View Full Version : Cambered right rear

Mopar DLM
10-28-2021, 05:14 PM
Is there enough benefit by going to it if you don't already have it? It's only 3 things to change right. Axle tube, axle and drive plate. Just wondering if that's money well spent or use it some place else.

10-28-2021, 05:28 PM
Is there enough benefit by going to it if you don't already have it? It's only 3 things to change right. Axle tube, axle and drive plate. Just wondering if that's money well spent or use it some place else.

I can tell you years ago when it was done some (1995ish) both tubes where cambered 1.5 degrees but it was opposite of what you would think. Top of tires to outside wall. I had one in a 95 GRT and tire wear was better on rubbered up tracks, I could go many more laps then most cars before popping the RR tire. The inside of the RR blistered less.

01-01-2022, 01:59 AM
I think it helps. The more stagger we take out for traction, the more camber we should be putting back in.
When we used to run a bunch of stagger, the camber came from stagger.