View Full Version : Wednesday, July 19 Christian Co Fair Taylorville, IL DIRTcar Hornets racing

07-12-2023, 11:33 PM
The treat of Dirt Track Racing returns to Taylorville once again during the Christian County Ag Fair! The ever-popular event will feature the DIRTcar Sportsman, Midwest Big Ten Series Street Stocks, and the DIRTcar Racing Hornets. Don't miss out on what has always been a fun event at a great fairground facility. Full details below:

Christian County Fair Race (Taylorville, IL)
Wednesday, July 19th

*DIRTcar Sportsman
*Midwest Big Ten Series DIRTcar Street Stocks
*DIRTcar Racing Hornets

Pits: 4:00
Stands: 5:00
Pill Draw Ends: 6:00
Hotlaps: 6:20
Racing: 7:00

Grandstand Pricing:
General Admission - $10
Reserved Seating - $15

Pit Pass Pricing:
Adults - $35
Kids (11 & Under) - $15
Pit passes and tickets will be sold at the gate on race day.

For more information on the Christian County Fair follow them online at www.christiancountyfair.com and like them on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Landmark---Historical-Place/Christian-County-Ag-Fair-366239016758832/)

For more information on Track Enterprises follow us online at https://www.trackenterprises.com/, like us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/TrackEnterprises), and follow us on Twitter (@TEIRacing)

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07-17-2023, 08:51 PM
9th Annual Christian County Fair Racing Event Coming Wednesday Night
Tripleheader Features Three Popular Divisions

The 2023 Christian County Agricultural Fair opens Tuesday July 18 and runs through July 22, but it's Wednesday, July 19 that racing fans have marked on their schedules as three divisions of racing return. The Taylorville, IL fair put racing back on the schedule in 2014, much to the delight of racers and fans in the area. The event is promoted by Track Enterprises of Macon, IL.

This year's Christian County Fair Triple Header will again feature Sportsman, Street Stocks, and Hornets. While all races will be UMP sanctioned, the Street Stock event is also part of the Midwest Big Ten Series. The Sportsman and Street Stock events will be paying $500 to win, while the Hornets will be racing for a $200 top prize.

The event continues to be strong each year with last year’s crowd better than most in addition to competitive fields of cars. The 2022 edition saw 20+ Street Stocks, 15 Sportsman, and 10 Hornets on track. Jeremy Nichols won the Sportsman and Street Stock features, while Allan Harris took the Hornet victory.

Pits open at 4:00 on Wednesday, July 19, grandstands at 5:00, competitor pill draw ends when the drivers meeting begins at 6:00, hotlaps at 6:20, with racing action taking the green at 7:00.

Macon Speedway rules will apply for all classes of racing. For more information, visit www.trackenterprises.com or www.christiancountyfair.com. For further details call 217-764-3200

https://scontent-ord5-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/361564281_743315814465559_2651243630735436126_n.jp g?stp=dst-jpg_s1080x2048&_nc_cat=111&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=yIyXKK-G_KAAX8dRPGH&_nc_oc=AQlKUsACzfDlJi04kJHDY8tmmqH7zsO2oRF514mc6hm f_BaJJ-HZHevQYnM8a2rh3jilVSRvga9zUSs5JHq33mrq&_nc_ht=scontent-ord5-1.xx&oh=00_AfDgI6Gh6SbTXWOIqIUkAvXHSd9vW6-9QD6h4W9fg2WNLA&oe=64BA885A.
Double J Photos

07-17-2023, 08:52 PM
https://scontent-ord5-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/359438311_702135018607425_6933088301131280002_n.jp g?_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=aM0Y6eS6XPgAX8psfJ4&_nc_ht=scontent-ord5-2.xx&oh=00_AfCy5QC8vL0HT6ydpcYrthNWDFRAjBNRSREs9kFnxAVq 8w&oe=64BB36FD