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05-31-2020, 04:46 PM
I remember a while back when another U.S. riot was going on, I was traveling to a SLM race and went thru a railroad underpass and a large cluster of rocks/dirt busted on the road just in front of me. Thinking there were a rock/dirt slide off of the train tracks, I slowed and looked behind me. To my surprise, there were 3 youths on the tracks wearing hoodies. Now we have covid 19 to deal with, to add to that, we have criminals destroying everything in their path. Traveling for drivers and fans thru these inter cities can get you hurt with auto damage if blocked in by these thugs, even if you exit to get something to eat. Please be aware of what is around you at all times in these times of unrest. Travel safer.

05-31-2020, 06:37 PM
You're unfortunately right. In truth, I checked media outlets to see what the situation looked like in St. Louis before deciding to go to I-55 yesterday, especially since the by-pass (I-255) is closed at I-64.

Always be aware of your surroundings.

One Man Gang
05-31-2020, 07:06 PM
Always carry extra ammo

05-31-2020, 08:12 PM
My wife and I were talking about this just today......if you were in a spot where someone was busting through your window and you felt so threatened , would you shoot?
Would you hit the gas if they were jumping on your car or would you stop and take your chances?

I can't imagine having to shoot and hope I get out, or running over someone doing the same but I really think I would.

05-31-2020, 09:07 PM
Building up to b a civil war

05-31-2020, 09:10 PM
Extra ammo? Check!!!
Shoot? Check!!!
Hit the gas? Check!!!

Interestingly enough, this topic came up last night at the race track.

05-31-2020, 09:13 PM
I just hope this dont start shutting down state to state travel. We just got to where we can getting back to the race tracks again in some states. We don't need something else shutting us down 😔

05-31-2020, 09:37 PM
My wife and I were talking about this just today......if you were in a spot where someone was busting through your window and you felt so threatened , would you shoot?
Would you hit the gas if they were jumping on your car or would you stop and take your chances?

I can't imagine having to shoot and hope I get out, or running over someone doing the same but I really think I would.

My wife was showing me a video, where they tried to stop a Fedex truck driver. He stepped on the gas as one protester got caught by the rear tire and drug a long way!

Im sure he's upset but everyone deserves to get home safely to their family's!Ive told my wife and kids, if you have room to drive, mash the gas! We will deal with the consequences later!

05-31-2020, 10:34 PM
This whole situation is very serious and way out of control and I hope the perpetrators calm the F down sooner than later. I would shoot if I felt threatening but I would hit the gas first and take my chances. Not a decision I want to make for sure. I would try and avoid urban areas of big city's and keep to the outskirts.

05-31-2020, 11:45 PM
Not doing a good job of social distancing lol

Shiny Side Up 18
06-01-2020, 01:52 AM
Peoria is getting bad. Widespread looting taking place. Around 30 shots were fired a short time ago.

06-01-2020, 05:12 AM
Come on mods. Get this (not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word) off here. You ban everyone else.

06-01-2020, 06:13 AM
There are some spam that has been on here for several months

06-01-2020, 07:30 AM
My work puts me into several areas that have the possibility of looting. Hoping I get a chance to extinguish some threats.

06-01-2020, 02:31 PM
With all this looting and rioting , people standing all over each other and not social distancing , all of them will be dead in weeks from covid anyway.......I'm using all the knowledge I got from mceinstein and using his models as well to form my theory.

It has to be correct.......right?

06-01-2020, 02:40 PM
Only good thing from the riots is we will see what a joke this pandemic really is.

06-01-2020, 02:48 PM
6 police officers tested positive for Covid-19 while working the riots in Tampa FL

06-01-2020, 02:49 PM
The people crying "stay home and social distance" sure have been awful quiet the past 5-6 days.

06-01-2020, 03:09 PM
The people crying "stay home and social distance" sure have been awful quiet the past 5-6 days.

There is a new story to report on......covid is old news and not near as important for them to report on and blame trump for.

Now all this inequality , it will be trumps fault for sure......until the next story.

06-01-2020, 09:38 PM
I would not want to be in the middle of an angry looting mob for I don't know what I would do. When I took my gun training by a local police dept who said off record, you must not even pull your fire arm out if all possible because that action starts a process. If you point, you must do a police report. If you shoot, get-er-done. A thug will sue you if still alive, or his family will sue you if he is dead, expect to get sued. The Officer said here in Bama, you must try (the way courts look at it) to flee to safety if all possible and not hurt anyone, for most do not understand what stand your ground really means. The use of a gun can get you in serious trouble, that is why I don't travel to races with one yet.......To add, if you shoot, you MUST call 911 and then give CPR on the thug(s).

Highside Hustler25
06-01-2020, 09:52 PM
Peoria is getting bad. Widespread looting taking place. Around 30 shots were fired a short time ago.

Yes it is. It's gonna be a war zone again tonight. I talked to a hand full of cops and firefighters today and they said they've never seen anything like it. I know my AR will be sleeping next to my bed for the first time ever, Never thought I'd see the day:(

Highside Hustler25
06-01-2020, 09:57 PM
Spot on NorthAlabama. I have a conceal carry permit but so far, never have carried. Hope I never have to but it seems like times might be changing. I would hate to have to carry the burden of killing someone.

06-01-2020, 10:28 PM
Hell will freeze over before I put my mouth on that dead thug.

06-01-2020, 11:15 PM
Well in Illinois governor Pritzker isn't doing anything but destroying small economy, my Glock is loaded if "Protesters" cross my line. How come these "Protesters" come in a bus?

06-02-2020, 01:26 AM
Yes it is. It's gonna be a war zone again tonight. I talked to a hand full of cops and firefighters today and they said they've never seen anything like it. I know my AR will be sleeping next to my bed for the first time ever, Never thought I'd see the day:(

I did. That's why I have an AR-15. I came back from Iraq in 2008 and said to myself: Self what's stopping the states from looking like that? Plus that was before the internet had been 100 percent weaponized and didn't largely go with everybody everywhere in their pocket. There's something very egregious happening and our enemies, our REAL enemies are fanning the flames. Dare I say it they even have REAL militia on the ground perpetrating these acts of war in the United States. This has been coming for a long time.

You guys be safe back home okay? See y'all at the track soon. This too shall pass.

Would I shoot? Not if I had a reasonable means of escaping. I've been permitted for years and I carry everywhere. Even in my own home.

Shiny Side Up 18
06-02-2020, 02:53 AM
Listening to the police scanner... There's been a convoy of 150 cars flying through Peoria last night and tonight. One of the vehicles had an Ohio rental plate. Definitely not home grown.

06-02-2020, 07:05 AM
Spot on NorthAlabama. I have a conceal carry permit but so far, never have carried. Hope I never have to but it seems like times might be changing. I would hate to have to carry the burden of killing someone.

If would hate the burden my wife , kids and family would have to carry if I didn't in that situation.

It would really suck, and up until recently I would have tried other means of less lethal negotiation....these days, somebody getting shot....sorry.

06-02-2020, 09:48 AM
If you are threat to mine or my families lives and I’ve done nothing to cause the situation, you get what you get.

06-02-2020, 11:17 PM
The riots don't add up. One News media stated that 85% were locals (mostly all black) who were arrested but the left and the left media is pointing to white supremacist starting the trouble. Why does the daughter of MLK Jr. who refuses to condemn the unlawfulness/burning/looting (asked by a reporter) and turn her back on her father/grandfather's peaceful protest teachings? Where is a 400 year old slave still living? Does the American Black race not know that it was African warlords like Tipp-a-too (spelling?) who captured, built prisons, enslaved, starved 1000s to death, and traded Africans worldwide? American Blacks and Indians owned many slaves. The last time I looked, we are all free to make moral choices. Opps, the left says that were are all equal, therefore, we are all morally the same, therefore again morals are not acknowledged. Can the news media ever tell the truth, not to their agenda? Racing just might get shut down again, this time by Marshal law.....

06-03-2020, 08:46 PM
I came back from Iraq in 2008 ----

Rocky, Thank you for your service.

PS. Where are the Bobbsie twins telling everyone what irresponsible gun owners you are all.

06-04-2020, 04:35 AM
Rocky, Thank you for your service.

PS. Where are the Bobbsie twins telling everyone what irresponsible gun owners you are all.

They're probably on their knees begging forgiveness (that they will NOT be given) for crimes that they did not commit in front of the MOB. Civilization itself hangs in the balance my friends. Be ready. Our own political leaders are mouthing the same rhetoric that the Ayatollah himself propogates. And the people that are supposed to be the freedom fighters in elected governance are just taking it. The day I've feared since 9/11 is here, if we let it be. I have many friends that are people of color. I even have mixed kids. You know who's gonna suffer? People of color. It's their neighborhoods getting burned, it's their little old ladies that are gonna be left to the mercy of hooligans no let me take that back those are American little old ladies not "their". We're gonna let it look like Mogadishu in effin blackhawk down in our own country.


Sorry.. My bad. But seriously, you guys be safe.

06-04-2020, 02:44 PM
Who are the Bobbsie Twins? My guess twins on the radical left?

06-04-2020, 04:12 PM
Of all the hours of news media, 99.9% are fueling hate and violence. Only 5 seconds of one new media stated that the death of Floyd was due to a heart attack due to heart failure due to bad health conditions that most blacks have, also with toxins (drug use). Trying to pass a counterfeit $100 dollar bill got him arrested and was on the ground due resisting arrest, notice all film clips are cut during certain times. No knee can stop your air passage. He could not breath due to chest pains caused by having a heart attack. The cops did not see this. We are burning down this country because of this? Youth criminals: brown 46%, black 38%, native 29%, whites 10%, this is the problem, NO MORALS. Folks, this fall the left will take over, and get ready for a godless Socialist country, "free moral America will fail"...

06-04-2020, 04:47 PM
Heart attack or not , the cop that kept him pinned down needs his azz whipped multiple times in prison....every day.

There is nothing you can ever do or say to justify that kind of behavior towards a guy you've already subdued and had handcuffed......I wouldn't watch it, but a public hanging would be a fitting end for him and would probably be just in many people's eyes.
Guy has a history of being a rogue cop, not his first time doing this sort of stuff to people he has the upper hand on.......f him.

One Man Gang
06-04-2020, 05:18 PM
This George Floyd challenge crap on social media ain’t helping matters none. Whether you agree or disagree with the situation making fun of it and a joke out of it for the world to see just gives them more chances to holler for racial injustice.

06-04-2020, 05:35 PM
What is the George Floyd challenge?

06-04-2020, 07:04 PM
Who are the Bobbsie Twins? My guess twins on the radical left?

Two posters (I forget who they are) chimed in on another thread that Rocky and I were talking about bringing AR’s to the races, as open carry, and we were told that we were irresponsible gun owners and had little Johnson’s trying to compensate for by owning guns.

06-04-2020, 07:48 PM
LOL, little Johnsons. I saw a crowd of youth (boys and girls) in the Walley World parking lot one time and some of the boys (under age) were smoking. I walked up and everyone turn to me and I said, "smoking will make your (not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word) small". The girls busted out laughing.

One Man Gang
06-04-2020, 08:43 PM
What is the George Floyd challenge?
Google it or look it up somehow it’s where people has started acting like they holding their buddies down for 8 minutes with their knee in their neck

06-04-2020, 10:00 PM
8 minutes? Would be easier to just shoot each other up like they do in the inner cities.

06-04-2020, 10:05 PM
If would hate the burden my wife , kids and family would have to carry if I didn't in that situation.

It would really suck, and up until recently I would have tried other means of less lethal negotiation....these days, somebody getting shot....sorry.

Spot on...…….better them than me.Luckily my state is a stand your ground state!

Ive noticed the rioters, I mean protesters, don't come to the redneck parts of towns....hmmmmm!!!

06-04-2020, 10:53 PM
How many would actually be protesting if they couldn't wear their masks......bet the number would be a bunch less......a bunch.

06-05-2020, 01:43 AM
The little johnson post was one of my favorites. You know when you've won when you present a fact and the other party instantly gets personal. That fact was if you overlay the homicide map on the 2016 election map you can see that you are far more likely to be shot by a Democrat.

I'm not down with what happened to Mr. Floyd heart attack or not the cuffs were on him it's over at that point. I'm not down with plan to just hand over the USA to radical bands of marauders either. I see the numbers of blacks and latinos and what not in the crime statistics and it's a lot. But we gotta remember that there's way, way more people in the neighborhood than those guys. What we need to do is somehow convince those people the ones that aren't out there robbing and murdering, the regular good people, that the system that's rigged against them is the very socialist policies that Sleepy Joe and his flunkies at the News and in City Hall are pushing and the narrative that the Cops are there to put them back in chains because of their skin color which is propogated by, lets see, that would be the Democrats.... I don't see any way on earth that the empty the prisons and abolish the cops policy wins them an election. Sleepy Joe said "a community with a knee on it's neck for generations". That's a direct quote from Vice President Biden. But what he didn't admit was that it was his knee. Not some guy working in a Muffler and Brake shop in South Dakota that happened to vote for a Republican last time. We owe our fellow citizens justice and that is not what the street gangs posing as activists are pushing for. If anything they need more and better police in their neighborhoods not just leave and let the gang bangers have free run to set up larger more elaborate crime rings and recruit and murder more of their sons. That would be the opposite of justice.

06-05-2020, 03:24 AM
I see the numbers of blacks and latinos ---

Rocky, when it comes to the 2020 election ----I don’t think the vast majority of minorities will buy-into “It” for the third time.

Sleepy Joe said "a community with a knee on it's neck for generations". That's a direct quote from Vice President Biden.

With “It” being propaganda like that.

06-05-2020, 04:17 AM
lurker, I just hope we get to the election. This is a pretty thinly veiled political coup de'etat

06-05-2020, 08:50 AM
Mnpls. considering doing away with their police department. New York City and LA. are talking drastic cuts to their departments.

06-05-2020, 10:52 AM
Scroll down to about page 3 and start scanning through the numbers. It tells a different story than what most media outlets and social media want you to hear:


06-05-2020, 12:25 PM
A Black lawyer on the news last night is pushing Dem congress to change the law allowing any one to sue the cop(s) for any reason. All law enforcement will end as we know it. Hitler Joe has already stated that he will shut down ammo makers, gun makers and ban all military style guns. If he picks the Georgia black racist female for vp who posed in the Black Panther Party photo holding a firearm, black power will rule. Racist Spike Lee stated, "America is fake" in his video. Al Sharpton claims, who?, "has their knee on our necks"? How do you put down these racist who are trying to destroy America?

06-05-2020, 08:28 PM
Prayers for the family: MOODY, Ala. (AP) — Two Birmingham residents are being charged with capital murder in the death of an Alabama police officer who was shot to death at a motel, officials said Friday. Tapero Corlene Johnson, 27, and Marquisha Anissa Tyson, 28, are being held in the shooting death of Moody police Sgt. Stephen Williams. He was fatally wounded while answering a call at a motel on Tuesday night.

06-05-2020, 08:33 PM
Sounds like that was a setup to me

06-05-2020, 11:08 PM
Could be. In the last year, Alabama has seen a record number cop killing, by dark skin criminals which is increasing fast. Where is the news media? Where is the outrage? Floyd had a heart attack but blaming a knee which can not block air flow. Black Mayors in Bama are now taking down statues and historical Confederate monuments in the middle of the night, not telling anybody, which against the Alabama law and the A.G. is going after them. The Alabama Dem Party was run by a white lady from New Hope, Nancy W.. A secret coo by radical Blacks and Homosexuals voted her out and a lawsuit is happening. Alabama has a problem....

06-06-2020, 01:47 AM
A Black lawyer on the news last night is pushing Dem congress to change the law allowing any one to sue the cop(s) for any reason. All law enforcement will end as we know it. Hitler Joe has already stated that he will shut down ammo makers, gun makers and ban all military style guns. If he picks the Georgia black racist female for vp who posed in the Black Panther Party photo holding a firearm, black power will rule. Racist Spike Lee stated, "America is fake" in his video. Al Sharpton claims, who?, "has their knee on our necks"? How do you put down these racist who are trying to destroy America?

Remember that the majority of people in America, even the majority of black folks are appalled at the destruction they're seeing and the idea that abolishing the police in favor of mob rule is really a thing. The majority really has NO voice though at least not on TV and in print. Independant media sources will tell you a vastly different story than what you see on CNN or even on Fox. It's gonna be okay.

I hope that Democrats talk very loudly about banning guns and stopping people from being able to defend themselves in the wake of all of this mess. That's the best case scenario.

We'll give them back when they take them away from the outlaws. Like they did in Chicago.

06-06-2020, 01:59 AM
North Bama , google the name Tim Pool. Tim's a lifelong Democrat but he's honest and he does a good job really reporting the News. Tim's basically thoroughly disgusted with the Democratic party too. He's one of my go to news sources.

Basically, if you want to hear what your average, moderate middle of the road American feels right now. That's Tim.

06-06-2020, 10:19 AM
Thanks Rocky for sharing that.

06-06-2020, 05:38 PM
Yes, Rocky, thanks for sharing Tim Pool.

I hope that Democrats talk very loudly about banning guns and stopping people from being able to defend themselves in the wake of all of this mess. That's the best case scenario.

Take a look at Colion Noir when you get time.

George Floyd & The Minneapolis Riots Reinforce why Civilized Society NEEDS the Second Amendment - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykH10Y4S2bM&t=264s

06-07-2020, 03:17 AM
North Bama , google the name Tim Pool. Tim's a lifelong Democrat but he's honest and he does a good job really reporting the News. Tim's basically thoroughly disgusted with the Democratic party too. He's one of my go to news sources.

Basically, if you want to hear what your average, moderate middle of the road American feels right now. That's Tim.

These two videos popped up on my YouTube recommended after researching Tim Pool.

Even TIM POOL is Considering Voting Trump! | Louder With Crowder - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y39ZTTWuz2c

Tim Pool Gets His First Gun! | Louder with Crowder - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjQ1eHqSCTo

06-07-2020, 04:22 AM
These two videos popped up on my YouTube recommended after researching Tim Pool.

Even TIM POOL is Considering Voting Trump! | Louder With Crowder - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y39ZTTWuz2c

Tim Pool Gets His First Gun! | Louder with Crowder - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjQ1eHqSCTo

I can't really watch videos right now. Tim Pool is a real liberal and he's rightfully disgusted with nutbags stealing the word and not holding actual liberal values. I have different views than him on lots of stuff but you can talk to a guy like him. That's how you make progress. I like his stuff, he basically represents probably about 1/3 of the country with his stances too. The 1/3 in the middle that can get swayed one way or another. The 1/3 that has exactly zero traditional media directed at them in the era of partisan politics about everything. Listening to what he's saying is a far more accurate barometer of middle of the road America than you'll find elsewhere.

06-07-2020, 12:56 PM
A must read.....https://greatgameindia.com/george-floyd-criminal/ https://thecourierdaily.com/george-floyd-criminal-past-record-arrest/20177/ I'm was looking up websites about Floyds long very violent criminal history. My search engine has done away with urls that were just there. Only bad post about the cops now can be seen. I don't know what happened.