View Full Version : Ohio Racing

05-10-2020, 08:14 AM
Just heard that the governor who is a Republican has said that he will not allow people to go to racetracks at all until either later in 2020 only if after reopening things he sees a massive decline in cases of the disease. If not and they rise he will likely close racing until 2021. Also one track had a facebook live here in Ohio and was told that state and local health departments have to check if they can reopen with a plan. Most likely he was told if everything goes ok July 4th but with very limited seating like 500 or less and no more than 50 racecars in the pits. and racing could only be 2 hours at most. Might not be worth opening.

In The Gas
05-10-2020, 08:36 AM
So is this same Governor telling the 2 NFL teams that they will not be playing football in the state of Ohio? There are a he!! of a lot more fans at those games than there are at Eldora or any dirt track in Ohio can hold.

3 wide
05-10-2020, 09:31 AM
Well if this is true there won't be any racing at eldora or any other race track in Ohio.

05-10-2020, 09:41 AM
Looks like he'll have to be impeached for government overreach. He does not have the power to eliminate freedom of assembly from the Constitution. Nor does any other governor.

05-10-2020, 10:12 AM
Well start the process. by time it's done it be election year. so good luck an I'm sure there "clauses" in the constitution for war and for pandemics. a right to assemble is only for gatherings for religion or to protest the government. So read bill of rights #1

05-10-2020, 10:19 AM
Well start the process. by time it's done it be election year. so good luck an I'm sure there "clauses" in the constitution for war and for pandemics. a right to assemble is only for gatherings for religion or to protest the government. So read bill of rights #1
I don't think TJ considered pandemics.

05-10-2020, 10:38 AM
He obviously hasn't had anyone effected by it. My gf works on the front lines as a traveling nurse. My buddies wife passed away because she couldn't get a liver transplant done because of it. She was 43 left 2 kids behind. He doesn't run a business being effected by this either. He's all talk poor poor me but no action. I bet he had no problem spending the stimulus $

05-10-2020, 10:45 AM
So is this same Governor telling the 2 NFL teams that they will not be playing football in the state of Ohio? There are a he!! of a lot more fans at those games than there are at Eldora or any dirt track in Ohio can hold.

the teams get most of there money from tv. the people in the stands are a lot smaller percentage of the bottom line.

05-10-2020, 10:49 AM
Well start the process. by time it's done it be election year. so good luck an I'm sure there "clauses" in the constitution for war and for pandemics. a right to assemble is only for gatherings for religion or to protest the government. So read bill of rights #1

At this point gathering at a racetrack is in fact protesting the government. You cannot argue that fact. It is also Unconstitutional to not allow businesses to operate.

05-10-2020, 10:51 AM
He obviously hasn't had anyone effected by it. My gf works on the front lines as a traveling nurse. My buddies wife passed away because she couldn't get a liver transplant done because of it. She was 43 left 2 kids behind. He doesn't run a business being effected by this either. He's all talk poor poor me but no action. I bet he had no problem spending the stimulus $

She chose her line of profession. She can change her line of work if she doesn't like it. I wouldn't be able to do what she does, therefore I would never get into that profession then selfishly tell people to stay home for eternity and ruin their lives so that I wouldn't have to deal with sickness and death. That's just not logical. It should be up to each individual to determine how to handle their health issues. It's government overreach when they get involved in people's health and decide to ruin everybody's immune systems by keeping them isolated.

05-10-2020, 10:52 AM
it doesn't say anywhere that I read in the constitution about businesses. My business was shut down for 2 weeks luckily and I'm staying a float but sales and production are down. It really hurt my tradeshows I attend aren't happening. All them have been canceled through September. An this is a pandemic so there's clauses in it for that.

05-10-2020, 10:54 AM
Anyway back on topic as there's already a million threads about b.s. an politics which I don't do. I vote for whoever is willing to put more money in my pocket at the end of the day.

05-10-2020, 11:00 AM
For me I hope the dream happens as I don't make it to Eldora often anymore. But I'll def be cautious with that many people in tight areas. as all it will take is 1 person who doesn't take care of themselves. wash there hands or shower all week to get it an spread it.

Drop Shock
05-10-2020, 11:44 AM
Brushcreek fought to run their race this weekend and won, so hopefully that goes a long way and sets a precedent for getting things rolling in Ohio. Read on Facebook that Tyler Carpenter won $247 for winning an 11 car race though, hopefully that’s not the payout model going forward for these empty stands shows.

05-10-2020, 12:25 PM
Does anybody remember what the 50/50 ticket winner got àt the World 100 last year? I know it more than the winner of the race got. Anybody that lived in the State Ohio could buy one online. Maybe add half of that money towards the purse. And add half of the money from doing a pay view as well. Idk... I would just like to see the Dream race happen.

05-10-2020, 12:33 PM
People from all over the state were only aloud to buy the first year they did it. I'm pretty sure they changed it to you having to be on eldora grounds to buy a 50/50

3 wide
05-10-2020, 12:38 PM
They want have many races paying 247 dollars to win that's like the state I live in they said restaurants could open at half capacity I noticed a few did an most didn't an some of the owners that didn't open said they couldn't make any money at 50 percent same way with race tracks if you can't make any money why bother.

05-10-2020, 01:34 PM
You do have to be on Eldora Property to buy a 50/50 ticket now.

05-10-2020, 02:10 PM
Politicians have no business shutting down business. PERIOD!!! GOVERNMENT RUN COUNTRY IS ON TAP after this debacle. Especially if Dems get in power.. BTW the least the Politicians should do is lose their salaries while they are making people lose theirs.

05-10-2020, 02:21 PM
TS FAN, for some reason I’ve assumed that you are from Ohio. If so, what tracks to you plan on attending once they are open? Ones close to you? Or ones that you’d have to travel a distance to?

05-10-2020, 02:55 PM
I am a big race fan, but if I win $50K in the fifty fifty drawing, it's all mine!!! The Big E has made many millions off of the Dream and World 100, enough to make a little instead of a lot for once.

05-10-2020, 03:03 PM
I think alot of people complained about the 50/50. Someone who has zero interest in the event could buy tickets from hundreds of miles away and win. We already have multiple types of lottery's

05-10-2020, 03:16 PM
WOLRD 100 - 2019 50/50 Drawing - was over $80,000

05-10-2020, 03:19 PM
That's right, and an automatic 20% is kept for your tax.

05-10-2020, 03:27 PM
CW would you rather have them come after you for there share ? No thank you, pay them up front and enjoy the rest I say. I lay down 20 bucks for a chance at 80k any time.

05-10-2020, 03:43 PM
$80,489 for the winners share -last year at the World 100. I am glad they revised the policy of having to be on the property to purchase a ticket. There are probably a few folks who drive there just to buy a ticket- but the majority are racing people like us!

05-10-2020, 03:46 PM
CW would you rather have them come after you for there share ? No thank you, pay them up front and enjoy the rest I say. I lay down 20 bucks for a chance at 80k any time.

You don't have to worry, they will keep the 20% and hand you the 80%. lol

05-10-2020, 05:01 PM
I would like to see anybody who purchased the pay for view has a opportunity to purchase a 50/50 ticket. And half of the winings would go to the drivers purse. As well as half of the money made of the ppv. Last night the ppv at I-55 had people watching from 11 different contanents. That would be enough revanew to pay for the race with limited fans or no fans at all. Lol...

Big Daddy 37
05-10-2020, 06:26 PM
I would like to see anybody who purchased the pay for view has a opportunity to purchase a 50/50 ticket. And half of the winings would go to the drivers purse. As well as half of the money made of the ppv. Last night the ppv at I-55 had people watching from 11 different contanents. That would be enough revanew to pay for the race with limited fans or no fans at all. Lol...

"Watching on 11 different continents"....

Pretty dang impressive, as there a only 7 on earth.

Gotta love public education.

05-10-2020, 06:33 PM
I would like to see anybody who purchased the pay for view has a opportunity to purchase a 50/50 ticket. And half of the winings would go to the drivers purse. As well as half of the money made of the ppv. Last night the ppv at I-55 had people watching from 11 different contanents. That would be enough revanew to pay for the race with limited fans or no fans at all. Lol...
"Watching on 11 different continents"....Pretty dang impressive, as there a only 7 on earth.Gotta love public education.Good one........lolololol

05-10-2020, 06:38 PM
Lol... Ok, 11 different country's.. that's what they were saying on the ppv last night. Gotta love the interest in Dirt Track Racing around the world. Smile...

05-10-2020, 08:42 PM
Alot of people watching outside of the country are U.S Military

05-10-2020, 08:45 PM
I voted for Mike Devine,because like many people I thought he had a head on his shoulder,instead his head is located up his rectum!as he has been advised by this so called NURSE,the Ohio small business
chapter won't survive under his rules,therefore let the people choose what they want to do,and let life go on.(Amen)

05-10-2020, 09:58 PM
Looks like he'll have to be impeached for government overreach. He does not have the power to eliminate freedom of assembly from the Constitution. Nor does any other governor.

Do you honestly believe that?

During a pandemic like this they have the authority to make such decisions.

05-10-2020, 10:13 PM
Did anybody stop to think about how limited the state would be if Tony ran The Dream and they wanted to stop it? What are they going to do? Fine him? Well maybe this year the 50/50 money goes toward paying the fine. Not that Tony doesn't make enough money to pay it anyhow. Are they going to shut the show down? They can't, the cops can only uphold the Constitution and the state laws. And there's currently not a law that has been passed by the state legislature stating that businesses cannot conduct business. Good luck arresting 20k people on private property. Bring in the SWAT team and start busting heads? The state won't risk further inciting people in the state even more. Arrest Tony and Roger? Good luck with that, they can take the state to Federal Court, and because Tony is involved, the media would be all over that and that would be a horrible look for Ohio when they lose. Pull their business and liquor license and close the track? Eldora's races bring in too much revenue for the local economy, that will never happen. The event could also be advertised as a 3 day political protest, therefore making it a perfectly legal and peaceful assembly protected under the Constitution. People need to stop acting like these governors are allowed to be tyrants, they are not. The governors work for the people, not the other way around.

05-10-2020, 10:19 PM
Alot of people watching outside of the country are U.S Military

There are quite a few countries with dirt / sprint car racing. Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, UK.

I bet most of the foreign viewers are in Australia

05-10-2020, 10:23 PM
Do you honestly believe that?

During a pandemic like this they have the authority to make such decisions.

Not quite. Nowhere does it say that all Constitutional freedoms can be absolutely shredded for a virus that has a 99.95% survival rate and 95% of people have mild or no symptoms. In hindsight the correct way to handle this was obviously to isolate the nursing homes and elderly and keep things going instead of shutting down the economy. Now that we know that we can start down that road now. We could understand these actions if this was an illness that kills large percentages of all age ranges, but that is not the case here. It prays on very specific groups of people. The only reason we're still even talking about it is it's an election year and the Dems, and some clueless Republican governors on a power trip, are using it as a political weapon.

05-10-2020, 11:17 PM
There are quite a few countries with dirt / sprint car racing. Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, UK.

I bet most of the foreign viewers are in Australia

I'm not arguing against that. But I know someone in that business and majority of viewership is military

05-11-2020, 04:44 AM
Did anybody stop to think about how limited the state would be if Tony ran The Dream and they wanted to stop it? What are they going to do? Fine him? Well maybe this year the 50/50 money goes toward paying the fine. Not that Tony doesn't make enough money to pay it anyhow. Are they going to shut the show down? They can't, the cops can only uphold the Constitution and the state laws. And there's currently not a law that has been passed by the state legislature stating that businesses cannot conduct business. Good luck arresting 20k people on private property. Bring in the SWAT team and start busting heads? The state won't risk further inciting people in the state even more. Arrest Tony and Roger? Good luck with that, they can take the state to Federal Court, and because Tony is involved, the media would be all over that and that would be a horrible look for Ohio when they lose. Pull their business and liquor license and close the track? Eldora's races bring in too much revenue for the local economy, that will never happen. The event could also be advertised as a 3 day political protest, therefore making it a perfectly legal and peaceful assembly protected under the Constitution. People need to stop acting like these governors are allowed to be tyrants, they are not. The governors work for the people, not the other way around.

They park state troopers on the highways going into the place and block them. As a Libertarian you should be more up on police state tactics. Remember the standing Army during peace time that Jefferson warned of?

05-11-2020, 06:24 AM
Let's see. I'm in TS shoes, do I or don't I. I have the ASCoC, I have 3 nascrap teams, a WoO team, and of course eldora. Now which one do you thing he's putting effort into ? I think he has enough people telling him let's wait and see with what each and everyone is doing. Including the governor of ohio. He has the state locked down and it is what it is. Gearhead it may be unconstitutional to shut the business owner down. But they can come in and block road access for a long list of off the wall reasons. Nobody wins, except the lawyers.

05-11-2020, 07:33 AM
I don't think they could put any of the 50/50 towards purse if they sell alcohol. I think there is some law against it. Earl used to put 50/50 towards points fund until state shut him down based on rule regarding liquor licence.

05-11-2020, 08:41 AM
They park state troopers on the highways going into the place and block them. As a Libertarian you should be more up on police state tactics. Remember the standing Army during peace time that Jefferson warned of?

Sounds like a good time for a real life Smokey and the Bandit moment. Snowman could break up that roadblock.