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View Full Version : Hammond set up plates

Mopar DLM
12-02-2022, 04:52 PM
Are they worth getting? Do they actually make anything easier or better? Does anyone out there make something that is better or more useful than them.

12-02-2022, 06:49 PM
I think they could be better with swivel caster mounted to them. But other than that. They are pretty nice. Although I don't own a set. I have wooden blocks that are 10 inches tall and 12x24 that I like more. Works great for putting bodies on or doing static setups to get under the car.

12-03-2022, 01:06 PM
i think they could be better with swivel caster mounted to them. But other than that. They are pretty nice. Although i don't own a set. I have wooden blocks that are 10 inches tall and 12x24 that i like more. Works great for putting bodies on or doing static setups to get under the car.

how do you use your wooden blocks -- i can picture them but not how they are used-- thanks in advance

12-03-2022, 06:46 PM
I just sit all four tires on them. Gives plenty of room to be under the car taking any measurements I want. And I have the car on a 2 post lift to lift it off and make quick adjustments and lower back down.

12-03-2022, 07:41 PM
I personally love them. Make it so easy to do all front end settings.

12-05-2022, 08:55 AM
Sometimes, there are different ways, but they aren't always better ways.

You CAN make your own(plasma cut steel plates, locally $100 out the door) for far less than the $500 he is asking. I like some the guys stuff but he is also a sales guy first.
In the world of "dynamic" everything, I mean, everyone says dynamic is WAY more important and way more accurate than static anything, set up plates like those that are static and don't even have tires on it.....Seems limited in use. Of course the sales guy in him won't mention that.
Over all, I don't own a set nor won't own a set, I can see them handy for some things but there isn't anything there a plumb bob won't do.

12-05-2022, 02:17 PM
Sometimes, there are different ways, but they aren't always better ways.

You CAN make your own(plasma cut steel plates, locally $100 out the door) for far less than the $500 he is asking. I like some the guys stuff but he is also a sales guy first.
In the world of "dynamic" everything, I mean, everyone says dynamic is WAY more important and way more accurate than static anything, set up plates like those that are static and don't even have tires on it.....Seems limited in use. Of course the sales guy in him won't mention that.
Over all, I don't own a set nor won't own a set, I can see them handy for some things but there isn't anything there a plumb bob won't do.

You can put the car in some static settings with the plates. I use the plates and set my caster/camber in a dynamic state. Take the RF shock/spring off, jack up the rear end like you are checking droop and you can get it pretty close.

I can also mess with rear end location and measure wheelbase changes in static by doing this.

12-05-2022, 07:38 PM
How is it truly dynamic without the tires in their compressed dynamic state?

12-06-2022, 07:54 AM
How is it truly dynamic without the tires in their compressed dynamic state?Easy you just use the data from your Boydbilt tire pro!

12-06-2022, 11:09 AM
You can put the car in some static settings with the plates. I use the plates and set my caster/camber in a dynamic state. Take the RF shock/spring off, jack up the rear end like you are checking droop and you can get it pretty close.

I can also mess with rear end location and measure wheelbase changes in static by doing this.

Agreed, That can also be done with the tires on it. I'll argue... tires on is more accurate because you can deflate the tires to the amount of squish and roll out/stagger you think the car is at on the track at speed. 4 plates the same height IS not accounting for tire growth at RPM either.

12-06-2022, 02:57 PM
Agreed, That can also be done with the tires on it. I'll argue... tires on is more accurate because you can deflate the tires to the amount of squish and roll out/stagger you think the car is at on the track at speed. 4 plates the same height IS not accounting for tire growth at RPM either.

True but the tires make it harder to get in and adjust the settings. And I am not trying to be so precise that I need to take tire growth into the equation.

12-07-2022, 10:06 AM
I get that.
I use two square tubes, one slide in the other, the outer has a set screw. I leave the car on on the lift or jack tands and simply remove the springs and raise or lower the suspension as needed, using the set screws to lock the RH as I want, and measure or change things as desired. Doing it this way, it's important to remember on the ground, the frame moves, not the tires.

12-11-2022, 04:45 PM
Easy you just use the data from your Boydbilt tire pro!

RR wouldnt be "short" enough! lol

On a serious note......i did inquire to Hammond about putting slots in the plates, but never got an answer!

12-23-2022, 01:52 PM
How thick are the plates Hammond makes?