View Full Version : Which brand of transmission is preferred

Mopar DLM
04-06-2021, 10:06 AM
Taking everything into consideration. Reliability, quality, ease of rebuild, cost, overall weight and rotating weight and anything else that we can think of. Which transmission would be the best choice if buying new right now.

04-06-2021, 08:42 PM
Original brinn .

04-07-2021, 06:30 AM
brinns are the easiest to build, and hold resale value well. ive always ran bert because theyre pretty reasonable used and driveshaft angle is a little less

04-07-2021, 08:56 AM
Gen2 Bert has low rotational weight as well as a low overall weight and footprint.
Not a fan of ball spline deals, Always had the standard yoke splined type.

04-11-2021, 09:01 AM
I’ve rebuilt just about all of them.
Best built and most reliable, Brinn by far.

I’ve never liked Berts. Until I started rebuilding them and started knowing people who ran them. I’m almost thinking these are the best now on the ballspline version.

04-12-2021, 12:48 AM
I had a falcon that lasted 14yrs. I finally retired it. Basic rebuilds and an input shaft is all I did to it. Lowest rotating weight, lightest overall. Cheapest too.

Drake Racing
04-12-2021, 08:05 AM
Anybody use the Brinn Predator? supposed to have lightest rotating weight etc, but I have one, and you have to be very deliberate in shifting...(have to slam into low or reverse....lots of grinding) Brinn says this is normal. Anybody else have this issue? thanks.

Curt Drake
Stock car #55

04-13-2021, 10:15 PM
Been using Bert ballsplines for the past 8 years. Still on the original (used) Bert that I got in one of my cars. I haven't found a reason to change brands yet.

04-14-2021, 08:09 AM
I got my first car in 2007 with a standard 1st gen Bert. Still have same trans. Replaced all the gears, shafts and clutches in 2009 when I built my new car. Ran it until last year without doing anything but changing the oil and the car it was in. Can't say they get much better than that. Everyone always told me they suck though compared to brinn?

04-14-2021, 01:46 PM
I got my first car in 2007 with a standard 1st gen Bert. Still have same trans. Replaced all the gears, shafts and clutches in 2009 when I built my new car. Ran it until last year without doing anything but changing the oil and the car it was in. Can't say they get much better than that. Everyone always told me they suck though compared to brinn?They don't suck their just a little harder to work on and they have a few areas that wear and make them kinda pain at times. The ball splines can be a big problem if not service regularly. And their dangerous. But if brinn went out of buisness tomorrow and I needed a trans. I wouldn't hesitate to buy a bert but non ball spline

05-05-2021, 11:07 AM
They don't suck their just a little harder to work on and they have a few areas that wear and make them kinda pain at times. The ball splines can be a big problem if not service regularly. And their dangerous. But if brinn went out of buisness tomorrow and I needed a trans. I wouldn't hesitate to buy a bert but non ball spline

Say what you say,do what you want The BERT transmission has been the main stay of all the other transmissions that are offered ,(IE. BRINN-FALCON-ETC.)He has sold over 30,000 of these units.

I guess that it comes down to which one you prefer,Buy the real thing,or buy a copy.And like other manufactures,BERT gives nothing away!