View Full Version : Show up points for big shows

07-15-2023, 08:58 PM
Why do they do it? I would think it should be double points because it’s a big race.

07-15-2023, 09:45 PM
^^ Ya mean like a mid season championsihip at some tracks ? ^^

07-19-2023, 04:47 PM
No. When the WoO or Lucas tour goes to the North/South, Knoxville, Cedar Lake etc… they just do show up points meaning you get the same amount of points as anyone who pulls in no matter if you finish 1st or last in the b main.

Just wondering why the series officials do that instead of staggering points. I get there’s typically a large number of good quality drivers that show up to these bigger shows but not sure what the main reason would be for it. Gotta think it’s more than just other drivers showing up

Highside Hustler25
08-06-2023, 07:00 AM
Cedar Lake was not show up points.
Pierce led Madden by 84 points going into CL. Stretched it to 112 after winning night one.
Down to 92 points after Madden won night 2.
And now up by 108 after Saturday night's win.

08-06-2023, 07:56 PM
You are correct. All 3 night were for full points not show up points. Yes many do show up points but Cedar Lake changes their format this year. I’ve never seen as many people at Cedar Lake Thursday - Saturday.

08-07-2023, 07:18 AM
A series will do the show up points to protect their brand; keep as many interested in running the full schedule as possible. Will always be drivers that run knowing they have a legit shot at winning the title, but what about the guy who knows he is not going to even break the top 10? Right or wrong, they are looking out for the 'newbie' or team that is struggling; trying to make sure they stay with the series.