View Full Version : Whynot

10-23-2021, 11:11 PM
One of my favorite MS tracks with normally well prepped track, clean sightlines and good car turnouts didn't have a real thriller of a LM show tonight. Had some promise of being a good one with Darryl Lanigan on the front row with Neil Baggett and Dennis Erb, Jr., who always runs well there, back a row or so.

Start of the main was a little ragged and it only took a lap to pileup 4 or 5 cars. Not a ton of damage but the next wreck on lap 8(?) really stacked them up with David Breuzeale upside down with another car parked on top of him, Lanigan and 'bout half a dozen more involved to varying degrees. Couldn't tell you who the rest were as the announcer was too excited to tell us but kept yammering how their Emergency crew would take care of it quickly. One wrecker and a few track staff guys are an emergency crew? The apparently only camera Flo had there was on the opposite side of the track in the grandstand area and never moved or even tried to zoom in. Never showed or replayed the accident. Pathetic.

Erb could have walked home to Carpentersville before they cleaned it up but was probably glad he didn't. He chased Baggett for 1st for a while and pretty much was in his own Dennis zone after he got by and lead the rest of the way. Typical Dennis drive; smooth, straight and mostly on the bottom but did go to the top when necessary. Baggett got a nice second and. I think, Cade Dillard was third.

Happy for Dennis but the announcer and the camera operator should be sent to broadcasting school.

Big Daddy 37
10-24-2021, 10:47 AM
One of my favorite MS tracks with normally well prepped track, clean sightlines and good car turnouts didn't have a real thriller of a LM show tonight. Had some promise of being a good one with Darryl Lanigan on the front row with Neil Baggett and Dennis Erb, Jr., who always runs well there, back a row or so.

Start of the main was a little ragged and it only took a lap to pileup 4 or 5 cars. Not a ton of damage but the next wreck on lap 8(?) really stacked them up with David Breuzeale upside down with another car parked on top of him, Lanigan and 'bout half a dozen more involved to varying degrees. Couldn't tell you who the rest were as the announcer was too excited to tell us but kept yammering how their Emergency crew would take care of it quickly. One wrecker and a few track staff guys are an emergency crew? The apparently only camera Flo had there was on the opposite side of the track in the grandstand area and never moved or even tried to zoom in. Never showed or replayed the accident. Pathetic.

Erb could have walked home to Carpentersville before they cleaned it up but was probably glad he didn't. He chased Baggett for 1st for a while and pretty much was in his own Dennis zone after he got by and lead the rest of the way. Typical Dennis drive; smooth, straight and mostly on the bottom but did go to the top when necessary. Baggett got a nice second and. I think, Cade Dillard was third.

Happy for Dennis but the announcer and the camera operator should be sent to broadcasting school.

After reading a couple of your depressing posts, this morning/last night....

Thinking maybe, you need to buy yourself a puppy.

10-24-2021, 11:50 AM
We ended up in the pileup and it was totally uncalled for. Our night finished with the rear clip bent from being rear ended. We are 8 laps into a 100 lap feature. Just makes no sense to drive like that. It looked like a wreck at Talladega. Lanigan was in the wreck because of a flat from the 1st caution. Ran over a broken drive shaft. Part of the shaft went between the fence and the concrete wall. It hit the crew guy of the car that lost the shaft. He left in the ambulance with a possible broken leg.

10-24-2021, 02:50 PM
slmcrewchief 99, Sorry to hear your team got damaged in the mess but glad your driver wasn't. Was it caused by a win-it-on-the-first-lap driver? As I said, never saw it or got any info from the broadcast and was disappointed in the time it took to clean it up. As you well know response time in those type of accidents is critical or all kinds of bad things can happen very quickly.

Been in a few situations like that over the decades as an owner and/or driver and it's one of the few situations where I'll speak out about a track. Again, I'm fond of Whynot but last night wasn't their finest hour and I only hope they'll take it to heart and improve on their safety efforts.

10-24-2021, 06:05 PM
4T, have u gone to Whynot in person? Next time you go, I'll find you and we will consume some adult beverages.

Late Model Mark
TST Announcer

10-25-2021, 10:58 AM
LMM, Only been there once and it was mid week a few years back when I was in the Memphis area for my last visit with a life long friend who was slipping away. Got to spend a day in MS bumming around and found Whynot and checked it out. and liked most everything about the place.
Met a couple of area guys who raced there and spent several hours bench racing and knocking down several Yuenglings. Was a welcome distraction for a few hours from the grim reason for my visit.
Like to get down there again for a race and meet up but don't know when that might be.

10-25-2021, 06:24 PM
4t, come to Talladega on your next visit and I will fix you up, tower, pits, run of the place.