View Full Version : Eldora'a crew

06-12-2022, 09:39 AM
Tip of the hat to all the folks working at Eldora the last week for a stellar performance under stressful conditions.

The track prep crew showed how to knuckle down from removing the new clay at the last minute and prepping the track for the first day of Million week to keeping up with the work required during the constantly changing weather conditions and giving us as good a track as possible.

The announcers did a terrific job keeping us informed over some very long days and should probably all get a bonus quart of throat lozenges with their paycheck

All the concession people, the security bunch and all the other various folks necessary to put on a show like that did their jobs well from what I hear.

Sure, we're disappointed that the Dream main couldn't happen but not from lack of effort. As a former Buckeye and Eldora racer I know well what Ohio in summer can be like.