26-2020, 09:23 PM

Political cartoons of either side were never my thing, I always thought they were stupid. But, I’ll always give credit where credit is due. You are one Trump HATE filled faaaaaaaaar Leftwinger. I’ll give you credit for that. And you know all of that HATE will eat you up in the end. Then again, it probably keeps you warm at night, so you have that going for yourself.

04-26-2020, 09:35 PM
ss12, lurker said you are far left. I about fell out my chair with laughter. lmao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

04-26-2020, 09:37 PM
There's going to be whole lot of people in this section that are going to get eaten because, of their hatred for people. lol

04-26-2020, 09:53 PM
ss12, lurker said you are far left. I about fell out my chair with laughter. lmao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If appearance is everything, the way he posts it appears that way.

04-27-2020, 05:48 AM
True believers MAGA

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9bfd72341701c3d98635de230b5a0f3b9a705be96851a2f35e 1c01541faac3e4.png

04-27-2020, 08:55 PM
True believers MAGA

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9bfd72341701c3d98635de230b5a0f3b9a705be96851a2f35e 1c01541faac3e4.png


04-27-2020, 09:01 PM

Yes Trump took that Friday Morning lmao!!

04-27-2020, 09:06 PM

I'm not a red hat but I believe you are a red hat and a true believer so that would be you!

04-27-2020, 09:13 PM
I'm not a red hat but I believe you are a red hat and a true believer so that would be you!

It would take a butt buddy of cnn to foolishly ingest Lysol...….so that's gotta be your pic!

04-27-2020, 09:28 PM
I'm not the one who in the last few days keep saying buttholes or butt buddy. I'm not the one with a butt fetish like you. So since the cartoon has a flashlight up the "BUTT" that is definitely you!!

04-27-2020, 09:28 PM
It would take a butt buddy of cnn to foolishly ingest Lysol...….so that's gotta be your pic!

Your a poster child for that picture lol

04-27-2020, 09:30 PM
I'm not the one who in the last few days keep saying buttholes or butt buddy. I'm not the one with a butt fetish like you. So since the cartoon has a flashlight up the "BUTT" that is definitely you!!

Oh that's zero alright in his costume for Halloween for 2020 lol

04-28-2020, 05:23 AM
Oh that's zero alright in his costume for Halloween for 2020 lol

Kid I think zero wears that red hat everyday and not just for Halloween. Zero was one of the ones who sold the country down the road for that red hat.

04-28-2020, 05:50 AM
Kid I think zero wears that red hat everyday and not just for Halloween. Zero was one of the ones who sold the country down the road for that red hat.

I'm not surprised.......

04-28-2020, 06:33 AM
I'm not the one who in the last few days keep saying buttholes or butt buddy. I'm not the one with a butt fetish like you. So since the cartoon has a flashlight up the "BUTT" that is definitely you!!

You been butthurt since 2016.....you kinda win the battle of the butt.....congrats.

04-28-2020, 12:58 PM
ss12, lurker said you are far left. I about fell out my chair with laughter. lmao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Only the arm restraints keep you from falling?? He is far left, and I'm not even smiling.

04-28-2020, 01:00 PM
Kid I think zero wears that red hat everyday and not just for Halloween. Zero was one of the ones who sold the country down the road for that red hat.

Please tell us exactly how Trump sold us down the road.....

04-28-2020, 08:13 PM
wow , its six hr,s later CW , and his CNN search has yet to reveal how trump sold us down the road , it seems to me he took some of the road back.......

04-28-2020, 08:40 PM
Kid I think zero wears that red hat everyday and not just for Halloween. Zero was one of the ones who sold the country down the road for that red hat.

The way you two jump immediately to support one another, have shown us how that corresponds to yall LOVING Cnn, and their circle jerk network!

04-28-2020, 08:44 PM
Kid I think zero wears that red hat everyday and not just for Halloween. Zero was one of the ones who sold the country down the road for that red hat.

And you and your buttbuddy, kidsnot, wears the red blood of aborted babies that are murdered evry day. Since you support their party youre just as guilty!

04-28-2020, 08:55 PM
FF I'm still waiting for an answer. What do these people do, just parrot CNN fabrications.

04-28-2020, 09:04 PM
Only the arm restraints keep you from falling?? He is far left, and I'm not even smiling.

lmao.............................................. ...................... if you only really knew........................ lmao.......
ss12 said you were gullible fool and guess what he is right.

04-28-2020, 09:11 PM
And you and your buttbuddy, kidsnot, wears the red blood of aborted babies that are murdered evry day. Since you support their party youre just as guilty!

No we don't. You can keep telling yourself that but, it will never be true. I know ss12 has two beautiful young daughters and I have my son so, no murders here and no blood on our hands.

Again your just to stupid to understand that so, from now on when you keep saying it I'm going to consider the source and think your just to slow to figure it out and I will forgive you because, I do realize now you can't help it.

04-28-2020, 09:15 PM
No we don't. You can keep telling yourself that but, it will never be true. I know ss12 has two beautiful young daughters and I have my son so, no murders here and no blood on our hands.

Again your just to stupid to understand that so, from now on when you keep saying it I'm going to consider the source and think your just to slow to figure it out and I will forgive you because, I do realize now you can't help it.

I didn't say it, the Bible does!...….now who's the stupid one!

04-28-2020, 09:26 PM
No you said it right here on 4m or did you forget. so yes your still the stupid one but, I forgive you

04-28-2020, 09:29 PM
No you said it right here on 4m or did you forget. so yes your still the stupid one but, I forgive you

How old are you......10? .….geez

04-28-2020, 09:43 PM
Your not trying to deny you said it on 4m are you?

04-29-2020, 05:49 AM
Kid have you ever noticed that when the far right winger(gullible fools) can't defend King Donald Dumb they will bring up abortion. That's all they have in their corner with the dumbest president ever. It's amazing how many times zero has brought this topic up. Ever time we have defeated him he will bring up abortion like that's changes anything. It's pretty obviously zero will support the Satan if he ran under the republican platform. As far as abortion goes the women(Republican or Democrat) of the USA wanted abortion to be "their" choice. They didn't want the government to make that choice for them. All the democrat did was listen to their constituents and vote for them. All the republican do is say they are going to do something about abortion but really do not stop abortion all together. Its nothing but a republican topic during the election cycle. Now watch zero is going to give us some versus from the Bible. He wants to claim that he is a Christian but he is nothing but a cult member. I wasn't trust anything he says. Majority of his post are far from what a true Christian would say. His post are more in line with a cult member. Abortion is not a major topic for how I would vote for the presidency. That's my choice. I would say more but I have to go to work.

04-29-2020, 06:28 AM
Kid have you ever noticed that when the far right winger(gullible fools) can't defend King Donald Dumb they will bring up abortion. That's all they have in their corner with the dumbest president ever. It's amazing how many times zero has brought this topic up. Ever time we have defeated him he will bring up abortion like that's changes anything. It's pretty obviously zero will support the Satan if he ran under the republican platform. As far as abortion goes the women(Republican or Democrat) of the USA wanted abortion to be "their" choice. They didn't want the government to make that choice for them. All the democrat did was listen to their constituents and vote for them. All the republican do is say they are going to do something about abortion but really do not stop abortion all together. Its nothing but a republican topic during the election cycle. Now watch zero is going to give us some versus from the Bible. He wants to claim that he is a Christian but he is nothing but a cult member. I wasn't trust anything he says. Majority of his post are far from what a true Christian would say. His post are more in line with a cult member. Abortion is not a major topic for how I would vote for the presidency. That's my choice. I would say more but I have to go to work.

Your wife couldn’t write for you again ? She should at least proofread it for you ! Is her name Jill by the way ?

04-29-2020, 07:03 AM
Kid have you ever noticed that when the far right winger(gullible fools) can't defend King Donald Dumb they will bring up abortion. That's all they have in their corner with the dumbest president ever. It's amazing how many times zero has brought this topic up. Ever time we have defeated him he will bring up abortion like that's changes anything. It's pretty obviously zero will support the Satan if he ran under the republican platform. As far as abortion goes the women(Republican or Democrat) of the USA wanted abortion to be "their" choice. They didn't want the government to make that choice for them. All the democrat did was listen to their constituents and vote for them. All the republican do is say they are going to do something about abortion but really do not stop abortion all together. Its nothing but a republican topic during the election cycle. Now watch zero is going to give us some versus from the Bible. He wants to claim that he is a Christian but he is nothing but a cult member. I wasn't trust anything he says. Majority of his post are far from what a true Christian would say. His post are more in line with a cult member. Abortion is not a major topic for how I would vote for the presidency. That's my choice. I would say more but I have to go to work.
"Ever time we have defeated him",lol.

You aren't having a contest, you lost the contest in 2016.....there will be another real soon.

Get ready to lose ........again.

04-29-2020, 08:59 AM
i see what you saying SS , its kind of like the robin hood theory the dem,s live by , take from the tax payers and give to there constitutes in exchange for there votes , and it dont matter if there here illegally or not , it,s all about that vote , right ? and as far as abortion goes , it does seem the dems are more willing to over look the bible and respect for human life in preference to votes as well ,

04-29-2020, 09:04 PM
Kid have you ever noticed that when the far right winger(gullible fools) can't defend King Donald Dumb they will bring up abortion. That's all they have in their corner with the dumbest president ever. It's amazing how many times zero has brought this topic up. Ever time we have defeated him he will bring up abortion like that's changes anything. It's pretty obviously zero will support the Satan if he ran under the republican platform. As far as abortion goes the women(Republican or Democrat) of the USA wanted abortion to be "their" choice. They didn't want the government to make that choice for them. All the democrat did was listen to their constituents and vote for them. All the republican do is say they are going to do something about abortion but really do not stop abortion all together. Its nothing but a republican topic during the election cycle. Now watch zero is going to give us some versus from the Bible. He wants to claim that he is a Christian but he is nothing but a cult member. I wasn't trust anything he says. Majority of his post are far from what a true Christian would say. His post are more in line with a cult member. Abortion is not a major topic for how I would vote for the presidency. That's my choice. I would say more but I have to go to work.

Ive called you out as a FAKE.....and you cant handle the truth!

"Abortion is not a major topic"...…...you're a disgusting pig of a liberal, the worst kind!

Its a good thing your mama didn't think it was "major"!

04-29-2020, 09:14 PM
Is it?

Kidding of course.

04-29-2020, 09:23 PM
And he wonders why? :)

04-30-2020, 05:32 AM
Ive called you out as a FAKE.....and you cant handle the truth!

"Abortion is not a major topic"...…...you're a disgusting pig of a liberal, the worst kind!

Its a good thing your mama didn't think it was "major"!

Fake?? I think I have been calling you out because you are a fake Christian. All of your post are far from what a true Christian would write but your post are more in line with what a cult member would post. Again if Satan was running as the republican candidate you vote for him. Do you really want to bring mothers or other family members in this debate? Again it just shows what a fake Christian you really are.

04-30-2020, 06:35 AM
Now that’s more like it Joe ! You have written a coherent paragraph ! Jill must have proof read it before you posted it ! Here we are back to the cult thing again which means you got NOTHING else .................. but lies and spin !

04-30-2020, 02:34 PM
ss So far Satan seems to always run as a Democrat, so you didn't make a point there!!!

04-30-2020, 07:06 PM
Fake?? I think I have been calling you out because you are a fake Christian. All of your post are far from what a true Christian would write but your post are more in line with what a cult member would post. Again if Satan was running as the republican candidate you vote for him. Do you really want to bring mothers or other family members in this debate? Again it just shows what a fake Christian you really are. If you REALLY knew the gifts of the Spirit, you would know why it is so easy for me to call you out, and am 100% right about it! Prove me wrong.....ill wait!

The difference is I have the knowledge of the Bible to back me up. You cant even quote John 11:35!

You're one of the 85% that Billy Graham use to talk about! Yeah, you're such a wannabe, I doubt you even know who he is!

04-30-2020, 07:43 PM
Fake?? I think I have been calling you out because you are a fake Christian. All of your post are far from what a true Christian would write but your post are more in line with what a cult member would post. Again if Satan was running as the republican candidate you vote for him. Do you really want to bring mothers or other family members in this debate? Again it just shows what a fake Christian you really are. If you REALLY knew the gifts of the Spirit, you would know why it is so easy for me to call you out, and am 100% right about it! Prove me wrong.....ill wait!

The difference is I have the knowledge of the Bible to back me up. You cant even quote John 11:35!

You're one of the 85% that Billy Graham use to talk about! Yeah, you're such a wannabe, I doubt you even know who he is!

Probably doesn’t even know who Paul used to be !

04-30-2020, 09:30 PM
Yeah, he thinks Paul Harvey wrote parts of the bible......noticed I used the small b, because he doesn't know the real one!

05-01-2020, 05:32 AM
Fake?? I think I have been calling you out because you are a fake Christian. All of your post are far from what a true Christian would write but your post are more in line with what a cult member would post. Again if Satan was running as the republican candidate you vote for him. Do you really want to bring mothers or other family members in this debate? Again it just shows what a fake Christian you really are. If you REALLY knew the gifts of the Spirit, you would know why it is so easy for me to call you out, and am 100% right about it! Prove me wrong.....ill wait!

The difference is I have the knowledge of the Bible to back me up. You cant even quote John 11:35!

You're one of the 85% that Billy Graham use to talk about! Yeah, you're such a wannabe, I doubt you even know who he is!

Thanks for helping me prove my point. You did what I predicted you would do. Go and read post 148. You are so predictable when you can no longer defend the republicans for anything. You always go back to abortion or start quoting scriptures out of the Bible. You are nothing but a cult member. You are a fake Christian. The majority of your post are not of Christian standards but definitely of a cult member standards.

05-01-2020, 06:37 AM
Thanks for helping me prove my point. You did what I predicted you would do. Go and read post 148. You are so predictable when you can no longer defend the republicans for anything. You always go back to abortion or start quoting scriptures out of the Bible. You are nothing but a cult member. You are a fake Christian. The majority of your post are not of Christian standards but definitely of a cult member standards.

Wow !!!!!!!! If you keep “parroting “ the same thing it definitely makes it true ! GOT NOTHING I SEE ! Can’t wait to see your “spin” on morning joke this morning ! Will Tara be there also or just Jill ? Asking for a friend !

05-01-2020, 09:19 AM
SS , its not hard at all to defend the repub,s against the weak competition they have now ......

05-01-2020, 01:24 PM
Thanks for helping me prove my point. You did what I predicted you would do. Go and read post 148. You are so predictable when you can no longer defend the republicans for anything. You always go back to abortion or start quoting scriptures out of the Bible. You are nothing but a cult member. You are a fake Christian. The majority of your post are not of Christian standards but definitely of a cult member standards.

Wow, you continually show your "religious" ignorance! Cult members mis-quote and miss-apply Biblical scriptures!

You have NEVER nor will you EVER, see me mis-quote or mis-apply scripture! If you EVER do, Ill take a 6 month sabbatical from this Tailgate section!

PROVE ME WRONG......i'll wait!!!

btw......Franklin Graham is the one calling you out, not me!Let me see you discredit him.....I dare you!!!

05-01-2020, 09:22 PM
Wow, you continually show your "religious" ignorance! Cult members mis-quote and miss-apply Biblical scriptures!

You have NEVER nor will you EVER, see me mis-quote or mis-apply scripture! If you EVER do, Ill take a 6 month sabbatical from this Tailgate section!

PROVE ME WRONG......i'll wait!!!

btw......Franklin Graham is the one calling you out, not me!Let me see you discredit him.....I dare you!!!

I myself like to listen to Charles Stanley.

05-02-2020, 04:52 PM
I myself like to listen to Charles Stanley.

Well, that's one thing we can agree on!