View Full Version : Southern All Stars levies penalties against Ashton Winger & GR Smith

03-15-2023, 12:54 PM
Southern All Stars Dirt Racing Series

Following this weekends altercations at Southern Raceway the following penalties are being implemented on the parties involved:

Ashton Winger will be suspended for 60 days with zero tolerance probation due to a crew member using a weapon in a physical altercation with G.R Smith. Drivers are responsible for there crew. Thus is what lead to this decision.

G.R. Smith will be suspended indefinitely for his actions on track. The driver struck the 12 machine repeatedly in a while under caution. He failed to comply with our race director who repeatedly told him to leave the track he was DQed. requirements for reinstatement will be discussed with G.R. privately and once the requirements and stipulations are met the suspension will be lifted.

Both parties are remorseful for everything that occurred Saturday. We hope to see the competitors competing with the Southern All Stars again in the near future.

The Southern All Stars apologize to the fans and Southern Raceway for the altercations that ensued on Saturday and hate to see this happen in our sport. This kind of stuff is not acceptable and will not be tolerated at any SAS events.

Following G.R. Smith unacceptable behavior on track. Track personnel and security was called to his pit area to be sure that a safe place was provided for the competitor to be able to load his equipment and leave the premises. Unfortunately the altercation occurred before the Santa Rosa County officers could get to the site in time.

Going forward the Complete Double File restart will remain. A cone will be set out at the starting line, competitors MUST STAY in line through the cone to the start and finish line. Leader will have lane choice and must fire first. A official will be in turn 4 to help monitor each start. If a competitor is caught jumping first time they will go back a row the second offense they will be sent to the rear of the field pending cars a lap down, third offense the driver will be sent to the pits.

Also going forward drivers, crew members, or parties affiliated with race teams that choose to verbally abuse, threaten, or physically go after a race official can result in being DQed from the event to further penalties.

03-15-2023, 01:01 PM
Penalties not stiff enough.

Josh Bayko
03-15-2023, 01:31 PM
Winger’s dad assaulted GR with a hammer. If GR is banned indefinitely (which I agree with), if you’re penalizing guys being responsible for their crew, then how is Winger not suspended for life?

03-15-2023, 03:05 PM
Money most likely….just a guess.

Snake X3
03-15-2023, 03:29 PM
@Josh and BBQ - When there doesn't seem to be any logic, then look to the money. I would think GR got his suspension because he didn't listen to race control. Somehow, they rationalize that the off-track stuff falls under a different category and perhaps that it is a police matter rather than a racing deal. If Gary has some connections to the series or it's officials, then maybe they are trying to find a way to keep his punishment lower. I know less about the goings on with SAS than other series (which isn't much) but you have to figure it's money, politics or both that are at work here.

I'm not a fan of either driver, but IMO Smith deserved the higher punishment for the on track stuff, so those driver penalties seem okay, but I can't explain how Gary got off as lightly as he did. But then again, I didn't see what happened in GR's trailer, so I don't know.

03-15-2023, 03:48 PM
The southern all stars. Your going to reevaluate, seriously? Both teams have shown remorse, words from pr people. I don't believe that whatsoever. Both teams should be suspended for 2023 minimum. Your press release is just blowing smoke up people's a** cause your series doesn't care to lose 2 teams. Your full of sh*t.

Highside Hustler25
03-15-2023, 04:04 PM
Track and series love the publicity though they'd never admit that.

03-15-2023, 04:12 PM
Track and series love the publicity though they'd never admit that.

Yes….they do.

03-15-2023, 04:27 PM
Josh is right. Winger should be bye bye

03-15-2023, 10:23 PM
I'm sure snowflakes shall react, his car a weapon blah blah, 2 weeks max each driver and year if walked into trailer and fought. This day and age everyone way overly upset for anything and everything. Once upon a time there wasn't camera's everywhere and guys with vaginas crying

03-16-2023, 06:28 AM
That whole “ car as a weapon” chatter is nonsense……if he ran down a fan, an official etc. on purpose then yes…a weapon.

He pit maneuvered a well suited ,helmeted protected guy strapped into one of the safest purpose built race cars on earth…..weapon is a huge stretch here…..stupid is not though and if that were a crime they would all still be in jail.

03-16-2023, 06:29 AM
Jim11h I was thinking the same reading the comments. Fighting has always been a side effect of racing. Fans loved a good exciting brawl back in the day. Super Shep would get crucified these days. I agree with the 2 weeks and line em up again. Everything is getting soft these days, even racing.

03-16-2023, 07:46 AM
They will just go run a different series. No harm no foul.

03-16-2023, 07:55 AM
Cage match series with those two and other invited guests would be fun to watch as a prelim to a regular slm show.

03-16-2023, 10:50 AM
Such a shame they finally found a series they could be competitive in too....

Have we heard yet from the other series (Lucas or WOO) if they are going to welcome these guys immediately or suspend them as well from some events?

Highside Hustler25
03-16-2023, 11:01 AM
Back in the 70's I don't know if I was ever at a race and didn't hear, "security to the pits ". It was the norm.

Black F
03-16-2023, 11:04 AM
^ah yes, there's nothing like a drunken free for all in the pits amongst drivers! them was the good old days for sure.

03-16-2023, 12:44 PM
I believe GR has sold out and quit.... Heard everything is gone, even some of the stuff off the walls of the shop.... I believe Jimmy Owens now has more pieces at his disposal...

03-16-2023, 01:27 PM
I believe GR has sold out and quit.... Heard everything is gone, even some of the stuff off the walls of the shop.... I believe Jimmy Owens now has more pieces at his disposal...

So what you're saying is there may be a blue (and red) light special at the Team GR merchandise trailer?

......maybe 75% off?

03-16-2023, 01:53 PM
I believe GR has sold out and quit.... Heard everything is gone, even some of the stuff off the walls of the shop.... I believe Jimmy Owens now has more pieces at his disposal...

I used to kinda root for him when they would roll into Dublin back in the day, and they did show speed back then too. Not a red car guy but I did like his scheme and colors with the 22* also.
Sux for everyone all the way around…..adult temper tantrum’s resulting in adult consequences.

03-16-2023, 08:53 PM
So what you're saying is there may be a blue (and red) light special at the Team GR merchandise trailer?

......maybe 75% off?

Best i can do is 12% off

Mod Runner
03-17-2023, 12:46 AM
Sounds like too stiff pemalties. The sanctioning body should be doing more to keep both drivers racing with them. The fans loose out when drivers are too heavily penalized. Race drivers running into another car with their race car is not using their race car as a weapon. Nowdays racers have all kinds of safety equipment tp prevent injury to the driver.

03-17-2023, 03:21 PM
That whole “ car as a weapon” chatter is nonsense……if he ran down a fan, an official etc. on purpose then yes…a weapon.

He pit maneuvered a well suited ,helmeted protected guy strapped into one of the safest purpose built race cars on earth…..weapon is a huge stretch here…..stupid is not though and if that were a crime they would all still be in jail.

Well said bbq!

Gary should be the Winger banned! Attacking someone with a hammer is a serious crime! That dude's temper is outa control!

03-18-2023, 06:56 AM
He just hasn’t run up on somebody yet with a worse temper……but chances are he will. And it will take care of itself.

03-18-2023, 06:59 AM
Where is Jeff Mathew’s in all this? Has he made a statement or comment? He and Ashton still good?

03-18-2023, 07:28 AM
He’s probably loving it! He owns several tattoo/piercing stores in Florida and runs with some questionable people. Probably right up his ally?

03-18-2023, 08:23 AM
That’s awesome…..I guess? I do like to watch Ashton race, not gonna lie.

Like someone else mentioned, a southern version of a very fast circus.

03-18-2023, 08:26 AM
Ashton’s mom could give Angie Pierce a run for her money!

03-18-2023, 09:45 AM
Have they put out the gr smith tshirt burning bonfire video yet? I don’t recall if Ashton and Bobby have ever been in the same zip code on a racetrack.
Have they ever raced each other or been close enough to enjoy each other’s slider menu?

03-18-2023, 10:01 AM
That would be fun to watch!

Highside Hustler25
03-18-2023, 10:18 AM
Couple years ago, Pierce and Winger both ran the Summernationals. Can't remember any drama surprisingly.

nuff said
03-18-2023, 01:24 PM
Winger advertising some new merchandise on his FB page (no F bombs though) so Mathew's must be content for now.

03-18-2023, 01:36 PM
Pretty sure Gene Farmer owns the tattoo shops, Matthews may be a partner though!

I read somewhere that Matthews is going through some marital issues, so his mind maybe elsewhere!

Jeffs real easy to talk to and an absolute professional. Hes done very well for himself so Im sure the negative publicity isnt to his liking!

03-18-2023, 01:52 PM
Couple years ago, Pierce and Winger both ran the Summernationals. Can't remember any drama surprisingly.

And they actually had some good racing between themselves if I remember right.

03-18-2023, 02:14 PM
Couple years ago, Pierce and Winger both ran the Summernationals. Can't remember any drama surprisingly.
I don't remember any incidents either. I got the impression at the time, that Winger is pretty good on rough Tracks.

03-19-2023, 11:45 AM
I don't remember any incidents either. I got the impression at the time, that Winger is pretty good on rough Tracks.

I believe Winger won 4 races on that tour.