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View Full Version : Fairbury (IL) -- Thursday, June 11th 2020 -- UMP Late Models $5,000 & UMP Mods $1,500

05-28-2020, 06:24 PM
From Tracks Facebook Page.

Fairbury American Legion Speedway
Fairbury, Illinois

Thursday, June 11th 2020
"Late Model Night In America"


05-29-2020, 07:23 AM
This will not happen. Per the letter tri city received there is no races at all til the next phase aka next month. Not even with fans only.

05-29-2020, 08:56 AM
No chance this race, or any racing happens in Illinois til July.

05-29-2020, 09:14 AM
Why not just have the race with fans? Call it a political rally, invite a couple of local reps to speak, and based on the Constitution nobody can stop the race from happening.

05-29-2020, 09:37 AM
Well Charleston is running this weekend

05-29-2020, 09:39 AM
Matt Curl just posted race cancelled due to yesterday’s notice.

05-29-2020, 09:39 AM
Unbelievable... I don't have much hope for any Summer National races happening in the State of Illnois this year. Might as well start working on a schedule outside the state of Illinois.

05-29-2020, 09:49 AM
Why not just have the race with fans? Call it a political rally, invite a couple of local reps to speak, and based on the Constitution nobody can stop the race from happening.

You make a good point GH. The problem is, The Constitution has become secondary to the political whims of those who we allow to wield the power. Governor crooked fat-bastard of Illinois pays little attention and has minimal regard for our Constitution. Governor crooked fat-bastard sets his 1/4 ton ass in his chitcago mansion and makes up the rules with no particular regard for those who didn't/won't ever vote for him.

Everything and everybody south of I-80 is of no concern or consequence to him.

05-29-2020, 10:10 AM
You make a good point GH. The problem is, The Constitution has become secondary to the political whims of those who we allow to wield the power. Governor crooked fat-bastard of Illinois pays little attention and has minimal regard for our Constitution. Governor crooked fat-bastard sets his 1/4 ton ass in his chitcago mansion and makes up the rules with no particular regard for those who didn't/won't ever vote for him.

Everything and everybody south of I-80 is of no concern or consequence to him.

The sad part is the police and DA's are just as much to blame. The police took an oath to the Constitution and law, not to the Governor. The Governor cannot override the Constitution and he cannot unilaterally create laws. So why are the police enforcing these unconstitutional orders? They are violating their oath. And if the police just do what they're told to get a paycheck then they never should have became a police officer. It's more than a paycheck. Hitler's SS officers tried to use the "I was just doing what I was told" excuse in court when they were tried for violating people's freedoms and that certainly didn't hold up. All of these cops enforcing these orders will have a mountain of lawsuits on their backs for not honoring their oath to the Constitution if this drags out much longer.

05-29-2020, 10:54 AM
The cops are not enforcing these orders. Many have said they are not in Illinois and have come out. Our town does not get involved. These places are worried about fines and being shut down by the state. It is not worth it to go against it right now in Illinois.

05-29-2020, 10:56 AM
Are any of the present supreme court justices racing fans. Might be time to call Porky's bluff. He sure backed down on churches once the supreme court ordered it.

05-29-2020, 11:00 AM
Yea, using law enforcement as a reason is a cop out, literaly!
No law enforcement down state has been executing the Governor's "orders" because they aren't LAW.

I knew this wasn't happening.
Not sure why Matt would post something to get people's hopes up just to let them down the very next day.

Shiny Side Up 18
05-29-2020, 11:10 AM

Sounds like they were expecting to be able to race without fans, and were told no racing at all until July, at the earliest.

05-29-2020, 11:18 AM
Yes - a couple days ago it was reported in the news that no fans events could start on Friday (today) but then the goal posts were torn down & relocated by some Chicago bureacraps last evening. And yes the misspelling is intentional.

05-29-2020, 11:19 AM
But, I guess it's ok to have horse racing with no fans. Because the State can make some money off of that.

05-29-2020, 11:25 AM
Same thing with crowded liq. stores and tobacco shops up there......state makes too much money to shut them down even though most of them are elbow to elbow on Friday and Saturday nights.

Bunch of hypocrites.....your health is not their concern......continuing the stereotype of crooked Chicago politics is.

05-29-2020, 11:29 AM
But, I guess it's ok to have horse racing with no fans. Because the State can make some money off of that.

If you don't mind me being nosy, how has it affected your restaurant ?

You guys open , to go or curbside only, or limited inside seating available?

Most stuff is opened back up with limited capacity where we are, went out last night for some great Mexican at our favorite place for it and they had every other table blocked off and would only allow up to 8 per table.....worked out great.

05-29-2020, 11:56 AM
Does anyone really believe that FALS will go from no racing in June to maybe racing July 1st (with no fans) to full fans July 31st (4 weeks later) in time for the PDC?

I am hopeful for this to happen, but I'm not counting on it at all.

05-29-2020, 12:03 PM
Stopped doing the restaurant thing. As of today you can serve outside only. You must have a facemask on with distanting. Have you ever tried to eat & drink a beer with a facemask on? Lol

05-29-2020, 01:31 PM
Nope I don't see the pdc happening. my business had a tradeshow in illinios the week before pdc and tradeshow got cancelled already.

Shiny Side Up 18
05-29-2020, 03:15 PM
The post on the website mentioned the possibility of events with "capacity restrictions" in phase 4. Something tells me that an October PDC wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility. Considering the economic impact of that event, I would think that FALS would consider a (possibly much) later date before pulling the plug altogether. Just my opinion.

05-29-2020, 04:31 PM
As was mentioned in the Dream thread a few weeks ago there is no dates available in October as far as the touring series being off. And weather sucks in October.

One Man Gang
05-29-2020, 06:49 PM
You make a good point GH. The problem is, The Constitution has become secondary to the political whims of those who we allow to wield the power. Governor crooked fat-bastard of Illinois pays little attention and has minimal regard for our Constitution. Governor crooked fat-bastard sets his 1/4 ton ass in his chitcago mansion and makes up the rules with no particular regard for those who didn't/won't ever vote for him.

Everything and everybody south of I-80 is of no concern or consequence to him.
The situation is not funny at all but your thoughts of the Gov is hilarious